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9852 enable ld(1) guidance and deflib assertions for the illumos build

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          --- old/usr/src/cmd/ypcmd/Makefile
          +++ new/usr/src/cmd/ypcmd/Makefile
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  53   53  ROOTDIRS =      $(ROOT) $(ROOTUSR) $(ROOTLIB) $(ROOTETC) $(ROOTVAR) \
  54   54                  $(NETSVC) $(NETYP) $(ROOTVAR_YP) $(ROOTBINDING) \
  55   55                  $(ROOTUSRSBIN) $(ROOTBIN)
  56   56  
  57   57  $(LNSLPROG) :=  LDLIBS += -lnsl
  58   58  $(NIS2LDAPPROG) := LDLIBS += -lc -lnsl -lnisdb
  59   59  stdethers :=    LDLIBS += -lsocket
  60   60  makedbm :=      MAPFILES = $(MAPFILE.INT) $(MAPFILE.NGB)
  61   61  makedbm :=      LDFLAGS += $(MAPFILES:%=-M%)
  62   62  
       63 +# These things link with libnisdb, and thus are 'C++', but are otherwise
       64 +# entirely C.  A result of this is they probably don't _actually_ use the C++
       65 +# runtime, but may in future (depending on compiler implementation)
       66 +#
       67 +# Give up.
       68 +ypxfr :=        ZGUIDANCE= -zguidance=nounused
       69 +ypxfrd :=       ZGUIDANCE= -zguidance=nounused
       70 +ypserv :=       ZGUIDANCE= -zguidance=nounused
       71 +
       72 +$(__SUNC)ypxfr :=       ADJUNCT_LIBS =
       73 +$(__SUNC)ypxfrd :=      ADJUNCT_LIBS =
       74 +$(__SUNC)ypserv :=      ADJUNCT_LIBS =
       75 +
  63   76  $(ROOTVAR_YP)/aliases :=        FILEMODE=555
  64   77  
  65   78  YPFILES = Makefile aliases nicknames updaters
  66   79  ETCFILES =  publickey
  69   82  
  70   83  TXTS=   $(ETCFILES:%=net_files/%) $(YPFILES:%=net_files/%)
  71   84  SUBDIRS = yppasswd mknetid revnetgroup ypupdated yp2lscripts
  72   85  
  73   86  YPBINDOBJ= yp_b_svc.o yp_b_subr.o rpc_bootstrap.o getlist.o
  74   87  #
  75      -# Some sort of obsolete idea of common files which are only now used by a 
       88 +# Some sort of obsolete idea of common files which are only now used by a
  76   89  # few minor utilities
  77   90  #
  78      -COMMONOBJ= getlist.o yp_getalias.o 
       91 +COMMONOBJ= getlist.o yp_getalias.o
  79   92  
  80   93  #
  81   94  # Objects shared between all the major components
  82   95  #
  83   96  SHARED_DIR= ./shared
  84   97  SHAREDOBJ= $(SHARED_DIR)/utils.o $(SHARED_DIR)/lockmap.o $(SHARED_DIR)/ancil.o
  85   98  SHARESRC = $(SHAREOBJ:.o=.c)
  86   99  
  87  100  YPXFROBJ = ypxfr.o ypxfrd_client.o ypxfrd_xdr.o
  88  101  YPMATOBJ = ypmatch.o nick.o
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 120  133  YPSERVSRC =     $(YPSERVOBJ:.o=.c)
 121  134  
 122  135  YPPUSHSRC =     $(YPPUSHOBJ:.o=.c)
 123  136  
 124  137  YPXFRDSRC =     $(YPXFRDOBJ:.o=.c)
 125  138  
 126  139  YPMASTERSRC =   $(YPMASTEROBJ:.o=.c)
 127  140  
 128  141  YPALLSRC =      $(YPALLOBJ:.o=.c)
 129  142  
 130      -COMMONSRC =     $(COMMONOBJ:.o=.c)
      143 +COMMONSRC =     $(COMMONOBJ:.o=.c)
 131  144  
 132  145  #COMMONCLNTSRC =        $(COMMONCLNTOBJ:.o=.c)
 133  146  
 134  147  SRCS = $(BINSRC) $(SBINSRC) $(NETYPSRC) \
 135  148          $(COMMONSRC) $(SHAREDSRC)
 136  149  
 137      -CLEANFILES =    ypxfrd.h ypxfrd_xdr.c 
      150 +CLEANFILES =    ypxfrd.h ypxfrd_xdr.c
 138  151  
 139  152  IBINPROG=               $(BINPROG:%=$(ROOTBIN)/%)
 140  153  ISBINPROG=              $(SBINPROG:%=$(ROOTUSRSBIN)/%)
 141  154  INETYPPROG=             $(NETYPPROG:%=$(NETYP)/%)
 142      -INIS2LDAPPROG =         $(NIS2LDAPPROG:%=$(NETYP)/%)
      155 +INIS2LDAPPROG =         $(NIS2LDAPPROG:%=$(NETYP)/%)
 143  156  
 144  157  NIS2LDAPINC =           -I$(SRC)/lib/libnisdb/yptol
 145  158  
 146  159  CERRWARN +=     -_gcc=-Wno-implicit-function-declaration
 147  160  CERRWARN +=     -_gcc=-Wno-parentheses
 148  161  CERRWARN +=     -_gcc=-Wno-unused-variable
 149  162  CERRWARN +=     -_gcc=-Wno-uninitialized
 150  163  CERRWARN +=     -_gcc=-Wno-switch
 151  164  CERRWARN +=     -_gcc=-Wno-extra
 152  165  CERRWARN +=     -_gcc=-Wno-unused-label
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 170  183  NETYP =         $(NETSVC)/yp
 171  184  
 172  185  
 173  186  all:=           TARGET= all
 174  187  install:=       TARGET= install
 175  188  clean:=         TARGET= clean
 176  189  clobber:=       TARGET= clobber
 177  190  lint:=          TARGET= lint
 178  191  cstyle :=       TARGET= cstyle
 179  192  
 180      -all: $(SHAREDOBJ) $(SUBDIRS) $(PROG) $(TXTS) 
      193 +all: $(SHAREDOBJ) $(SUBDIRS) $(PROG) $(TXTS)
 181  194  
 182  195  # install rules
 183  196  $(ROOTVAR_YP)/% \
 184  197  $(ROOTETC)/%: net_files/%
 185  198          $(INS.file)
 186  199  
 187  200  $(ROOTVAR_YP)/% : net_files/%
 188  201          $(INS.file)
 189  202  
 190  203  $(NETYP)/%: %
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