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11461 should use a native link-editor during the build
11463 SUNWonld has passed its use-by date
11464 cmd/sgs/tools should contain tools, not common code
11465 sgsmsg should be built with the rest of the build tools

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          --- old/usr/src/cmd/sgs/tools/
          +++ new/usr/src/cmd/sgs/tools/
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  22   22  # Copyright 2019 OmniOS Community Edition (OmniOSce) Association.
  23   23  
  24   24  #
  25   25  # Copyright 2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  26   26  # Use is subject to license terms.
  27   27  #
  28   28  
  29   29  #
  30   30  # Makefile to support tools used for linker development:
  31   31  #
  32      -#  o    sgsmsg creates message headers/arrays/catalogs (a native tool).
       32 +# chkmsg        - checks that sgsmsg is used correctly
       33 +# piglatin      - generates phone message catalogs for testing
  33   34  #
       35 +
  34   36  # Note, these tools are not part of the product.
  35   37  #
  36   38  # cmd/sgs/tools/
  37   39  
  38   40  include         $(SRC)/cmd/Makefile.cmd
  39   41  
  40   42  include         $(SRC)/cmd/sgs/
  41   43  
  42      -SGSPROTO=       ../../proto/$(MACH)
  43      -
  44      -COMOBJS=
  45      -
  46      -NATOBJS=        piglatin.o
  47      -
  48      -OBJECTS=        $(COMOBJS)  $(NATOBJS)
  49      -
  50      -AVLOBJ=         avl.o
  51      -TOOL_OBJS=      sgsmsg.o string_table.o findprime.o assfail.o
  52      -SGSMSG_OBJS=    $(TOOL_OBJS) $(AVLOBJ)
  53      -SGSMSG_SRCS=    $(TOOL_OBJS:%.o=../common/%.c) \
  54      -                $(AVLOBJ:%.o=$(VAR_AVLDIR)/%.c)
  55      -
  56      -$(SGSMSG_OBJS) := NATIVE_CFLAGS += -I../../include $(VAR_TOOLS_CPPFLAGS)
       44 +OBJECTS=        piglatin.o
  57   45  
  58      -PROGS=          $(COMOBJS:%.o=%)
  59      -NATIVE=         $(NATOBJS:%.o=%) sgsmsg
  60      -SRCS=           $(COMOBJS:%.o=../common/%.c)  $(NATOBJS:%.o=../common/%.c)
       46 +NATIVE=         $(OBJECTS:%.o=%)
       47 +SRCS=           $(OBJECTS:%.o=../common/%.c)
  61   48  
  62   49  CPPFLAGS +=     $(VAR_TOOLS_CPPFLAGS)
  63      -LDFLAGS +=      $(CC_USE_PROTO)
  64      -CLEANFILES +=   $(SGSMSG_OBJS)
  65   50  
  66   51  ROOTDIR=        $(ROOT)/opt/SUNWonld
  67   52  ROOTPROGS=      $(PROGS:%=$(ROOTDIR)/bin/%)
  68   53  
  69   54  FILEMODE=       0755
  70   55  
  71   56  # not linted
  72   57  SMATCH=off