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11461 should use a native link-editor during the build
11463 SUNWonld has passed its use-by date
11464 cmd/sgs/tools should contain tools, not common code
11465 sgsmsg should be built with the rest of the build tools

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          --- old/usr/src/Makefile.master
          +++ new/usr/src/Makefile.master
↓ open down ↓ 842 lines elided ↑ open up ↑
 843  843  GNU_ROOT=               /usr
 844  844  
 845  845  $(__GNUC)PRIMARY_CC=    gcc7,$(GNUC_ROOT)/bin/gcc,gnu
 846  846  $(__SUNC)PRIMARY_CC=    studio12,$(SPRO_VROOT)/bin/cc,sun
 847  847  $(__GNUC)PRIMARY_CCC=   gcc7,$(GNUC_ROOT)/bin/g++,gnu
 848  848  $(__SUNC)PRIMARY_CCC=   studio12,$(SPRO_VROOT)/bin/CC,sun
 849  849  
 850  850  CW_CC_COMPILERS=        $(PRIMARY_CC:%=--primary %) $(SHADOW_CCS:%=--shadow %)
 851  851  CW_CCC_COMPILERS=       $(PRIMARY_CCC:%=--primary %) $(SHADOW_CCCS:%=--shadow %)
 852  852  
      853 +CW_LINKER=              --linker $(LD)
 853  854  
 854  855  # Till SS12u1 formally becomes the NV CBE, LINT is hard
 855  856  # coded to be picked up from the $SPRO_ROOT/sunstudio12.1/
 856  857  # location. Impacted variables are sparc_LINT, sparcv9_LINT,
 857  858  # i386_LINT, amd64_LINT.
 858  859  # Reset them when SS12u1 is rolled out.
 859  860  #
 860  861  
 861  862  # Specify platform compiler versions for languages
 862  863  # that we use (currently only c and c++).
 863  864  #
 864  865  CW=                     $(ONBLD_TOOLS)/bin/$(MACH)/cw
 865  866  
 866      -BUILD_CC=               $(CW) $(CW_CC_COMPILERS) --
 867      -BUILD_CCC=              $(CW) -C $(CW_CCC_COMPILERS) --
      867 +BUILD_CC=               $(CW) $(CW_LINKER) $(CW_CC_COMPILERS) --
      868 +BUILD_CCC=              $(CW) -C $(CW_LINKER) $(CW_CCC_COMPILERS) --
 868  869  BUILD_CPP=              /usr/ccs/lib/cpp
 869      -BUILD_LD=               /usr/ccs/bin/ld
      870 +BUILD_LD=               $(ONBLD_TOOLS)/bin/$(MACH)/ld
 870  871  BUILD_LINT=             $(SPRO_ROOT)/sunstudio12.1/bin/lint
 871  872  
 872  873  $(MACH)_CC=             $(BUILD_CC)
 873  874  $(MACH)_CCC=            $(BUILD_CCC)
 874  875  $(MACH)_CPP=            $(BUILD_CPP)
 875  876  $(MACH)_LD=             $(BUILD_LD)
 876  877  $(MACH)_LINT=           $(BUILD_LINT)
 877  878  $(MACH64)_CC=           $(BUILD_CC)
 878  879  $(MACH64)_CCC=          $(BUILD_CCC)
 879  880  $(MACH64)_CPP=          $(BUILD_CPP)
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