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11461 should use a native link-editor during the build
11463 SUNWonld has passed its use-by date
11464 cmd/sgs/tools should contain tools, not common code
11465 sgsmsg should be built with the rest of the build tools

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          --- old/usr/src/cmd/sgs/tools/Makefile
          +++ new/usr/src/cmd/sgs/tools/Makefile
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  31   31  #
  32   32  #  o    proto: creates a proto directory structure suitable for sgs make
  33   33  #       installs (basically a subset of Targetdirs).
  34   34  
  35   35  #
  36   36  # Copyright 2019 OmniOS Community Edition (OmniOSce) Association.
  37   37  #
  38   38  
  39   39  include         $(SRC)/Makefile.master
  40   40  
  41      -LSSRCS= \
  42      -      
  43      -
  44      -SRCS=           $(LSSRCS)
  45      -
  46      -LEXECS=         $(
  47      -
  48      -ROOTDIR =       $(ROOT)/opt/SUNWonld/bin
  49      -ROOTPROGS =     $(GEXECS:%=$(ROOTDIR)/%)
  50      -ROOTPROGS +=    $(PSRCS:%=$(ROOTDIR)/%)
  51      -
  52      -$(ROOTPROGS) := FILEMODE=755
  53      -
  54      -SUBDIRS=        $(MACH) man
       41 +SUBDIRS=        $(MACH)
  55   42  
  56   43  all:=           TARGET= all
  57   44  install:=       TARGET= install
  58   45  clean:=         TARGET= clean
  59   46  clobber:=       TARGET= clobber
  60   47  
  61   48  
  62   49  .KEEP_STATE:
  63   50  
  64      -all:            $(EXECS) $(SUBDIRS)
  65      -
  66      -install:        all $(ROOTPROGS) $(SUBDIRS)
  67      -
  68      -clean clobber:  $(SUBDIRS)
  69      -                $(RM) $(RMFLAGS) $(EXECS)
       51 +all install clean clobberall: $(SUBDIRS)
  70   52  
  71   53  delete:
  72   54  
  73      -%:              %.ksh
  74      -                $(RM) $@
  75      -                cat $< > $@
  76      -                chmod +x $@
  77      -
  78   55  $(SUBDIRS):     FRC
  79   56                  @cd $@; pwd; $(MAKE) $(TARGET)
  80   57  
  81      -$(ROOTDIR)/%:   %
  82      -                $(INS.file)
  83      -
  84      -$(ROOTDIR)/%:   scoping/%
  85      -                $(INS.file)
  86      -
  87   58  FRC:
  88      -
  89      -execs:          $(EXECS)