Print this page
4795 /usr/bin/ld manpage and help should indicate '-soname' not '--soname'

  73 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_CBG    "\t[-B group]\trelocate object from within group\n"
  74 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_CBL    "\t[-B local]\treduce unqualified global symbols to \
  75                          local\n"
  76 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_CBR    "\t[-B reduce]\tprocess symbol reductions\n"
  77 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_CBS    "\t[-B symbolic]\tbind external references to \
  78                          definitions when creating\n\
  79                          \t\t\tshared objects\n"
  80 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_C      "\t[-c name]\trecord configuration file 'name'\n"
  81 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_CC     "\t[-C]\t\tdemangle C++ symbol name diagnostics\n"
  82 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_D      "\t[-d y | n]\toperate in dynamic|static mode\n"
  83 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_CD     "\t[-D token,...]\tprint diagnostic messages\n"
  84 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_E      "\t[-e epsym], [--entry epsym]\n\
  85                          \t\t\tuse 'epsym' as entry point address\n"
  86 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_F      "\t[-f name], [--auxiliary name]\n\
  87                          \t\t\tspecify library for which this file is an \
  88                          auxiliary\n\t\t\tfilter\n"
  89 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_CF     "\t[-F name], [--filter name]\n\
  90                          \t\t\tspecify library for which this file is a filter\n"
  91 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_CG     "\t[-G], [-shared]\n\
  92                          \t\t\tcreate a shared object\n"
  93 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_H      "\t[-h name], [--soname name]\n\
  94                          \t\t\tuse 'name' as internal shared object identifier\n"
  95 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_I      "\t[-i]\t\tignore LD_LIBRARY_PATH setting\n"
  96 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_CI     "\t[-I name]\tuse 'name' as path of interpreter\n"
  97 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_L      "\t[-l x], [--library x]\n\
  98                          \t\t\tsearch for or libx.a\n"
  99 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_CL     "\t[-L path], [--library-path path]\n\
 100                          \t\t\tsearch for libraries in directory 'path'\n"
 101 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_M      "\t[-m]\t\tprint memory map\n"
 102 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_CM     "\t[-M mapfile]\tuse processing directives contained \
 103                          in 'mapfile'\n"
 104 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_CN     "\t[-N string]\tcreate a dynamic dependency for \
 105                          'string'\n"
 106 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_O      "\t[-o outfile], [--output outfile]\n\
 107                          \t\t\tname the output file 'outfile'\n"
 108 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_P      "\t[-p auditlib]\tidentify audit library to accompany \
 109                          this object\n"
 110 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_CP     "\t[-P auditlib]\tidentify audit library for \
 111                          processing the dependencies\n\
 112                          \t\t\tof this object\n"
 113 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_CQ     "\t[-Q y | n]\tdo|do not place version information in \

 943 @ MSG_ARG_AR_GRP_OLAP   "%s cannot be nested"
 944 @ MSG_ARG_AR_GRP_BAD    "%s used without corresponding %s"
 947 # Messages used to refer to options where there is more than
 948 # one name accepted.
 950 @ MSG_MARG_AR_GRPS      "archive rescan groups \
 951                          (-z rescan-start, -(, --start-group)"
 952 @ MSG_MARG_AR_GRP_END   "archive rescan group end option \
 953                          (-z rescan-end, -), --end-group)"
 954 @ MSG_MARG_AR_GRP_START "archive rescan group start option \
 955                          (-z rescan-start, -(, --start-group)"
 956 @ MSG_MARG_ENTRY        "entry point option (-e, --entry)"
 957 @ MSG_MARG_FILTER_AUX   "auxiliary filter option (-f, --auxiliary)"
 958 @ MSG_MARG_FILTER       "filter option (-F, --filter)"
 959 @ MSG_MARG_OUTFILE      "output object option (-o, --output)"
 960 @ MSG_MARG_REL          "relocatable object option (-r, --relocatable)"
 961 @ MSG_MARG_RPATH        "runpath option (-R, -rpath)"
 962 @ MSG_MARG_SO           "shared object option (-G, -shared)"
 963 @ MSG_MARG_SONAME       "soname option (-h, --soname)"
 964 @ MSG_MARG_STRIP        "strip option (-s, --strip-all)"
 966 # Entrance criteria messages
 968 @ MSG_ENT_MAP_FMT_TIL_1 "\t\t%s\n\n"
 971 #
 972 # TRANSLATION_NOTE -- Entry map header
 973 #
 974 # The next message is a format string for a title. The title is composed of
 975 # two lines. In C locale, it would look like:
 976 #
 977 #       output          input           new
 978 #       section         section         displacement    size
 979 #
 980 # The \t characters are used for alignment.  (output section), (input section),
 981 # and (new displacement) have to be aligned.
 982 #
 983 @ MSG_ENT_MAP_FMT_TIL_2 "\n%s\t\t%s\t\t%s\n%s\t\t%s\t\t%s\t%s\n\n"

  73 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_CBG    "\t[-B group]\trelocate object from within group\n"
  74 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_CBL    "\t[-B local]\treduce unqualified global symbols to \
  75                          local\n"
  76 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_CBR    "\t[-B reduce]\tprocess symbol reductions\n"
  77 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_CBS    "\t[-B symbolic]\tbind external references to \
  78                          definitions when creating\n\
  79                          \t\t\tshared objects\n"
  80 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_C      "\t[-c name]\trecord configuration file 'name'\n"
  81 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_CC     "\t[-C]\t\tdemangle C++ symbol name diagnostics\n"
  82 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_D      "\t[-d y | n]\toperate in dynamic|static mode\n"
  83 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_CD     "\t[-D token,...]\tprint diagnostic messages\n"
  84 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_E      "\t[-e epsym], [--entry epsym]\n\
  85                          \t\t\tuse 'epsym' as entry point address\n"
  86 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_F      "\t[-f name], [--auxiliary name]\n\
  87                          \t\t\tspecify library for which this file is an \
  88                          auxiliary\n\t\t\tfilter\n"
  89 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_CF     "\t[-F name], [--filter name]\n\
  90                          \t\t\tspecify library for which this file is a filter\n"
  91 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_CG     "\t[-G], [-shared]\n\
  92                          \t\t\tcreate a shared object\n"
  93 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_H      "\t[-h name], [-soname name]\n\
  94                          \t\t\tuse 'name' as internal shared object identifier\n"
  95 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_I      "\t[-i]\t\tignore LD_LIBRARY_PATH setting\n"
  96 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_CI     "\t[-I name]\tuse 'name' as path of interpreter\n"
  97 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_L      "\t[-l x], [--library x]\n\
  98                          \t\t\tsearch for or libx.a\n"
  99 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_CL     "\t[-L path], [--library-path path]\n\
 100                          \t\t\tsearch for libraries in directory 'path'\n"
 101 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_M      "\t[-m]\t\tprint memory map\n"
 102 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_CM     "\t[-M mapfile]\tuse processing directives contained \
 103                          in 'mapfile'\n"
 104 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_CN     "\t[-N string]\tcreate a dynamic dependency for \
 105                          'string'\n"
 106 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_O      "\t[-o outfile], [--output outfile]\n\
 107                          \t\t\tname the output file 'outfile'\n"
 108 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_P      "\t[-p auditlib]\tidentify audit library to accompany \
 109                          this object\n"
 110 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_CP     "\t[-P auditlib]\tidentify audit library for \
 111                          processing the dependencies\n\
 112                          \t\t\tof this object\n"
 113 @ MSG_ARG_DETAIL_CQ     "\t[-Q y | n]\tdo|do not place version information in \

 943 @ MSG_ARG_AR_GRP_OLAP   "%s cannot be nested"
 944 @ MSG_ARG_AR_GRP_BAD    "%s used without corresponding %s"
 947 # Messages used to refer to options where there is more than
 948 # one name accepted.
 950 @ MSG_MARG_AR_GRPS      "archive rescan groups \
 951                          (-z rescan-start, -(, --start-group)"
 952 @ MSG_MARG_AR_GRP_END   "archive rescan group end option \
 953                          (-z rescan-end, -), --end-group)"
 954 @ MSG_MARG_AR_GRP_START "archive rescan group start option \
 955                          (-z rescan-start, -(, --start-group)"
 956 @ MSG_MARG_ENTRY        "entry point option (-e, --entry)"
 957 @ MSG_MARG_FILTER_AUX   "auxiliary filter option (-f, --auxiliary)"
 958 @ MSG_MARG_FILTER       "filter option (-F, --filter)"
 959 @ MSG_MARG_OUTFILE      "output object option (-o, --output)"
 960 @ MSG_MARG_REL          "relocatable object option (-r, --relocatable)"
 961 @ MSG_MARG_RPATH        "runpath option (-R, -rpath)"
 962 @ MSG_MARG_SO           "shared object option (-G, -shared)"
 963 @ MSG_MARG_SONAME       "soname option (-h, -soname)"
 964 @ MSG_MARG_STRIP        "strip option (-s, --strip-all)"
 966 # Entrance criteria messages
 968 @ MSG_ENT_MAP_FMT_TIL_1 "\t\t%s\n\n"
 971 #
 972 # TRANSLATION_NOTE -- Entry map header
 973 #
 974 # The next message is a format string for a title. The title is composed of
 975 # two lines. In C locale, it would look like:
 976 #
 977 #       output          input           new
 978 #       section         section         displacement    size
 979 #
 980 # The \t characters are used for alignment.  (output section), (input section),
 981 # and (new displacement) have to be aligned.
 982 #
 983 @ MSG_ENT_MAP_FMT_TIL_2 "\n%s\t\t%s\t\t%s\n%s\t\t%s\t\t%s\t%s\n\n"