Print this page
make: unifdef for SGE (undefined)
*** 51,63 ****
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
- #ifdef SGE_SUPPORT
- #include <dmthread/Avo_PathNames.h>
- #endif
* Defined macros
--- 51,60 ----
*** 864,897 ****
stderr_file = strdup(mbstring);
- #ifdef SGE_SUPPORT
- if (grid) {
- static char *dir4gridscripts = NULL;
- static char *hostName = NULL;
- if (dir4gridscripts == NULL) {
- Name dmakeOdir_name, dmakeOdir_value;
- Property prop;
- dmakeOdir_name = GETNAME(wcs_buffer, FIND_LENGTH);
- if (((prop = get_prop(dmakeOdir_name->prop, macro_prop)) != NULL) &&
- ((dmakeOdir_value = prop->body.macro.value) != NULL)) {
- dir4gridscripts = dmakeOdir_value->string_mb;
- }
- dir4gridscripts = Avo_PathNames::pathname_output_directory(dir4gridscripts);
- hostName = Avo_PathNames::pathname_local_host();
- }
- (void) sprintf(script_file,
- NOCATGETS("%s/dmake.script.%s.%d.%d.XXXXXX"),
- dir4gridscripts,
- hostName,
- getpid(),
- file_number++);
- }
- #endif /* SGE_SUPPORT */
process_running = run_rule_commands(local_host, commands);
return build_running;
--- 861,870 ----
*** 2048,2083 ****
* This function replaces the makesh binary.
- #ifdef SGE_SUPPORT
- #define DO_CHECK(f) if (f <= 0) { \
- fprintf(stderr, \
- catgets(catd, 1, 347, "Could not write to file: %s: %s\n"), \
- script_file, errmsg(errno)); \
- _exit(1); \
- }
- #endif /* SGE_SUPPORT */
static pid_t
run_rule_commands(char *host, char **commands)
Boolean always_exec;
Name command;
Boolean ignore;
int length;
Doname result;
Boolean silent_flag;
- #ifdef SGE_SUPPORT
- wchar_t *wcmd, *tmp_wcs_buffer = NULL;
- char *cmd, *tmp_mbs_buffer = NULL;
- FILE *scrfp;
- Name shell = getvar(shell_name);
- #else
wchar_t *tmp_wcs_buffer;
- #endif /* SGE_SUPPORT */
childPid = fork();
switch (childPid) {
case -1: /* Error */
fatal(catgets(catd, 1, 337, "Could not fork child process for dmake job: %s"),
--- 2021,2041 ----
*** 2093,2116 ****
redirect_io(stdout_file, stderr_file);
redirect_io(stdout_file, (char*)NULL);
- #ifdef SGE_SUPPORT
- if (grid) {
- int fdes = mkstemp(script_file);
- if ((fdes < 0) || (scrfp = fdopen(fdes, "w")) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- catgets(catd, 1, 341, "Could not create file: %s: %s\n"),
- script_file, errmsg(errno));
- _exit(1);
- }
- if (IS_EQUAL(shell->string_mb, "")) {
- shell = shell_name;
- }
- }
- #endif /* SGE_SUPPORT */
for (commands = commands;
(*commands != (char *)NULL);
commands++) {
silent_flag = silent;
ignore = false;
--- 2051,2060 ----
*** 2127,2213 ****
if (**commands == (int) plus_char) {
always_exec = true;
- #ifdef SGE_SUPPORT
- if (grid) {
- if ((length = strlen(*commands)) >= MAXPATHLEN / 2) {
- wcmd = tmp_wcs_buffer = ALLOC_WC(length * 2 + 1);
- (void) mbstowcs(tmp_wcs_buffer, *commands, length * 2 + 1);
- } else {
- MBSTOWCS(wcs_buffer, *commands);
- wcmd = wcs_buffer;
- cmd = mbs_buffer;
- }
- wchar_t *from = wcmd + wslen(wcmd);
- wchar_t *to = from + (from - wcmd);
- *to = (int) nul_char;
- while (from > wcmd) {
- *--to = *--from;
- if (*from == (int) newline_char) { // newline symbols are already quoted
- *--to = *--from;
- } else if (wschr(char_semantics_char, *from)) {
- *--to = (int) backslash_char;
- }
- }
- if (length >= MAXPATHLEN*MB_LEN_MAX/2) { // sizeof(mbs_buffer) / 2
- cmd = tmp_mbs_buffer = getmem((length * MB_LEN_MAX * 2) + 1);
- (void) wcstombs(tmp_mbs_buffer, to, (length * MB_LEN_MAX * 2) + 1);
- } else {
- WCSTOMBS(mbs_buffer, to);
- cmd = mbs_buffer;
- }
- char *mbst, *mbend;
- if ((length > 0) &&
- !silent_flag) {
- for (mbst = cmd; (mbend = strstr(mbst, "\\\n")) != NULL; mbst = mbend + 2) {
- *mbend = '\0';
- DO_CHECK(fprintf(scrfp, NOCATGETS("/usr/bin/printf '%%s\\n' %s\\\\\n"), mbst));
- *mbend = '\\';
- }
- DO_CHECK(fprintf(scrfp, NOCATGETS("/usr/bin/printf '%%s\\n' %s\n"), mbst));
- }
- if (!do_not_exec_rule ||
- !working_on_targets ||
- always_exec) {
- DO_CHECK(fprintf(scrfp, NOCATGETS("%s -ce %s\n"), shell->string_mb, cmd));
- DO_CHECK(fputs(NOCATGETS("__DMAKECMDEXITSTAT=$?\nif [ ${__DMAKECMDEXITSTAT} -ne 0 ]; then\n"), scrfp));
- if (ignore) {
- DO_CHECK(fprintf(scrfp, NOCATGETS("\techo %s ${__DMAKECMDEXITSTAT} %s\n"),
- catgets(catd, 1, 343, "\"*** Error code"),
- catgets(catd, 1, 344, "(ignored)\"")));
- } else {
- DO_CHECK(fprintf(scrfp, NOCATGETS("\techo %s ${__DMAKECMDEXITSTAT}\n"),
- catgets(catd, 1, 342, "\"*** Error code\"")));
- }
- if (silent_flag) {
- DO_CHECK(fprintf(scrfp, NOCATGETS("\techo %s\n"),
- catgets(catd, 1, 345, "The following command caused the error:")));
- for (mbst = cmd; (mbend = strstr(mbst, "\\\n")) != NULL; mbst = mbend + 2) {
- *mbend = '\0';
- DO_CHECK(fprintf(scrfp, NOCATGETS("\t/usr/bin/printf '%%s\\n' %s\\\\\n"), mbst));
- *mbend = '\\';
- }
- DO_CHECK(fprintf(scrfp, NOCATGETS("\t/usr/bin/printf '%%s\\n' %s\n"), mbst));
- }
- if (!ignore) {
- DO_CHECK(fputs(NOCATGETS("\texit ${__DMAKECMDEXITSTAT}\n"), scrfp));
- }
- DO_CHECK(fputs(NOCATGETS("fi\n"), scrfp));
- }
- if (tmp_wcs_buffer) {
- retmem_mb(tmp_mbs_buffer);
- tmp_mbs_buffer = NULL;
- }
- if (tmp_wcs_buffer) {
- retmem(tmp_wcs_buffer);
- tmp_wcs_buffer = NULL;
- }
- continue;
- }
- #endif /* SGE_SUPPORT */
if ((length = strlen(*commands)) >= MAXPATHLEN) {
tmp_wcs_buffer = ALLOC_WC(length + 1);
(void) mbstowcs(tmp_wcs_buffer, *commands, length + 1);
command = GETNAME(tmp_wcs_buffer, FIND_LENGTH);
--- 2071,2080 ----
*** 2234,2357 ****
if (!ignore) {
- #ifndef SGE_SUPPORT
- _exit(0);
- #else
- if (!grid) {
- }
- DO_CHECK(fputs(NOCATGETS("exit 0\n"), scrfp));
- if (fclose(scrfp) != 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- catgets(catd, 1, 346, "Could not close file: %s: %s\n"),
- script_file, errmsg(errno));
- _exit(1);
- }
- {
- static char *sge_env_var = NULL;
- static int qrsh_tries_number = DEFAULT_QRSH_TRIES_NUMBER;
- static int qrsh_timeout = DEFAULT_QRSH_TIMEOUT;
- #define SGE_DEBUG
- #ifdef SGE_DEBUG
- static Boolean do_not_remove = false;
- #endif /* SGE_DEBUG */
- if (sge_env_var == NULL) {
- sge_env_var = getenv(NOCATGETS("__SPRO_DMAKE_SGE_TRIES"));
- if (sge_env_var != NULL) {
- qrsh_tries_number = atoi(sge_env_var);
- if (qrsh_tries_number < 1 || qrsh_tries_number > 9) {
- qrsh_tries_number = DEFAULT_QRSH_TRIES_NUMBER;
- }
- }
- sge_env_var = getenv(NOCATGETS("__SPRO_DMAKE_SGE_TIMEOUT"));
- if (sge_env_var != NULL) {
- qrsh_timeout = atoi(sge_env_var);
- if (qrsh_timeout <= 0) {
- qrsh_timeout = DEFAULT_QRSH_TIMEOUT;
- }
- } else {
- sge_env_var = "";
- }
- #ifdef SGE_DEBUG
- sge_env_var = getenv(NOCATGETS("__SPRO_DMAKE_SGE_DEBUG"));
- if (sge_env_var == NULL) {
- sge_env_var = "";
- }
- if (strstr(sge_env_var, NOCATGETS("noqrsh")) != NULL)
- qrsh_tries_number = 0;
- if (strstr(sge_env_var, NOCATGETS("donotremove")) != NULL)
- do_not_remove = true;
- #endif /* SGE_DEBUG */
- }
- for (int i = qrsh_tries_number; ; i--)
- if ((childPid = fork()) < 0) {
- fatal(catgets(catd, 1, 348, "Could not fork child process for qrsh job: %s"),
- errmsg(errno));
- _exit(1);
- } else if (childPid == 0) {
- enable_interrupt((void (*) (int))SIG_DFL);
- if (i > 0) {
- static char qrsh_cmd[50+MAXPATHLEN] = NOCATGETS("qrsh -cwd -V -noshell -nostdin /bin/sh ");
- static char *fname_ptr = NULL;
- static char *argv[] = { NOCATGETS("sh"),
- NOCATGETS("-fce"),
- qrsh_cmd,
- NULL};
- if (fname_ptr == NULL) {
- fname_ptr = qrsh_cmd + strlen(qrsh_cmd);
- }
- strcpy(fname_ptr, script_file);
- (void) execve(NOCATGETS("/bin/sh"), argv, environ);
- } else {
- static char *argv[] = { NOCATGETS("sh"),
- script_file,
- NULL};
- (void) execve(NOCATGETS("/bin/sh"), argv, environ);
- }
- fprintf(stderr,
- catgets(catd, 1, 349, "Could not load `qrsh': %s\n"),
- errmsg(errno));
- _exit(1);
- } else {
- int status;
- pid_t pid;
- while ((pid = wait(&status)) != childPid) {
- if (pid == -1) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- catgets(catd, 1, 350, "wait() failed: %s\n"),
- errmsg(errno));
- _exit(1);
- }
- }
- if (status != 0 && i > 0) {
- if (i > 1) {
- sleep(qrsh_timeout);
- }
- continue;
- }
- #ifdef SGE_DEBUG
- if (do_not_remove) {
- if (status) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- NOCATGETS("SGE script failed: %s\n"),
- script_file);
- }
- _exit(status ? 1 : 0);
- }
- #endif /* SGE_DEBUG */
- (void) unlink(script_file);
- _exit(status ? 1 : 0);
- }
- }
- #endif /* SGE_SUPPORT */
return childPid;
--- 2101,2111 ----