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9128 cw(1onbld) should be able to run multiple shadows
9129 file-locking tests shouldn't build multiple source files in one compiler invocation
9130 DTrace tst.gcc.d isn't useful
9132 cw(1onbld) shouldn't shadow pure preprocessing
Reviewed by: Toomas Soome <>
Reviewed? by: Yuri Pankov <>
Reviewed? by: Robert Mustacchi <>
Reviewed? by: Jason King <>

*** 37,58 **** CFLAGS += $(CCVERBOSE) # Override CFLAGS. This is needed only for bootstrap of cw. $(__GNUC)CFLAGS= -O -D__sun -Wall -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Werror \ ! -std=gnu89 -nodefaultlibs $(__SUNC)CFLAGS= -xspace -Xa -xildoff -errtags=yes -errwarn=%all \ ! -xc99=%none -W0,-xglobalstatic -v $(__GNUC)LDLIBS += -lc $(__GNUC)LDFLAGS= $(MAPFILE.NES:%=-Wl,-M%) - CPPFLAGS += -DDEFAULT_CC_DIR='"$(SPRO_VROOT)/bin"' - CPPFLAGS += -DDEFAULT_GCC_DIR='"$(GCC_ROOT)/bin"' - CPPFLAGS += -DDEFAULT_CPLUSPLUS_DIR='"$(SPRO_VROOT)/bin"' - CPPFLAGS += -DDEFAULT_GPLUSPLUS_DIR='"$(GCC_ROOT)/bin"' $(ROOTONBLDMAN1ONBLDFILES) := FILEMODE= 644 # Assume we don't have the install.bin available yet INS.file= $(RM) $@; $(CP) $< $(@D); $(CHMOD) $(FILEMODE) $@ --- 37,54 ---- CFLAGS += $(CCVERBOSE) # Override CFLAGS. This is needed only for bootstrap of cw. $(__GNUC)CFLAGS= -O -D__sun -Wall -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Werror \ ! -std=gnu99 -nodefaultlibs $(__SUNC)CFLAGS= -xspace -Xa -xildoff -errtags=yes -errwarn=%all \ ! -xc99=%all -W0,-xglobalstatic -v $(__GNUC)LDLIBS += -lc $(__GNUC)LDFLAGS= $(MAPFILE.NES:%=-Wl,-M%) $(ROOTONBLDMAN1ONBLDFILES) := FILEMODE= 644 # Assume we don't have the install.bin available yet INS.file= $(RM) $@; $(CP) $< $(@D); $(CHMOD) $(FILEMODE) $@