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11461 should use a native link-editor during the build
11463 SUNWonld has passed its use-by date
11464 cmd/sgs/tools should contain tools, not common code
11465 sgsmsg should be built with the rest of the build tools

@@ -29,12 +29,10 @@
 .KEEP_STATE_FILE: .make.state.$(MACH)
 include         $(SRC)/cmd/sgs/Makefile.var
-SRCBASE =       ../../../..
 i386_ARCH =     intel
 sparc_ARCH =    sparc
 ARCH =          $($(MACH)_ARCH)

@@ -50,10 +48,12 @@
 CSTD_GNU89 =    $(CSTD_GNU99)
 CERRWARN +=     -_gcc=-Wno-type-limits
 CERRWARN +=     -_gcc=-Wno-parentheses
 CERRWARN +=     -_gcc=-Wno-unused-value

@@ -61,11 +61,11 @@
 ELFCAP=         $(SRC)/common/elfcap
 # Reassign CPPFLAGS so that local search paths are used before any parent
 # $ROOT paths.
-CPPFLAGS =      -I. -I../common -I../../include -I../../include/$(MACH) \
+CPPFLAGS =      -I. -I../common -I$(SGSHOME)/include -I$(SGSHOME)/include/$(MACH) \
                 $(CPPFLAGS.master) -I$(ELFCAP)
 # PICS64 is unique to our environment
 $(PICS64) :=    sparc_CFLAGS += -xregs=no%appl $(C_PICFLAGS)
 $(PICS64) :=    sparcv9_CFLAGS += -xregs=no%appl $(C_PICFLAGS)

@@ -75,24 +75,18 @@
 # Establish the local tools, proto and package area.
 SGSHOME =       $(SRC)/cmd/sgs
-SGSPROTO =      $(SGSHOME)/proto/$(MACH)
+SGSCOMMON =     $(SGSHOME)/common
 SGSTOOLS =      $(SGSHOME)/tools
 SGSMSGID =      $(SGSHOME)/messages
 SGSMSGDIR =     $(SGSHOME)/messages/$(MACH)
 SGSONLD =       $(ROOT)/opt/SUNWonld
 SGSRPATH =      /usr/lib
-# Mimic the structure of an installed system.
 # Macros to be used to include link against libconv and include vernote.o
 VERSREF =       -ulink_ver_string

@@ -115,35 +109,12 @@
 # Define any generic sgsmsg(1l) flags.  The default message generation system
 # is to use gettext(3i), add the -C flag to switch to catgets(3c).
-SGSMSG =                $(SGSTOOLS)/$(MACH)/sgsmsg
+SGSMSG =                $(ONBLD_TOOLS)/bin/$(MACH)/sgsmsg
 SGSMSG_PIGLATIN_NL =    perl $(SGSTOOLS)/common/
-CHKMSG =                $(SGSTOOLS)/
+CHKMSG =                $(SGSHOME)/tools/
-# Native targets should use the minimum of ld(1) flags to allow building on
-# previous releases.  We use mapfiles to scope, but don't bother versioning.
-                        $(HSONAME)
-# Comment out the following two lines to have the sgs built from the system
-# link-editor, rather than the local proto link-editor.
-LD_LIB =        -lld
-LD_LIB32 =      -lld32
-LD_LIB64 =      -lld64
-LDDBG_LIB =     -llddbg
-LDDBG_LIB32 =   -llddbg32
-LDDBG_LIB64 =   -llddbg64
-CONV_LIB =      -lconv
-CONV_LIB32 =    -lconv32
-CONV_LIB64 =    -lconv64