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don't pass in lint libraries which no longer exist
gag lint errors that stem from lint libraries that the omnios build system does not build

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          --- old/usr/src/cmd/isns/isnsadm/Makefile
          +++ new/usr/src/cmd/isns/isnsadm/Makefile
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  22   22  # Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  23   23  # Use is subject to license terms.
  24   24  #
  25   25  
  26   26  PROG = isnsadm
  27   27  SRCS = cmdparse.c isnsadm.c isnsadm_msg.c
  28   28  OBJS = $(SRCS:%.c=%.o)
  29   29  
  30   30  include ../../Makefile.cmd
  31   31  
  32      -LDLIBS += -lxml2 -lscf -lc
       32 +LDLIBS += -lscf -lc
  33   33  CFLAGS += $(CCVERBOSE)
  34   34  CPPFLAGS += -I. -I$(ADJUNCT_PROTO)/usr/include/libxml2 -I../isnsd
  35   35  POFILE = isnsadm_all.po
  36   36  POFILES = $(OBJS:%.o=%.po)
  37   37  
       38 +# libxml2 has no lint library, so we can only include this while building
       39 +$(PROG) := LDLIBS += -lxml2
       40 +
  38   41  LINTFLAGS += -xerroff=E_BAD_FORMAT_STR2
       42 +LINTFLAGS += -erroff=E_NAME_USED_NOT_DEF2
  39   43  
  40   44  CERRWARN += -_gcc=-Wno-parentheses
  41   45  CERRWARN += -_gcc=-Wno-uninitialized
  42   46  
  43   47  .KEEP_STATE:
  44   48  
  45   49  all: $(PROG)
  46   50  
  47   51  clean:
  48   52          $(RM) $(OBJS) $(PROG)
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