1 /*
   3  *
   4  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
   5  * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
   6  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   7  *
   8  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
   9  * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
  10  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  11  * and limitations under the License.
  12  *
  13  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  14  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  15  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18  *
  20  */
  21 /*
  22  * Copyright (c) 2005, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  23  */
  25 #ifndef _SYS_DDI_INTR_IMPL_H
  26 #define _SYS_DDI_INTR_IMPL_H
  28 /*
  29  * Sun DDI interrupt implementation specific definitions
  30  */
  32 #include <sys/list.h>
  33 #include <sys/ksynch.h>
  35 #ifdef  __cplusplus
  36 extern "C" {
  37 #endif
  39 #ifdef _KERNEL
  41 /*
  42  * Typedef for interrupt ops
  43  */
  44 typedef enum {
  45         DDI_INTROP_SUPPORTED_TYPES = 1, /* 1 get supported interrupts types */
  46         DDI_INTROP_NINTRS,              /* 2 get num of interrupts supported */
  47         DDI_INTROP_ALLOC,               /* 3 allocate interrupt handle */
  48         DDI_INTROP_GETPRI,              /* 4 get priority */
  49         DDI_INTROP_SETPRI,              /* 5 set priority */
  50         DDI_INTROP_ADDISR,              /* 6 add interrupt handler */
  51         DDI_INTROP_DUPVEC,              /* 7 duplicate interrupt handler */
  52         DDI_INTROP_ENABLE,              /* 8 enable interrupt */
  53         DDI_INTROP_BLOCKENABLE,         /* 9 block enable interrupts */
  54         DDI_INTROP_BLOCKDISABLE,        /* 10 block disable interrupts */
  55         DDI_INTROP_DISABLE,             /* 11 disable interrupt */
  56         DDI_INTROP_REMISR,              /* 12 remove interrupt handler */
  57         DDI_INTROP_FREE,                /* 13 free interrupt handle */
  58         DDI_INTROP_GETCAP,              /* 14 get capacity */
  59         DDI_INTROP_SETCAP,              /* 15 set capacity */
  60         DDI_INTROP_SETMASK,             /* 16 set mask */
  61         DDI_INTROP_CLRMASK,             /* 17 clear mask */
  62         DDI_INTROP_GETPENDING,          /* 18 get pending interrupt */
  63         DDI_INTROP_NAVAIL,              /* 19 get num of available interrupts */
  64         DDI_INTROP_GETPOOL,             /* 20 get resource management pool */
  65         DDI_INTROP_GETTARGET,           /* 21 get target for a given intr(s) */
  66         DDI_INTROP_SETTARGET            /* 22 set target for a given intr(s) */
  67 } ddi_intr_op_t;
  69 /* Version number used in the handles */
  70 #define DDI_INTR_VERSION_1      1
  73 /*
  74  * One such data structure is allocated per ddi_intr_handle_t
  75  * This is the incore copy of the regular interrupt info.
  76  */
  77 typedef struct ddi_intr_handle_impl {
  78         dev_info_t              *ih_dip;        /* dip associated with handle */
  79         uint16_t                ih_type;        /* interrupt type being used */
  80         ushort_t                ih_inum;        /* interrupt number */
  81         uint32_t                ih_vector;      /* vector number */
  82         int                     ih_irq;         /* irq number */
  83         uint16_t                ih_ver;         /* Version */
  84         uint_t                  ih_state;       /* interrupt handle state */
  85         uint_t                  ih_cap;         /* interrupt capabilities */
  86         uint_t                  ih_pri;         /* priority - bus dependent */
  87         krwlock_t               ih_rwlock;      /* read/write lock per handle */
  89         uint_t                  (*ih_cb_func)(caddr_t, caddr_t);
  90         void                    *ih_cb_arg1;
  91         void                    *ih_cb_arg2;
  93         /*
  94          * The following 3 members are used to support MSI-X specific features
  95          */
  96         uint_t                  ih_flags;       /* Misc flags */
  97         uint_t                  ih_dup_cnt;     /* # of dupped msi-x vectors */
  98         struct ddi_intr_handle_impl     *ih_main;
  99                                                 /* pntr to the main vector */
 100         /*
 101          * The next set of members are for 'scratch' purpose only.
 102          * The DDI interrupt framework uses them internally and their
 103          * interpretation is left to the framework. For now,
 104          *      scratch1        - used to send NINTRs information
 105          *                        to various nexus drivers.
 106          *      scratch2        - used to send 'behavior' flag
 107          *                        information to the nexus drivers
 108          *                        from ddi_intr_alloc().  It is also
 109          *                        used to send 'h_array' to the nexus drivers
 110          *                        for ddi_intr_block_enable/disable() on x86.
 111          *      private         - On X86 it usually carries a pointer to
 112          *                        ihdl_plat_t.  Not used on SPARC platforms.
 113          */
 114         void                    *ih_private;    /* Platform specific data */
 115         uint_t                  ih_scratch1;    /* Scratch1: #interrupts */
 116         void                    *ih_scratch2;   /* Scratch2: flag/h_array */
 118         /*
 119          * The ih_target field may not reflect the actual target that is
 120          * currently being used for the given interrupt. This field is just a
 121          * snapshot taken either during ddi_intr_add_handler() or
 122          * get/set_intr_affinity() calls.
 123          */
 124         processorid_t           ih_target;      /* Target ID */
 125 } ddi_intr_handle_impl_t;
 127 /* values for ih_state (strictly for interrupt handle) */
 128 #define DDI_IHDL_STATE_ALLOC    0x01    /* Allocated. ddi_intr_alloc() called */
 129 #define DDI_IHDL_STATE_ADDED    0x02    /* Added interrupt handler */
 130                                         /* ddi_intr_add_handler() called */
 131 #define DDI_IHDL_STATE_ENABLE   0x04    /* Enabled. ddi_intr_enable() called */
 133 #define DDI_INTR_IS_MSI_OR_MSIX(type) \
 134         ((type) == DDI_INTR_TYPE_MSI || (type) == DDI_INTR_TYPE_MSIX)
 137             (((f) == DDI_INTR_ALLOC_NORMAL) || ((f) == DDI_INTR_ALLOC_STRICT))
 139 #define DDI_INTR_TYPE_FLAG_VALID(t) \
 140             (((t) == DDI_INTR_TYPE_FIXED) || \
 141             ((t) == DDI_INTR_TYPE_MSI) || \
 142             ((t) == DDI_INTR_TYPE_MSIX))
 144 /* values for ih_flags */
 145 #define DDI_INTR_MSIX_DUP       0x01    /* MSI-X vector which has been dupped */
 147 /* Maximum number of MSI resources to allocate */
 148 #define DDI_MAX_MSI_ALLOC       2
 150 /* Default number of MSI-X resources to allocate */
 151 #define DDI_DEFAULT_MSIX_ALLOC  2
 153 #define DDI_MSIX_ALLOC_DIVIDER  32
 154 #define DDI_MIN_MSIX_ALLOC      8
 155 #define DDI_MAX_MSIX_ALLOC      2048
 157 struct av_softinfo;
 159 /*
 160  * One such data structure is allocated per ddi_soft_intr_handle
 161  * This is the incore copy of the softint info.
 162  */
 163 typedef struct ddi_softint_hdl_impl {
 164         dev_info_t      *ih_dip;                /* dip associated with handle */
 165         uint_t          ih_pri;                 /* priority - bus dependent */
 166         krwlock_t       ih_rwlock;              /* read/write lock per handle */
 167         struct av_softinfo *ih_pending;         /* whether softint is pending */
 169         uint_t          (*ih_cb_func)(caddr_t, caddr_t);
 170                                                 /* cb function for soft ints */
 171         void            *ih_cb_arg1;            /* arg1 of callback function */
 172         void            *ih_cb_arg2;            /* arg2 passed to "trigger" */
 174         /*
 175          * The next member is for 'scratch' purpose only.
 176          * The DDI interrupt framework uses it internally and its
 177          * interpretation is left to the framework.
 178          *      private         - used by the DDI framework to pass back
 179          *                        and forth 'softid' information on SPARC
 180          *                        side only. Not used on X86 platform.
 181          */
 182         void            *ih_private;            /* Platform specific data */
 183 } ddi_softint_hdl_impl_t;
 185 /* Softint internal implementation defines */
 186 #define DDI_SOFT_INTR_PRI_M     4
 187 #define DDI_SOFT_INTR_PRI_H     6
 189 /*
 190  * One such data structure is allocated for MSI-X enabled
 191  * device. If no MSI-X is enabled then it is NULL
 192  */
 193 typedef struct ddi_intr_msix {
 194         /* MSI-X Table related information */
 195         ddi_acc_handle_t        msix_tbl_hdl;           /* MSI-X table handle */
 196         uint32_t                *msix_tbl_addr;         /* MSI-X table addr */
 197         uint32_t                msix_tbl_offset;        /* MSI-X table offset */
 199         /* MSI-X PBA Table related information */
 200         ddi_acc_handle_t        msix_pba_hdl;           /* MSI-X PBA handle */
 201         uint32_t                *msix_pba_addr;         /* MSI-X PBA addr */
 202         uint32_t                msix_pba_offset;        /* MSI-X PBA offset */
 204         ddi_device_acc_attr_t   msix_dev_attr;          /* MSI-X device attr */
 205 } ddi_intr_msix_t;
 207 /*
 208  * Interrupt Resource Management (IRM).
 209  */
 211 #define DDI_IRM_POLICY_LARGE    1
 212 #define DDI_IRM_POLICY_EVEN     2
 214 #define DDI_IRM_POLICY_VALID(p) (((p) == DDI_IRM_POLICY_LARGE) || \
 215                                 ((p) == DDI_IRM_POLICY_EVEN))
 217 #define DDI_IRM_FLAG_ACTIVE     0x1             /* Pool is active */
 218 #define DDI_IRM_FLAG_QUEUED     0x2             /* Pool is queued */
 219 #define DDI_IRM_FLAG_WAITERS    0x4             /* Pool has waiters */
 220 #define DDI_IRM_FLAG_EXIT       0x8             /* Balance thread must exit */
 221 #define DDI_IRM_FLAG_NEW        0x10            /* Request is new */
 222 #define DDI_IRM_FLAG_CALLBACK   0x20            /* Request has callback */
 224 /*
 225  * One such data structure for each supply of interrupt vectors.
 226  * Contains information about the size and policies defining the
 227  * supply, and a list of associated device-specific requests.
 228  */
 229 typedef struct ddi_irm_pool {
 230         int             ipool_flags;            /* Status flags of the pool */
 231         int             ipool_types;            /* Types of interrupts */
 232         int             ipool_policy;           /* Rebalancing policy */
 233         uint_t          ipool_totsz;            /* Total size of the pool */
 234         uint_t          ipool_defsz;            /* Default allocation size */
 235         uint_t          ipool_minno;            /* Minimum number consumed */
 236         uint_t          ipool_reqno;            /* Total number requested */
 237         uint_t          ipool_resno;            /* Total number reserved */
 238         kmutex_t        ipool_lock;             /* Protects all pool usage */
 239         kmutex_t        ipool_navail_lock;      /* Protects 'navail' of reqs */
 240         kcondvar_t      ipool_cv;               /* Condition variable */
 241         kthread_t       *ipool_thread;          /* Balancing thread */
 242         dev_info_t      *ipool_owner;           /* Device that created pool */
 243         list_t          ipool_req_list;         /* All requests in pool */
 244         list_t          ipool_scratch_list;     /* Requests being reduced */
 245         list_node_t     ipool_link;             /* Links in global pool list */
 246 } ddi_irm_pool_t;
 248 /*
 249  * One such data structure for each dip's devinfo_intr_t.
 250  * Contains information about vectors requested from IRM.
 251  */
 252 typedef struct ddi_irm_req {
 253         int             ireq_flags;             /* Flags for request */
 254         int             ireq_type;              /* Type requested */
 255         uint_t          ireq_nreq;              /* Number requested */
 256         uint_t          ireq_navail;            /* Number available */
 257         uint_t          ireq_scratch;           /* Scratch value */
 258         dev_info_t      *ireq_dip;              /* Requesting device */
 259         ddi_irm_pool_t  *ireq_pool_p;           /* Supplying pool */
 260         list_node_t     ireq_link;              /* Request list link */
 261         list_node_t     ireq_scratch_link;      /* Scratch list link */
 262 } ddi_irm_req_t;
 264 /*
 265  * This structure is used to pass parameters to ndi_create_irm(),
 266  * and describes the operating parameters of an IRM pool.
 267  */
 268 typedef struct ddi_irm_params {
 269         int     iparams_types;          /* Types of interrupts in pool */
 270         uint_t  iparams_total;          /* Total size of the pool */
 271 } ddi_irm_params_t;
 273 /*
 274  * One such data structure is allocated for each dip.
 275  * It has interrupt related information that can be
 276  * stored/retrieved for convenience.
 277  */
 278 typedef struct devinfo_intr {
 279         /* These three fields show what the device is capable of */
 280         uint_t          devi_intr_sup_types;    /* Intrs supported by device */
 282         ddi_intr_msix_t *devi_msix_p;           /* MSI-X info, if supported */
 284         /* Next three fields show current status for the device */
 285         uint_t          devi_intr_curr_type;    /* Interrupt type being used */
 286         uint_t          devi_intr_sup_nintrs;   /* #intr supported */
 287         uint_t          devi_intr_curr_nintrs;  /* #intr currently being used */
 288         /*
 289          * #intr currently being enabled
 290          * (for MSI block enable, the valuse is either 1 or 0.)
 291          */
 292         uint_t          devi_intr_curr_nenables;
 294         ddi_intr_handle_t *devi_intr_handle_p;  /* Hdl for legacy intr APIs */
 296 #if defined(__i386) || defined(__amd64)
 297         /* Save the PCI config space handle */
 298         ddi_acc_handle_t devi_cfg_handle;
 299         int              devi_cap_ptr;          /* MSI or MSI-X cap pointer */
 300 #endif
 302         ddi_irm_req_t   *devi_irm_req_p;        /* IRM request information */
 303 } devinfo_intr_t;
 305 #define NEXUS_HAS_INTR_OP(dip)  \
 306         ((DEVI(dip)->devi_ops->devo_bus_ops) && \
 307         (DEVI(dip)->devi_ops->devo_bus_ops->busops_rev >= BUSO_REV_9) && \
 308         (DEVI(dip)->devi_ops->devo_bus_ops->bus_intr_op))
 310 int     i_ddi_intr_ops(dev_info_t *dip, dev_info_t *rdip, ddi_intr_op_t op,
 311             ddi_intr_handle_impl_t *hdlp, void *result);
 313 int     i_ddi_add_softint(ddi_softint_hdl_impl_t *);
 314 void    i_ddi_remove_softint(ddi_softint_hdl_impl_t *);
 315 int     i_ddi_trigger_softint(ddi_softint_hdl_impl_t *, void *);
 316 int     i_ddi_set_softint_pri(ddi_softint_hdl_impl_t *, uint_t);
 318 void    i_ddi_intr_devi_init(dev_info_t *dip);
 319 void    i_ddi_intr_devi_fini(dev_info_t *dip);
 321 uint_t  i_ddi_intr_get_supported_types(dev_info_t *dip);
 322 void    i_ddi_intr_set_supported_types(dev_info_t *dip, int sup_type);
 323 uint_t  i_ddi_intr_get_current_type(dev_info_t *dip);
 324 void    i_ddi_intr_set_current_type(dev_info_t *dip, int intr_type);
 325 uint_t  i_ddi_intr_get_supported_nintrs(dev_info_t *dip, int intr_type);
 326 void    i_ddi_intr_set_supported_nintrs(dev_info_t *dip, int nintrs);
 327 uint_t  i_ddi_intr_get_current_nintrs(dev_info_t *dip);
 328 void    i_ddi_intr_set_current_nintrs(dev_info_t *dip, int nintrs);
 329 uint_t  i_ddi_intr_get_current_nenables(dev_info_t *dip);
 330 void    i_ddi_intr_set_current_nenables(dev_info_t *dip, int nintrs);
 331 uint_t  i_ddi_intr_get_current_navail(dev_info_t *dip, int intr_type);
 332 uint_t  i_ddi_intr_get_limit(dev_info_t *dip, int intr_type,
 333             ddi_irm_pool_t *pool_p);
 335 ddi_irm_pool_t  *i_ddi_intr_get_pool(dev_info_t *dip, int intr_type);
 337 void    irm_init(void);
 338 int     i_ddi_irm_insert(dev_info_t *dip, int intr_type, int count);
 339 int     i_ddi_irm_modify(dev_info_t *dip, int nreq);
 340 int     i_ddi_irm_remove(dev_info_t *dip);
 341 void    i_ddi_irm_set_cb(dev_info_t *dip, boolean_t cb_flag);
 342 int     i_ddi_irm_supported(dev_info_t *dip, int type);
 344 ddi_intr_handle_t i_ddi_get_intr_handle(dev_info_t *dip, int inum);
 345 void    i_ddi_set_intr_handle(dev_info_t *dip, int inum, ddi_intr_handle_t hdl);
 347 ddi_intr_msix_t *i_ddi_get_msix(dev_info_t *dip);
 348 void    i_ddi_set_msix(dev_info_t *dip, ddi_intr_msix_t *msix_p);
 350 #if defined(__i386) || defined(__amd64)
 351 ddi_acc_handle_t        i_ddi_get_pci_config_handle(dev_info_t *dip);
 352 void    i_ddi_set_pci_config_handle(dev_info_t *dip, ddi_acc_handle_t handle);
 353 int     i_ddi_get_msi_msix_cap_ptr(dev_info_t *dip);
 354 void    i_ddi_set_msi_msix_cap_ptr(dev_info_t *dip, int cap_ptr);
 355 #endif
 357 int32_t i_ddi_get_intr_weight(dev_info_t *);
 358 int32_t i_ddi_set_intr_weight(dev_info_t *, int32_t);
 360 void    i_ddi_alloc_intr_phdl(ddi_intr_handle_impl_t *);
 361 void    i_ddi_free_intr_phdl(ddi_intr_handle_impl_t *);
 363 extern  int irm_enable; /* global flag for IRM */
 365 #define DDI_INTR_ASSIGN_HDLR_N_ARGS(hdlp, func, arg1, arg2) \
 366         hdlp->ih_cb_func = func; \
 367         hdlp->ih_cb_arg1 = arg1; \
 368         hdlp->ih_cb_arg2 = arg2;
 370 #ifdef DEBUG
 371 #define I_DDI_VERIFY_MSIX_HANDLE(hdlp)                                  \
 372         if ((hdlp->ih_type == DDI_INTR_TYPE_MSIX) &&                         \
 373             (hdlp->ih_flags & DDI_INTR_MSIX_DUP)) {                      \
 374                 ASSERT(hdlp->ih_dip == hdlp->ih_main->ih_dip);         \
 375                 ASSERT(hdlp->ih_type == hdlp->ih_main->ih_type);       \
 376                 ASSERT(hdlp->ih_vector == hdlp->ih_main->ih_vector);   \
 377                 ASSERT(hdlp->ih_ver == hdlp->ih_main->ih_ver);         \
 378                 ASSERT(hdlp->ih_cap == hdlp->ih_main->ih_cap);         \
 379                 ASSERT(hdlp->ih_pri == hdlp->ih_main->ih_pri);         \
 380         }
 381 #else
 382 #define I_DDI_VERIFY_MSIX_HANDLE(hdlp)
 383 #endif
 385 #else   /* _KERNEL */
 387 typedef struct devinfo_intr devinfo_intr_t;
 389 #endif  /* _KERNEL */
 391 /*
 392  * Used only by old DDI interrupt interfaces.
 393  */
 395 /*
 396  * This structure represents one interrupt possible from the given
 397  * device. It is used in an array for devices with multiple interrupts.
 398  */
 399 struct intrspec {
 400         uint_t intrspec_pri;            /* interrupt priority */
 401         uint_t intrspec_vec;            /* vector # (0 if none) */
 402         uint_t (*intrspec_func)();      /* function to call for interrupt, */
 403                                         /* If (uint_t (*)()) 0, none. */
 404                                         /* If (uint_t (*)()) 1, then */
 405 };
 407 #ifdef _KERNEL
 409 /*
 410  * Figure out how many FIXED nintrs are supported
 411  */
 412 int     i_ddi_get_intx_nintrs(dev_info_t *dip);
 414 /*
 415  * NOTE:
 416  *      The following 4 busops entry points are obsoleted with version
 417  *      9 or greater. Use i_ddi_intr_op interface in place of these
 418  *      obsolete interfaces.
 419  *
 420  *      Remove these busops entry points and all related data structures
 421  *      in future minor/major solaris release.
 422  */
 423 typedef enum {DDI_INTR_CTLOPS_NONE} ddi_intr_ctlop_t;
 425 /*
 426  * Interrupt get/set affinity functions
 427  */
 428 int     get_intr_affinity(ddi_intr_handle_t h, processorid_t *tgt_p);
 429 int     set_intr_affinity(ddi_intr_handle_t h, processorid_t tgt);
 431 /* The following are obsolete interfaces */
 432 ddi_intrspec_t  i_ddi_get_intrspec(dev_info_t *dip, dev_info_t *rdip,
 433             uint_t inumber);
 435 int     i_ddi_add_intrspec(dev_info_t *dip, dev_info_t *rdip,
 436             ddi_intrspec_t intrspec, ddi_iblock_cookie_t *iblock_cookiep,
 437             ddi_idevice_cookie_t *idevice_cookiep,
 438             uint_t (*int_handler)(caddr_t int_handler_arg),
 439             caddr_t int_handler_arg, int kind);
 441 void    i_ddi_remove_intrspec(dev_info_t *dip, dev_info_t *rdip,
 442             ddi_intrspec_t intrspec, ddi_iblock_cookie_t iblock_cookie);
 444 int     i_ddi_intr_ctlops(dev_info_t *dip, dev_info_t *rdip,
 445             ddi_intr_ctlop_t op, void *arg, void *val);
 447 #endif  /* _KERNEL */
 449 #ifdef  __cplusplus
 450 }
 451 #endif
 453 #endif  /* _SYS_DDI_INTR_IMPL_H */