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11210 libm should be cstyle(1ONBLD) clean
*** 20,37 ****
* Copyright 2011 Nexenta Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use is subject to license terms.
#pragma weak __atanf = atanf
! /* INDENT OFF */
* float atanf(float x);
* Table look-up algorithm
* By K.C. Ng, March 9, 1989
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* Copyright 2011 Nexenta Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use is subject to license terms.
#pragma weak __atanf = atanf
* float atanf(float x);
* Table look-up algorithm
* By K.C. Ng, March 9, 1989
*** 84,95 ****
#include "libm.h"
extern const float _TBL_r_atan_hi[], _TBL_r_atan_lo[];
! static const float
! big = 1.0e37F,
one = 1.0F,
p1 = -3.333185951111688247225368498733544672172e-0001F,
p2 = 1.969352894213455405211341983203180636021e-0001F,
q1 = -3.332921964095646819563419704110132937456e-0001F,
a1 = -3.333323465223893614063523351509338934592e-0001F,
--- 85,95 ----
#include "libm.h"
extern const float _TBL_r_atan_hi[], _TBL_r_atan_lo[];
! static const float big = 1.0e37F,
one = 1.0F,
p1 = -3.333185951111688247225368498733544672172e-0001F,
p2 = 1.969352894213455405211341983203180636021e-0001F,
q1 = -3.332921964095646819563419704110132937456e-0001F,
a1 = -3.333323465223893614063523351509338934592e-0001F,
*** 97,116 ****
a3 = -1.417547090509737780085769846290301788559e-0001F,
a4 = 1.016250813871991983097273733227432685084e-0001F,
a5 = -5.137023693688358515753093811791755221805e-0002F,
pio2hi = 1.570796371e+0000F,
pio2lo = -4.371139000e-0008F;
! /* INDENT ON */
! atanf(float xx) {
float x, y, z, r, p, s;
volatile double dummy __unused;
int ix, iy, sign, j;
x = xx;
! ix = *(int *) &x;
sign = ix & 0x80000000;
ix ^= sign;
/* for |x| < 1/8 */
if (ix < 0x3e000000) {
--- 97,117 ----
a3 = -1.417547090509737780085769846290301788559e-0001F,
a4 = 1.016250813871991983097273733227432685084e-0001F,
a5 = -5.137023693688358515753093811791755221805e-0002F,
pio2hi = 1.570796371e+0000F,
pio2lo = -4.371139000e-0008F;
! atanf(float xx)
! {
float x, y, z, r, p, s;
volatile double dummy __unused;
int ix, iy, sign, j;
x = xx;
! ix = *(int *)&x;
sign = ix & 0x80000000;
ix ^= sign;
/* for |x| < 1/8 */
if (ix < 0x3e000000) {
*** 119,129 ****
--- 120,132 ----
#ifdef lint
dummy = dummy;
return (x);
z = x * x;
if (ix < 0x3c000000) { /* if |x| < 2**(-prec/4-1) */
x = x + (x * z) * p1;
return (x);
} else {
x = x + (x * z) * (p1 + z * p2);
*** 131,141 ****
/* for |x| >= 8.0 */
if (ix >= 0x41000000) {
! *(int *) &x = ix;
if (ix < 0x42820000) { /* x < 65 */
r = one / x;
z = r * r;
y = r * (one + z * (p1 + z * p2)); /* poly1 */
y -= pio2lo;
--- 134,145 ----
/* for |x| >= 8.0 */
if (ix >= 0x41000000) {
! *(int *)&x = ix;
if (ix < 0x42820000) { /* x < 65 */
r = one / x;
z = r * r;
y = r * (one + z * (p1 + z * p2)); /* poly1 */
y -= pio2lo;
*** 147,196 ****
} else if (ix < 0x4c800000) { /* x < 2**(prec+2) */
y = one / x - pio2lo;
} else if (ix < 0x7f800000) { /* x < inf */
y = -pio2lo;
} else { /* x is inf or NaN */
! if (ix > 0x7f800000) {
return (x * x); /* - -> * for Cheetah */
! }
y = -pio2lo;
if (sign == 0)
x = pio2hi - y;
x = y - pio2hi;
return (x);
/* now x is between 1/8 and 8 */
if (ix < 0x3f000000) { /* between 1/8 and 1/2 */
z = x * x;
! x = x + (x * z) * (a1 + z * (a2 + z * (a3 + z * (a4 +
! z * a5))));
return (x);
! *(int *) &x = ix;
iy = (ix + 0x00040000) & 0x7ff80000;
! *(int *) &y = iy;
j = (iy - 0x3f000000) >> 19;
! if (ix == iy)
p = x - y; /* p=0.0 */
! else {
if (sign == 0)
s = (x - y) / (one + x * y);
s = (y - x) / (one + x * y);
z = s * s;
p = s * (one + z * q1);
if (sign == 0) {
r = p + _TBL_r_atan_lo[j];
x = r + _TBL_r_atan_hi[j];
} else {
r = p - _TBL_r_atan_lo[j];
x = r - _TBL_r_atan_hi[j];
return (x);
--- 151,204 ----
} else if (ix < 0x4c800000) { /* x < 2**(prec+2) */
y = one / x - pio2lo;
} else if (ix < 0x7f800000) { /* x < inf */
y = -pio2lo;
} else { /* x is inf or NaN */
! if (ix > 0x7f800000)
return (x * x); /* - -> * for Cheetah */
y = -pio2lo;
if (sign == 0)
x = pio2hi - y;
x = y - pio2hi;
return (x);
/* now x is between 1/8 and 8 */
if (ix < 0x3f000000) { /* between 1/8 and 1/2 */
z = x * x;
! x = x + (x * z) * (a1 + z * (a2 + z * (a3 + z * (a4 + z *
! a5))));
return (x);
! *(int *)&x = ix;
iy = (ix + 0x00040000) & 0x7ff80000;
! *(int *)&y = iy;
j = (iy - 0x3f000000) >> 19;
! if (ix == iy) {
p = x - y; /* p=0.0 */
! } else {
if (sign == 0)
s = (x - y) / (one + x * y);
s = (y - x) / (one + x * y);
z = s * s;
p = s * (one + z * q1);
if (sign == 0) {
r = p + _TBL_r_atan_lo[j];
x = r + _TBL_r_atan_hi[j];
} else {
r = p - _TBL_r_atan_lo[j];
x = r - _TBL_r_atan_hi[j];
return (x);