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7029 want per-process exploit mitigation features (secflags)
7030 want basic address space layout randomization (aslr)
7031 noexec_user_stack should be a secflag
7032 want a means to forbid mappings around NULL.

 476         ptyvar.h                \
 477         raidioctl.h             \
 478         ramdisk.h               \
 479         random.h                \
 480         rctl.h                  \
 481         rctl_impl.h             \
 482         rds.h                   \
 483         reboot.h                \
 484         refstr.h                \
 485         refstr_impl.h           \
 486         resource.h              \
 487         rlioctl.h               \
 488         rt.h                    \
 489         rtpriocntl.h            \
 490         rwlock.h                \
 491         rwlock_impl.h           \
 492         rwstlock.h              \
 493         sad.h                   \
 494         schedctl.h              \
 495         sdt.h                   \

 496         select.h                \
 497         sem.h                   \
 498         sem_impl.h              \
 499         sema_impl.h             \
 500         semaphore.h             \
 501         sendfile.h              \
 502         ser_sync.h              \
 503         session.h               \
 504         sha1.h                  \
 505         sha1_consts.h           \
 506         sha2.h                  \
 507         sha2_consts.h           \
 508         share.h                 \
 509         shm.h                   \
 510         shm_impl.h              \
 511         sid.h                   \
 512         siginfo.h               \
 513         signal.h                \
 514         signalfd.h              \
 515         skein.h                 \

 476         ptyvar.h                \
 477         raidioctl.h             \
 478         ramdisk.h               \
 479         random.h                \
 480         rctl.h                  \
 481         rctl_impl.h             \
 482         rds.h                   \
 483         reboot.h                \
 484         refstr.h                \
 485         refstr_impl.h           \
 486         resource.h              \
 487         rlioctl.h               \
 488         rt.h                    \
 489         rtpriocntl.h            \
 490         rwlock.h                \
 491         rwlock_impl.h           \
 492         rwstlock.h              \
 493         sad.h                   \
 494         schedctl.h              \
 495         sdt.h                   \
 496         secflags.h              \
 497         select.h                \
 498         sem.h                   \
 499         sem_impl.h              \
 500         sema_impl.h             \
 501         semaphore.h             \
 502         sendfile.h              \
 503         ser_sync.h              \
 504         session.h               \
 505         sha1.h                  \
 506         sha1_consts.h           \
 507         sha2.h                  \
 508         sha2_consts.h           \
 509         share.h                 \
 510         shm.h                   \
 511         shm_impl.h              \
 512         sid.h                   \
 513         siginfo.h               \
 514         signal.h                \
 515         signalfd.h              \
 516         skein.h                 \