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make: unifdef for MAKETOOL and DISTRIBUTED (undefined)

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          --- old/usr/src/cmd/make/bin/
          +++ new/usr/src/cmd/make/bin/
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  53   53   * Global variables used by make
  54   54   */
  55   55          Boolean         allrules_read=false;
  56   56          Name            posix_name;
  57   57          Name            svr4_name;
  58   58          Boolean         sdot_target;    /* used to identify s.m(/M)akefile */
  59   59          Boolean         all_parallel;                   /* TEAMWARE_MAKE_CMN */
  60   60          Boolean         assign_done;
  61   61          int foo;        
  62   62          Boolean         build_failed_seen;
  63      -#ifdef DISTRIBUTED
  64      -        Boolean         building_serial;
  65      -#endif
  66   63          Name            built_last_make_run;
  67   64          Name            c_at;
  68      -#ifdef DISTRIBUTED
  69      -        Boolean         called_make = false;
  70      -#endif
  71   65          Boolean         cleanup;
  72   66          Boolean         close_report;
  73   67          Boolean         command_changed;
  74   68          Boolean         commands_done;
  75   69          Chain           conditional_targets;
  76   70          Name            conditionals;
  77   71          Boolean         continue_after_error;           /* `-k' */
  78   72          Property        current_line;
  79   73          Name            current_make_version;
  80   74          Name            current_target;
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