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3544 save-args matcher could be considerably more robust
3545 save-args matcher should accept saves may be out-of-order
Reviewed by: Joshua M. Clulow <>
Reviewed by: Robert Mustacchi <>

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          --- old/usr/src/lib/libproc/
          +++ new/usr/src/lib/libproc/
↓ open down ↓ 66 lines elided ↑ open up ↑
  67   67          pr_waitid.o     \
  68   68          proc_get_info.o \
  69   69          proc_names.o    \
  70   70          proc_arg.o      \
  71   71          proc_set.o      \
  72   72          proc_stdio.o
  73   73  
  74   74  ISAOBJS =       \
  75   75          Pisadep.o
  76   76  
  77      -amd64_SAVEOBJS = \
  78      -        saveargs.o
  79      -
  80      -amd64_CPPFLAGS = -I$(SRC)/common/saveargs
  81      -
  82      -SAVEOBJS = $($(MACH64)_SAVEOBJS)
  83      -
  85   78  
  86   79  # include library definitions
  87   80  include ../../Makefile.lib
  88   81  include ../../Makefile.rootfs
  89   82  
  90   83  SRCS =          $(CMNOBJS:%.o=../common/%.c) $(ISAOBJS:%.o=%.c)
  91   84  
  92   85  LIBS =          $(DYNLIB) $(LINTLIB)
  93   86  LDLIBS +=       -lrtld_db -lelf -lctf -lc
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