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11210 libm should be cstyle(1ONBLD) clean
*** 20,37 ****
* Copyright 2011 Nexenta Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use is subject to license terms.
#pragma weak __rintf = rintf
! /* INDENT OFF */
* aintf(x) return x chopped to integral value
* anintf(x) return sign(x)*(|x|+0.5) chopped to integral value
* irintf(x) return rint(x) in integer format
* nintf(x) return anint(x) in integer format
--- 20,38 ----
* Copyright 2011 Nexenta Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use is subject to license terms.
#pragma weak __rintf = rintf
* aintf(x) return x chopped to integral value
* anintf(x) return sign(x)*(|x|+0.5) chopped to integral value
* irintf(x) return rint(x) in integer format
* nintf(x) return anint(x) in integer format
*** 42,52 ****
#include "libm.h"
static const float xf[] = {
! /* ZEROF */ 0.0f,
/* TWO_23F */ 8.3886080000e6f,
/* MTWO_23F */ -8.3886080000e6f,
/* ONEF */ 1.0f,
/* MONEF */ -1.0f,
/* HALFF */ 0.5f,
--- 43,54 ----
#include "libm.h"
static const float xf[] = {
! /* ZEROF */
! 0.0f,
/* TWO_23F */ 8.3886080000e6f,
/* MTWO_23F */ -8.3886080000e6f,
/* ONEF */ 1.0f,
/* MONEF */ -1.0f,
/* HALFF */ 0.5f,
*** 60,160 ****
#define ONEF xf[3]
#define MONEF xf[4]
#define HALFF xf[5]
#define MHALFF xf[6]
#define HUGEF xf[7]
- /* INDENT ON */
! aintf(float x) {
int hx, k;
float y;
! hx = *(int *) &x;
k = (hx & ~0x80000000) >> 23;
if (k < 150) {
! y = (float) ((int) x);
* make sure y has the same sign of x when |x|<0.5
* (i.e., y=0.0)
return (((k - 127) & hx) < 0 ? -y : y);
! } else
/* signal invalid if x is a SNaN */
return (x * ONEF); /* +0 -> *1 for Cheetah */
! anintf(float x) {
volatile float dummy __unused;
int hx, k, j, ix;
! hx = *(int *) &x;
ix = hx & ~0x80000000;
k = ix >> 23;
if (((k - 127) ^ (k - 150)) < 0) {
j = 1 << (149 - k);
k = j + j - 1;
if ((k & hx) != 0)
dummy = HUGEF + x; /* raise inexact */
! *(int *) &x = (hx + j) & ~k;
return (x);
} else if (k <= 126) {
dummy = HUGEF + x;
! *(int *) &x = (0x3f800000 & ((125 - k) >> 31)) |
(0x80000000 & hx);
return (x);
! } else
/* signal invalid if x is a SNaN */
return (x * ONEF); /* +0 -> *1 for Cheetah */
! irintf(float x) {
float v;
int hx, k;
! hx = *(int *) &x;
k = (hx & ~0x80000000) >> 23;
v = xf[((k - 150) >> 31) & (1 - (hx >> 31))];
! return ((int) ((float) (x + v) - v));
! nintf(float x) {
int hx, ix, k, j, m;
volatile float dummy __unused;
! hx = *(int *) &x;
k = (hx & ~0x80000000) >> 23;
if (((k - 126) ^ (k - 150)) < 0) {
ix = (hx & 0x00ffffff) | 0x800000;
m = 149 - k;
j = 1 << m;
if ((ix & (j + j - 1)) != 0)
dummy = HUGEF + x;
hx = hx >> 31;
return ((((ix + j) >> (m + 1)) ^ hx) - hx);
! } else
! return ((int) x);
! rintf(float x) {
float w, v;
int hx, k;
! hx = *(int *) &x;
k = (hx & ~0x80000000) >> 23;
if (k >= 150)
return (x * ONEF);
v = xf[1 - (hx >> 31)];
v = xf[((k - 150) >> 31) & (1 - (hx >> 31))];
! w = (float) (x + v);
if (k < 127 && w == v)
return (ZEROF * x);
return (w - v);
--- 62,179 ----
#define ONEF xf[3]
#define MONEF xf[4]
#define HALFF xf[5]
#define MHALFF xf[6]
#define HUGEF xf[7]
! aintf(float x)
! {
int hx, k;
float y;
! hx = *(int *)&x;
k = (hx & ~0x80000000) >> 23;
if (k < 150) {
! y = (float)((int)x);
* make sure y has the same sign of x when |x|<0.5
* (i.e., y=0.0)
return (((k - 127) & hx) < 0 ? -y : y);
! } else {
/* signal invalid if x is a SNaN */
return (x * ONEF); /* +0 -> *1 for Cheetah */
+ }
! anintf(float x)
! {
volatile float dummy __unused;
int hx, k, j, ix;
! hx = *(int *)&x;
ix = hx & ~0x80000000;
k = ix >> 23;
if (((k - 127) ^ (k - 150)) < 0) {
j = 1 << (149 - k);
k = j + j - 1;
if ((k & hx) != 0)
dummy = HUGEF + x; /* raise inexact */
! *(int *)&x = (hx + j) & ~k;
return (x);
} else if (k <= 126) {
dummy = HUGEF + x;
! *(int *)&x = (0x3f800000 & ((125 - k) >> 31)) |
(0x80000000 & hx);
return (x);
! } else {
/* signal invalid if x is a SNaN */
return (x * ONEF); /* +0 -> *1 for Cheetah */
+ }
! irintf(float x)
! {
float v;
int hx, k;
! hx = *(int *)&x;
k = (hx & ~0x80000000) >> 23;
v = xf[((k - 150) >> 31) & (1 - (hx >> 31))];
! return ((int)((float)(x + v) - v));
! nintf(float x)
! {
int hx, ix, k, j, m;
volatile float dummy __unused;
! hx = *(int *)&x;
k = (hx & ~0x80000000) >> 23;
if (((k - 126) ^ (k - 150)) < 0) {
ix = (hx & 0x00ffffff) | 0x800000;
m = 149 - k;
j = 1 << m;
if ((ix & (j + j - 1)) != 0)
dummy = HUGEF + x;
hx = hx >> 31;
return ((((ix + j) >> (m + 1)) ^ hx) - hx);
! } else {
! return ((int)x);
! }
! rintf(float x)
! {
float w, v;
int hx, k;
! hx = *(int *)&x;
k = (hx & ~0x80000000) >> 23;
if (k >= 150)
return (x * ONEF);
v = xf[1 - (hx >> 31)];
v = xf[((k - 150) >> 31) & (1 - (hx >> 31))];
! w = (float)(x + v);
if (k < 127 && w == v)
return (ZEROF * x);
return (w - v);