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11461 should use a native link-editor during the build
11463 SUNWonld has passed its use-by date
11464 cmd/sgs/tools should contain tools, not common code
11465 sgsmsg should be built with the rest of the build tools

@@ -27,43 +27,28 @@
 # Makefile to support tools used for linker development:
-#  o    sgsmsg creates message headers/arrays/catalogs (a native tool).
+# chkmsg        - checks that sgsmsg is used correctly
+# piglatin      - generates phone message catalogs for testing
 # Note, these tools are not part of the product.
 # cmd/sgs/tools/
 include         $(SRC)/cmd/Makefile.cmd
 include         $(SRC)/cmd/sgs/
-SGSPROTO=       ../../proto/$(MACH)
-NATOBJS=        piglatin.o
-AVLOBJ=         avl.o
-TOOL_OBJS=      sgsmsg.o string_table.o findprime.o assfail.o
-SGSMSG_SRCS=    $(TOOL_OBJS:%.o=../common/%.c) \
-                $(AVLOBJ:%.o=$(VAR_AVLDIR)/%.c)
+OBJECTS=        piglatin.o
-PROGS=          $(COMOBJS:%.o=%)
-NATIVE=         $(NATOBJS:%.o=%) sgsmsg
-SRCS=           $(COMOBJS:%.o=../common/%.c)  $(NATOBJS:%.o=../common/%.c)
+NATIVE=         $(OBJECTS:%.o=%)
+SRCS=           $(OBJECTS:%.o=../common/%.c)
 ROOTDIR=        $(ROOT)/opt/SUNWonld
 ROOTPROGS=      $(PROGS:%=$(ROOTDIR)/bin/%)
 FILEMODE=       0755