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smf: switch to a tri-state for process-security properties true=on,false=off,nil=default
*** 76,95 ****
System default security-flags are configured via properties on the
\fBsvc:/system/process-security\fR service, which contains a boolean property
per-flag in the \fBdefault\fR, \fBlower\fR and \fBupper\fR, property groups.
! For example, to enable ASLR by default you would execute the following
! commands:
.in +2
# svccfg -s svc:/system/process-security setprop default/aslr = true
.in -2
This can be done by any user with the \fBsolaris.smf.value.process-security\fR
Since security-flags are strictly inherited, this will not take effect until
the system or zone is next booted.
--- 76,105 ----
System default security-flags are configured via properties on the
\fBsvc:/system/process-security\fR service, which contains a boolean property
per-flag in the \fBdefault\fR, \fBlower\fR and \fBupper\fR, property groups.
! The value indicates the setting of the flag, flags with no value take their
! defaults. For example, to enable ASLR by default you would execute the
! following commands:
.in +2
# svccfg -s svc:/system/process-security setprop default/aslr = true
.in -2
+ To restore the setting to the defaults you would execute:
+ .sp
+ .in +2
+ .nf
+ # svccfg -s svc:/system/process-security delpropvalue default/aslr true
+ .fi
+ .in -2
+ .sp
+ .P
This can be done by any user with the \fBsolaris.smf.value.process-security\fR
Since security-flags are strictly inherited, this will not take effect until
the system or zone is next booted.