1 /*
   3  *
   4  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
   5  * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
   6  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   7  *
   8  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
   9  * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
  10  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  11  * and limitations under the License.
  12  *
  13  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  14  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  15  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18  *
  20  */
  21 /*
  22  * Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  23  * Use is subject to license terms.
  24  */
  26 #ifndef _SD_SAFESTORE_H
  27 #define _SD_SAFESTORE_H
  29 #ifdef __cplusplus
  30 extern "C" {
  31 #endif
  33 #include <sys/nsc_thread.h>
  34 #ifdef DS_DDICT
  35 #include <sys/nsctl/contract.h>
  36 #endif
  37 #include <sys/nsctl/nsctl.h>
  38 #if defined(_KERNEL) || defined(_KMEMUSER)
  40 /* CSTYLED */
  41 /**$
  42  * token for a volume directory stream
  43  */
  44 typedef struct ss_vdir_s {
  45         intptr_t opaque[6];
  46 } ss_vdir_t;
  48 /* CSTYLED */
  49 /**$
  50  * token for a cache entry directory stream
  51  */
  52 typedef struct ss_cdir_s {
  53         intptr_t opaque[6];
  54 }ss_cdir_t;
  56 /* CSTYLED */
  57 /**$
  58  * token for a volume
  59  */
  60 typedef struct ss_vol_s {
  61         intptr_t opaque;
  62 }ss_vol_t;
  64 /* CSTYLED */
  65 /**$
  66  * token for cache entry block and dirty bits
  67  */
  68 typedef struct s_resource_s {
  69         intptr_t opaque;
  70 } ss_resource_t;
  72 /* CSTYLED */
  73 /**$
  74  * token for a list of cache safestore resources
  75  */
  76 typedef struct ss_resourcelist_s {
  77         intptr_t opaque;
  78 }ss_resourcelist_t;
  81 /* CSTYLED */
  82 /**$
  83  * cache entry directory stream type specifier
  84  *
  85  * @field ck_type specifies all cache entries, cache entries for volume, node
  86  * @field ck_vol volume token if ck_type is CDIR_VOL
  87  * @field ck_node node id if ck_type is node CDIR_NODE
  88  */
  89 typedef struct ss_cdirkey_s {
  90         uint_t   ck_type; /* discriminator: see type defines below */
  91         union {
  92                 ss_vol_t *ck_vol;
  93                 uint_t   ck_node;
  94         } cdk_u;
  95 } ss_cdirkey_t;
  97 /* centry directory stream types */
  98 #define CDIR_ALL 0
  99 #define CDIR_VOL 1
 100 #define CDIR_NODE 2
 102 /* BEGIN CSTYLED */
 103 /**$
 104  * exported cache entry info
 105  *
 106  * @field sc_cd the cache descriptor, associates this entry with a volume
 107  * @field sc_fpos file position in cache blocks
 108  * @field sc_dirty dirty bits, one for each fba in the cache block
 109  * @field sc_flag flags
 110  * @field sc_res safestore resource token for this cache entry
 111  * @see ss_voldata_t{}
 112  */
 113 typedef struct ss_centry_info_s {
 114         int sc_cd;              /* Cache descriptor */
 115         nsc_off_t sc_fpos;      /* File position    */
 116         int sc_dirty;           /* Dirty mask       */
 117         int sc_flag;            /* CC_PINNABLE | CC_PINNED */
 118         ss_resource_t *sc_res;  /* token for this centry */
 119 } ss_centry_info_t;
 120 /* END CSTYLED */
 123 /* CSTYLED */
 124 /**$
 125  * volume directory stream type specifier
 126  *
 127  * @field vk_type specifies all volume entries, entries for volume, node
 128  * @field vk_vol volume token if vk_type is VDIR_VOL
 129  * @field vk_node node id if vk_type is node VDIR_NODE
 130  */
 131 typedef struct ss_vdirkey_s {
 132         uint_t   vk_type; /* discriminator: see type defines below */
 133         union {
 134                 ss_vol_t *vk_vol;
 135                 uint_t   vk_node;
 136         } cdk_u;
 137 } ss_vdirkey_t;
 139 /* volume directory stream types */
 140 #define VDIR_ALL 0
 141 #define VDIR_VOL 1
 142 #define VDIR_NODE 2
 144 /* CSTYLED */
 145 /**$
 146  * exported volume entry info
 147  *
 148  * @field sv_cd the cache descriptor
 149  * @field sv_vol the safestore volume token for this volume
 150  * @field sv_pinned volume has pinned blocks, holds node id
 151  * @field sv_attached node which has attached this volume
 152  * @field sv_volname path name
 153  * @field sv_devidsz length of device id, the sv_devid
 154  * @field sv_devid unique id for physical, i.e. non-volume-managed volumes
 155  */
 156 typedef struct ss_voldata_s {
 157         int  sv_cd;                     /* NOTE may need dual node map info */
 158         ss_vol_t *sv_vol;               /* volume token for this vol entry */
 159         int  sv_pinned;                 /* Device has failed/pinned blocks */
 160         int  sv_attached;               /* Node which has device attached */
 161         char sv_volname[NSC_MAXPATH];   /* Filename */
 162         int  sv_devidsz;                /* unique dev id length */
 163         uchar_t sv_devid[NSC_MAXPATH];  /* wwn id - physical devs only */
 164 } ss_voldata_t;
 166 /* safestore media types */
 168 /* CSTYLED */
 169 /**%
 170  * safestore in RAM, useful but not very safe
 171  */
 172 #define SS_M_RAM 0x00000001
 174 /* CSTYLED */
 175 /**%
 176  * safestore in NVRAM on a single node
 177  */
 178 #define SS_M_NV_SINGLENODE 0x00000002
 180 /* CSTYLED */
 181 /**%
 182  * safestore in NVRAM on a dual node system. all data is store remotely.
 183  */
 184 #define SS_M_NV_DUALNODE_NOMIRROR 0x00000004
 186 /* CSTYLED */
 187 /**%
 188  * safestore in NVRAM on a dual node system. data is mirrored on both nodes.
 189  */
 190 #define SS_M_NV_DUALNODE_MIRROR 0x00000008
 193 /* safestore data and metadata transport types */
 195 /* CSTYLED */
 196 /**%
 197  * data is transferred using STE connection
 198  */
 199 #define SS_T_STE   0x00010000
 201 /* CSTYLED */
 202 /**%
 203  * data is transferred using RPC
 204  */
 205 #define SS_T_RPC 0x00020000
 207 /* CSTYLED */
 208 /**%
 209  * no transport -- (single node)
 210  */
 211 #define SS_T_NONE  0x08000000
 213 #define SS_MEDIA_MASK 0x0000ffff
 214 #define SS_TRANSPORT_MASK 0xffff0000
 216 #define _SD_NO_NET 0
 217 #define _SD_NO_NETADDR 0
 218 #define _SD_NO_HOST -1
 219 #define _SD_NO_CD -1
 221 /* config settings */
 222 #define SS_UNCONFIGURED 0
 223 #define SS_INITTED 1
 224 #define SS_CONFIGURED 2
 226 /* error return for safestore ops */
 227 #define SS_ERR -1
 228 #define SS_OK  0
 229 #define SS_EOF 1
 231 /* config flag */
 232 #define SS_GENPATTERN 1
 234 /*
 235  * convenience macros.  should they be implemented in ss_ctl()?
 236  */
 238 /* is safestore on a single node? */
 239 #define SAFESTORE_LOCAL(ssp) ((ssp) && (ssp->ssop_type & SS_T_NONE))
 241 /* is safestore really safe or is it just RAM? */
 242 #define SAFESTORE_SAFE(ssp)  ((ssp) && !(ssp->ssop_type & SS_M_RAM))
 244 /* is recovery needed with this safestore module? */
 245 #define SAFESTORE_RECOVERY(ssp) ((ssp) && \
 246                                 (ssp->ssop_flags & SS_RECOVERY_NEEDED))
 248 /* CSTYLED */
 249 /**$
 250  * configuration structure provided by safestore client
 251  *
 252  * @field ssc_configured set by safestore module to indicate config completed
 253  * @field ssc_ss_psize safestore internal page size, set by ss module
 254  * @field ssc_client_psize callers page size
 255  * @field ssc_wsize cache size in bytes: amount of data that can be safestored
 256  * @field ssc_maxfiles maximum number of volumes
 257  * @field ssc_pattern initialization pattern if any
 258  * @field ssc_flag use ssc_pattern if this is SS_GENPATTERN
 259  */
 260 typedef struct ss_common_config_s {
 261         uint_t ssc_configured;
 262         uint_t ssc_ss_psize;    /* safestore internal page size */
 263         uint_t ssc_client_psize;        /* client page size */
 264         uint_t ssc_wsize;       /* Write cache size in bytes */
 265         int ssc_maxfiles;       /* max files */
 266         uint_t ssc_pattern;     /* initialization pattern */
 267         uint_t ssc_flag;
 268 } ss_common_config_t;
 270 /* BEGIN CSTYLED */
 271 /**$
 272  * safestore operations structure
 273  *
 274  * @field ssop_name description of this module.
 275  * @field ssop_type media type OR'd with transport type
 276  * @field ssop_flags  SS_RECOVERY_NEEDED
 277  * @field ssop_configure configure the module
 278  * @field ssop_deconfigure deconfigure the module
 279  * @field ssop_getvdir get a volume directory stream according to type
 280  * @field ssop_getvdirent get next entry in a volume directory stream
 281  * @field ssop_getvol get the data for a volume
 282  * @field ssop_setvol set the data for a volume
 283  * @field ssop_getcdir get cache entry directory stream according to type
 284  * @field ssop_getcdirent get next cache entry in stream
 285  * @field ssop_allocresource allocate safestore resources from free list
 286  * @field ssop_deallocresource deallocate, i.e. free, a safestore resource
 287  * @field ssop_getresource get next resource in resource list
 288  * @field ssop_getcentry get metadata for a cache entry
 289  * @field ssop_setcentry set the metadata for a cache entry
 290  * @field ssop_read_cblock read the actual data for a cache entry
 291  * @field ssop_write_cblock write the data for a cache entry
 292  * @field ssop_ctl module entry point for everything else, e.g. stats
 293  *
 294  * @see ss_vdirkey_t{}
 295  * @see ss_voldata_t{}
 296  * @see ss_cdirkey_t{}
 297  * @see ss_resourcelist_t{}
 298  * @see ss_resource_t{}
 299  * @see ss_centry_info_t{}
 300  */
 301 typedef struct safestore_ops_s {
 302         char *ssop_name;
 303         uint_t  ssop_type; /* media type OR'd with transport type */
 304         uint_t ssop_flags; /* recovery needed, etc */
 305         int (* ssop_configure)(ss_common_config_t *, spcs_s_info_t);
 306         int (* ssop_deconfigure)(int);
 307         int (* ssop_getvdir)(const ss_vdirkey_t *, ss_vdir_t *);
 308         int (* ssop_getvdirent)(const ss_vdir_t *, ss_voldata_t *);
 309         int (* ssop_getvol)(ss_voldata_t *);
 310         int (* ssop_setvol)(const ss_voldata_t *);
 311         int (* ssop_getcdir)(const ss_cdirkey_t *, ss_cdir_t *);
 312         int (* ssop_getcdirent)(ss_cdir_t *, ss_centry_info_t *);
 313         int (* ssop_allocresource)(int, int *, ss_resourcelist_t **);
 314         void (* ssop_deallocresource)(ss_resource_t *);
 315         int (* ssop_getresource)(ss_resourcelist_t **, ss_resource_t **);
 316         int (* ssop_getcentry)(ss_centry_info_t *);
 317         int (* ssop_setcentry)(const ss_centry_info_t *);
 318         int (* ssop_read_cblock)(const ss_resource_t *, void *, int, int);
 319         int (* ssop_write_cblock)(const ss_resource_t *,
 320                                                 const void *, int, int);
 321         int (* ssop_ctl)(uint_t, uintptr_t);
 322 } safestore_ops_t;
 323 /* END CSTYLED */
 325 /* ssop_flags */
 326 /*
 327  * no writes permitted when this bit is set in ssop flags field
 328  * (single node nvram mostly)
 329  */
 330 #define SS_RECOVERY_NEEDED 1
 332 /* safestore operations */
 334 /* BEGIN CSTYLED */
 335 /**#
 336  * SSOP_CONFIGURE() configure a safestore module
 337  * @param ssp a safestore_ops_t pointer obtained from sst_open()
 338  * @param cfg a pointer to ss_common_config_t, initialized by caller
 339  * @param kstatus unistat spcs_s_info_t
 340  * @return SS_OK successful, errno otherwise
 341  *
 342  * @see safestore_ops_t{}
 343  * @see sst_open()
 344  * @see ss_common_config_t{}
 345  */
 346 #define SSOP_CONFIGURE(ssp, cfg, kstatus) \
 347         ((ssp)->ssop_configure(cfg, kstatus))
 349 /**#
 350  * SSOP_DECONFIGURE deconfigure a safestore module
 351  * @param ssp a safestore_ops_t pointer obtained from sst_open()
 352  * @param dirty integer flag, if set it signifies there is pinned data
 353  * @return SS_OK success, SS_ERR otherwise
 354  *
 355  * @see safestore_ops_t{}
 356  */
 357 #define SSOP_DECONFIGURE(ssp, dirty) ((ssp)->ssop_deconfigure(dirty))
 360 /* volume directory functions */
 362 /**#
 363  * SSOP_GETVDIR   get a volume directory stream according to type
 364  * @param ssp   a safestore_ops_t pointer obtained from sst_open()
 365  * @param key   pointer to ss_vdirkey_t initialized by caller
 366  * @param vdir  pointer to ss_vdir_t owned by caller
 367  * @return SS_OK success, SS_ERR otherwise
 368  *
 369  * @see safestore_ops_t{}
 370  * @see ss_vdirkey_t{}
 371  * @see ss_vdir_t{}
 372  */
 373 #define SSOP_GETVDIR(ssp, key, vdir) ((ssp)->ssop_getvdir(key, vdir))
 375 /**#
 376  * SSOP_GETVDIRENT get next volume in a volume directory stream
 377  * @param ssp   a safestore_ops_t pointer obtained from sst_open()
 378  * @param vdir  pointer to a properly initialized ss_vdir_t obtained
 379  *              from a successsful SSOP_GETVDIR() call
 380  * @param voldata       pointer to ss_voldata_t owned by caller, filled
 381  *                      in with valid data on successful return
 382  * @return SS_OK success
 383  *         SS_EOF if no more elements in stream,
 384  *         SS_ERR otherwise
 385  *
 386  * @see safestore_ops_t{}
 387  * @see sst_open()
 388  * @see ss_vdir_t{}
 389  * @see ss_voldata_t{}
 390  * @see SSOP_GETVDIR()
 391  */
 392 #define SSOP_GETVDIRENT(ssp, vdir, voldata) \
 393                 ((ssp)->ssop_getvdirent(vdir, voldata))
 395 /* volume accessor functions */
 397 /**#
 398  * SSOP_GETVOL get the volume data for a particular volume
 399  * @param ssp a safestore_ops_t pointer obtained from sst_open()
 400  * @param voldata pointer to ss_voldata_t owned by caller, field sv_vol
 401  *                must be initialized with a valid ss_vol_t, normally
 402  *                obtained from a successful SSOP_GETVDIRENT() call.
 403  *                the rest of the structure is filled with valid volume data
 404  *                on successful return
 405  * @return SS_OK if data read successfully
 406  *         SS_ERR otherwise
 407  * @see safestore_ops_t{}
 408  * @see sst_open()
 409  * @see ss_voldata_t{}
 410  * @see ss_vol_t{}
 411  * @see SSOP_GETVDIRENT()
 412  */
 413 #define SSOP_GETVOL(ssp, voldata) ((ssp)->ssop_getvol(voldata))
 416 /**#
 417  * SSOP_SETVOL set the volume data for a particular volume
 418  * @param ssp a safestore_ops_t pointer obtained from sst_open()
 419  * @param voldata   pointer to ss_voldata_t owned by caller, field sv_vol
 420  *                  must be initialized with a valid ss_vol_t, obtained from
 421  *                  a successful SSOP_GETVDIRENT() call. the remaining
 422  *                  fields of the structure are written to safestore
 423  * @return SS_OK if data saved successfully
 424  *         SS_ERR otherwise
 425  * @see safestore_ops_t{}
 426  * @see sst_open()
 427  * @see ss_voldata_t{}
 428  * @see ss_vol_t{}
 429  * @see SSOP_GETVDIRENT()
 430  */
 431 #define SSOP_SETVOL(ssp, voldata) ((ssp)->ssop_setvol(voldata))
 433 /* centry directory functions */
 435 /**#
 436  * SSOP_GETCDIR get a cache entry stream accroding to type
 437  * @param ssp   a safestore_ops_t pointer obtained from sst_open()
 438  * @param key   pointer to a ss_cdirkey_t initialized by caller
 439  * @param cdir  pointer to ss_cdir_t owned by caller
 440  * @return SS_OK success, SS_ERR otherwise
 441  *
 442  * @see safestore_ops_t{}
 443  * @see sst_open()
 444  * @see ss_cdirkey_t{}
 445  * @ see ss_cdir_t{}
 446  */
 447 #define SSOP_GETCDIR(ssp, key, cdir) \
 448         ((ssp)->ssop_getcdir(key, cdir))
 450 /**#
 451  * SSOP_GETCDIRENT get next cache entry in a cache entry stream
 452  * @param ssp   a safestore_ops_t pointer obtained from sst_open()
 453  * @param cdir  pointer to valid ss_cdirkey_t obtained from a
 454  *              successsful SSOP_GETCDIR call
 455  * @param voldata       pointer to ss_voldata_t owned by caller, filled
 456  *                      in with valid data on successful return
 457  * @return SS_OK success
 458  *         SS_EOF if no more elements in stream,
 459  *         SS_ERR otherwise
 460  *
 461  * @see safestore_ops_t{}
 462  * @see sst_open()
 463  * @see ss_vdirkey_t{}
 464  * @see ss_voldata_t{}
 465  * @see SSOP_GETVDIR()
 466  */
 467 #define SSOP_GETCDIRENT(ssp, cdir, centry) \
 468                         ((ssp)->ssop_getcdirent(cdir, centry))
 470 /* cache entry alloc functions */
 472 /**#
 473  * SSOP_ALLOCRESOURCE allocate safestore resources from the free list
 474  * @param ssp   a safestore_ops_t pointer obtained from sst_open()
 475  * @param count number of resources, that is data blocks, needed
 476  * @param stall integer pointer to stall count, no blocks available.  used only
 477  *              when _sd_wblk_sync === 0
 478  * @param reslist pointer to pointer to ss_resourcelist_t. points to valid
 479  *                resource list on successful return
 480  * @return SS_OK success
 481  *         SS_ERR otherwise
 482  *
 483  * @see safestore_ops_t{}
 484  * @see ss_resourcelist_t{}
 486  * @see SSOP_GETRESOURCE()
 487  */
 488 #define SSOP_ALLOCRESOURCE(ssp, count, stall, reslist) \
 489                 ((ssp)->ssop_allocresource(count, stall, reslist))
 491 /**#
 492  * SSOP_DEALLOCRESOURCE deallocate, i.e. release, a single safestore resource
 493  * @param ssp   a safestore_ops_t pointer obtained from sst_open()
 494  * @param res   pointer to ss_resource_t to be released
 495  * @return void
 496  *
 497  * @see safestore_ops_t{}
 498  * @see ss_resource_t{}
 500  * @see SSOP_GETRESOURCE()
 501  */
 502 #define SSOP_DEALLOCRESOURCE(ssp, res) \
 503                 ((ssp)->ssop_deallocresource(res))
 505 /**#
 506  * SSOP_GETRESOURCE get the next safestore resource in a list
 507  * @param ssp   a safestore_ops_t pointer obtained from sst_open()
 508  * @param reslist pointer to pointer to ss_resourcelist_t obtained from
 509  *                a successful call to SSOP_ALLOCRESOURCE()
 510  * @param res   pointer to pointer to ss_resource_t.  points to a valid
 511  *              on successful resource
 512  * @return SS_OK success
 513  *         SS_EOF if no more resources in list
 514  *         SS_ERR otherwise
 515  *
 516  * @see safestore_ops_t{}
 517  * @see ss_resourcelist_t{}
 518  * @see ss_resource_t{}
 521  */
 522 #define SSOP_GETRESOURCE(ssp, reslist, res) \
 523                 ((ssp)->ssop_getresource(reslist, res))
 525 /* centry accessor functions */
 528 /**#
 529  * SSOP_GETCENTRY read cache entry metadata for a particular cache entry
 530  * @param ssp   a safestore_ops_t pointer obtained from sst_open()
 531  * @param centry_info  pointer to ss_centry_info_t owned by caller.
 532  *                     field sc_res must point to a valid ss_resource_t
 533  *                     obtained from a successful call to SSOP_GETRESOURCE().
 534  *                     the rest of the structure is filled with valid
 535  *                     metadata on successful return
 536  * @return SS_OK if data was read successfully
 537  *         SS_ERR otherwise
 538  *
 539  * @see safestore_ops_t{}
 540  * @see sst_open()
 541  * @see ss_centry_info_t
 542  * @see ss_resource_t{}
 543  * @see SSOP_GETRESOURCE()
 544  */
 545 #define SSOP_GETCENTRY(ssp, centry_info) \
 546                 ((ssp)->ssop_getcentry(centry_info))
 548 /**#
 549  * SSOP_SETCENTRY write cache entry metadata for a particular cache entry
 550  * @param ssp   a safestore_ops_t pointer obtained from sst_open()
 551  * @param centry_info  pointer to ss_centry_info_t owned by caller.
 552  *                     field sc_res must point to a valid ss_resource_t
 553  *                     obtained from a successful call to SSOP_GETRESOURCE().
 554  *                     the remaining fields of the structured are written
 555  *                     to safestore.
 556  * @return SS_OK if data was written successfully
 557  *         SS_ERR otherwise
 558  *
 559  * @see safestore_ops_t{}
 560  * @see sst_open()
 561  * @see ss_centry_info_t{}
 562  * @see ss_resource_t{}
 563  * @see SSOP_GETRESOURCE()
 564  */
 565 #define SSOP_SETCENTRY(ssp, centry_info) \
 566                 ((ssp)->ssop_setcentry(centry_info))
 568 /* cache data block read/write and ctl */
 571 /**#
 572  * SSOP_READ_CBLOCK read cache data for a particular cache entry
 573  * @param ssp   a safestore_ops_t pointer obtained from sst_open()
 574  * @param resource  pointer to ss_resource_t obtained from a successful
 575  *                  call to SSOP_GETRESOURCE().
 576  * @param buf       buffer to hold the data
 577  * @param nbyte     number of bytes to read
 578  * @param srcoffset    byte location from beginning of the cache block
 579  *                     represented by resource to read the data from
 580  *
 581  * @return SS_OK if data was read successfully
 582  *         SS_ERR otherwise
 583  *
 584  * @see safestore_ops_t{}
 585  * @see sst_open()
 586  * @see ss_resource_t{}
 587  * @see SSOP_GETRESOURCE()
 588  */
 589 #define SSOP_READ_CBLOCK(ssp, resource, buf, nbyte, srcoffset) \
 590                 ((ssp)->ssop_read_cblock(resource, buf, nbyte, srcoffset))
 591 /**#
 592  * SSOP_WRITE_CBLOCK write cache data for a particular cache entry
 593  * @param ssp   a safestore_ops_t pointer obtained from sst_open()
 594  * @param resource  pointer to ss_resource_t obtained from a successful
 595  *                  call to SSOP_GETRESOURCE().
 596  * @param buf       buffer to hold the data
 597  * @param nbyte     number of bytes to write
 598  * @param destoffset    byte location from beginning the cache block
 599  *                      represented by resource to write the data to
 600  *
 601  * @return SS_OK if data was read successfully
 602  *         SS_ERR otherwise
 603  *
 604  * @see safestore_ops_t{}
 605  * @see sst_open()
 606  * @see ss_resource_t{}
 607  * @see SSOP_GETRESOURCE()
 608  */
 609 #define SSOP_WRITE_CBLOCK(ssp, resource, buf, nbyte, destoffset) \
 610                 ((ssp)->ssop_write_cblock(resource, buf, nbyte, destoffset))
 612 /**#
 613  * SSOP_CTL perform a safestore control function
 614  * @param cmd  integer specifying the command to execute, e.g. SSIOC_STATS.
 615  *             some commands may be specific to a safestore module type
 616  * @param arg  a uintptr_t that has additional information that is
 617  *             needed by the safestore module to perform the command.  it
 618  *             may be an int or a pionter to a module specifc structure.
 619  * @return SS_OK success
 620  *         errno otherwise
 621  */
 622 #define SSOP_CTL(ssp, cmd, arg) ((ssp)->ssop_ctl(cmd, arg))
 624 /* END CSTYLED */
 626 /* general control definitions supported by safestore modules */
 628 #define SSCTL(x)        (('S'<< 16)|('S'<< 8)|(x))
 630 #define SSIOC_STATS     SSCTL(1)
 631 #define SSIOC_SETFLAG   SSCTL(2)
 633 /* structure definitions */
 635 typedef struct ssioc_stats_s {
 636         int     wq_inq;         /* write queue count */
 637 } ssioc_stats_t;
 639 extern void sst_init();
 640 extern void sst_register_mod(safestore_ops_t *);
 641 extern void sst_unregister_mod(safestore_ops_t *);
 642 extern safestore_ops_t *sst_open(uint_t, ...);
 643 extern int sst_close(safestore_ops_t *);
 645 extern safestore_ops_t *sdbc_safestore;
 647 extern int _sd_centry_shift;
 649 #endif /* _KERNEL */
 651 #ifdef __cplusplus
 652 }
 653 #endif
 655 #endif  /* _SD_SAFESTORE_H */