Print this page
make: use the more modern wchar routines, not widec.h

 214         wchar_t                 *name_p;
 215         Name                    alias;
 217         /*
 218          * To avoid recursive search through VPATH when exists(alias) is called
 219          */
 220         vpath_defined = false;
 222         Wstring wcb(getvar(vpath_name));
 223         Wstring wcb1(target);
 225         vpath = wcb.get_string();
 227         while (*vpath != (int) nul_char) {
 228                 name_p = file_name;
 229                 while ((*vpath != (int) colon_char) &&
 230                        (*vpath != (int) nul_char)) {
 231                         *name_p++ = *vpath++;
 232                 }
 233                 *name_p++ = (int) slash_char;
 234                 (void) wscpy(name_p, wcb1.get_string());
 235                 alias = GETNAME(file_name, FIND_LENGTH);
 236                 if (exists(alias) != file_doesnt_exist) {
 237                         target->stat.is_file = true;
 238                         target->stat.mode = alias->stat.mode;
 239                         target->stat.size = alias->stat.size;
 240                         target->stat.is_dir = alias->stat.is_dir;
 241                         target->stat.time = alias->stat.time;
 242                         maybe_append_prop(target, vpath_alias_prop)->
 243                                                 body.vpath_alias.alias = alias;
 244                         target->has_vpath_alias_prop = true;
 245                         vpath_defined = true;
 246                         return alias->stat.time;
 247                 }
 248                 while ((*vpath != (int) nul_char) &&
 249                        ((*vpath == (int) colon_char) || iswspace(*vpath))) {
 250                         vpath++;
 251                 }
 252         }
 253         /*
 254          * Restore vpath_defined

 307         Wstring vps;
 309         /* A directory is only read once unless we need to expand wildcards. */
 310         if (pattern == NULL) {
 311                 if (dir->has_read_dir) {
 312                         return 0;
 313                 }
 314                 dir->has_read_dir = true;
 315         }
 316         /* Check if VPATH is active and setup list if it is. */
 317         if (vpath_defined && (dir == dot)) {
 318                 vps.init(getvar(vpath_name));
 319                 vpath = vps.get_string();
 320         }
 322         /*
 323          * Prepare the string where we build the full name of the
 324          * files in the directory.
 325          */
 326         if ((dir->hash.length > 1) || (wcb.get_string()[0] != (int) period_char)) {
 327                 (void) wscpy(file_name, wcb.get_string());
 328                 MBSTOWCS(wcs_buffer, "/");
 329                 (void) wscat(file_name, wcs_buffer);
 330                 file_name_p = file_name + wslen(file_name);
 331         }
 333         /* Open the directory. */
 334 vpath_loop:
 335         dir_fd = opendir(dir->string_mb);
 336         if (dir_fd == NULL) {
 337                 return 0;
 338         }
 340         /* Read all the directory entries. */
 341         while ((dp = readdir(dir_fd)) != NULL) {
 342                 /* We ignore "." and ".." */
 343                 if ((dp->d_fileno == 0) ||
 344                     ((dp->d_name[0] == (int) period_char) &&
 345                      ((dp->d_name[1] == 0) ||
 346                       ((dp->d_name[1] == (int) period_char) &&
 347                        (dp->d_name[2] == 0))))) {
 348                         continue;
 349                 }
 350                 /*
 351                  * Build the full name of the file using whatever
 352                  * path supplied to the function.
 353                  */
 354                 MBSTOWCS(tmp_wcs_buffer, dp->d_name);
 355                 (void) wscpy(file_name_p, tmp_wcs_buffer);
 356                 file = enter_file_name(file_name, library);
 357                 if ((pattern != NULL) && amatch(tmp_wcs_buffer, pattern)) {
 358                         /*
 359                          * If we are expanding a wildcard pattern, we
 360                          * enter the file as a dependency for the target.
 361                          */
 362                         if (debug_level > 0){
 363                                 WCSTOMBS(mbs_buffer, pattern);
 364                                 (void) printf(gettext("'%s: %s' due to %s expansion\n"),
 365                                               line->>string_mb,
 366                                               file->string_mb,
 367                                               mbs_buffer);
 368                         }
 369                         enter_dependency(line, file, false);
 370                         result++;
 371                 } else {
 372                         /*
 373                          * If the file has an SCCS/s. file,
 374                          * we will detect that later on.
 375                          */
 376                         file->stat.has_sccs = NO_SCCS;
 377                 /*
 378                  * If this is an s. file, we also enter it as if it
 379                  * existed in the plain directory.
 380                  */
 381                 if ((dp->d_name[0] == 's') &&
 382                     (dp->d_name[1] == (int) period_char)) {
 384                         MBSTOWCS(tmp_wcs_buffer, dp->d_name + 2);
 385                         plain_file_name_p = plain_file_name;
 386                         (void) wscpy(plain_file_name_p, tmp_wcs_buffer);
 387                         plain_file = GETNAME(plain_file_name, FIND_LENGTH);
 388                         plain_file->stat.is_file = true;
 389                         plain_file->stat.has_sccs = HAS_SCCS;
 390                         /*
 391                          * Enter the s. file as a dependency for the
 392                          * plain file.
 393                          */
 394                         maybe_append_prop(plain_file, sccs_prop)->
 395                           body.sccs.file = file;
 396                         MBSTOWCS(tmp_wcs_buffer, dp->d_name + 2);
 397                         if ((pattern != NULL) &&
 398                             amatch(tmp_wcs_buffer, pattern)) {
 399                                 if (debug_level > 0) {
 400                                         WCSTOMBS(mbs_buffer, pattern);
 401                                         (void) printf(gettext("'%s: %s' due to %s expansion\n"),
 402                                                       line->>
 403                                                       string_mb,
 404                                                       plain_file->string_mb,
 405                                                       mbs_buffer);
 406                                 }

 419                 p = vpath;
 420                 while ((*vpath != (int) colon_char) &&
 421                        (*vpath != (int) nul_char)) {
 422                         vpath++;
 423                 }
 424                 if (vpath > p) {
 425                         dir = GETNAME(p, vpath - p);
 426                         goto vpath_loop;
 427                 }
 428         }
 429 /*
 430  * look into SCCS directory only if it's not svr4. For svr4 dont do that.
 431  */
 433 /*
 434  * Now read the SCCS directory.
 435  * Files in the SCSC directory are considered to be part of the set of
 436  * files in the plain directory. They are also entered in their own right.
 437  * Prepare the string where we build the true name of the SCCS files.
 438  */
 439         (void) wsncpy(plain_file_name,
 440                       file_name,
 441                       file_name_p - file_name);
 442         plain_file_name[file_name_p - file_name] = 0;
 443         plain_file_name_p = plain_file_name + wslen(plain_file_name);
 445         if(!svr4) {
 447           if (sccs_dir_path != NULL) {
 448                 wchar_t         tmp_wchar;
 449                 wchar_t         path[MAXPATHLEN];
 450                 char            mb_path[MAXPATHLEN];
 452                 if (file_name_p - file_name > 0) {
 453                         tmp_wchar = *file_name_p;
 454                         *file_name_p = 0;
 455                         WCSTOMBS(mbs_buffer, file_name);
 456                         (void) sprintf(mb_path, "%s/%s/SCCS",
 457                                         sccs_dir_path,
 458                                         mbs_buffer);
 459                         *file_name_p = tmp_wchar;
 460                 } else {
 461                         (void) sprintf(mb_path, "%s/SCCS", sccs_dir_path);
 462                 }
 463                 MBSTOWCS(path, mb_path);
 464                 (void) wscpy(file_name, path);
 465           } else {
 466                 MBSTOWCS(wcs_buffer, "SCCS");
 467                 (void) wscpy(file_name_p, wcs_buffer);
 468           }
 469         } else {
 470                 MBSTOWCS(wcs_buffer, ".");
 471                 (void) wscpy(file_name_p, wcs_buffer);
 472         }
 473         /* Internalize the constructed SCCS dir name. */
 474         (void) exists(dir = GETNAME(file_name, FIND_LENGTH));
 475         /* Just give up if the directory file doesnt exist. */
 476         if (!dir->stat.is_file) {
 477                 return result;
 478         }
 479         /* Open the directory. */
 480         dir_fd = opendir(dir->string_mb);
 481         if (dir_fd == NULL) {
 482                 return result;
 483         }
 484         MBSTOWCS(wcs_buffer, "/");
 485         (void) wscat(file_name, wcs_buffer);
 486         file_name_p = file_name + wslen(file_name);
 488         while ((dp = readdir(dir_fd)) != NULL) {
 489                 if ((dp->d_fileno == 0) ||
 490                     ((dp->d_name[0] == (int) period_char) &&
 491                      ((dp->d_name[1] == 0) ||
 492                       ((dp->d_name[1] == (int) period_char) &&
 493                        (dp->d_name[2] == 0))))) {
 494                         continue;
 495                 }
 496                 /* Construct and internalize the true name of the SCCS file. */
 497                 MBSTOWCS(wcs_buffer, dp->d_name);
 498                 (void) wscpy(file_name_p, wcs_buffer);
 499                 file = GETNAME(file_name, FIND_LENGTH);
 500                 file->stat.is_file = true;
 501                 file->stat.has_sccs = NO_SCCS;
 502                 /*
 503                  * If this is an s. file, we also enter it as if it
 504                  * existed in the plain directory.
 505                  */
 506                 if ((dp->d_name[0] == 's') &&
 507                     (dp->d_name[1] == (int) period_char)) {
 509                         MBSTOWCS(wcs_buffer, dp->d_name + 2);
 510                         (void) wscpy(plain_file_name_p, wcs_buffer);
 511                         plain_file = GETNAME(plain_file_name, FIND_LENGTH);
 512                         plain_file->stat.is_file = true;
 513                         plain_file->stat.has_sccs = HAS_SCCS;
 514                                 /* if sccs dependency is already set,skip */
 515                         if(plain_file->prop) {
 516                                 Property sprop = get_prop(plain_file->prop,sccs_prop);
 517                                 if(sprop != NULL) {
 518                                         if (sprop->body.sccs.file) {
 519                                                 goto try_pattern;
 520                                         }
 521                                 }
 522                         }
 524                         /*
 525                          * Enter the s. file as a dependency for the
 526                          * plain file.
 527                          */
 528                         maybe_append_prop(plain_file, sccs_prop)->
 529                           body.sccs.file = file;
 530 try_pattern:

 214         wchar_t                 *name_p;
 215         Name                    alias;
 217         /*
 218          * To avoid recursive search through VPATH when exists(alias) is called
 219          */
 220         vpath_defined = false;
 222         Wstring wcb(getvar(vpath_name));
 223         Wstring wcb1(target);
 225         vpath = wcb.get_string();
 227         while (*vpath != (int) nul_char) {
 228                 name_p = file_name;
 229                 while ((*vpath != (int) colon_char) &&
 230                        (*vpath != (int) nul_char)) {
 231                         *name_p++ = *vpath++;
 232                 }
 233                 *name_p++ = (int) slash_char;
 234                 (void) wcscpy(name_p, wcb1.get_string());
 235                 alias = GETNAME(file_name, FIND_LENGTH);
 236                 if (exists(alias) != file_doesnt_exist) {
 237                         target->stat.is_file = true;
 238                         target->stat.mode = alias->stat.mode;
 239                         target->stat.size = alias->stat.size;
 240                         target->stat.is_dir = alias->stat.is_dir;
 241                         target->stat.time = alias->stat.time;
 242                         maybe_append_prop(target, vpath_alias_prop)->
 243                                                 body.vpath_alias.alias = alias;
 244                         target->has_vpath_alias_prop = true;
 245                         vpath_defined = true;
 246                         return alias->stat.time;
 247                 }
 248                 while ((*vpath != (int) nul_char) &&
 249                        ((*vpath == (int) colon_char) || iswspace(*vpath))) {
 250                         vpath++;
 251                 }
 252         }
 253         /*
 254          * Restore vpath_defined

 307         Wstring vps;
 309         /* A directory is only read once unless we need to expand wildcards. */
 310         if (pattern == NULL) {
 311                 if (dir->has_read_dir) {
 312                         return 0;
 313                 }
 314                 dir->has_read_dir = true;
 315         }
 316         /* Check if VPATH is active and setup list if it is. */
 317         if (vpath_defined && (dir == dot)) {
 318                 vps.init(getvar(vpath_name));
 319                 vpath = vps.get_string();
 320         }
 322         /*
 323          * Prepare the string where we build the full name of the
 324          * files in the directory.
 325          */
 326         if ((dir->hash.length > 1) || (wcb.get_string()[0] != (int) period_char)) {
 327                 (void) wcscpy(file_name, wcb.get_string());
 328                 MBSTOWCS(wcs_buffer, "/");
 329                 (void) wcscat(file_name, wcs_buffer);
 330                 file_name_p = file_name + wcslen(file_name);
 331         }
 333         /* Open the directory. */
 334 vpath_loop:
 335         dir_fd = opendir(dir->string_mb);
 336         if (dir_fd == NULL) {
 337                 return 0;
 338         }
 340         /* Read all the directory entries. */
 341         while ((dp = readdir(dir_fd)) != NULL) {
 342                 /* We ignore "." and ".." */
 343                 if ((dp->d_fileno == 0) ||
 344                     ((dp->d_name[0] == (int) period_char) &&
 345                      ((dp->d_name[1] == 0) ||
 346                       ((dp->d_name[1] == (int) period_char) &&
 347                        (dp->d_name[2] == 0))))) {
 348                         continue;
 349                 }
 350                 /*
 351                  * Build the full name of the file using whatever
 352                  * path supplied to the function.
 353                  */
 354                 MBSTOWCS(tmp_wcs_buffer, dp->d_name);
 355                 (void) wcscpy(file_name_p, tmp_wcs_buffer);
 356                 file = enter_file_name(file_name, library);
 357                 if ((pattern != NULL) && amatch(tmp_wcs_buffer, pattern)) {
 358                         /*
 359                          * If we are expanding a wildcard pattern, we
 360                          * enter the file as a dependency for the target.
 361                          */
 362                         if (debug_level > 0){
 363                                 WCSTOMBS(mbs_buffer, pattern);
 364                                 (void) printf(gettext("'%s: %s' due to %s expansion\n"),
 365                                               line->>string_mb,
 366                                               file->string_mb,
 367                                               mbs_buffer);
 368                         }
 369                         enter_dependency(line, file, false);
 370                         result++;
 371                 } else {
 372                         /*
 373                          * If the file has an SCCS/s. file,
 374                          * we will detect that later on.
 375                          */
 376                         file->stat.has_sccs = NO_SCCS;
 377                 /*
 378                  * If this is an s. file, we also enter it as if it
 379                  * existed in the plain directory.
 380                  */
 381                 if ((dp->d_name[0] == 's') &&
 382                     (dp->d_name[1] == (int) period_char)) {
 384                         MBSTOWCS(tmp_wcs_buffer, dp->d_name + 2);
 385                         plain_file_name_p = plain_file_name;
 386                         (void) wcscpy(plain_file_name_p, tmp_wcs_buffer);
 387                         plain_file = GETNAME(plain_file_name, FIND_LENGTH);
 388                         plain_file->stat.is_file = true;
 389                         plain_file->stat.has_sccs = HAS_SCCS;
 390                         /*
 391                          * Enter the s. file as a dependency for the
 392                          * plain file.
 393                          */
 394                         maybe_append_prop(plain_file, sccs_prop)->
 395                           body.sccs.file = file;
 396                         MBSTOWCS(tmp_wcs_buffer, dp->d_name + 2);
 397                         if ((pattern != NULL) &&
 398                             amatch(tmp_wcs_buffer, pattern)) {
 399                                 if (debug_level > 0) {
 400                                         WCSTOMBS(mbs_buffer, pattern);
 401                                         (void) printf(gettext("'%s: %s' due to %s expansion\n"),
 402                                                       line->>
 403                                                       string_mb,
 404                                                       plain_file->string_mb,
 405                                                       mbs_buffer);
 406                                 }

 419                 p = vpath;
 420                 while ((*vpath != (int) colon_char) &&
 421                        (*vpath != (int) nul_char)) {
 422                         vpath++;
 423                 }
 424                 if (vpath > p) {
 425                         dir = GETNAME(p, vpath - p);
 426                         goto vpath_loop;
 427                 }
 428         }
 429 /*
 430  * look into SCCS directory only if it's not svr4. For svr4 dont do that.
 431  */
 433 /*
 434  * Now read the SCCS directory.
 435  * Files in the SCSC directory are considered to be part of the set of
 436  * files in the plain directory. They are also entered in their own right.
 437  * Prepare the string where we build the true name of the SCCS files.
 438  */
 439         (void) wcsncpy(plain_file_name,
 440                       file_name,
 441                       file_name_p - file_name);
 442         plain_file_name[file_name_p - file_name] = 0;
 443         plain_file_name_p = plain_file_name + wcslen(plain_file_name);
 445         if(!svr4) {
 447           if (sccs_dir_path != NULL) {
 448                 wchar_t         tmp_wchar;
 449                 wchar_t         path[MAXPATHLEN];
 450                 char            mb_path[MAXPATHLEN];
 452                 if (file_name_p - file_name > 0) {
 453                         tmp_wchar = *file_name_p;
 454                         *file_name_p = 0;
 455                         WCSTOMBS(mbs_buffer, file_name);
 456                         (void) sprintf(mb_path, "%s/%s/SCCS",
 457                                         sccs_dir_path,
 458                                         mbs_buffer);
 459                         *file_name_p = tmp_wchar;
 460                 } else {
 461                         (void) sprintf(mb_path, "%s/SCCS", sccs_dir_path);
 462                 }
 463                 MBSTOWCS(path, mb_path);
 464                 (void) wcscpy(file_name, path);
 465           } else {
 466                 MBSTOWCS(wcs_buffer, "SCCS");
 467                 (void) wcscpy(file_name_p, wcs_buffer);
 468           }
 469         } else {
 470                 MBSTOWCS(wcs_buffer, ".");
 471                 (void) wcscpy(file_name_p, wcs_buffer);
 472         }
 473         /* Internalize the constructed SCCS dir name. */
 474         (void) exists(dir = GETNAME(file_name, FIND_LENGTH));
 475         /* Just give up if the directory file doesnt exist. */
 476         if (!dir->stat.is_file) {
 477                 return result;
 478         }
 479         /* Open the directory. */
 480         dir_fd = opendir(dir->string_mb);
 481         if (dir_fd == NULL) {
 482                 return result;
 483         }
 484         MBSTOWCS(wcs_buffer, "/");
 485         (void) wcscat(file_name, wcs_buffer);
 486         file_name_p = file_name + wcslen(file_name);
 488         while ((dp = readdir(dir_fd)) != NULL) {
 489                 if ((dp->d_fileno == 0) ||
 490                     ((dp->d_name[0] == (int) period_char) &&
 491                      ((dp->d_name[1] == 0) ||
 492                       ((dp->d_name[1] == (int) period_char) &&
 493                        (dp->d_name[2] == 0))))) {
 494                         continue;
 495                 }
 496                 /* Construct and internalize the true name of the SCCS file. */
 497                 MBSTOWCS(wcs_buffer, dp->d_name);
 498                 (void) wcscpy(file_name_p, wcs_buffer);
 499                 file = GETNAME(file_name, FIND_LENGTH);
 500                 file->stat.is_file = true;
 501                 file->stat.has_sccs = NO_SCCS;
 502                 /*
 503                  * If this is an s. file, we also enter it as if it
 504                  * existed in the plain directory.
 505                  */
 506                 if ((dp->d_name[0] == 's') &&
 507                     (dp->d_name[1] == (int) period_char)) {
 509                         MBSTOWCS(wcs_buffer, dp->d_name + 2);
 510                         (void) wcscpy(plain_file_name_p, wcs_buffer);
 511                         plain_file = GETNAME(plain_file_name, FIND_LENGTH);
 512                         plain_file->stat.is_file = true;
 513                         plain_file->stat.has_sccs = HAS_SCCS;
 514                                 /* if sccs dependency is already set,skip */
 515                         if(plain_file->prop) {
 516                                 Property sprop = get_prop(plain_file->prop,sccs_prop);
 517                                 if(sprop != NULL) {
 518                                         if (sprop->body.sccs.file) {
 519                                                 goto try_pattern;
 520                                         }
 521                                 }
 522                         }
 524                         /*
 525                          * Enter the s. file as a dependency for the
 526                          * plain file.
 527                          */
 528                         maybe_append_prop(plain_file, sccs_prop)->
 529                           body.sccs.file = file;
 530 try_pattern: