1 /*
   3  *
   4  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
   5  * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
   6  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   7  *
   8  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
   9  * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
  10  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  11  * and limitations under the License.
  12  *
  13  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  14  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  15  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18  *
  20  */
  21 /*
  22  * Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  23  * Use is subject to license terms.
  24  */
  26 #ifndef _RDC_IOCTL_H
  27 #define _RDC_IOCTL_H
  29 #ifdef __cplusplus
  30 extern "C" {
  31 #endif
  33 #include <sys/unistat/spcs_s.h>
  34 #include <sys/nsctl/nsctl.h>
  35 #ifndef DS_DDICT
  36 #include <rpc/rpc.h>
  37 #endif
  39 #ifdef _SunOS_5_6
  40 #define netbuf32 netbuf
  41 #include <sys/nsctl/model.h>
  42 #endif
  44 typedef struct _rdc_ioctl_s {
  45         long arg0;
  46         long arg1;
  47         long arg2;
  48         long arg3;
  49         long arg4;
  50         long magic;
  51         spcs_s_info_t ustatus;
  52         long pad[1];
  53 } _rdc_ioctl_t;
  55 #ifdef _SYSCALL32
  56 typedef struct _rdc_ioctl32_s {
  57         int32_t arg0;
  58         int32_t arg1;
  59         int32_t arg2;
  60         int32_t arg3;
  61         int32_t arg4;
  62         int32_t magic;
  63         spcs_s_info32_t ustatus;
  64         int32_t pad[1];
  65 } _rdc_ioctl32_t;
  66 #endif /* _SYSCALL32 */
  68 /*
  69  * Ioctl command numbers
  70  */
  72 #define _RDCI_(x)       (('R'<<16)|('D'<<8)|(x))
  74 /*
  75  * Generic rdc ioctl arguments structure.
  76  * Individual ioctl's will use 0-n of these arguments.
  77  *
  78  * Each rdc ioctl is described first by the command number
  79  * e.g. #define RDC_CONFIG              _RDCI_(0)
  80  *
  81  * Followed by a description of each argument (if any).
  82  * Each argument is on a single line.
  83  *
  84  */
  86 #define RDC_CONFIG              _RDCI_(0)
  87 /*
  88  *      rdc_config_t    *user_configuration;
  89  */
  91 #define RDC_ENABLE_SVR          _RDCI_(1)
  92 /*
  93  *      rdc_svc_args_t  *daemon_configuration;
  94  */
  96 #define RDC_STATUS              _RDCI_(2)
  97 /*
  98  *      rdc_status_t    *rdc_status;
  99  */
 101 #define RDC_VERSION             _RDCI_(3)
 102 /*
 103  *      rdc_version_t   *rdc_version;
 104  */
 106 #define RDC_LINK_DOWN           _RDCI_(4)
 107 /*
 108  *      char            *rdc_host;
 109  */
 111 #define RDC_SYNC_EVENT          _RDCI_(5)
 112 /*
 113  *      char            *rdc_master;
 114  *      char            *rdc_group;
 115  */
 117 #define RDC_POOL_CREATE         _RDCI_(6)
 118 /*
 119  * struct svcpool_args *
 120  */
 122 #define RDC_POOL_WAIT           _RDCI_(7)
 123 /*
 124  * int id
 125  */
 127 #define RDC_POOL_RUN            _RDCI_(8)
 128 /*
 129  * int id
 130  */
 131 #define RDC_BITMAPOP            _RDCI_(9)
 133 #ifdef  DEBUG
 134 #define RDC_ASYNC6              _RDCI_(20)      /* send async message by hand */
 135 #define RDC_CLRKSTAT            _RDCI_(21)      /* clear kstat_io structure */
 136 #define RDC_STALL0              _RDCI_(22)      /* stall sequence 0 on server */
 137 #define RDC_READGEN             _RDCI_(23)      /* cause a read on server */
 138 #endif
 141 #define MAX_RDC_HOST_SIZE       64
 143 /*
 144  * Change this when the ioctl structure changes
 145  */
 146 #define RDC_MAGIC       0xf00d0001
 148 typedef struct rdc_addr {
 149         struct netbuf addr;
 150         char intf[MAX_RDC_HOST_SIZE];
 151         char file[NSC_MAXPATH];
 152         char bitmap[NSC_MAXPATH];
 153 } rdc_addr_t;
 155 #ifdef _SYSCALL32
 156 struct rdc_addr32 {
 157         struct netbuf32 addr;
 158         char intf[MAX_RDC_HOST_SIZE];
 159         char file[NSC_MAXPATH];
 160         char bitmap[NSC_MAXPATH];
 161 };
 162 #endif /* _SYSCALL32 */
 164 /*
 165  * User level rdc set structure - must be a multiple of 64bits long.
 166  */
 167 typedef struct rdc_set {
 168         rdc_addr_t primary;
 169         rdc_addr_t secondary;
 170         struct knetconfig *netconfig;
 171         long align1;
 172         double alignfix;
 173         int flags;                              /* See RDC flags below */
 174         int sync_flags;                         /* See RDC flags below */
 175         int bmap_flags;                         /* See RDC flags below */
 176         int mflags;                             /* RDC 1-to-many flags */
 177         int index;                              /* 0 .. rdc_max_sets - 1 */
 178         int bits_set;                           /* Bits set in bitmap */
 179         int autosync;                           /* Autosync on (1) or off (0) */
 180         int syshostid;                          /* for cluster integration */
 181         int asyncthr;                           /* # of async threads */
 182         int setid;                              /* unique set id for this set */
 183         uint64_t sync_pos;                      /* Progress through sync */
 184         uint64_t volume_size;                   /* Size of volume */
 185         int64_t maxqfbas;                       /* max # of fbas on async q */
 186         int64_t maxqitems;                      /* max # of items on async q */
 187         char group_name[NSC_MAXPATH];           /* Group the set belongs to */
 188         char direct_file[NSC_MAXPATH];          /* Local FCAL direct io file */
 189         char disk_queue[NSC_MAXPATH];      /* Disk Queue for set|group */
 190 } rdc_set_t;
 192 #ifdef _SYSCALL32
 193 struct rdc_set32 {
 194         struct rdc_addr32 primary;
 195         struct rdc_addr32 secondary;
 196         caddr32_t netconfig;
 197         int32_t align1;
 198         double alignfix;
 199         int32_t flags;                          /* See RDC flags below */
 200         int32_t sync_flags;                     /* See RDC flags below */
 201         int32_t bmap_flags;                     /* See RDC flags below */
 202         int32_t mflags;                         /* RDC 1-to-many flags */
 203         int32_t index;                          /* 0 .. rdc_max_sets - 1 */
 204         int32_t bits_set;                       /* Bits set in bitmap */
 205         int32_t autosync;                       /* Autosync on (1) or off (0) */
 206         int32_t syshostid;                      /* for cluster integration */
 207         int32_t asyncthr;                       /* # of async threads */
 208         int32_t setid;                          /* unique set id for this set */
 209         uint64_t sync_pos;                      /* Progress through sync */
 210         uint64_t volume_size;                   /* Size of volume */
 211         int64_t maxqfbas;                       /* max # of fbas on async q */
 212         int64_t maxqitems;                      /* max # of items on async q */
 213         char group_name[NSC_MAXPATH];           /* Group the set belongs to */
 214         char direct_file[NSC_MAXPATH];          /* Local FCAL direct io file */
 215         char disk_queue[NSC_MAXPATH];      /* Disk Queue for set|group */
 216 };
 217 #endif /* _SYSCALL32 */
 219 /*
 220  * Parameter structure to pass to RDC_CONFIG
 221  */
 223 typedef struct rdc_config {
 224         int command;                    /* RDC_CMD_XXX */
 225         int options;                    /* RDC_OPT_XXX */
 226         int pad[2];                     /* Do NOT remove - 32/64-bit padding */
 227         rdc_set_t rdc_set[1];           /* The rdc sets */
 228 } rdc_config_t;
 230 #ifdef _SYSCALL32
 231 struct rdc_config32 {
 232         int32_t command;                /* RDC_CMD_XXX */
 233         int32_t options;                /* RDC_OPT_XXX */
 234         int32_t pad[2];                 /* Do NOT remove - 32/64-bit padding */
 235         struct rdc_set32 rdc_set[1];    /* The rdc sets */
 236 };
 237 #endif /* _SYSCALL32 */
 239 #define RDC_BITMAPSET   0x01
 240 #define RDC_BITMAPOR    0x02
 241 typedef struct rdc_bitmap_op {
 242         nsc_off_t       offset;         /* byte offset within bitmap mod fba */
 243         int32_t         op;             /* or/set operation */
 244         char            sechost[MAX_RDC_HOST_SIZE];
 245         char            secfile[NSC_MAXPATH];
 246         int32_t         len;            /* length of bitmap in bytes */
 247         unsigned long   addr;           /* address of bitmap in userland */
 248 } rdc_bitmap_op_t;
 250 #ifdef _SYSCALL32
 251 typedef struct rdc_bitmap_op32 {
 252         nsc_off_t       offset;
 253         int32_t         op;
 254         char            sechost[MAX_RDC_HOST_SIZE];
 255         char            secfile[NSC_MAXPATH];
 256         int32_t         len;
 257         uint32_t        addr;
 258 } rdc_bitmap_op32_t;
 260 #endif /* _SYSCALL32 */
 262 #ifdef  DEBUG
 263 /*
 264  * structure to initiate an asynchronous send to the secondary,
 265  * so we can test the queuing code.
 266  */
 267 typedef struct rdc_async6 {
 268         char sechost[MAX_RDC_HOST_SIZE];
 269         char secfile[NSC_MAXPATH];
 270         int  pos;               /* Position in file */
 271         int  len;
 272         int  seq;
 273         int  pat;               /* fill data with this */
 274         int  idx;               /* server returned index */
 275         int  spos;              /* sub task start block */
 276         int  slen;              /* sub task length */
 277         int  endind;            /* set when last block in multi request */
 278 } rdc_async6_t;
 279 /*
 280  * structure to initiate a read on the secondary, so we can test the
 281  * maxfba break up code.
 282  */
 283 typedef struct rdc_readgen {
 284         char sechost[MAX_RDC_HOST_SIZE];
 285         char secfile[NSC_MAXPATH];
 286         int  len;
 287         int  pos;
 288         int  idx;
 289         int  flag;
 290         int  rpcversion;
 291         void *data;     /* where to place the data from the read */
 292 } rdc_readgen_t;
 294 #ifdef _SYSCALL32
 295 typedef struct rdc_readgen32 {
 296         char sechost[MAX_RDC_HOST_SIZE];
 297         char secfile[NSC_MAXPATH];
 298         int  len;
 299         int  pos;
 300         int  idx;
 301         int  flag;
 302         int  rpcversion;
 303         caddr32_t data; /* where to place the data from the read */
 304 } rdc_readgen32_t;
 305 #endif
 306 #endif
 312 /*
 313  * Config ioctl commands
 314  */
 315 #define RDC_CMD_ENABLE          1       /* New enable */
 316 #define RDC_CMD_DISABLE         2       /* Complete disable */
 317 #define RDC_CMD_RESUME          3       /* Local re-enable */
 318 #define RDC_CMD_SUSPEND         4       /* Local clear */
 319 #define RDC_CMD_LOG             5       /* Start logging mode */
 320 #define RDC_CMD_COPY            6       /* Start synching */
 321 #define RDC_CMD_RECONFIG        7       /* Change the rdc set */
 322 #define RDC_CMD_TUNABLE         8       /* Change a tunable parameter */
 323 #define RDC_CMD_WAIT            9       /* Wait for syncs to complete */
 324 #define RDC_CMD_HEALTH          10      /* Return health state */
 325 #define RDC_CMD_STATUS          11      /* Single set status */
 326 #define RDC_CMD_RESET           12      /* reset error or failed status */
 327 #define RDC_CMD_INITQ           14      /* initialise the disk queue */
 328 #define RDC_CMD_FLUSHQ          15      /* flush queue for set */
 329 #define RDC_CMD_ADDQ            16      /* add diskq to a set/group */
 330 #define RDC_CMD_REMQ            17      /* nice remove a diskq from set/grp */
 331 #define RDC_CMD_KILLQ           18      /* forced disgard of queue */
 332 #define RDC_CMD_REPQ            19      /* replace queue */
 338 /*
 339  * Config ioctl options
 340  */
 341 #define RDC_OPT_SYNC            0x1     /* RDC_CMD_ENABLE, RDC_CMD_RESUME */
 342 #define RDC_OPT_ASYNC           0x2     /* RDC_CMD_ENABLE, RDC_CMD_RESUME */
 343 #define RDC_OPT_PRIMARY         0x4     /* All */
 344 #define RDC_OPT_SECONDARY       0x8     /* All */
 345 #define RDC_OPT_FORWARD         0x10    /* RDC_CMD_COPY */
 346 #define RDC_OPT_REVERSE         0x20    /* RDC_CMD_COPY */
 347 #define RDC_OPT_FULL            0x40    /* RDC_CMD_COPY */
 348 #define RDC_OPT_UPDATE          0x80    /* RDC_CMD_COPY */
 349 #define RDC_OPT_SETBMP          0x100   /* RDC_CMD_ENABLE */
 350 #define RDC_OPT_CLRBMP          0x200   /* RDC_CMD_ENABLE */
 351 #define RDC_OPT_REVERSE_ROLE    0x400   /* RDC_CMD_RECONFIG */
 352 #define RDC_OPT_FORCE_QINIT     0x800   /* RDC_CMD_INITQ */
 353 #define RDC_OPT_SET_QNOBLOCK    0x1000  /* RDC_CMD_TUNABLE */
 354 #define RDC_OPT_CLR_QNOBLOCK    0x2000  /* RDC_CMD_TUNABLE */
 355 #define RDC_OPT_FORCE_DISABLE   0x4000  /* RDC_CMD_DISABLE */
 357 /*
 358  * RDC flags
 359  */
 361 /*
 362  * Passed out by the kernel (status)
 363  */
 364 #define RDC_ENABLED             0x2     /* RDC enabled */
 365 #define RDC_PRIMARY             0x4     /* This node is the primary */
 366 #define RDC_SLAVE               0x8     /* This node is target of the synch */
 367 #define RDC_VOL_FAILED          0x10    /* Volume is failed */
 368 #define RDC_BMP_FAILED          0x20    /* Bitmap is failed */
 369 #define RDC_SYNC_NEEDED         0x40    /* Sync is needed */
 370 #define RDC_RSYNC_NEEDED        0x80    /* Reverse sync is needed */
 371 #define RDC_SYNCING             0x100   /* Synch in progress */
 372 #define RDC_LOGGING             0x200   /* Logging */
 373 #define RDC_FCAL_FAILED         0x400   /* Direct remote I/O failed */
 374 #define RDC_ASYNC               0x800   /* Set is in async replicating mode */
 375 #define RDC_FULL                0x1000  /* Full sync, not an update */
 376 #define RDC_CLR_AFTERSYNC       0x2000  /* clr bitmap on secondary after sync */
 377 #define RDC_DISKQ_FAILED        0x4000  /* Diskq I/O has failed */
 378 #define RDC_QUEUING             0x8000  /* logging, but queueing to disk */
 379 #ifndef RDC_QNOBLOCK
 380 #define RDC_QNOBLOCK            0x10000
 381 #endif
 382 #define RDC_SYNC_START          0
 383 #define RDC_SYNC_DONE           1
 384 #define RDC_RSYNC_START         2
 386 #ifdef _KERNEL
 388 /*
 389  * urdc->flags vs urdc->mflags usage:
 390  *
 391  * All flags are valid in urdc->flags, in which case the condition
 392  * holds for the specific urdc.
 393  *
 394  * The flags in RDC_MFLAGS can also be in urdc->mflags, in which case
 395  * the condition holds for a urdc somewhere on the many/multi chains
 396  * connected to this urdc.
 397  */
 399 #define RDC_GROUP               0x7f8   /* Volume states that affect a group */
 401 /*
 402  * Mask of volume flags that are valid in urdc->mflags
 403  */
 404 #define RDC_MFLAGS              (RDC_SLAVE | RDC_RSYNC_NEEDED)
 406 #define IS_SLAVE(urdc)    (rdc_get_mflags(urdc) & RDC_SLAVE)
 408 /*
 409  * Mask of volume flags that are maintained in sync_flags not flags,
 410  * and protected by rdc_many_lock rather than the group lock.
 411  * This allows code that is operating on one set to change the flags
 412  * of another set.
 413  */
 414 #define RDC_SFLAGS              (RDC_SYNC_NEEDED | RDC_RSYNC_NEEDED | \
 415                                     RDC_VOL_FAILED | RDC_CLR_AFTERSYNC)
 417 /*
 418  * Mask of volume flags that are maintained in bmap_flags not flags,
 419  * and protected by the bmapmutex rather than the group lock.
 420  */
 421 #define RDC_BFLAGS              RDC_BMP_FAILED
 423 #define RDC_VFLAGS              (~(RDC_SFLAGS | RDC_BFLAGS))
 426                                 RDC_ASYNC)
 428 #define IS_ASYNC(urdc)          (rdc_get_vflags(urdc) & RDC_ASYNC)
 429 #define IS_PRIMARY(urdc)        (rdc_get_vflags(urdc) & RDC_PRIMARY)
 430 #define IS_SECONDARY(urdc)      (!IS_PRIMARY(urdc))
 431 #define IS_STATE(urdc, state)   (rdc_get_vflags(urdc) & (state))
 432 #define IS_REPLICATING(urdc)    (!(rdc_get_vflags(urdc) & RDC_LOGGING) && \
 433                                     !(rdc_get_vflags(urdc) & RDC_SYNCING))
 435 #endif  /* _KERNEL */
 437 typedef struct rdc_status {
 438         int nset;                       /* Number of sets requested/enabled */
 439         int maxsets;                    /* Max # of sets allowed today */
 440         rdc_set_t rdc_set[1];
 441 } rdc_status_t;
 443 #ifdef _SYSCALL32
 444 struct rdc_status32 {
 445         int32_t nset;                   /* Number of sets requested/enabled */
 446         int32_t maxsets;                /* Max # of sets allowed today */
 447         struct rdc_set32 rdc_set[1];
 448 };
 449 #endif /* _SYSCALL32 */
 451 typedef struct rdc_svc_args {
 452         int             fd;             /* Connection endpoint */
 453         int             nthr;           /* Number of server threads */
 454         char            netid[128];     /* Identify transport */
 455         struct netbuf   addrmask;       /* Address mask for host */
 456 } rdc_svc_args_t;
 458 #ifdef _SYSCALL32
 459 struct rdc_svc_args32 {
 460         int32_t                 fd;
 461         int32_t                 nthr;
 462         char                    netid[128];
 463         struct  netbuf32        addrmask;
 464 };
 465 #endif /* _SYSCALL32 */
 467 typedef struct rdc_version {
 468         int     major;                  /* Major release number */
 469         int     minor;                  /* Minor release number */
 470         int     micro;                  /* Micro release number */
 471         int     baseline;               /* Baseline revison number */
 472 } rdc_version_t;
 473 #ifdef _SYSCALL32
 474 typedef struct rdc_version32 {
 475         int32_t major;                  /* Major release number */
 476         int32_t minor;                  /* Minor release number */
 477         int32_t micro;                  /* Micro release number */
 478         int32_t baseline;               /* Baseline revison number */
 479 } rdc_version32_t;
 480 #endif
 483 #if !defined(_KERNEL)
 485 #define RDC_IOCTL(cmd, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, ustatus) \
 486                 rdc_ioctl((long)(cmd), (long)(a0), (long)(a1), (long)(a2), \
 487                     (long)(a3), (long)(a4), (ustatus))
 489 extern int rdc_ioctl(long, long, long, long, long, long, spcs_s_info_t);
 490 extern int rdc_ioctl_simple(long, void *);
 492 #endif  /* ! _KERNEL */
 494 #ifdef __cplusplus
 495 }
 496 #endif
 498 #endif  /* _RDC_IOCTL_H */