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4471 DTrace count() with histogram
4472 DTrace full width distribution histograms
4473 DTrace frequency trails
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#define DTRACE_A_PERCPU 0x0001
#define DTRACE_A_KEEPDELTA 0x0002
#define DTRACE_A_ANONYMOUS 0x0004
+ #define DTRACE_A_TOTAL 0x0008
+ #define DTRACE_A_MINMAXBIN 0x0010
+ #define DTRACE_A_HASNEGATIVES 0x0020
+ #define DTRACE_A_HASPOSITIVES 0x0040
+ #define DTRACE_AGGZOOM_MAX 0.95 /* height of max bar */
#define DTRACE_AGGWALK_ERROR -1 /* error while processing */
#define DTRACE_AGGWALK_NEXT 0 /* proceed to next element */
#define DTRACE_AGGWALK_ABORT 1 /* abort aggregation walk */
#define DTRACE_AGGWALK_CLEAR 2 /* clear this element */
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uint64_t dtada_normal; /* the normal -- 1 for denorm */
size_t dtada_size; /* total size of the data */
caddr_t dtada_delta; /* delta data, if available */
caddr_t *dtada_percpu; /* per CPU data, if avail */
caddr_t *dtada_percpu_delta; /* per CPU delta, if avail */
+ int64_t dtada_total; /* per agg total, if avail */
+ uint16_t dtada_minbin; /* minimum bin, if avail */
+ uint16_t dtada_maxbin; /* maximum bin, if avail */
+ uint32_t dtada_flags; /* flags */
typedef int dtrace_aggregate_f(const dtrace_aggdata_t *, void *);
typedef int dtrace_aggregate_walk_f(dtrace_hdl_t *,
dtrace_aggregate_f *, void *);