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7029 want per-process exploit mitigation features (secflags)
7030 want basic address space layout randomization (aslr)
7031 noexec_user_stack should be a secflag
7032 want a means to forbid mappings around NULL.

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          --- old/usr/src/lib/libscf/common/mapfile-vers
          +++ new/usr/src/lib/libscf/common/mapfile-vers
↓ open down ↓ 320 lines elided ↑ open up ↑
 321  321          scf_walk_fmri;
 322  322          _smf_refresh_instance_i;
 323  323          scf_read_propvec;
 324  324          scf_write_propvec;
 325  325          scf_clean_propvec;
 326  326          scf_instance_delete_prop;
 327  327          scf_get_boot_config;
 328  328          scf_get_boot_config_ovr;
 329  329          scf_is_fastboot_default;
 330  330          scf_fastreboot_default_set_transient;
      331 +        scf_default_secflags;
 331  332          _check_services;
 332  333          _scf_handle_create_and_bind;
 333  334          _smf_refresh_all_instances;
 334  335      local:
 335  336          *;
 336  337  };