1 /*
   3  *
   4  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
   5  * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
   6  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   7  *
   8  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
   9  * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
  10  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  11  * and limitations under the License.
  12  *
  13  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  14  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  15  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18  *
  20  */
  22 /*
  23  * Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  24  * Use is subject to license terms.
  25  */
  27 /*      Copyright (c) 1988 AT&T     */
  28 /*        All Rights Reserved   */
  30 #pragma weak _atexit = atexit
  32 #include "lint.h"
  33 #include "thr_uberdata.h"
  34 #include "libc_int.h"
  35 #include "atexit.h"
  36 #include "stdiom.h"
  38 /*
  39  * Note that memory is managed by lmalloc()/lfree().
  40  *
  41  * Among other reasons, this is occasioned by the insistence of our
  42  * brothers sh(1) and csh(1) that they can do malloc, etc., better than
  43  * libc can.  Those programs define their own malloc routines, and
  44  * initialize the underlying mechanism in main().  This means that calls
  45  * to malloc occuring before main will crash.  The loader calls atexit(3C)
  46  * before calling main, so we'd better avoid malloc() when it does.
  47  *
  48  * Another reason for using lmalloc()/lfree() is that the atexit()
  49  * list must transcend all link maps.  See the Linker and Libraries
  50  * Guide for information on alternate link maps.
  51  *
  52  * See "thr_uberdata.h" for the definitions of structures used here.
  53  */
  55 static int in_range(void *, Lc_addr_range_t[], uint_t count);
  57 extern  caddr_t _getfp(void);
  59 /*
  60  * exitfns_lock is declared to be a recursive mutex so that we
  61  * can hold it while calling out to the registered functions.
  62  * If they call back to us, we are self-consistent and everything
  63  * works, even the case of calling exit() from functions called
  64  * by _exithandle() (recursive exit()).  All that is required is
  65  * that the registered functions actually return (no longjmp()s).
  66  *
  67  * Because exitfns_lock is declared to be a recursive mutex, we
  68  * cannot use it with lmutex_lock()/lmutex_unlock() and we must
  69  * use mutex_lock()/mutex_unlock().  This means that atexit()
  70  * and exit() are not async-signal-safe.  We make them fork1-safe
  71  * via the atexit_locks()/atexit_unlocks() functions, called from
  72  * libc_prepare_atfork()/libc_child_atfork()/libc_parent_atfork()
  73  */
  75 /*
  76  * atexit_locks() and atexit_unlocks() are called on every link map.
  77  * Do not use curthread->ul_uberdata->atexit_root for these.
  78  */
  79 void
  80 atexit_locks()
  81 {
  82         (void) mutex_lock(&__uberdata.atexit_root.exitfns_lock);
  83 }
  85 void
  86 atexit_unlocks()
  87 {
  88         (void) mutex_unlock(&__uberdata.atexit_root.exitfns_lock);
  89 }
  92 /*
  93  * atexit() is called before the primordial thread is fully set up.
  94  * Be careful about dereferencing self->ul_uberdata->atexit_root.
  95  */
  96 int
  97 __cxa_atexit(void (*hdlr)(void *), void *arg, void *dso)
  98 {
  99         ulwp_t *self;
 100         atexit_root_t *arp;
 101         _exthdlr_t *p;
 103         if ((p = lmalloc(sizeof (_exthdlr_t))) == NULL)
 104                 return (-1);
 106         if ((self = __curthread()) == NULL)
 107                 arp = &__uberdata.atexit_root;
 108         else {
 109                 arp = &self->ul_uberdata->atexit_root;
 110                 (void) mutex_lock(&arp->exitfns_lock);
 111         }
 112         p->hdlr = hdlr;
 113         p->arg = arg;
 114         p->dso = dso;
 115         p->next = arp->head;
 116         arp->head = p;
 118         if (self != NULL)
 119                 (void) mutex_unlock(&arp->exitfns_lock);
 120         return (0);
 121 }
 123 int
 124 atexit(void (*func)(void))
 125 {
 126         return (__cxa_atexit((_exithdlr_func_t)func, NULL, NULL));
 127 }
 129 /*
 130  * Note that we may be entered recursively, as we'll call __cxa_finalize(0) at
 131  * exit, one of our handlers is ld.so.1`atexit_fini, and libraries may call
 132  * __cxa_finalize(__dso_handle) from their _fini.
 133  */
 134 void
 135 __cxa_finalize(void *dso)
 136 {
 137         atexit_root_t *arp = &curthread->ul_uberdata->atexit_root;
 138         _exthdlr_t *p, *o;
 139         int cancel_state;
 141         /* disable cancellation while running atexit handlers */
 142         (void) pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, &cancel_state);
 143         (void) mutex_lock(&arp->exitfns_lock);
 145         o = NULL;
 146         p = arp->head;
 147         while (p != NULL) {
 148                 if ((dso == NULL) || (p->dso == dso)) {
 149                         if (o != NULL)
 150                                 o->next = p->next;
 151                         else
 152                                 arp->head = p->next;
 154                         p->hdlr(p->arg);
 155                         lfree(p, sizeof (_exthdlr_t));
 156                         o = NULL;
 157                         p = arp->head;
 158                 } else {
 159                         o = p;
 160                         p = p->next;
 161                 }
 162         }
 164         (void) mutex_unlock(&arp->exitfns_lock);
 165         (void) pthread_setcancelstate(cancel_state, NULL);
 166 }
 168 void
 169 _exithandle(void)
 170 {
 171         atexit_root_t *arp = &curthread->ul_uberdata->atexit_root;
 173         arp->exit_frame_monitor = _getfp() + STACK_BIAS;
 174         __cxa_finalize(NULL);
 175 }
 177 /*
 178  * _get_exit_frame_monitor is called by the C++ runtimes.
 179  */
 180 void *
 181 _get_exit_frame_monitor(void)
 182 {
 183         atexit_root_t *arp = &curthread->ul_uberdata->atexit_root;
 184         return (&arp->exit_frame_monitor);
 185 }
 187 /*
 188  * The following is a routine which the loader (ld.so.1) calls when it
 189  * processes a dlclose call on an object.  It resets all signal handlers
 190  * which fall within the union of the ranges specified by the elements
 191  * of the array range to SIG_DFL.
 192  */
 193 static void
 194 _preexec_sig_unload(Lc_addr_range_t range[], uint_t count)
 195 {
 196         uberdata_t *udp = curthread->ul_uberdata;
 197         int sig;
 198         rwlock_t *rwlp;
 199         struct sigaction *sap;
 200         struct sigaction oact;
 201         void (*handler)();
 203         for (sig = 1; sig < NSIG; sig++) {
 204                 sap = (struct sigaction *)&udp->siguaction[sig].sig_uaction;
 205 again:
 206                 handler = sap->sa_handler;
 207                 if (handler != SIG_DFL && handler != SIG_IGN &&
 208                     in_range((void *)handler, range, count)) {
 209                         rwlp = &udp->siguaction[sig].sig_lock;
 210                         lrw_wrlock(rwlp);
 211                         if (handler != sap->sa_handler) {
 212                                 lrw_unlock(rwlp);
 213                                 goto again;
 214                         }
 215                         sap->sa_handler = SIG_DFL;
 216                         sap->sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
 217                         (void) sigemptyset(&sap->sa_mask);
 218                         if (__sigaction(sig, NULL, &oact) == 0 &&
 219                             oact.sa_handler != SIG_DFL &&
 220                             oact.sa_handler != SIG_IGN)
 221                                 (void) __sigaction(sig, sap, NULL);
 222                         lrw_unlock(rwlp);
 223                 }
 224         }
 225 }
 227 /*
 228  * The following is a routine which the loader (ld.so.1) calls when it
 229  * processes a dlclose call on an object.  It cancels all atfork() entries
 230  * whose prefork, parent postfork, or child postfork functions fall within
 231  * the union of the ranges specified by the elements of the array range.
 232  */
 233 static void
 234 _preexec_atfork_unload(Lc_addr_range_t range[], uint_t count)
 235 {
 236         ulwp_t *self = curthread;
 237         uberdata_t *udp = self->ul_uberdata;
 238         atfork_t *atfork_q;
 239         atfork_t *atfp;
 240         atfork_t *next;
 241         void (*func)(void);
 242         int start_again;
 244         (void) mutex_lock(&udp->atfork_lock);
 245         if ((atfork_q = udp->atforklist) != NULL) {
 246                 atfp = atfork_q;
 247                 do {
 248                         next = atfp->forw;
 249                         start_again = 0;
 251                         if (((func = atfp->prepare) != NULL &&
 252                             in_range((void *)func, range, count)) ||
 253                             ((func = atfp->parent) != NULL &&
 254                             in_range((void *)func, range, count)) ||
 255                             ((func = atfp->child) != NULL &&
 256                             in_range((void *)func, range, count))) {
 257                                 if (self->ul_fork) {
 258                                         /*
 259                                          * dlclose() called from a fork handler.
 260                                          * Deleting the entry would wreak havoc.
 261                                          * Just null out the function pointers
 262                                          * and leave the entry in place.
 263                                          */
 264                                         atfp->prepare = NULL;
 265                                         atfp->parent = NULL;
 266                                         atfp->child = NULL;
 267                                         continue;
 268                                 }
 269                                 if (atfp == atfork_q) {
 270                                         /* deleting the list head member */
 271                                         udp->atforklist = atfork_q = next;
 272                                         start_again = 1;
 273                                 }
 274                                 atfp->forw->back = atfp->back;
 275                                 atfp->back->forw = atfp->forw;
 276                                 lfree(atfp, sizeof (atfork_t));
 277                                 if (atfp == atfork_q) {
 278                                         /* we deleted the whole list */
 279                                         udp->atforklist = NULL;
 280                                         break;
 281                                 }
 282                         }
 283                 } while ((atfp = next) != atfork_q || start_again);
 284         }
 285         (void) mutex_unlock(&udp->atfork_lock);
 286 }
 288 /*
 289  * The following is a routine which the loader (ld.so.1) calls when it
 290  * processes a dlclose call on an object.  It sets the destructor
 291  * function pointer to NULL for all keys whose destructors fall within
 292  * the union of the ranges specified by the elements of the array range.
 293  * We don't assign TSD_UNALLOCATED (the equivalent of pthread_key_destroy())
 294  * because the thread may use the key's TSD further on in fini processing.
 295  */
 296 static void
 297 _preexec_tsd_unload(Lc_addr_range_t range[], uint_t count)
 298 {
 299         tsd_metadata_t *tsdm = &curthread->ul_uberdata->tsd_metadata;
 300         void (*func)(void *);
 301         int key;
 303         lmutex_lock(&tsdm->tsdm_lock);
 304         for (key = 1; key < tsdm->tsdm_nused; key++) {
 305                 if ((func = tsdm->tsdm_destro[key]) != NULL &&
 306                     func != TSD_UNALLOCATED &&
 307                     in_range((void *)func, range, count))
 308                         tsdm->tsdm_destro[key] = NULL;
 309         }
 310         lmutex_unlock(&tsdm->tsdm_lock);
 311 }
 313 /*
 314  * The following is a routine which the loader (ld.so.1) calls when it
 315  * processes dlclose calls on objects with atexit registrations.  It
 316  * executes the exit handlers that fall within the union of the ranges
 317  * specified by the elements of the array range in the REVERSE ORDER of
 318  * their registration.  Do not change this characteristic; it is REQUIRED
 319  * BEHAVIOR.
 320  */
 321 int
 322 _preexec_exit_handlers(Lc_addr_range_t range[], uint_t count)
 323 {
 324         atexit_root_t *arp = &curthread->ul_uberdata->atexit_root;
 325         _exthdlr_t *o;          /* previous node */
 326         _exthdlr_t *p;          /* this node */
 327         int cancel_state;
 329         /* disable cancellation while running atexit handlers */
 330         (void) pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, &cancel_state);
 331         (void) mutex_lock(&arp->exitfns_lock);
 332         o = NULL;
 333         p = arp->head;
 334         while (p != NULL) {
 335                 /*
 336                  * We call even CXA handlers of functions present in the
 337                  * library being unloaded.  The specification isn't
 338                  * particularly clear on this, and this seems the most sane.
 339                  * This is the behaviour of FreeBSD 9.1 (GNU libc leaves the
 340                  * handler on the exit list, and crashes at exit time).
 341                  *
 342                  * This won't cause handlers to be called twice, because
 343                  * anything called from a __cxa_finalize call from the
 344                  * language runtime will have been removed from the list.
 345                  */
 346                 if (in_range((void *)p->hdlr, range, count)) {
 347                         /* We need to execute this one */
 348                         if (o != NULL)
 349                                 o->next = p->next;
 350                         else
 351                                 arp->head = p->next;
 352                         p->hdlr(p->arg);
 353                         lfree(p, sizeof (_exthdlr_t));
 354                         o = NULL;
 355                         p = arp->head;
 356                 } else {
 357                         o = p;
 358                         p = p->next;
 359                 }
 360         }
 361         (void) mutex_unlock(&arp->exitfns_lock);
 362         (void) pthread_setcancelstate(cancel_state, NULL);
 364         _preexec_tsd_unload(range, count);
 365         _preexec_atfork_unload(range, count);
 366         _preexec_sig_unload(range, count);
 368         return (0);
 369 }
 371 static int
 372 in_range(void *addr, Lc_addr_range_t ranges[], uint_t count)
 373 {
 374         uint_t idx;
 376         for (idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) {
 377                 if (addr >= ranges[idx].lb &&
 378                     addr < ranges[idx].ub) {
 379                         return (1);
 380                 }
 381         }
 383         return (0);
 384 }