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4505 check_rtime should always check search paths

@@ -52,11 +52,11 @@
 # ldd(1) can be executed against these configuration files so that objects in a
 # proto area bind to their dependencies in the same proto area.
 # Define all global variables (required for strict)
-use vars  qw($Prog $Env $Ena64 $Tmpdir $Gnuc);
+use vars  qw($Prog $Env $Ena64 $Tmpdir);
 use vars  qw($LddNoU $Conf32 $Conf64);
 use vars  qw(%opt);
 use vars  qw($ErrFH $ErrTtl $InfoFH $InfoTtl $OutCnt1 $OutCnt2);
 # An exception file is used to specify regular expressions to match

@@ -431,15 +431,10 @@
                         onbld_elfmod::OutMsg($ErrFH, $ErrTtl, $RelPath, $Line);
                 # Look for any unused search paths.
                 if ($Line =~ /unused search path=/) {
-                        # Note, skip this comparison for __GNUC builds, as the
-                        # gnu compilers insert numerous unused search paths.
-                        if ($Gnuc == 1) {
-                                next;
-                        }
                         next if defined($EXRE_unused_rpath) &&
                             ($Line =~ $EXRE_unused_rpath);
                         if ($Secure) {
                                 $Line =~ s!$Tmpdir/!!;

@@ -1079,14 +1074,10 @@
 die "$Prog: -D and -d options are mutually exclusive\n" if ($opt{D} && $opt{d});
 $Tmpdir = "/tmp" if (!($Tmpdir = $ENV{TMPDIR}) || (! -d $Tmpdir));
-# Determine whether this is a __GNUC build.  If so, unused search path
-# processing is disabled.
-$Gnuc = defined $ENV{__GNUC} ? 1 : 0;
 # If -w, change working directory to given location
 !$opt{w} || chdir($opt{w}) || die "$Prog: can't cd to $opt{w}";
 # Locate and process the exceptions file