1 /*
   3  *
   4  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
   5  * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
   6  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   7  *
   8  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
   9  * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
  10  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  11  * and limitations under the License.
  12  *
  13  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  14  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  15  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18  *
  20  */
  22 /*
  23  * Copyright 2016 Nexenta Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  24  * Copyright (c) 1989, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  25  */
  27 /*      Copyright (c) 1984, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 AT&T     */
  28 /*        All Rights Reserved   */
  30 #ifndef _NFS_EXPORT_H
  31 #define _NFS_EXPORT_H
  33 #include <nfs/nfs_sec.h>
  34 #include <nfs/auth.h>
  35 #include <sys/vnode.h>
  36 #include <nfs/nfs4.h>
  37 #include <sys/kiconv.h>
  38 #include <sys/avl.h>
  40 #ifdef  __cplusplus
  41 extern "C" {
  42 #endif
  44 /*
  45  * nfs pseudo flavor number is owned by IANA. Need to make sure the
  46  * Solaris specific NFS_FLAVOR_NOMAP number will not overlap with any
  47  * new IANA defined pseudo flavor numbers. The chance for the overlap
  48  * is very small since the growth of new flavor numbers is expected
  49  * to be limited.
  50  */
  51 #define NFS_FLAVOR_NOMAP        999999  /* no nfs flavor mapping */
  53 /*
  54  * As duplicate flavors can be passed into exportfs in the arguments, we
  55  * allocate a cleaned up array with non duplicate flavors on the stack.
  56  * So we need to know how much to allocate.
  57  */
  58 #define MAX_FLAVORS             6       /* none, sys, dh, krb5, krb5i krb5p */
  60 /*
  61  * Note: exported_lock is currently used to ensure the integrity of
  62  * the secinfo fields.
  63  */
  64 struct secinfo {
  65         seconfig_t      s_secinfo;      /* /etc/nfssec.conf entry */
  66         unsigned int    s_flags;        /* flags (see below) */
  67         int32_t         s_refcnt;       /* reference count for tracking */
  68                                         /* how many children (self included) */
  69                                         /* use this flavor. */
  70         int             s_window;       /* window */
  71         uint_t          s_rootid;       /* UID to use for authorized roots */
  72         int             s_rootcnt;      /* count of root names */
  73         caddr_t         *s_rootnames;   /* array of root names */
  74                                         /* they are strings for AUTH_DES and */
  75                                         /* rpc_gss_principal_t for RPCSEC_GSS */
  76 };
  78 #ifdef _SYSCALL32
  79 struct secinfo32 {
  80         seconfig32_t    s_secinfo;      /* /etc/nfssec.conf entry */
  81         uint32_t        s_flags;        /* flags (see below) */
  82         int32_t         s_refcnt;       /* reference count for tracking */
  83                                         /* how many children (self included) */
  84                                         /* use this flavor. */
  85         int32_t         s_window;       /* window */
  86         uint32_t        s_rootid;       /* UID to use for authorized roots */
  87         int32_t         s_rootcnt;      /* count of root names */
  88         caddr32_t       s_rootnames;    /* array of root names */
  89                                         /* they are strings for AUTH_DES and */
  90                                         /* rpc_gss_principal_t for RPCSEC_GSS */
  91 };
  92 #endif /* _SYSCALL32 */
  94 /*
  95  * security negotiation related
  96  */
  98 #define SEC_QUERY       0x01    /* query sec modes */
 100 struct sec_ol {
 101         int             sec_flags;      /* security nego flags */
 102         uint_t          sec_index;      /* index into sec flavor array */
 103 };
 105 /*
 106  * Per-mode flags (secinfo.s_flags)
 107  */
 108 #define M_RO            0x01    /* exported ro to all */
 109 #define M_ROL           0x02    /* exported ro to all listed */
 110 #define M_RW            0x04    /* exported rw to all */
 111 #define M_RWL           0x08    /* exported ro to all listed */
 112 #define M_ROOT          0x10    /* root list is defined */
 113 #define M_4SEC_EXPORTED 0x20    /* this is an explicitly shared flavor */
 114 #define M_NONE          0x40    /* none list is defined */
 115 #define M_MAP           0x80    /* uidmap and/or gidmap is defined */
 117 /* invalid secinfo reference count */
 118 #define SEC_REF_INVALID(p) ((p)->s_refcnt < 1)
 120 /* last secinfo reference */
 121 #define SEC_REF_LAST(p) ((p)->s_refcnt == 1)
 123 /* sec flavor explicitly shared for the exported node */
 124 #define SEC_REF_EXPORTED(p) ((p)->s_flags & M_4SEC_EXPORTED)
 126 /* the only reference count left is for referring itself */
 127 #define SEC_REF_SELF(p) (SEC_REF_LAST(p) && SEC_REF_EXPORTED(p))
 129 /*
 130  * The export information passed to exportfs() (Version 2)
 131  */
 132 #define EX_CURRENT_VERSION 2    /* current version of exportdata struct */
 134 struct exportdata {
 135         int             ex_version;     /* structure version */
 136         char            *ex_path;       /* exported path */
 137         size_t          ex_pathlen;     /* path length */
 138         int             ex_flags;       /* flags */
 139         unsigned int    ex_anon;        /* uid for unauthenticated requests */
 140         int             ex_seccnt;      /* count of security modes */
 141         struct secinfo  *ex_secinfo;    /* security mode info */
 142         char            *ex_index;      /* index file for public filesystem */
 143         char            *ex_log_buffer; /* path to logging buffer file */
 144         size_t          ex_log_bufferlen;       /* buffer file path len */
 145         char            *ex_tag;        /* tag used to identify log config */
 146         size_t          ex_taglen;      /* tag length */
 147 };
 149 #ifdef _SYSCALL32
 150 struct exportdata32 {
 151         int32_t         ex_version;     /* structure version */
 152         caddr32_t       ex_path;        /* exported path */
 153         int32_t         ex_pathlen;     /* path length */
 154         int32_t         ex_flags;       /* flags */
 155         uint32_t        ex_anon;        /* uid for unauthenticated requests */
 156         int32_t         ex_seccnt;      /* count of security modes */
 157         caddr32_t       ex_secinfo;     /* security mode info */
 158         caddr32_t       ex_index;       /* index file for public filesystem */
 159         caddr32_t       ex_log_buffer;  /* path to logging buffer file */
 160         int32_t         ex_log_bufferlen;       /* buffer file path len */
 161         caddr32_t       ex_tag;         /* tag used to identify log config */
 162         int32_t         ex_taglen;      /* tag length */
 163 };
 164 #endif /* _SYSCALL32 */
 166 /*
 167  * exported vfs flags.
 168  */
 170 #define EX_NOSUID       0x01    /* exported with unsetable set[ug]ids */
 171 #define EX_ACLOK        0x02    /* exported with maximal access if acl exists */
 172 #define EX_PUBLIC       0x04    /* exported with public filehandle */
 173 #define EX_NOSUB        0x08    /* no nfs_getfh or MCL below export point */
 174 #define EX_INDEX        0x10    /* exported with index file specified */
 175 #define EX_LOG          0x20    /* logging enabled */
 176 #define EX_LOG_ALLOPS   0x40    /* logging of all RPC operations enabled */
 177                                 /* by default only operations which affect */
 178                                 /* transaction logging are enabled */
 179 #define EX_PSEUDO       0x80    /* pseudo filesystem export */
 180 #ifdef VOLATILE_FH_TEST
 181 #define EX_VOLFH        0x100   /* XXX nfsv4 fh may expire anytime */
 182 #define EX_VOLRNM       0x200   /* XXX nfsv4 fh expire at rename */
 183 #define EX_VOLMIG       0x400   /* XXX nfsv4 fh expire at migration */
 184 #define EX_NOEXPOPEN    0x800   /* XXX nfsv4 fh no expire with open */
 185 #endif /* VOLATILE_FH_TEST */
 187 #define EX_CHARMAP      0x1000  /* NFS may need a character set conversion */
 188 #define EX_NOACLFAB     0x2000  /* If set, NFSv2 and v3 servers doesn't */
 189                                 /* fabricate ACL for VOP_GETSECATTR OTW call */
 191 #ifdef  _KERNEL
 193 #define RPC_IDEMPOTENT  0x1     /* idempotent or not */
 194 /*
 195  * Be very careful about which NFS procedures get the RPC_ALLOWANON bit.
 196  * Right now, if this bit is on, we ignore the results of per NFS request
 197  * access control.
 198  */
 199 #define RPC_ALLOWANON   0x2     /* allow anonymous access */
 200 #define RPC_MAPRESP     0x4     /* use mapped response buffer */
 201 #define RPC_AVOIDWORK   0x8     /* do work avoidance for dups */
 202 #define RPC_PUBLICFH_OK 0x10    /* allow use of public filehandle */
 204 /*
 205  * RPC_ALL is an or of all above bits to be used with "don't care"
 206  * nfsv4 ops. The flags of an nfsv4 request is the bit-AND of the
 207  * per-op flags.
 208  */
 212 #ifdef VOLATILE_FH_TEST
 213 struct ex_vol_rename {
 214         nfs_fh4_fmt_t vrn_fh_fmt;
 215         struct ex_vol_rename *vrn_next;
 216 };
 217 #endif /* VOLATILE_FH_TEST */
 219 /*
 220  * An auth cache client entry.  This is the umbrella structure and contains all
 221  * related auth_cache entries in the authc_tree AVL tree.
 222  */
 223 struct auth_cache_clnt {
 224         avl_node_t              authc_link;
 225         struct netbuf           authc_addr;     /* address of the client */
 226         krwlock_t               authc_lock;     /* protects authc_tree */
 227         avl_tree_t              authc_tree;     /* auth_cache entries */
 228 };
 230 /*
 231  * An auth cache entry can exist in 6 states.
 232  *
 233  * A NEW entry was recently allocated and added to the cache.  It does not
 234  * contain the valid auth state yet.
 235  *
 236  * A WAITING entry is one which is actively engaging the user land mountd code
 237  * to authenticate or re-authenticate it.  The auth state might not be valid
 238  * yet.  The other threads should wait on auth_cv until the retrieving thread
 239  * finishes the retrieval and changes the auth cache entry to FRESH, or NEW (in
 240  * a case this entry had no valid auth state yet).
 241  *
 242  * A REFRESHING entry is one which is actively engaging the user land mountd
 243  * code to re-authenticate the cache entry.  There is currently no other thread
 244  * waiting for the results of the refresh.
 245  *
 246  * A FRESH entry is one which is valid (it is either newly retrieved or has
 247  * been refreshed at least once).
 248  *
 249  * A STALE entry is one which has been detected to be too old.  The transition
 250  * from FRESH to STALE prevents multiple threads from submitting refresh
 251  * requests.
 252  *
 253  * An INVALID entry is one which was either STALE or REFRESHING and was deleted
 254  * out of the encapsulating exi.  Since we can't delete it yet, we mark it as
 255  * INVALID, which lets the refresh thread know not to work on it and free it
 256  * instead.
 257  *
 258  * Note that the auth state of the entry is valid, even if the entry is STALE.
 259  * Just as you can eat stale bread, you can consume a stale cache entry. The
 260  * only time the contents change could be during the transition from REFRESHING
 261  * or WAITING to FRESH.
 262  *
 263  * Valid state transitions:
 264  *
 265  *          alloc
 266  *            |
 267  *            v
 268  *         +-----+
 269  *    +--->| NEW |------>free
 270  *    |    +-----+
 271  *    |       |
 272  *    |       v
 273  *    |  +---------+
 274  *    +<-| WAITING |
 275  *    ^  +---------+
 276  *    |       |
 277  *    |       v
 278  *    |       +<--------------------------+<---------------+
 279  *    |       |                           ^                |
 280  *    |       v                           |                |
 281  *    |   +-------+    +-------+    +------------+    +---------+
 282  *    +---| FRESH |--->| STALE |--->| REFRESHING |--->| WAITING |
 283  *        +-------+    +-------+    +------------+    +---------+
 284  *            |            |              |
 285  *            |            v              |
 286  *            v       +---------+         |
 287  *          free<-----| INVALID |<--------+
 288  *                    +---------+
 289  */
 290 typedef enum auth_state {
 291         NFS_AUTH_FRESH,
 292         NFS_AUTH_STALE,
 294         NFS_AUTH_INVALID,
 295         NFS_AUTH_NEW,
 296         NFS_AUTH_WAITING
 297 } auth_state_t;
 299 /*
 300  * An authorization cache entry
 301  *
 302  * Either the state in auth_state will protect the
 303  * contents or auth_lock must be held.
 304  */
 305 struct auth_cache {
 306         avl_node_t              auth_link;
 307         struct auth_cache_clnt  *auth_clnt;
 308         int                     auth_flavor;
 309         cred_t                  *auth_clnt_cred;
 310         uid_t                   auth_srv_uid;
 311         gid_t                   auth_srv_gid;
 312         uint_t                  auth_srv_ngids;
 313         gid_t                   *auth_srv_gids;
 314         int                     auth_access;
 315         time_t                  auth_time;
 316         time_t                  auth_freshness;
 317         auth_state_t            auth_state;
 318         kmutex_t                auth_lock;
 319         kcondvar_t              auth_cv;
 320 };
 322 #define AUTH_TABLESIZE  32
 324 /*
 325  * Structure containing log file meta-data.
 326  */
 327 struct log_file {
 328         unsigned int    lf_flags;       /* flags (see below) */
 329         int             lf_writers;     /* outstanding writers */
 330         int             lf_refcnt;      /* references to this struct */
 331         caddr_t         lf_path;        /* buffer file location */
 332         vnode_t         *lf_vp;         /* vnode for the buffer file */
 333         kmutex_t        lf_lock;
 334         kcondvar_t      lf_cv_waiters;
 335 };
 337 /*
 338  * log_file and log_buffer flags.
 339  */
 340 #define L_WAITING       0x01            /* flush of in-core data to stable */
 341                                         /* storage in progress */
 342 #define L_PRINTED       0x02            /* error message printed to console */
 343 #define L_ERROR         0x04            /* error condition detected */
 345 /*
 346  * The logging buffer information.
 347  * This structure may be shared by multiple exportinfo structures,
 348  * if they share the same buffer file.
 349  * This structure contains the basic information about the buffer, such
 350  * as it's location in the filesystem.
 351  *
 352  * 'lb_lock' protects all the fields in this structure except for 'lb_path',
 353  * and 'lb_next'.
 354  * 'lb_path' is a write-once/read-many field which needs no locking, it is
 355  * set before the structure is linked to any exportinfo structure.
 356  * 'lb_next' is protected by the log_buffer_list_lock.
 357  */
 358 struct log_buffer {
 359         unsigned int    lb_flags;       /* L_ONLIST set? */
 360         int             lb_refcnt;      /* references to this struct */
 361         unsigned int    lb_rec_id;      /* used to generate unique id */
 362         caddr_t         lb_path;        /* buffer file pathname */
 363         struct log_file *lb_logfile;    /* points to log_file structure */
 364         kmutex_t        lb_lock;
 365         struct log_buffer       *lb_next;
 366         kcondvar_t      lb_cv_waiters;
 367         caddr_t         lb_records;     /* linked list of records to write */
 368         int             lb_num_recs;    /* # of records to write */
 369         ssize_t         lb_size_queued; /* number of bytes queued for write */
 370 };
 372 #define LOG_BUFFER_HOLD(lbp)    { \
 373         mutex_enter(&(lbp)->lb_lock); \
 374         (lbp)->lb_refcnt++; \
 375         mutex_exit(&(lbp)->lb_lock); \
 376 }
 378 #define LOG_BUFFER_RELE(lbp)    { \
 379         log_buffer_rele(lbp); \
 380 }
 382 /*
 383  * Structure for character set conversion mapping based on client address.
 384  */
 385 struct charset_cache {
 386         struct charset_cache *next;
 387         kiconv_t        inbound;
 388         kiconv_t        outbound;
 389         struct sockaddr client_addr;
 390 };
 392 /* Forward declarations */
 393 struct exportinfo;
 394 struct exp_visible;
 395 struct svc_req;
 397 /*
 398  * Treenodes are used to build tree representing every node which is part
 399  * of nfs server pseudo namespace. They are connected with both exportinfo
 400  * and exp_visible struct. They were introduced to avoid lookup of ".."
 401  * in the underlying file system during unshare, which was failing if the
 402  * file system was forcibly unmounted or if the directory was removed.
 403  * One exp_visible_t can be shared via several treenode_t, i.e.
 404  * different tree_vis can point to the same exp_visible_t.
 405  * This will happen if some directory is on two different shared paths:
 406  * E.g. after share /tmp/a/b1 and share /tmp/a/b2 there will be two treenodes
 407  * corresponding to /tmp/a and both will have same value in tree_vis.
 408  *
 409  *
 410  *
 412  *
 413  * ns_root +---+               +----------+
 414  *         | / |               |PSEUDO EXP|-->+---+   +---+   +---+
 415  *         +---+---------  ----+----------+   | a |-->| k |-->| b |
 416  *          /\                                +---+   +---+   +---+
 417  *         /  \                                .       .       .
 418  *     +---+...\.........  .....................       .       .
 419  *    *| a |    \              +----------+            .       .
 420  *     +---+-----\-------  ----|REAL EXP a|            .       .
 421  *       /        \            +----------+            .       .
 422  *      /        +===+...  .............................       .
 423  *     /        *| k |         +----------+                    .
 424  *    /          +===+---  ----|REAL EXP k|                    .
 425  *   /                         +----------+                    .
 426  *  +===+................  .....................................
 427  * *| b |                      +----------+
 428  *  +===+----------------  ----|REAL EXP b|-->+---+
 429  *     \                       +----------+   | d |
 430  *     +===+.............  ...................+---+
 431  *     | d |                   +----------+
 432  *     +===+-------------  ----|PSEUDO EXP|-->+---+   +---+
 433  *     /                       +----------+   | e |-->| g |
 434  * +---+.................  ...................+---+   +---+
 435  * | e |                                              .
 436  * +---+                                              .
 437  *    \                                               .
 438  *    +---+..............  ............................
 439  *   *| g |                    +----------+
 440  *    +---+--------------  ----|REAL EXP g|
 441  *                             +----------+
 442  *
 443  *
 444  *
 445  * +===+               +---+                    +---+
 446  * | b |..mountpoint   | e |..directory/file   *| a |..node is shared
 447  * +===+  (VROOT)      +---+                    +---+
 448  *
 449  *
 450  * Bi-directional interconnect:
 451  * treenode_t::tree_exi ---------  exportinfo_t::exi_tree
 452  * One-way direction connection:
 453  * treenode_t::tree_vis .........> exp_visible_t
 454  */
 455 /* Access to treenode_t is under protection of exported_lock RW_LOCK */
 456 typedef struct treenode {
 457         /* support for generic n-ary trees */
 458         struct treenode *tree_parent;
 459         struct treenode *tree_child_first;
 460         struct treenode *tree_sibling; /* next sibling */
 461         /* private, nfs specific part */
 462         struct exportinfo  *tree_exi;
 463         struct exp_visible *tree_vis;
 464 } treenode_t;
 466 /*
 467  * TREE_ROOT checks if the node corresponds to a filesystem root
 468  * TREE_EXPORTED checks if the node is explicitly shared
 469  */
 471 #define TREE_ROOT(t) \
 472         ((t)->tree_exi && (t)->tree_exi->exi_vp->v_flag & VROOT)
 474 #define TREE_EXPORTED(t) \
 475         ((t)->tree_exi && !PSEUDO((t)->tree_exi))
 477 /* Root of nfs pseudo namespace */
 478 extern treenode_t *ns_root;
 480 #define EXPTABLESIZE   256
 482 struct exp_hash {
 483         struct exportinfo       *prev;  /* ptr to the previous exportinfo */
 484         struct exportinfo       *next;  /* ptr to the next exportinfo */
 485         struct exportinfo       **bckt; /* backpointer to the hash bucket */
 486 };
 488 /*
 489  * A node associated with an export entry on the
 490  * list of exported filesystems.
 491  *
 492  * exi_count+exi_lock protects an individual exportinfo from being freed
 493  * when in use.
 494  *
 495  * You must have the writer lock on exported_lock to add/delete an exportinfo
 496  * structure to/from the list.
 497  *
 498  * exi_volatile_dev maps to VSW_VOLATILEDEV.  It means that the
 499  * underlying fs devno can change on each mount.  When set, the server
 500  * should not use va_fsid for a GETATTR(FATTR4_FSID) reply.  It must
 501  * use exi_fsid because it is guaranteed to be persistent.  This isn't
 502  * in any way related to NFS4 volatile filehandles.
 503  *
 504  * The exi_cache_lock protects the exi_cache AVL trees.
 505  */
 506 struct exportinfo {
 507         struct exportdata       exi_export;
 508         fsid_t                  exi_fsid;
 509         struct fid              exi_fid;
 510         struct exp_hash         fid_hash;
 511         struct exp_hash         path_hash;
 512         struct treenode         *exi_tree;
 513         fhandle_t               exi_fh;
 514         krwlock_t               exi_cache_lock;
 515         kmutex_t                exi_lock;
 516         uint_t                  exi_count;
 517         vnode_t                 *exi_vp;
 518         vnode_t                 *exi_dvp;
 519         avl_tree_t              *exi_cache[AUTH_TABLESIZE];
 520         struct log_buffer       *exi_logbuffer;
 521         struct exp_visible      *exi_visible;
 522         struct charset_cache    *exi_charset;
 523         unsigned                exi_volatile_dev:1;
 524         unsigned                exi_moved:1;
 525 #ifdef VOLATILE_FH_TEST
 526         uint32_t                exi_volatile_id;
 527         struct ex_vol_rename    *exi_vol_rename;
 528         kmutex_t                exi_vol_rename_lock;
 529 #endif /* VOLATILE_FH_TEST */
 530 };
 532 typedef struct exportinfo exportinfo_t;
 533 typedef struct exportdata exportdata_t;
 534 typedef struct secinfo secinfo_t;
 536 /*
 537  * exp_visible is a visible list per filesystem. It is for filesystems
 538  * that may need a limited view of its contents. A pseudo export and
 539  * a real export at the mount point (VROOT) which has a subtree shared
 540  * has a visible list.
 541  *
 542  * The exi_visible field is NULL for normal, non=pseudo filesystems
 543  * which do not have any subtree exported. If the field is non-null,
 544  * it points to a list of visible entries, identified by vis_fid and/or
 545  * vis_ino. The presence of a "visible" list means that if this export
 546  * can only have a limited view, it can only view the entries in the
 547  * exp_visible list. The directories in the fid list comprise paths that
 548  * lead to exported directories.
 549  *
 550  * The vis_count field records the number of paths in this filesystem
 551  * that use this directory. The vis_exported field is non-zero if the
 552  * entry is an exported directory (leaf node).
 553  *
 554  * exp_visible itself is not reference counted. Each exp_visible is
 555  * referenced twice:
 556  * 1) from treenode::tree_vis
 557  * 2) linked from exportinfo::exi_visible
 558  * The 'owner' of exp_visible is the exportinfo structure. exp_visible should
 559  * be always freed only from exportinfo_t, never from treenode::tree_vis.
 560  */
 562 struct exp_visible {
 563         vnode_t                 *vis_vp;
 564         fid_t                   vis_fid;
 565         u_longlong_t            vis_ino;
 566         int                     vis_count;
 567         int                     vis_exported;
 568         struct exp_visible      *vis_next;
 569         struct secinfo          *vis_secinfo;
 570         int                     vis_seccnt;
 571 };
 572 typedef struct exp_visible exp_visible_t;
 574 #define PSEUDO(exi)     ((exi)->exi_export.ex_flags & EX_PSEUDO)
 575 #define EXP_LINKED(exi) ((exi)->fid_hash.bckt != NULL)
 577 #define EQFSID(fsidp1, fsidp2)  \
 578         (((fsidp1)->val[0] == (fsidp2)->val[0]) && \
 579             ((fsidp1)->val[1] == (fsidp2)->val[1]))
 581 #define EQFID(fidp1, fidp2)     \
 582         ((fidp1)->fid_len == (fidp2)->fid_len && \
 583             bcmp((char *)(fidp1)->fid_data, (char *)(fidp2)->fid_data, \
 584             (uint_t)(fidp1)->fid_len) == 0)
 586 #define exportmatch(exi, fsid, fid)     \
 587         (EQFSID(&(exi)->exi_fsid, (fsid)) && EQFID(&(exi)->exi_fid, (fid)))
 589 /*
 590  * Returns true iff exported filesystem is read-only to the given host.
 591  *
 592  * Note:  this macro should be as fast as possible since it's called
 593  * on each NFS modification request.
 594  */
 595 #define rdonly(ro, vp)  ((ro) || vn_is_readonly(vp))
 596 #define rdonly4(req, cs)  \
 597         (vn_is_readonly((cs)->vp) || \
 598             (nfsauth4_access((cs)->exi, (cs)->vp, (req), (cs)->basecr, NULL, \
 601 extern int      nfsauth4_access(struct exportinfo *, vnode_t *,
 602     struct svc_req *, cred_t *, uid_t *, gid_t *, uint_t *, gid_t **);
 603 extern int      nfsauth4_secinfo_access(struct exportinfo *,
 604     struct svc_req *, int, int, cred_t *);
 605 extern int      nfsauth_cache_clnt_compar(const void *, const void *);
 606 extern int      nfs_fhbcmp(char *, char *, int);
 607 extern int      nfs_exportinit(void);
 608 extern void     nfs_exportfini(void);
 609 extern int      chk_clnt_sec(struct exportinfo *, struct svc_req *);
 610 extern int      makefh(fhandle_t *, struct vnode *, struct exportinfo *);
 611 extern int      makefh_ol(fhandle_t *, struct exportinfo *, uint_t);
 612 extern int      makefh3(nfs_fh3 *, struct vnode *, struct exportinfo *);
 613 extern int      makefh3_ol(nfs_fh3 *, struct exportinfo *, uint_t);
 614 extern vnode_t *nfs_fhtovp(fhandle_t *, struct exportinfo *);
 615 extern vnode_t *nfs3_fhtovp(nfs_fh3 *, struct exportinfo *);
 616 extern struct   exportinfo *checkexport(fsid_t *, struct fid *, vnode_t *);
 617 extern struct   exportinfo *checkexport_nohold(fsid_t *, struct fid *,
 618     vnode_t *);
 619 extern void     exi_hold(struct exportinfo *);
 620 extern void     exi_rele(struct exportinfo *);
 621 extern struct exportinfo *nfs_vptoexi(vnode_t *, vnode_t *, cred_t *, int *,
 622     int *, bool_t);
 623 extern int      nfs_check_vpexi(vnode_t *, vnode_t *, cred_t *,
 624                         struct exportinfo **);
 625 extern void     export_link(struct exportinfo *);
 626 extern void     export_unlink(struct exportinfo *);
 627 extern vnode_t *untraverse(vnode_t *);
 628 extern int      vn_is_nfs_reparse(vnode_t *, cred_t *);
 629 extern int      client_is_downrev(struct svc_req *);
 630 extern char    *build_symlink(vnode_t *, cred_t *, size_t *);
 632 /*
 633  * Functions that handle the NFSv4 server namespace
 634  */
 635 extern exportinfo_t *vis2exi(treenode_t *);
 636 extern int      treeclimb_export(struct exportinfo *);
 637 extern void     treeclimb_unexport(struct exportinfo *);
 638 extern int      nfs_visible(struct exportinfo *, vnode_t *, int *);
 639 extern int      nfs_visible_inode(struct exportinfo *, ino64_t, int *);
 640 extern int      has_visible(struct exportinfo *, vnode_t *);
 641 extern void     free_visible(struct exp_visible *);
 642 extern int      nfs_exported(struct exportinfo *, vnode_t *);
 643 extern struct exportinfo *pseudo_exportfs(vnode_t *, fid_t *,
 644     struct exp_visible *, struct exportdata *);
 645 extern int      vop_fid_pseudo(vnode_t *, fid_t *);
 646 extern int      nfs4_vget_pseudo(struct exportinfo *, vnode_t **, fid_t *);
 647 /*
 648  * Functions that handle the NFSv4 server namespace security flavors
 649  * information.
 650  */
 651 extern void     srv_secinfo_exp2pseu(struct exportdata *, struct exportdata *);
 652 extern void     srv_secinfo_list_free(struct secinfo *, int);
 654 /*
 655  * "public" and default (root) location for public filehandle
 656  */
 657 extern struct exportinfo *exi_public, *exi_root;
 658 extern fhandle_t nullfh2;       /* for comparing V2 filehandles */
 659 extern krwlock_t exported_lock;
 660 extern struct exportinfo *exptable[];
 662 /*
 663  * Two macros for identifying public filehandles.
 664  * A v2 public filehandle is 32 zero bytes.
 665  * A v3 public filehandle is zero length.
 666  */
 667 #define PUBLIC_FH2(fh) \
 668         ((fh)->fh_fsid.val[1] == 0 && \
 669         bcmp((fh), &nullfh2, sizeof (fhandle_t)) == 0)
 671 #define PUBLIC_FH3(fh) \
 672         ((fh)->fh3_length == 0)
 674 extern int      makefh4(nfs_fh4 *, struct vnode *, struct exportinfo *);
 675 extern vnode_t *nfs4_fhtovp(nfs_fh4 *, struct exportinfo *, nfsstat4 *);
 677 #endif /* _KERNEL */
 679 #ifdef  __cplusplus
 680 }
 681 #endif
 683 #endif  /* _NFS_EXPORT_H */