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11461 should use a native link-editor during the build
11463 SUNWonld has passed its use-by date
11464 cmd/sgs/tools should contain tools, not common code
11465 sgsmsg should be built with the rest of the build tools

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          --- old/usr/src/cmd/sgs/link_audit/i386/Makefile
          +++ new/usr/src/cmd/sgs/link_audit/i386/Makefile
↓ open down ↓ 28 lines elided ↑ open up ↑
  29   29  include         ../
  30   30  
  31   31  $(ONLIBS) \
  32   32  $(CCSLIBS) :=   CFLAGS +=       $(C_PICFLAGS) $(NO_ASM_WARN)
  33   33  
  34   34  .KEEP_STATE:
  35   35  
  36   36  all:            $(OBJDIR) $(PICDIR) .WAIT $(CCSLIBS) $(CCSSCRIPTS) \
  37   37                  $(ONSCRIPTS) $(ONPROGS) $(ONLIBS)
  38   38  
  39      -install:        all $(ROOTCCSLIB) .WAIT $(ROOTUSRBINS) $(ROOTCCSLIBS)
  40      -
  41      -package:        install .WAIT $(ROOTONLDLIBS) $(ROOTONLDBINPROG)
       39 +install:        all $(ROOTCCSLIB) .WAIT $(ROOTUSRBINS) $(ROOTCCSLIBS) \
       40 +                .WAIT $(ROOTONLDLIBS) $(ROOTONLDBINPROG)
  42   41  
  43   42  include         ../Makefile.targ