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7029 want per-process exploit mitigation features (secflags)
7030 want basic address space layout randomization (aslr)
7031 noexec_user_stack should be a secflag
7032 want a means to forbid mappings around NULL.

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          --- old/usr/src/man/man5/Makefile
          +++ new/usr/src/man/man5/Makefile
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 104  104                  pam_unix_session.5      \
 105  105                  pkcs11_kernel.5         \
 106  106                  pkcs11_softtoken.5      \
 107  107                  pkcs11_tpm.5            \
 108  108                  privileges.5            \
 109  109                  prof.5                  \
 110  110                  rbac.5                  \
 111  111                  regex.5                 \
 112  112                  regexp.5                \
 113  113                  resource_controls.5     \
      114 +                security-flags.5        \
 114  115                  smf.5                   \
 115  116                  smf_bootstrap.5         \
 116  117                  smf_method.5            \
 117  118                  smf_restarter.5         \
 118  119                  smf_security.5          \
 119  120                  smf_template.5          \
 120  121                  standards.5             \
 121  122                  sticky.5                \
 122  123                  tbl.5                   \
 123  124                  tecla.5                 \
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