1 #!/bin/ksh
   3 #
   4 # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
   5 # Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
   6 # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   7 #
   8 # You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
   9 # or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
  10 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  11 # and limitations under the License.
  12 #
  13 # When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  14 # file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  15 # If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16 # fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17 # information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18 #
  20 #
  21 #
  22 # Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  23 # Use is subject to license terms.
  24 #
  25 #######################################################################
  26 #
  27 #   This file contains system setup requirements for scm.
  28 #
  29 #   For systems before Solaris 10 it should be located in /etc/init.d
  30 #   directory with the following links:
  31 #
  32 #       ln /etc/init.d/scm /etc/rc0.d/K84scm
  33 #       ln /etc/init.d/scm /etc/rc2.d/S002scm
  34 #
  35 #    For Solaris 10 or later systems this script is run as part of SVC by
  36 #    svc.startd and should be located in /lib/svc/method
  37 #
  38 #USAGE="Usage: $0 { start | stop }
  39 #
  40 #######################################################################
  42 SVCS=/usr/bin/svcs
  43 DSCFG_DEPEND_NOCHK="/tmp/.dscfgadm_pid"
  44 OS_MINOR=`/usr/bin/uname -r | /usr/bin/cut -d '.' -f2`
  46 . /lib/svc/share/smf_include.sh
  48 # Make sure prior SMF dependents are not 'online'
  49 # $1 = name of SMF service to validate dependents
  50 #
  51 do_smf_depends ()
  52 {
  53   times=0
  54   count=1
  56   if [ $OS_MINOR -ge 11 ]
  57   then
  58         return 0
  59   elif [ -f $DSCFG_DEPEND_NOCHK ]
  60   then
  61         for pid in `pgrep dscfgadm`
  62         do
  63                 if [ `grep -c $pid $DSCFG_DEPEND_NOCHK` -gt 0 ]
  64                 then
  65                         return 0
  66                 fi
  67         done
  68   elif [ `ps -ef | grep preremove | grep -c SUNWscmu` -gt 0 ]
  69   then
  70         return 0
  72   fi
  74   while [ $count -ne 0 ]
  75   do
  76     count=`$SVCS -o STATE -D $1 2>>/dev/null | grep "^online" | wc -l`
  77     if [ $count -ne 0 ]
  78     then
  79       # Output banner after waiting first 5 seconds
  80       #
  81       if [ $times -eq 1 ]
  82       then
  83         echo "Waiting for $1 dependents to be 'offline'"
  84         $SVCS -D $1 2>>/dev/null | grep "^online"
  85       fi
  87       # Has it been longer then 5 minutes? (60 * 5 secs.)
  88       #
  89       if [ $times -eq 60 ]
  90       then
  91           echo "Error: Failed waiting for $1 dependents to be 'offline'"
  92           $SVCS -D $1 2>>/dev/null | grep "^online"
  93           exit $SMF_EXIT_ERR_FATAL
  94       fi
  96       # Now sleep, giving other services time to stop
  97       #
  98       sleep 5
  99       times=`expr $times + 1`
 100     fi
 101   done
 102   return 0
 103 }
 105 set_system_type()
 106 {
 107         CLINFO=/usr/sbin/clinfo
 108         ESMSBIN=/usr/sbin
 109         SCMBIN=/usr/sbin
 110         ESMSCMLIB=/usr/lib
 111         SCMLIB=/usr/lib
 112         DSCFG_LOCKDB=/etc/dscfg_lockdb
 113 }
 115 do_stopsdbc ()
 116 {
 117     if [ ! -r /dev/sdbc ]
 118     then
 119         return
 120     fi
 122     ${SCMBIN}/scmadm -d
 123     if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
 124         # If the disable failed that means we have pinned data.
 125         echo "Cache Not Deconfigured"
 126     fi
 127 }
 129 do_stopnskernd ()
 130 {
 131   ps -e | grep -w nskernd > /dev/null 2>&1
 132   if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
 133     # make sure that all data services are unloaded before stopping
 134     # nskernd - cannot stop nskernd when its threads could be in use
 135     # Note: sv is unloadable, but its threadset is shutdown in the
 136     # final close(9e) call.
 137     stop=1
 138     for m in ste rdc rdcsrv ii sdbc ; do
 139       mid=`/usr/sbin/modinfo | grep -w $m | awk '{print $1}' -`
 140       if [ -z "$mid" ] ; then
 141         continue        # not loaded
 142       fi
 143       /usr/sbin/modunload -i $mid > /dev/null 2>&1
 144       if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
 145         stop=0
 146         break
 147       fi
 148     done
 150     # kill nskernd if we can
 151     pid=`ps -e | grep -w nskernd | sed -e 's/^  *//' -e 's/ .*//'`
 152     if [ $stop -eq 1 ] ; then
 153       if [ -n "$pid" ] ; then
 154         kill -15 $pid
 155       fi
 156     fi
 157   fi
 159   if [ -r /dev/ncall -a -x $ESMSCMLIB/ncalladm ]
 160   then
 161     $ESMSCMLIB/ncalladm -d
 162   fi
 163 }
 165 do_stopdscfglockd ()
 166 {
 167   pid=`ps -e | grep -w dscfgloc | sed -e 's/^  *//' -e 's/ .*//'`
 168   if [ -n "$pid" ] ; then
 169     kill -15 $pid
 170   fi
 171 }
 173 do_stop ()
 174 {
 175   do_smf_depends "system/nws_scm"
 176   do_stopsdbc
 177   do_stopnskernd
 178   do_stopdscfglockd
 179 }
 181 do_nskernd ()
 182 {
 183   if [ -x $ESMSCMLIB/ncalladm ]
 184   then
 185     $ESMSCMLIB/ncalladm -e
 186   fi
 188   ps -e | grep -w nskernd > /dev/null 2>&1
 189   if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
 190     ${SCMLIB}/nskernd
 191     if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
 192       echo "Error: Unable to start nskernd"
 193       exit $SMF_EXIT_ERR_FATAL
 194     fi
 195   fi
 196 }
 198 do_dscfglockd ()
 199 {
 200         ps -e | grep -w dscfgloc > /dev/null 2>&1
 201         if [ $? -ne 0 ]
 202         then
 203                 rm -f /var/tmp/.cfglockd.pid
 204         else
 205                 # dscfglockd already running
 206                 return
 207         fi
 209         if ${CLINFO}
 210         then
 211                 #
 212                 # create or update the dscfg_lockdb file
 213                 #
 215                 # create clean tmpnodelist
 216                 NODELIST=/tmp/$$.dscfg_nodelist
 217                 rm -f $NODELIST >/dev/null 2>&1
 218                 touch $NODELIST
 220                 if [ -x /usr/cluster/bin/scstat ]
 221                 then
 222                         # get valid names in cluster
 223                         /usr/cluster/bin/scstat -n | grep node: | \
 224                             awk '{print $3}' >> $NODELIST
 225                         if [ ! -f $DSCFG_LOCKDB ]
 226                         then
 227                                 printf "In clustered environment.\n"
 228                                 printf "creating per node dscfg_lockdb database"
 229                                 printf " with following nodenames:\n"
 230                                 cat $NODELIST
 231                                 cp $NODELIST $DSCFG_LOCKDB
 232                         else
 233                                 # check if there are any changes
 234                                 diff $NODELIST $DSCFG_LOCKDB > /dev/null
 235                                 if [ $? != 0 ]
 236                                 then
 237                                         printf "The cluster node names have "
 238                                         printf "changed. Updating dscfg_lockdb "
 239                                         printf "database.\n"
 240                                         printf "Previous node names:\n"
 241                                         cat $DSCFG_LOCKDB
 242                                         printf "New node names:\n"
 243                                         cat $NODELIST
 244                                         rm -f $DSCFG_LOCKDB
 245                                         cp $NODELIST $DSCFG_LOCKDB
 246                                 fi
 247                         fi
 248                 else
 249                         # we're in a cluster, but scstat is not available
 250                         printf "In clustered environment.\n"
 251                         printf "Required configuration file, $DSCFG_LOCKDB\n"
 252                         printf "was not properly populated with the cluster "
 253                         printf "nodenames.\nThis file needs to be manually"
 254                         printf "updated with the cluster\nnodenames before "
 255                         printf "reboot.  Refer to Sun Storage Availability\n"
 256                         printf "Suite Installation Guide for details.\n"
 257                 fi
 259                 # clustered start of dscfglockd
 260                 if [ -f $DSCFG_LOCKDB ]
 261                 then
 262                         printf "Starting dscfglockd\n"
 263                         ${SCMLIB}/dscfglockd -f $DSCFG_LOCKDB
 264                 else
 265                         printf "WARNING: Mis-Configuration of Availability "
 266                         printf "Suite for Sun Cluster\n"
 267                         printf "WARNING: Can't find configuration file for "
 268                         printf "dscfglockd\n"
 269                 fi
 271                 rm -f $NODELIST
 272         fi
 274 }
 276 do_sdbc ()
 277 {
 278       ${SCMBIN}/scmadm  -e
 279 }
 282 do_start ()
 283 {
 284   # do nothing if we do not have a dscfg
 285   if [ ! -f /etc/dscfg_local ]
 286   then
 287       echo "Cannot find Availability Suite configuration location"
 288       exit $SMF_EXIT_ERR_NOSMF
 289   fi
 291   #
 292   # Ordering:
 293   #     dscfglockd      -- locking must be present before any dscfg access
 294   #     nskernd         -- starts infrastructure (nskernd, ncall).
 295   #     sdbc            -- start the cache itself
 296   #
 297   do_dscfglockd
 298   do_nskernd
 299   do_sdbc
 300 }
 303 do_usage ()
 304 {
 305   echo "Usage: $0"
 306   echo "   start"
 307   echo "   stop"
 308   exit 1
 309 }
 311 set_system_type
 313 USED=0
 314 ACTION=
 317 case $# in 
 318 '0')
 319      do_usage
 320      ;;
 321 '1') 
 322      ACTION=$1
 323      USED=1
 324      ;;
 325 '2')
 326      ACTION=$1
 327      CLUSTERTAG="$2"
 328      USED=1
 329      exit 0
 330      ;;
 331 '*')
 332      do_usage
 333      ;;
 334 esac
 336 if [ $USED = 0 ] ; then
 337      do_usage
 338 fi
 340 if [ $ACTION = "start" ] ; then
 341   do_start
 342 elif [ $ACTION = "stop" ] ; then
 343   do_stop
 344 else 
 345   do_usage
 346 fi
 348 exit $SMF_EXIT_OK