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make: remove a bunch of unused and mis-licensed code from history
@@ -738,207 +738,6 @@
append_string(macro_list->value, buffer, FIND_LENGTH);
append_char((int) dollar_char, buffer);
- * Copyright (c) 1987-1992 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- * Sun considers its source code as an unpublished, proprietary
- * trade secret, and it is available only under strict license
- * provisions. This copyright notice is placed here only to protect
- * Sun in the event the source is deemed a published work. Dissassembly,
- * decompilation, or other means of reducing the object code to human
- * readable form is prohibited by the license agreement under which
- * this code is provided to the user or company in possession of this
- * copy.
- * RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the
- * Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph
- * (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software
- * clause at DFARS 52.227-7013 and in similar clauses in the FAR and
- * NASA FAR Supplement.
- *
- * 1.3 91/09/30
- */
-/* Some includes are commented because of the includes at the beginning */
-/* #include <signal.h> */
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/param.h>
-/* #include <string.h> */
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-/* #include <stdio.h> */
-/* #include <avo/find_dir.h> */
-#include <avo/find_dir.h>
-#endif */
-/* Routines to find the base directory name from which the various components
- * -executables, *crt* libraries etc will be accessed
- */
-/* This routine checks to see if a given filename is an executable or not.
- Logically similar to the csh statement : if ( -x $i && ! -d $i )
- */
-static int
-check_if_exec(char *file)
- struct stat stb;
- if (stat(file, &stb) < 0) {
- return ( -1);
- }
- if (S_ISDIR(stb.st_mode)) {
- return (-1);
- }
- if (!(stb.st_mode & S_IEXEC)) {
- return ( -1);
- }
- return (0);
-/* resolve - check for specified file in specified directory
- * sets up dir, following symlinks.
- * returns zero for success, or
- * -1 for error (with errno set properly)
- */
-static int
-resolve (const char *indir, /* search directory */
- const char *cmd, /* search for name */
- char *dir, /* directory buffer */
- char **run) /* resultion name ptr ptr */
- char *p;
- int rv = -1;
- int sll;
- char symlink[MAXPATHLEN + 1];
- do {
- if ((strlen (indir) + strlen (cmd) + 2) > (size_t) MAXPATHLEN)
- break;
- sprintf(dir, "%s/%s", indir, cmd);
- if (check_if_exec(dir) != 0) /* check if dir is an executable */
- {
- break; /* Not an executable program */
- }
- /* follow symbolic links */
- while ((sll = readlink (dir, symlink, MAXPATHLEN)) >= 0) {
- symlink[sll] = 0;
- if (*symlink == '/')
- strcpy (dir, symlink);
- else
- sprintf (strrchr (dir, '/'), "/%s", symlink);
- }
- if (errno != EINVAL)
- break;
- p = strrchr (dir, '/');
- *p++ = 0;
- if (run) /* user wants resolution name */
- *run = p;
- rv = 0; /* complete, with success! */
- } while (0);
- return rv;
- *find_run_directory - find executable file in PATH
- *
- * cmd filename as typed by user (argv[0])
- * cwd buffer from which is read the working directory
- * if first character is '/' or into which is
- * copied working directory name otherwise
- * dir buffer into which is copied program's directory
- * pgm where to return pointer to tail of cmd (may be NULL
- * if not wanted)
- * run where to return pointer to tail of final resolved
- * name ( dir/run is the program) (may be NULL
- * if not wanted)
- * path user's path from environment
- *
- * Note: run and pgm will agree except when symbolic links have
- * renamed files
- *
- * returns zero for success,
- * -1 for error (with errno set properly).
- *
- * find_run_directory (argv[0], ".", &charray1, (char **) 0, (char **) 0,
- * getenv(NOGETTEXT("PATH")));
- */
-extern int
-find_run_directory (char *cmd,
- char *cwd,
- char *dir,
- char **pgm,
- char **run,
- char *path)
- int rv = 0;
- char *f, *s;
- int i;
- char tmp_path[MAXPATHLEN];
- if (!cmd || !*cmd || !cwd || !dir) {
- errno = EINVAL; /* stupid arguments! */
- return -1;
- }
- if (*cwd != '/')
- if (!(getcwd (cwd, MAXPATHLEN)))
- return -1; /* can not get working directory */
- f = strrchr (cmd, '/');
- if (pgm) /* user wants program name */
- *pgm = f ? f + 1 : cmd;
- /* get program directory */
- rv = -1;
- if (*cmd == '/') /* absname given */
- rv = resolve ("", cmd + 1, dir, run);
- else if (f) /* relname given */
- rv = resolve (cwd, cmd, dir, run);
- else { /* from searchpath */
- if (!path || !*path) { /* if missing or null path */
- tmp_path[0] = '.'; /* assume sanity */
- tmp_path[1] = '\0';
- } else {
- strcpy(tmp_path, path);
- }
- f = tmp_path;
- rv = -1;
- errno = ENOENT; /* errno gets this if path empty */
- while (*f && (rv < 0)) {
- s = f;
- while (*f && (*f != ':'))
- ++f;
- if (*f)
- *f++ = 0;
- if (*s == '/')
- rv = resolve (s, cmd, dir, run);
- else {
- char abuf[MAXPATHLEN];
- sprintf (abuf, "%s/%s", cwd, s);
- rv = resolve (abuf, cmd, dir, run);
- }
- }
- }
- /* Remove any trailing /. */
- i = strlen(dir);
- if ( dir[i-2] == '/' && dir[i-1] == '.') {
- dir[i-2] = '\0';
- }
- return rv;