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4506 GCC should be the primary compiler

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          --- old/usr/src/Makefile.master
          +++ new/usr/src/Makefile.master
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  83   83  # __SUNC and Sun Studio are the default.
  84   84  #
  85   85  # __GNUC64 indicates that the 64bit build should use the GNU C compiler.
  86   86  # There is no Sun C analogue.
  87   87  #
  88   88  # The following version-specific options are operative regardless of which
  89   89  # compiler is primary, and control the versions of the given compilers to be
  90   90  # used.  They also allow compiler-version specific Makefile fragments.
  91   91  #
  92   92  
  93      -__GNUC=                 $(POUND_SIGN)
  94      -$(__GNUC)__SUNC=        $(POUND_SIGN)
       93 +__SUNC=                 $(POUND_SIGN)
       94 +$(__SUNC)__GNUC=        $(POUND_SIGN)
  95   95  __GNUC64=               $(__GNUC)
  96   96  
  97   97  # CLOSED is the root of the tree that contains source which isn't released
  98   98  # as open source
  99   99  CLOSED=         $(SRC)/../closed
 100  100  
 101  101  # BUILD_TOOLS is the root of all tools including compilers.
 102  102  # ONBLD_TOOLS is the root of all the tools that are part of SUNWonbld.
 103  103  
 104  104  BUILD_TOOLS=            /ws/onnv-tools
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