Print this page
7029 want per-process exploit mitigation features (secflags)
7030 want basic address space layout randomization (aslr)
7031 noexec_user_stack should be a secflag
7032 want a means to forbid mappings around NULL.

 224         mmap.o                  \
 225         modctl.o                \
 226         mount.o                 \
 227         mprotect.o              \
 228         munmap.o                \
 229         nice.o                  \
 230         ntp_adjtime.o           \
 231         ntp_gettime.o           \
 232         p_online.o              \
 233         pathconf.o              \
 234         pause.o                 \
 235         pcsample.o              \
 236         pipe2.o                 \
 237         pollsys.o               \
 238         pread.o                 \
 239         preadv.o                \
 240         priocntlset.o           \
 241         processor_bind.o        \
 242         processor_info.o        \
 243         profil.o                \

 244         putmsg.o                \
 245         putpmsg.o               \
 246         pwrite.o                \
 247         pwritev.o               \
 248         read.o                  \
 249         readv.o                 \
 250         resolvepath.o           \
 251         seteguid.o              \
 252         setgid.o                \
 253         setgroups.o             \
 254         setitimer.o             \
 255         setreid.o               \
 256         setrlimit.o             \
 257         setuid.o                \
 258         sigaltstk.o             \
 259         sigprocmsk.o            \
 260         sigsendset.o            \
 261         sigsuspend.o            \
 262         statfs.o                \
 263         statvfs.o               \

 476         nsparse.o               \
 477         nss_common.o            \
 478         nss_dbdefs.o            \
 479         nss_deffinder.o         \
 480         opendir.o               \
 481         opt_data.o              \
 482         perror.o                \
 483         pfmt.o                  \
 484         pfmt_data.o             \
 485         pfmt_print.o            \
 486         pipe.o                  \
 487         plock.o                 \
 488         poll.o                  \
 489         posix_fadvise.o         \
 490         posix_fallocate.o       \
 491         posix_madvise.o         \
 492         posix_memalign.o        \
 493         priocntl.o              \
 494         privlib.o               \
 495         priv_str_xlate.o        \

 496         psiginfo.o              \
 497         psignal.o               \
 498         pt.o                    \
 499         putpwent.o              \
 500         putspent.o              \
 501         raise.o                 \
 502         rand.o                  \
 503         random.o                \
 504         rctlops.o               \
 505         readdir.o               \
 506         readdir_r.o             \
 507         realpath.o              \
 508         reboot.o                \
 509         regexpr.o               \
 510         remove.o                \
 511         rewinddir.o             \
 512         rindex.o                \
 513         scandir.o               \
 514         seekdir.o               \
 515         select.o                \

 789         wctomb.o                \
 790         wctrans.o               \
 791         wctype.o                \
 792         wcwidth.o               \
 793         wscol.o
 795 AIOOBJS=                        \
 796         aio.o                   \
 797         aio_alloc.o             \
 798         posix_aio.o
 800 RTOBJS=                         \
 801         clock_timer.o           \
 802         mqueue.o                \
 803         pos4obj.o               \
 804         sched.o                 \
 805         sem.o                   \
 806         shm.o                   \
 807         sigev_thread.o

 809 TPOOLOBJS=                      \
 810         thread_pool.o
 812 THREADSOBJS=                    \
 813         alloc.o                 \
 814         assfail.o               \
 815         c11_thr.o               \
 816         cancel.o                \
 817         door_calls.o            \
 818         tmem.o                  \
 819         pthr_attr.o             \
 820         pthr_barrier.o          \
 821         pthr_cond.o             \
 822         pthr_mutex.o            \
 823         pthr_rwlock.o           \
 824         pthread.o               \
 825         rwlock.o                \
 826         scalls.o                \
 827         sema.o                  \
 828         sigaction.o             \

 941         $(CHACHAOBJS)           \
 942         $(XATTROBJS)            \
 943         $(COMOBJS)              \
 944         $(GENOBJS)              \
 945         $(PORTFP)               \
 946         $(PORTGEN)              \
 947         $(PORTGEN64)            \
 948         $(PORTI18N)             \
 949         $(PORTI18N_COND)        \
 950         $(PORTLOCALE)           \
 951         $(PORTPRINT)            \
 952         $(PORTPRINT_W)          \
 953         $(PORTREGEX)            \
 954         $(PORTSTDIO)            \
 955         $(PORTSTDIO64)          \
 956         $(PORTSTDIO_W)          \
 957         $(PORTSYS)              \
 958         $(PORTSYS64)            \
 959         $(AIOOBJS)              \
 960         $(RTOBJS)               \

 961         $(TPOOLOBJS)            \
 962         $(THREADSOBJS)          \
 963         $(THREADSMACHOBJS)      \
 964         $(THREADSASMOBJS)       \
 965         $(UNICODEOBJS)          \
 966         $(UNWINDMACHOBJS)       \
 967         $(UNWINDASMOBJS)        \
 968         $(COMSYSOBJS)           \
 969         $(SYSOBJS)              \
 970         $(COMSYSOBJS64)         \
 971         $(SYSOBJS64)            \
 972         $(VALUES)
 974 TRACEOBJS=                      \
 975         plockstat.o
 977 # NOTE: must be linked with the minimal crti.o and crtn.o
 978 # modules whose source is provided in the $(SRC)/lib/common directory.
 979 # This must be done because otherwise the Sun C compiler would insert
 980 # its own versions of these modules and those versions contain code

1069         pics/crtn.o             \
1070         $(ALTPICS)
1074 # list of C source for lint
1075 SRCS=                                                   \
1076         $(ATOMICOBJS:%.o=$(SRC)/common/atomic/%.c)      \
1077         $(XATTROBJS:%.o=$(SRC)/common/xattr/%.c)        \
1078         $(COMOBJS:%.o=$(SRC)/common/util/%.c)           \
1079         $(PORTFP:%.o=$(LIBCDIR)/port/fp/%.c)                    \
1080         $(PORTGEN:%.o=$(LIBCDIR)/port/gen/%.c)                  \
1081         $(PORTI18N:%.o=$(LIBCDIR)/port/i18n/%.c)                \
1082         $(PORTLOCALE:%.o=$(LIBCDIR)/port/locale/%.c)            \
1083         $(PORTPRINT:%.o=$(LIBCDIR)/port/print/%.c)              \
1084         $(PORTREGEX:%.o=$(LIBCDIR)/port/regex/%.c)              \
1085         $(PORTSTDIO:%.o=$(LIBCDIR)/port/stdio/%.c)              \
1086         $(PORTSYS:%.o=$(LIBCDIR)/port/sys/%.c)                  \
1087         $(AIOOBJS:%.o=$(LIBCDIR)/port/aio/%.c)                  \
1088         $(RTOBJS:%.o=$(LIBCDIR)/port/rt/%.c)                    \

1089         $(TPOOLOBJS:%.o=$(LIBCDIR)/port/tpool/%.c)              \
1090         $(THREADSOBJS:%.o=$(LIBCDIR)/port/threads/%.c)          \
1091         $(THREADSMACHOBJS:%.o=threads/%.c)              \
1092         $(UNICODEOBJS:%.o=$(SRC)/common/unicode/%.c)    \
1093         $(UNWINDMACHOBJS:%.o=unwind/%.c)                \
1094         $(FPOBJS:%.o=fp/%.c)                            \
1095         $(I386FPOBJS:%.o=$(LIBCDIR)/i386/fp/%.c)                \
1096         $(LIBCBASE)/gen/ecvt.c                          \
1097         $(LIBCBASE)/gen/makectxt.c                      \
1098         $(LIBCBASE)/gen/siginfolst.c                    \
1099         $(LIBCBASE)/gen/siglongjmp.c                    \
1100         $(LIBCBASE)/gen/sync_instruction_memory.c       \
1101         $(LIBCBASE)/sys/uadmin.c
1103 # conditional assignments
1104 # $(DYNLIB) $(LIB_PIC) := DYNOBJS = _rtbootld.o
1105 $(DYNLIB) := CRTI = crti.o
1106 $(DYNLIB) := CRTN = crtn.o
1108 # Files which need the threads .il inline template

 224         mmap.o                  \
 225         modctl.o                \
 226         mount.o                 \
 227         mprotect.o              \
 228         munmap.o                \
 229         nice.o                  \
 230         ntp_adjtime.o           \
 231         ntp_gettime.o           \
 232         p_online.o              \
 233         pathconf.o              \
 234         pause.o                 \
 235         pcsample.o              \
 236         pipe2.o                 \
 237         pollsys.o               \
 238         pread.o                 \
 239         preadv.o                \
 240         priocntlset.o           \
 241         processor_bind.o        \
 242         processor_info.o        \
 243         profil.o                \
 244         psecflagsset.o          \
 245         putmsg.o                \
 246         putpmsg.o               \
 247         pwrite.o                \
 248         pwritev.o               \
 249         read.o                  \
 250         readv.o                 \
 251         resolvepath.o           \
 252         seteguid.o              \
 253         setgid.o                \
 254         setgroups.o             \
 255         setitimer.o             \
 256         setreid.o               \
 257         setrlimit.o             \
 258         setuid.o                \
 259         sigaltstk.o             \
 260         sigprocmsk.o            \
 261         sigsendset.o            \
 262         sigsuspend.o            \
 263         statfs.o                \
 264         statvfs.o               \

 477         nsparse.o               \
 478         nss_common.o            \
 479         nss_dbdefs.o            \
 480         nss_deffinder.o         \
 481         opendir.o               \
 482         opt_data.o              \
 483         perror.o                \
 484         pfmt.o                  \
 485         pfmt_data.o             \
 486         pfmt_print.o            \
 487         pipe.o                  \
 488         plock.o                 \
 489         poll.o                  \
 490         posix_fadvise.o         \
 491         posix_fallocate.o       \
 492         posix_madvise.o         \
 493         posix_memalign.o        \
 494         priocntl.o              \
 495         privlib.o               \
 496         priv_str_xlate.o        \
 497         psecflags.o             \
 498         psiginfo.o              \
 499         psignal.o               \
 500         pt.o                    \
 501         putpwent.o              \
 502         putspent.o              \
 503         raise.o                 \
 504         rand.o                  \
 505         random.o                \
 506         rctlops.o               \
 507         readdir.o               \
 508         readdir_r.o             \
 509         realpath.o              \
 510         reboot.o                \
 511         regexpr.o               \
 512         remove.o                \
 513         rewinddir.o             \
 514         rindex.o                \
 515         scandir.o               \
 516         seekdir.o               \
 517         select.o                \

 791         wctomb.o                \
 792         wctrans.o               \
 793         wctype.o                \
 794         wcwidth.o               \
 795         wscol.o
 797 AIOOBJS=                        \
 798         aio.o                   \
 799         aio_alloc.o             \
 800         posix_aio.o
 802 RTOBJS=                         \
 803         clock_timer.o           \
 804         mqueue.o                \
 805         pos4obj.o               \
 806         sched.o                 \
 807         sem.o                   \
 808         shm.o                   \
 809         sigev_thread.o
 811 SECFLAGSOBJS=                   \
 812         secflags.o
 814 TPOOLOBJS=                      \
 815         thread_pool.o
 817 THREADSOBJS=                    \
 818         alloc.o                 \
 819         assfail.o               \
 820         c11_thr.o               \
 821         cancel.o                \
 822         door_calls.o            \
 823         tmem.o                  \
 824         pthr_attr.o             \
 825         pthr_barrier.o          \
 826         pthr_cond.o             \
 827         pthr_mutex.o            \
 828         pthr_rwlock.o           \
 829         pthread.o               \
 830         rwlock.o                \
 831         scalls.o                \
 832         sema.o                  \
 833         sigaction.o             \

 946         $(CHACHAOBJS)           \
 947         $(XATTROBJS)            \
 948         $(COMOBJS)              \
 949         $(GENOBJS)              \
 950         $(PORTFP)               \
 951         $(PORTGEN)              \
 952         $(PORTGEN64)            \
 953         $(PORTI18N)             \
 954         $(PORTI18N_COND)        \
 955         $(PORTLOCALE)           \
 956         $(PORTPRINT)            \
 957         $(PORTPRINT_W)          \
 958         $(PORTREGEX)            \
 959         $(PORTSTDIO)            \
 960         $(PORTSTDIO64)          \
 961         $(PORTSTDIO_W)          \
 962         $(PORTSYS)              \
 963         $(PORTSYS64)            \
 964         $(AIOOBJS)              \
 965         $(RTOBJS)               \
 966         $(SECFLAGSOBJS)         \
 967         $(TPOOLOBJS)            \
 968         $(THREADSOBJS)          \
 969         $(THREADSMACHOBJS)      \
 970         $(THREADSASMOBJS)       \
 971         $(UNICODEOBJS)          \
 972         $(UNWINDMACHOBJS)       \
 973         $(UNWINDASMOBJS)        \
 974         $(COMSYSOBJS)           \
 975         $(SYSOBJS)              \
 976         $(COMSYSOBJS64)         \
 977         $(SYSOBJS64)            \
 978         $(VALUES)
 980 TRACEOBJS=                      \
 981         plockstat.o
 983 # NOTE: must be linked with the minimal crti.o and crtn.o
 984 # modules whose source is provided in the $(SRC)/lib/common directory.
 985 # This must be done because otherwise the Sun C compiler would insert
 986 # its own versions of these modules and those versions contain code

1075         pics/crtn.o             \
1076         $(ALTPICS)
1080 # list of C source for lint
1081 SRCS=                                                   \
1082         $(ATOMICOBJS:%.o=$(SRC)/common/atomic/%.c)      \
1083         $(XATTROBJS:%.o=$(SRC)/common/xattr/%.c)        \
1084         $(COMOBJS:%.o=$(SRC)/common/util/%.c)           \
1085         $(PORTFP:%.o=$(LIBCDIR)/port/fp/%.c)                    \
1086         $(PORTGEN:%.o=$(LIBCDIR)/port/gen/%.c)                  \
1087         $(PORTI18N:%.o=$(LIBCDIR)/port/i18n/%.c)                \
1088         $(PORTLOCALE:%.o=$(LIBCDIR)/port/locale/%.c)            \
1089         $(PORTPRINT:%.o=$(LIBCDIR)/port/print/%.c)              \
1090         $(PORTREGEX:%.o=$(LIBCDIR)/port/regex/%.c)              \
1091         $(PORTSTDIO:%.o=$(LIBCDIR)/port/stdio/%.c)              \
1092         $(PORTSYS:%.o=$(LIBCDIR)/port/sys/%.c)                  \
1093         $(AIOOBJS:%.o=$(LIBCDIR)/port/aio/%.c)                  \
1094         $(RTOBJS:%.o=$(LIBCDIR)/port/rt/%.c)                    \
1095         $(SECFLAGSOBJS:%.o=$(SRC)/common/secflags/%.c)          \
1096         $(TPOOLOBJS:%.o=$(LIBCDIR)/port/tpool/%.c)              \
1097         $(THREADSOBJS:%.o=$(LIBCDIR)/port/threads/%.c)          \
1098         $(THREADSMACHOBJS:%.o=threads/%.c)              \
1099         $(UNICODEOBJS:%.o=$(SRC)/common/unicode/%.c)    \
1100         $(UNWINDMACHOBJS:%.o=unwind/%.c)                \
1101         $(FPOBJS:%.o=fp/%.c)                            \
1102         $(I386FPOBJS:%.o=$(LIBCDIR)/i386/fp/%.c)                \
1103         $(LIBCBASE)/gen/ecvt.c                          \
1104         $(LIBCBASE)/gen/makectxt.c                      \
1105         $(LIBCBASE)/gen/siginfolst.c                    \
1106         $(LIBCBASE)/gen/siglongjmp.c                    \
1107         $(LIBCBASE)/gen/sync_instruction_memory.c       \
1108         $(LIBCBASE)/sys/uadmin.c
1110 # conditional assignments
1111 # $(DYNLIB) $(LIB_PIC) := DYNOBJS = _rtbootld.o
1112 $(DYNLIB) := CRTI = crti.o
1113 $(DYNLIB) := CRTN = crtn.o
1115 # Files which need the threads .il inline template