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7029 want per-process exploit mitigation features (secflags)
7030 want basic address space layout randomization (aslr)
7031 noexec_user_stack should be a secflag
7032 want a means to forbid mappings around NULL.

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          --- old/usr/src/pkg/manifests/
          +++ new/usr/src/pkg/manifests/
↓ open down ↓ 16 lines elided ↑ open up ↑
  17   17  set name=pkg.fmri value=pkg:/system/test/ostest@$(PKGVERS)
  18   18  set name=pkg.description value="Miscellaneous OS Unit Tests"
  19   19  set name=pkg.summary value="OS Unit Test Suite"
  20   20  set name=info.classification \
  21   21      value=org.opensolaris.category.2008:Development/System
  22   22  set name=variant.arch value=$(ARCH)
  23   23  dir path=opt/os-tests
  24   24  dir path=opt/os-tests/bin
  25   25  dir path=opt/os-tests/runfiles
  26   26  dir path=opt/os-tests/tests
       27 +dir path=opt/os-tests/tests/secflags
  27   28  dir path=opt/os-tests/tests/sigqueue
  28   29  file path=opt/os-tests/README mode=0444
  29   30  file path=opt/os-tests/bin/ostest mode=0555
  30   31  file path=opt/os-tests/runfiles/ mode=0444
  31   32  file path=opt/os-tests/runfiles/ mode=0444
  32   33  file path=opt/os-tests/runfiles/ mode=0444
  33   34  file path=opt/os-tests/tests/poll_test mode=0555
       35 +file path=opt/os-tests/tests/secflags/addrs-32 mode=0555
       36 +file path=opt/os-tests/tests/secflags/addrs-64 mode=0555
       37 +file path=opt/os-tests/tests/secflags/secflags_aslr mode=0555
       38 +file path=opt/os-tests/tests/secflags/secflags_core mode=0555
       39 +file path=opt/os-tests/tests/secflags/secflags_dts mode=0555
       40 +file path=opt/os-tests/tests/secflags/secflags_elfdump mode=0555
       41 +file path=opt/os-tests/tests/secflags/secflags_forbidnullmap mode=0555
       42 +file path=opt/os-tests/tests/secflags/secflags_limits mode=0555
       43 +file path=opt/os-tests/tests/secflags/secflags_noexecstack mode=0555
       44 +file path=opt/os-tests/tests/secflags/secflags_proc mode=0555
       45 +file path=opt/os-tests/tests/secflags/secflags_psecflags mode=0555
       46 +file path=opt/os-tests/tests/secflags/secflags_syscall mode=0555
       47 +file path=opt/os-tests/tests/secflags/secflags_truss mode=0555
       48 +file path=opt/os-tests/tests/secflags/secflags_zonecfg mode=0555
       49 +file path=opt/os-tests/tests/secflags/stacky mode=0555
  34   50  file path=opt/os-tests/tests/sigqueue/sigqueue_queue_size mode=0555
  35   51  file path=opt/os-tests/tests/spoof-ras mode=0555
  36   52  license cr_Sun license=cr_Sun
  37   53  license lic_CDDL license=lic_CDDL
  38   54  depend fmri=system/test/testrunner type=require