Code Review for illumos-syneto

Prepared by:Super-User (root) on 2014-Feb-13 20:11 +0200 EET
Workspace:/tank/storage-os/build/illumos-syneto (at 863212ebc79b)
Compare against: origin/syneto (ssh://admin@storage/tank/source-repository/illumos-syneto at ef5f2358dc58)
Summary of changes: 4 lines changed: 3 ins; 0 del; 1 mod; 2615 unchg
Patch of changes: illumos-syneto.patch
Printable review: illumos-syneto.pdf

Cdiffs Udiffs Wdiffs Sdiffs Frames Old New Patch Raw usr/src/tools/scripts/

Nightly can use a different tempdir.
4 lines changed: 3 ins; 0 del; 1 mod; 2615 unchg

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