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lib: move compat links from targetdirs to proper makefiles

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          --- old/usr/src/lib/nsswitch/nis/
          +++ new/usr/src/lib/nsswitch/nis/
↓ open down ↓ 46 lines elided ↑ open up ↑
  47   47                  getuserattr.o           \
  48   48                  netmasks.o              \
  49   49                  nis_common.o
  50   50  
  51   51  # include common nsswitch library definitions.
  52   52  include         ../../
  53   53  
  54   54  # install this library in the root filesystem
  55   55  include ../../../Makefile.rootfs
  56   56  
       57 +DYNLIB1 =$(VERS)
       58 +
       59 +COMPATLINKS=    /usr/lib/$(DYNLIB1)
       60 +COMPATLINKS64=  /usr/lib/$(MACH64)/$(DYNLIB1)
       61 +
       62 +$(ROOT)/usr/lib/$(DYNLIB1) := COMPATLINKTARGET=../../lib/$(DYNLIB1)
       63 +$(ROOT)/usr/lib/$(MACH64)/$(DYNLIB1):= \
       64 +        COMPATLINKTARGET=../../../lib/$(MACH64)/$(DYNLIB1)
       65 +
  57   66  LINTFLAGS +=    -erroff=E_GLOBAL_COULD_BE_STATIC2
  58   67  LINTFLAGS64 +=  -erroff=E_GLOBAL_COULD_BE_STATIC2
  59   68  
  60   69  LDLIBS +=       -lnsl
  61      -DYNLIB1 =$(VERS)
       70 +