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7491 usr/src/lib/libfru is a mess
Reviewed by: Robert Mustacchi <>

  57         libmp           \
  58         libnsl          \
  59         libnvpair       \
  60         libsocket       \
  61         .WAIT
  63 # Build everything else. Aside from explicit dependencies, all libraries
  64 # are built in parallel.
  65 SUBDIRS +=                              \
  66         ../cmd/sendmail/libmilter       \
  67         ../cmd/sgs/libelf       \
  68         ../cmd/sgs/librtld_db   \
  69         abi             \
  70         auditd_plugins  \
  71         brand           \
  72         c_synonyms      \
  73         cfgadm_plugins  \
  74         crypt_modules   \
  75         extendedFILE    \
  76         fm              \

  77         getloginx       \
  78         gss_mechs/mech_dh       \
  79         gss_mechs/mech_dummy    \
  80         gss_mechs/mech_krb5     \
  81         gss_mechs/mech_spnego   \
  82         hal             \
  83         hbaapi          \
  84         krb5            \
  85         libadm          \
  86         libads          \
  87         libadt_jni      \
  88         libadutils      \
  89         libaio          \
  90         libast          \
  91         libavl          \
  92         libbe           \
  93         libbrand        \
  94         libbsdmalloc    \
  95         libbsm          \
  96         libc_db         \

 110         libdhcpagent    \
 111         libdhcputil     \
 112         libdisasm       \
 113         libdiskmgt      \
 114         libdladm        \
 115         libdll          \
 116         libdlpi         \
 117         libdns_sd       \
 118         libdoor         \
 119         libdscfg        \
 120         libdtrace       \
 121         libdtrace_jni   \
 122         libefi          \
 123         libelfsign      \
 124         libeti          \
 125         libexacct       \
 126         libexacct/demo  \
 127         libfakekernel   \
 128         libfcoe         \
 129         libficl         \
 130         libfru          \
 131         libfruutils     \
 132         libfsmgt        \
 133         libfstyp        \
 134         libgen          \
 135         libgrubmgmt     \
 136         libgss          \
 137         libhotplug      \
 138         libidmap        \
 139         libilb          \
 140         libima          \
 141         libinetsvc      \
 142         libinetutil     \
 143         libinstzones    \
 144         libintl         \
 145         libipadm        \
 146         libipd          \
 147         libipmi         \
 148         libipmp         \
 149         libipp          \
 150         libipsecutil    \
 151         libiscsit       \

 351         libwanbootutil  \
 352         libzfs          \
 353         libzonecfg      \
 354         madv            \
 355         mpss            \
 356         pam_modules     \
 357         pyzfs           \
 358         rpcsec_gss      \
 359         $($(MACH)_MSGSUBDIRS)
 361 sparc_MSGSUBDIRS=       \
 362         libprtdiag      \
 363         libprtdiag_psr
 365 i386_MSGSUBDIRS= libfdisk
 367 HDRSUBDIRS=                             \
 368         ../cmd/sendmail/libmilter       \
 369         auditd_plugins  \
 370         fm              \

 371         hal             \
 372         hbaapi          \
 373         libads          \
 374         libast          \
 375         libbrand        \
 376         libbsm          \
 377         libc            \
 378         libcmd          \
 379         libcmdutils     \
 380         libcommputil    \
 381         libcontract     \
 382         libcpc          \
 383         libcryptoutil   \
 384         libctf          \
 385         libcurses       \
 386         libdevice       \
 387         libdevid        \
 388         libdevinfo      \
 389         libdhcpagent    \
 390         libdhcputil     \
 391         libdisasm       \
 392         libdiskmgt      \
 393         libdladm        \
 394         libdll          \
 395         libdlpi         \
 396         libdns_sd       \
 397         libdscfg        \
 398         libdtrace       \
 399         libdtrace_jni   \
 400         libelfsign      \
 401         libeti          \
 402         libfakekernel   \
 403         libfcoe         \
 404         libfru          \
 405         libfstyp        \
 406         libgen          \
 407         libgrubmgmt     \
 408         libidmap        \
 409         libilb          \
 410         libima          \
 411         libinetsvc      \
 412         libinetutil     \
 413         libinstzones    \
 414         libipadm        \
 415         libipd          \
 416         libipmi         \
 417         libipmp         \
 418         libipp          \
 419         libipsecutil    \
 420         libiscsit       \
 421         libkrb5         \
 422         libkstat        \
 423         libkvm          \
 424         libmail         \

 562 libnvpair:      libc libnsl
 563 libsocket:      libc libnsl
 565 basedeps:       libc libm libmd libmp libnsl libnvpair libsocket
 566 basedeps :=     TARGET=install
 568 # The following dependencies are currently required by libdbus-1 and should
 569 # be used for anything linking against it.
 570 dbusdeps:       libsecdb libtsol libinetutil libscf libuutil libgen libsmbios
 572 # The following dependencies don't need to be listed below as they are built
 573 # before everything else:
 574 # libc libm libmd libmp libnsl libnvpair libsocket
 575 abi:            libctf libmapmalloc libproc
 576 auditd_plugins: libbsm libsecdb libgss libmtmalloc
 577 brand:          libzonecfg libmapmalloc
 578 cfgadm_plugins: libdevice libdevinfo libhotplug librcm hbaapi libkstat libscf
 579 fm:             libexacct libipmi libzfs scsi libdevinfo libdevid libcfgadm \
 580                 libcontract libsysevent ../cmd/sgs/libelf libdladm
 581 $(SPARC_BLD)fm: libpri

 582 gss_mechs/mech_dh: libgss
 583 gss_mechs/mech_dummy: libgss
 584 gss_mechs/mech_krb5: libgss libresolv2 pkcs11 libkstat
 585 gss_mechs/mech_spnego: gss_mechs/mech_krb5
 586 hal:            dbusdeps
 587 krb5:           gss_mechs/mech_krb5 libtecla libldap5
 588 libadt_jni:     libbsm
 589 libadutils:     libldap5 libresolv2
 590 libbe:          libzfs libinstzones libuuid libgen libdevinfo libefi libficl
 591 libbsm:         libinetutil libscf libsecdb libtsol
 592 libcfgadm:      libdevinfo
 593 libcmd:         libsum libast
 594 libcmdutils:    libavl
 595 libcpc:         libpctx
 596 libcrypt:       libgen
 597 libdevid:       libdevinfo
 598 libdevinfo:     libsec libgen
 599 libdhcpagent:   libdhcputil libuuid libdlpi libcontract
 600 libdhcputil:    libgen libinetutil libdlpi
 601 libdiskmgt:     libdevid libdevinfo libadm libefi libkstat libsysevent
 602 $(INTEL_BLD)libdiskmgt: libfdisk
 603 libdladm:       libdevinfo libinetutil libscf librcm libexacct libkstat \
 604                 libpool
 605 libdll:         libast
 606 libdlpi:        libinetutil libdladm
 607 libds:          libsysevent
 608 libdscfg:       libnsctl libunistat libadm
 609 libdtrace:      libproc libgen libctf libmapmalloc
 610 libdtrace_jni:  libuutil libdtrace
 611 libefi:         libuuid
 612 libelfsign:     libcryptoutil libkmf ../cmd/sgs/libelf
 613 libeti:         libcurses
 614 libexacct/demo: libexacct libproject
 615 libfakekernel:  libumem libcryptoutil
 616 libfcoe:        libdladm
 617 libficl:        libuuid libumem
 618 libfru:         libfruutils
 619 libfsmgt:       libkstat
 620 libgrubmgmt:    libdevinfo libzfs libfstyp libefi
 621 $(INTEL_BLD)libgrubmgmt: libfdisk
 622 libidmap:       libavl libuutil
 623 libinetsvc:     libscf
 624 libinstzones:   libzonecfg libcontract
 625 libipadm:       libinetutil libdlpi libdhcpagent libdladm libsecdb libdhcputil
 626 libipmp:        libinetutil
 627 libipsecutil:   libtecla libtsol
 628 libiscsit:      libstmf libuuid
 629 libkmf:         libcryptoutil pkcs11
 630 libkvm:         ../cmd/sgs/libelf
 631 libldap5:       libsasl
 632 libmapid:       libresolv2 libscf
 633 libndmp:        libscf
 634 libnisdb:       libldap5
 635 libnwam:        libscf libbsm libdladm libipadm
 636 libpcp:         libumem libdevinfo
 637 libpctx:        libproc
 638 libpkg:         libwanboot libscf libadm

 680 libzfs_jni:     libdiskmgt libzfs
 681 libzonecfg:     libuuid libsysevent libsec libbrand libpool libscf libproc \
 682                 libuutil libbsm libsecdb
 683 libzonestat:    libcmdutils libumem
 684 libzpool:       libavl libumem libcmdutils libsysevent
 685 madv:           libgen
 686 mpapi:          libpthread libdevinfo libsysevent
 687 mpss:           libgen
 688 nsswitch:       libadutils libidmap libdns_sd libscf libldap5 libsldap
 689 pam_modules:    libproject passwdutil smbsrv libtsnet libpam libbsm libsecdb
 690 passwdutil:     libsldap
 691 pkcs11:         libcryptoutil libgen libuuid
 692 policykit:      dbusdeps
 693 print:          libldap5 libmd5 libsendfile
 694 pylibbe:        libbe libzfs
 695 pysolaris:      libsec libidmap
 696 pyzfs:          libzfs
 697 raidcfg_plugins: libraidcfg librcm libcfgadm libpicl libpicltree
 698 rpcsec_gss:     libgss
 699 sasl_plugins:   pkcs11 libgss libsasl
 700 scsi:           libfru libumem libdevid libdevinfo
 701 smbsrv:         libxnet libpthread librt libshare libidmap pkcs11 libsqlite \
 702                 libcryptoutil libreparse libcmdutils libresolv2 libsmbfs \
 703                 libuuid libfakekernel libads libgss libldap5 krb5
 704 storage:        libdevice libdevinfo libdevid
 705 sun_fc:         libdevinfo libsysevent
 706 sun_sas:        libdevinfo libsysevent libkstat libdevid
 707 udapl:          libdevinfo libdladm
 709 #
 710 # The reason this rule checks for the existence of the
 711 # Makefile is that some of the directories do not exist
 712 # in certain situations (e.g., exportable source builds,
 713 # OpenSolaris).
 714 #
 715 $(SUBDIRS): FRC
 716         @if [ -f $@/Makefile  ]; then \
 717                 cd $@; pwd; $(MAKE) $(TARGET); \
 718         else \
 719                 true; \
 720         fi

  57         libmp           \
  58         libnsl          \
  59         libnvpair       \
  60         libsocket       \
  61         .WAIT
  63 # Build everything else. Aside from explicit dependencies, all libraries
  64 # are built in parallel.
  65 SUBDIRS +=                              \
  66         ../cmd/sendmail/libmilter       \
  67         ../cmd/sgs/libelf       \
  68         ../cmd/sgs/librtld_db   \
  69         abi             \
  70         auditd_plugins  \
  71         brand           \
  72         c_synonyms      \
  73         cfgadm_plugins  \
  74         crypt_modules   \
  75         extendedFILE    \
  76         fm              \
  77         fru             \
  78         getloginx       \
  79         gss_mechs/mech_dh       \
  80         gss_mechs/mech_dummy    \
  81         gss_mechs/mech_krb5     \
  82         gss_mechs/mech_spnego   \
  83         hal             \
  84         hbaapi          \
  85         krb5            \
  86         libadm          \
  87         libads          \
  88         libadt_jni      \
  89         libadutils      \
  90         libaio          \
  91         libast          \
  92         libavl          \
  93         libbe           \
  94         libbrand        \
  95         libbsdmalloc    \
  96         libbsm          \
  97         libc_db         \

 111         libdhcpagent    \
 112         libdhcputil     \
 113         libdisasm       \
 114         libdiskmgt      \
 115         libdladm        \
 116         libdll          \
 117         libdlpi         \
 118         libdns_sd       \
 119         libdoor         \
 120         libdscfg        \
 121         libdtrace       \
 122         libdtrace_jni   \
 123         libefi          \
 124         libelfsign      \
 125         libeti          \
 126         libexacct       \
 127         libexacct/demo  \
 128         libfakekernel   \
 129         libfcoe         \
 130         libficl         \

 131         libfsmgt        \
 132         libfstyp        \
 133         libgen          \
 134         libgrubmgmt     \
 135         libgss          \
 136         libhotplug      \
 137         libidmap        \
 138         libilb          \
 139         libima          \
 140         libinetsvc      \
 141         libinetutil     \
 142         libinstzones    \
 143         libintl         \
 144         libipadm        \
 145         libipd          \
 146         libipmi         \
 147         libipmp         \
 148         libipp          \
 149         libipsecutil    \
 150         libiscsit       \

 350         libwanbootutil  \
 351         libzfs          \
 352         libzonecfg      \
 353         madv            \
 354         mpss            \
 355         pam_modules     \
 356         pyzfs           \
 357         rpcsec_gss      \
 358         $($(MACH)_MSGSUBDIRS)
 360 sparc_MSGSUBDIRS=       \
 361         libprtdiag      \
 362         libprtdiag_psr
 364 i386_MSGSUBDIRS= libfdisk
 366 HDRSUBDIRS=                             \
 367         ../cmd/sendmail/libmilter       \
 368         auditd_plugins  \
 369         fm              \
 370         fru             \
 371         hal             \
 372         hbaapi          \
 373         libads          \
 374         libast          \
 375         libbrand        \
 376         libbsm          \
 377         libc            \
 378         libcmd          \
 379         libcmdutils     \
 380         libcommputil    \
 381         libcontract     \
 382         libcpc          \
 383         libcryptoutil   \
 384         libctf          \
 385         libcurses       \
 386         libdevice       \
 387         libdevid        \
 388         libdevinfo      \
 389         libdhcpagent    \
 390         libdhcputil     \
 391         libdisasm       \
 392         libdiskmgt      \
 393         libdladm        \
 394         libdll          \
 395         libdlpi         \
 396         libdns_sd       \
 397         libdscfg        \
 398         libdtrace       \
 399         libdtrace_jni   \
 400         libelfsign      \
 401         libeti          \
 402         libfakekernel   \
 403         libfcoe         \

 404         libfstyp        \
 405         libgen          \
 406         libgrubmgmt     \
 407         libidmap        \
 408         libilb          \
 409         libima          \
 410         libinetsvc      \
 411         libinetutil     \
 412         libinstzones    \
 413         libipadm        \
 414         libipd          \
 415         libipmi         \
 416         libipmp         \
 417         libipp          \
 418         libipsecutil    \
 419         libiscsit       \
 420         libkrb5         \
 421         libkstat        \
 422         libkvm          \
 423         libmail         \

 561 libnvpair:      libc libnsl
 562 libsocket:      libc libnsl
 564 basedeps:       libc libm libmd libmp libnsl libnvpair libsocket
 565 basedeps :=     TARGET=install
 567 # The following dependencies are currently required by libdbus-1 and should
 568 # be used for anything linking against it.
 569 dbusdeps:       libsecdb libtsol libinetutil libscf libuutil libgen libsmbios
 571 # The following dependencies don't need to be listed below as they are built
 572 # before everything else:
 573 # libc libm libmd libmp libnsl libnvpair libsocket
 574 abi:            libctf libmapmalloc libproc
 575 auditd_plugins: libbsm libsecdb libgss libmtmalloc
 576 brand:          libzonecfg libmapmalloc
 577 cfgadm_plugins: libdevice libdevinfo libhotplug librcm hbaapi libkstat libscf
 578 fm:             libexacct libipmi libzfs scsi libdevinfo libdevid libcfgadm \
 579                 libcontract libsysevent ../cmd/sgs/libelf libdladm
 580 $(SPARC_BLD)fm: libpri
 581 $(SPARC_BLD)fru: libpicl
 582 gss_mechs/mech_dh: libgss
 583 gss_mechs/mech_dummy: libgss
 584 gss_mechs/mech_krb5: libgss libresolv2 pkcs11 libkstat
 585 gss_mechs/mech_spnego: gss_mechs/mech_krb5
 586 hal:            dbusdeps
 587 krb5:           gss_mechs/mech_krb5 libtecla libldap5
 588 libadt_jni:     libbsm
 589 libadutils:     libldap5 libresolv2
 590 libbe:          libzfs libinstzones libuuid libgen libdevinfo libefi libficl
 591 libbsm:         libinetutil libscf libsecdb libtsol
 592 libcfgadm:      libdevinfo
 593 libcmd:         libsum libast
 594 libcmdutils:    libavl
 595 libcpc:         libpctx
 596 libcrypt:       libgen
 597 libdevid:       libdevinfo
 598 libdevinfo:     libsec libgen
 599 libdhcpagent:   libdhcputil libuuid libdlpi libcontract
 600 libdhcputil:    libgen libinetutil libdlpi
 601 libdiskmgt:     libdevid libdevinfo libadm libefi libkstat libsysevent
 602 $(INTEL_BLD)libdiskmgt: libfdisk
 603 libdladm:       libdevinfo libinetutil libscf librcm libexacct libkstat \
 604                 libpool
 605 libdll:         libast
 606 libdlpi:        libinetutil libdladm
 607 libds:          libsysevent
 608 libdscfg:       libnsctl libunistat libadm
 609 libdtrace:      libproc libgen libctf libmapmalloc
 610 libdtrace_jni:  libuutil libdtrace
 611 libefi:         libuuid
 612 libelfsign:     libcryptoutil libkmf ../cmd/sgs/libelf
 613 libeti:         libcurses
 614 libexacct/demo: libexacct libproject
 615 libfakekernel:  libumem libcryptoutil
 616 libfcoe:        libdladm
 617 libficl:        libuuid libumem

 618 libfsmgt:       libkstat
 619 libgrubmgmt:    libdevinfo libzfs libfstyp libefi
 620 $(INTEL_BLD)libgrubmgmt: libfdisk
 621 libidmap:       libavl libuutil
 622 libinetsvc:     libscf
 623 libinstzones:   libzonecfg libcontract
 624 libipadm:       libinetutil libdlpi libdhcpagent libdladm libsecdb libdhcputil
 625 libipmp:        libinetutil
 626 libipsecutil:   libtecla libtsol
 627 libiscsit:      libstmf libuuid
 628 libkmf:         libcryptoutil pkcs11
 629 libkvm:         ../cmd/sgs/libelf
 630 libldap5:       libsasl
 631 libmapid:       libresolv2 libscf
 632 libndmp:        libscf
 633 libnisdb:       libldap5
 634 libnwam:        libscf libbsm libdladm libipadm
 635 libpcp:         libumem libdevinfo
 636 libpctx:        libproc
 637 libpkg:         libwanboot libscf libadm

 679 libzfs_jni:     libdiskmgt libzfs
 680 libzonecfg:     libuuid libsysevent libsec libbrand libpool libscf libproc \
 681                 libuutil libbsm libsecdb
 682 libzonestat:    libcmdutils libumem
 683 libzpool:       libavl libumem libcmdutils libsysevent
 684 madv:           libgen
 685 mpapi:          libpthread libdevinfo libsysevent
 686 mpss:           libgen
 687 nsswitch:       libadutils libidmap libdns_sd libscf libldap5 libsldap
 688 pam_modules:    libproject passwdutil smbsrv libtsnet libpam libbsm libsecdb
 689 passwdutil:     libsldap
 690 pkcs11:         libcryptoutil libgen libuuid
 691 policykit:      dbusdeps
 692 print:          libldap5 libmd5 libsendfile
 693 pylibbe:        libbe libzfs
 694 pysolaris:      libsec libidmap
 695 pyzfs:          libzfs
 696 raidcfg_plugins: libraidcfg librcm libcfgadm libpicl libpicltree
 697 rpcsec_gss:     libgss
 698 sasl_plugins:   pkcs11 libgss libsasl
 699 scsi:           fru libumem libdevid libdevinfo
 700 smbsrv:         libxnet libpthread librt libshare libidmap pkcs11 libsqlite \
 701                 libcryptoutil libreparse libcmdutils libresolv2 libsmbfs \
 702                 libuuid libfakekernel libads libgss libldap5 krb5
 703 storage:        libdevice libdevinfo libdevid
 704 sun_fc:         libdevinfo libsysevent
 705 sun_sas:        libdevinfo libsysevent libkstat libdevid
 706 udapl:          libdevinfo libdladm
 708 #
 709 # The reason this rule checks for the existence of the
 710 # Makefile is that some of the directories do not exist
 711 # in certain situations (e.g., exportable source builds,
 712 # OpenSolaris).
 713 #
 714 $(SUBDIRS): FRC
 715         @if [ -f $@/Makefile  ]; then \
 716                 cd $@; pwd; $(MAKE) $(TARGET); \
 717         else \
 718                 true; \
 719         fi