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11461 should use a native link-editor during the build
11463 SUNWonld has passed its use-by date
11464 cmd/sgs/tools should contain tools, not common code
11465 sgsmsg should be built with the rest of the build tools

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          --- old/usr/src/cmd/sgs/libelf/Makefile.targ.64
          +++ new/usr/src/cmd/sgs/libelf/Makefile.targ.64
↓ open down ↓ 37 lines elided ↑ open up ↑
  38   38                  $(COMPILE.c) -DELF -o $@ $<
  39   39                  $(POST_PROCESS_O)
  40   40  
  41   41  objs/%.o \
  42   42  pics/%.o:       ../common/%.c
  43   43                  $(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $<
  44   44                  $(POST_PROCESS_O)
  45   45  
  46   46  all:            $(BLTSRCS) .WAIT $(LIBS) $(LIBLINKS)
  47   47  
  48      -install:        all .WAIT $(ROOTFS_LIBS64) $(ROOTFS_LINKS64)
  49      -
  50   48  delete:
  51   49                  $(RM) $(DYNLIB)
  52   50  
  53   51  $(LIBLINKS):
  54   52                  $(RM) $(LIBLINKS)
  55   53                  $(SYMLINK) $(DYNLIB) $(LIBLINKS)
  56   54  
  58   56  
  59   57  # include common library targets
↓ open down ↓ 22 lines elided ↑ open up ↑
  82   80  
  83   81  # Derived source and header files (messaging).  Make sure that the sgsmsg
  84   82  # command is constructed - libelf might not be built with the whole sgs.
  85   83  
  86   84  catalog:        $(BLTMESG)
  87   85  
  88   86  chkmsg:         $(LIBSRCS)
  89   87                  sh $(CHKMSG) $(CHKMSGFLAGS) $(LIBSRCS)
  90   88  
  91   89  $(BLTDEFS) + \
  92      -$(BLTDATA):     $(SGSMSG) $(SGSMSGTARG)
       90 +$(BLTDATA):     $(SGSMSGTARG)
  93   91                  $(SGSMSG) $(SGSMSGFLAGS2) $(SGSMSGTARG)
  94   92  
  95      -$(BLTMESG):     $(SGSMSG) $(SGSMSGALL) xlate.c xlate64.c
       93 +$(BLTMESG):     $(SGSMSGALL) xlate.c xlate64.c
  96   94                  $(SGSMSG) $(SGSMSGFLAGS1) $(SGSMSGALL)
  97      -
  98      -$(SGSMSG):      FRC
  99      -                @ cd $(SGSTOOLS)/$(MACH); pwd; $(MAKE) catalog
 100      -                @ pwd
 101   95  
 102   96  #
 103   97  # 64-bit overrides
 104   98  #
 105   99  include ../../Makefile.sub.64
 106  100  
 107  101  FRC: