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1961 investigate stopping uniquifying CTF information
Reviewed by: Adam Leventhal <>
Reviewed by: Joshua M. Clulow <>

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          --- old/usr/src/uts/Makefile
          +++ new/usr/src/uts/Makefile
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 104  104  %.prereq:
 105  105          @cd $(@:%.prereq=%); pwd; $(MAKE) $(NO_STATE) $(TARGET).prereq
 106  106  
 107  107  #
 108  108  # Rule to build architecture files. Build all required prerequisites and then
 109  109  # build the rest (potentially in parallel).
 110  110  #
 112  112          @cd $@; pwd; $(MAKE) $(NO_STATE) $(TARGET)
 113  113  
 114      -$(PMTMO_FILE) pmtmo_file: $(PATCH_MAKEUP_TABLE)
 115      -        @if [ -z "$(PATCH_MAKEUP_TABLE)" ] ; then \
 116      -                echo 'ERROR: $$(PATCH_MAKEUP_TABLE) not set' \
 117      -                    'in environment' >&2 ; \
 118      -                exit 1 ; \
 119      -        fi
 120      -        RELEASE="$(RELEASE)" MACH="$(MACH)" \
 121      -            $(CTFCVTPTBL) -o $(PMTMO_FILE) $(PATCH_MAKEUP_TABLE)
 122  114  
 123  115  #
 124  116  # The following is the list of directories which contain Makefiles with
 125  117  # targets to install header file. The machine independent headers are
 126  118  # installed by invoking the Makefile in the directory containing the
 127  119  # header files. Machine and architecture dependent headers are installed
 128  120  # by invoking the main makefile for that architecture/machine which,
 129  121  # in turn, is responsible for invoking the Makefiles which install headers.
 130  122  # It is done this way so as not to assume that all of the header files in
 131  123  # the architecture/machine dependent subdirectories are in completely
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 190  182  #
 191  183  all_h: FRC
 192  184          @cd common/sys; pwd; $(MAKE) $@
 193  185          @cd common/rpc; pwd; $(MAKE) $@
 194  186          @cd common/rpcsvc; pwd; $(MAKE) $@
 195  187          @cd common/gssapi; pwd; $(MAKE) $@
 196  188          @cd common/idmap; pwd; $(MAKE) $@
 197  189          @cd common/klm; pwd; $(MAKE) $@
 198  190  
 199  191  clean clobber: $($(MACH)_ARCHITECTURES) $(DYNHDRDIRS)
 200      -        @if [ '$(PATCH_BUILD)' != '#' ] ; then \
 201      -                echo $(RM) $(PMTMO_FILE) ; \
 202      -                $(RM) $(PMTMO_FILE) ; \
 203      -        fi
 204  192  
 205  193  # testing convenience
 206  194  clobber_h: $(DYNHDRDIRS)
 207  195  
 208  196  clean.lint modlist: $($(MACH)_ARCHITECTURES)
 209  197  
 210  198  #
 211  199  # Cross-reference customization: build a cross-reference over all of
 212  200  # the supported architectures.  Although there's no correct way to set
 213  201  # the include path (since we don't know what architecture is the one
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