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9899 cw(1onbld) should shadow more compilation
9888 cw shouldn't use __unused

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          --- old/usr/src/tools/cw/
          +++ new/usr/src/tools/cw/
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  57   57               such that a style of sun may use the flag -_cc= and a style of
  58   58               gnu may use the flag -_gcc=, and when the -C option is given and
  59   59               C++ is in use the style of sun may use the flag -_CC= and the
  60   60               style of gnu may use the flag -_g++=.
  61   61  
  63   63       If --shadow compilers are specified cw will invoke each shadow compiler,
  64   64       with the outputs modified (as well as any translation for compiler style)
  65   65       as follows:
  66   66  
  67      -     1.   If neither of -c, -S appears in the argument list (that is, linking
  68      -          is attempted or only the pre-processor is invoked), the shadow
  69      -          compilers will not be invoked.
       67 +     1.   If cw is invoked to link-edit without compilation (the input files
       68 +          are all objects), the shadow compiler is not invoked.
  70   69  
  71   70       2.   If the -o filename option was provided, with or without a separating
  72   71            space, it will be replaced with -o tempfile
  73   72  
  74   73       3.   If the option -o was not provided, -o tempfile will be added to the
  75   74            end of the argument list used to invoke the shadow compilers.
  76   75       When shadow compilation is in effect, cw writes to standard error each
  77   76       compiler's standard error output following its argument list.  Messages
  78   77       from the compilers will not be interleaved.  If cw is used to invoke the
  79   78       preprocessor and no output location is specified, cw will write to
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