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7029 want per-process exploit mitigation features (secflags)
7030 want basic address space layout randomization (aslr)
7031 noexec_user_stack should be a secflag
7032 want a means to forbid mappings around NULL.

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          --- old/usr/src/lib/libc/Makefile.targ
          +++ new/usr/src/lib/libc/Makefile.targ
↓ open down ↓ 282 lines elided ↑ open up ↑
 283  283          $(POST_PROCESS_O)
 284  284  
 285  285  $(XATTROBJS:%=pics/%): $(SRC)/common/xattr/$$(@F:.o=.c)
 286  286          $(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $(SRC)/common/xattr/$(@F:.o=.c)
 287  287          $(POST_PROCESS_O)
 288  288  
 289  289  $(DTRACEOBJS:%=pics/%): $(SRC)/common/dtrace/$$(@F:.o=.c)
 290  290          $(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $(SRC)/common/dtrace/$(@F:.o=.c)
 291  291          $(POST_PROCESS_O)
 292  292  
      293 +$(SECFLAGSOBJS:%=pics/%): $(SRC)/common/secflags/$$(@F:.o=.c)
      294 +        $(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $(SRC)/common/secflags/$(@F:.o=.c)
      295 +        $(POST_PROCESS_O)
      296 +
 293  297  $(UNICODEOBJS:%=pics/%): $(SRC)/common/unicode/$$(@F:.o=.c)
 294  298          $(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $(SRC)/common/unicode/$(@F:.o=.c)
 295  299          $(POST_PROCESS_O)
 296  300  
 297  301  $(CHACHAOBJS:%=pics/%): $(SRC)/common/crypto/chacha/$$(@F:.o=.c)
 298  302          $(COMPILE.c) -I$(SRC)/common/crypto/chacha -DKEYSTREAM_ONLY \
 299  303              -o $@ $(SRC)/common/crypto/chacha/$(@F:.o=.c)
 300  304          $(POST_PROCESS_O)
 301  305  
 302  306  # DTrace rules
 303  307  pics/%.o: $(LIBCBASE)/../port/threads/%.d $(THREADSOBJS:%=pics/%)
 304  308          $(COMPILE.d) -C -xlazyload -s $< -o $@ $(THREADSOBJS:%=pics/%)
 305  309          $(POST_PROCESS_O)
 306  310  
 307  311  include $(SRC)/lib/Makefile.targ