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2915 DTrace in a zone should see "cpu", "curpsinfo", et al
2916 DTrace in a zone should be able to access fds[]
2917 DTrace in a zone should have limited provider access
Reviewed by: Joshua M. Clulow <>
Reviewed by: Adam Leventhal <>

  81 STRFUNC(dirname("/var/crash/systemtap"))
  82 STRFUNC(cleanpath("/var/crash/systemtap"))
  83 STRFUNC(strchr("The SystemTap, The.", 't'))
  84 STRFUNC(strrchr("The SystemTap, The.", 't'))
  85 STRFUNC(strstr("The SystemTap, The.", "The"))
  86 STRFUNC(strtok("The SystemTap, The.", "T"))
  87 STRFUNC(substr("The SystemTap, The.", 0))
  88 INTFUNC(index("The SystemTap, The.", "The"))
  89 INTFUNC(rindex("The SystemTap, The.", "The"))
  90 INTFUNC(htons(0x1234))
  91 INTFUNC(htonl(0x12345678))
  92 INTFUNC(htonll(0x1234567890abcdefL))
  93 INTFUNC(ntohs(0x1234))
  94 INTFUNC(ntohl(0x12345678))
  95 INTFUNC(ntohll(0x1234567890abcdefL))
  96 STRFUNC(inet_ntoa((ipaddr_t *)alloca(sizeof (ipaddr_t))))
  97 STRFUNC(inet_ntoa6((in6_addr_t *)alloca(sizeof (in6_addr_t))))
  98 STRFUNC(inet_ntop(AF_INET, (void *)alloca(sizeof (ipaddr_t))))
  99 STRFUNC(toupper("foo"))
 100 STRFUNC(tolower("BAR"))

 102 BEGIN
 103 /subr == DIF_SUBR_MAX + 1/
 104 {
 105         exit(0);
 106 }
 108 BEGIN
 109 {
 110         printf("found %d subroutines, expected %d\n", subr, DIF_SUBR_MAX + 1);
 111         exit(1);
 112 }

  81 STRFUNC(dirname("/var/crash/systemtap"))
  82 STRFUNC(cleanpath("/var/crash/systemtap"))
  83 STRFUNC(strchr("The SystemTap, The.", 't'))
  84 STRFUNC(strrchr("The SystemTap, The.", 't'))
  85 STRFUNC(strstr("The SystemTap, The.", "The"))
  86 STRFUNC(strtok("The SystemTap, The.", "T"))
  87 STRFUNC(substr("The SystemTap, The.", 0))
  88 INTFUNC(index("The SystemTap, The.", "The"))
  89 INTFUNC(rindex("The SystemTap, The.", "The"))
  90 INTFUNC(htons(0x1234))
  91 INTFUNC(htonl(0x12345678))
  92 INTFUNC(htonll(0x1234567890abcdefL))
  93 INTFUNC(ntohs(0x1234))
  94 INTFUNC(ntohl(0x12345678))
  95 INTFUNC(ntohll(0x1234567890abcdefL))
  96 STRFUNC(inet_ntoa((ipaddr_t *)alloca(sizeof (ipaddr_t))))
  97 STRFUNC(inet_ntoa6((in6_addr_t *)alloca(sizeof (in6_addr_t))))
  98 STRFUNC(inet_ntop(AF_INET, (void *)alloca(sizeof (ipaddr_t))))
  99 STRFUNC(toupper("foo"))
 100 STRFUNC(tolower("BAR"))
 101 INTFUNC(getf(0))
 103 BEGIN
 104 /subr == DIF_SUBR_MAX + 1/
 105 {
 106         exit(0);
 107 }
 109 BEGIN
 110 {
 111         printf("found %d subroutines, expected %d\n", subr, DIF_SUBR_MAX + 1);
 112         exit(1);
 113 }