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1961 investigate stopping uniquifying CTF information
Reviewed by: Adam Leventhal <>
Reviewed by: Joshua M. Clulow <>

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          --- old/usr/src/uts/Makefile.targ
          +++ new/usr/src/uts/Makefile.targ
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  45   45  $(OBJECTS): $(INLINES)
  46   46  
  47   47  #
  48   48  #       Partially link .o files to generate the kmod. The fake dependency
  49   49  #       on modstubs simplifies things...
  50   50  #       ELFSIGN_MOD is defined in the individual KCF plug-in modules Makefiles,
  51   51  #       and will sign the ELF objects using elfsign(1).
  52   52  #
  53   53  $(BINARY):              $(OBJECTS)
  54   54          $(LD) -r $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJECTS)
       55 +        $(CTFMERGE_MODULE)
  56   56          $(POST_PROCESS)
  57   57          $(ELFSIGN_MOD)
  58   58  
  59   59  #
  60   60  #       This target checks each kmod for undefined entry points. It does not
  61   61  #       modify the kmod in any way.
  62   62  #
  63   63  $(MODULE).check:        FRC
  64   64          @BUILD_TYPE=DBG32 $(MAKE) $(MODULE).check.targ
  65   65  
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