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don't pass in lint libraries which no longer exist

@@ -40,11 +40,14 @@
 # we don't want to lint the sources for OTHOBJS since they are pre-existing files
 # that are not lint free.
 lintcheck := SRCS = $(LIBSRCS)
 LIBS =          $(DYNLIB)
-LDLIBS +=       -lshare -lnsl -lscf -lumem -lc -lxml2
+LDLIBS +=       -lshare -lnsl -lscf -lumem -lc
+# libxml2 has no lint library, so we can only use it when building
+$(DYNLIB) := LDLIBS += -lxml2
 #add nfs/lib directory as part of the include path
 CERRWARN +=     -_gcc=-Wno-parentheses
 CERRWARN +=     -_gcc=-Wno-switch