1 /*
   3  *
   4  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
   5  * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
   6  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   7  *
   8  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
   9  * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
  10  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  11  * and limitations under the License.
  12  *
  13  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  14  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  15  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18  *
  20  */
  22 /*
  23  *      Copyright (c) 1988 AT&T
  24  *        All Rights Reserved
  25  *
  26  * Copyright (c) 1989, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  27  */
  29 /* Get the sparc version of the relocation engine */
  32 #include        <string.h>
  33 #include        <stdio.h>
  34 #include        <sys/elf_SPARC.h>
  35 #include        <debug.h>
  36 #include        <reloc.h>
  37 #include        <sparc/machdep_sparc.h>
  38 #include        "msg.h"
  39 #include        "_libld.h"
  40 #include        "machsym.sparc.h"
  42 /*
  43  * Local Variable Definitions
  44  */
  45 static Sword neggotoffset = 0;          /* off. of GOT table from GOT symbol */
  46 static Sword smlgotcnt = M_GOT_XNumber; /* no. of small GOT symbols */
  47 static Sword mixgotcnt = 0;             /* # syms with both large/small GOT */
  49 /*
  50  * Search the GOT index list for a GOT entry with a matching reference and the
  51  * proper addend.
  52  */
  53 static Gotndx *
  54 ld_find_got_ndx(Alist *alp, Gotref gref, Ofl_desc *ofl, Rel_desc *rdesc)
  55 {
  56         Aliste  idx;
  57         Gotndx  *gnp;
  59         assert(rdesc != 0);
  61         if ((gref == GOT_REF_TLSLD) && ofl->ofl_tlsldgotndx)
  62                 return (ofl->ofl_tlsldgotndx);
  64         for (ALIST_TRAVERSE(alp, idx, gnp)) {
  65                 if ((rdesc->rel_raddend == gnp->gn_addend) &&
  66                     (gref == gnp->gn_gotref))
  67                         return (gnp);
  68         }
  69         return (NULL);
  70 }
  72 static Xword
  73 ld_calc_got_offset(Rel_desc * rdesc, Ofl_desc * ofl)
  74 {
  75         Os_desc         *osp = ofl->ofl_osgot;
  76         Sym_desc        *sdp = rdesc->rel_sym;
  77         Xword           gotndx;
  78         Gotref          gref;
  79         Gotndx          *gnp;
  81         if (rdesc->rel_flags & FLG_REL_DTLS)
  82                 gref = GOT_REF_TLSGD;
  83         else if (rdesc->rel_flags & FLG_REL_MTLS)
  84                 gref = GOT_REF_TLSLD;
  85         else if (rdesc->rel_flags & FLG_REL_STLS)
  86                 gref = GOT_REF_TLSIE;
  87         else
  88                 gref = GOT_REF_GENERIC;
  90         gnp = ld_find_got_ndx(sdp->sd_GOTndxs, gref, ofl, rdesc);
  91         assert(gnp);
  93         gotndx = (Xword)gnp->gn_gotndx;
  95         if ((rdesc->rel_flags & FLG_REL_DTLS) &&
  96             (rdesc->rel_rtype == M_R_DTPOFF))
  97                 gotndx++;
  99         return ((Xword)((osp->os_shdr->sh_addr) + (gotndx * M_GOT_ENTSIZE) +
 100             (-neggotoffset * M_GOT_ENTSIZE)));
 101 }
 103 static Word
 104 ld_init_rel(Rel_desc *reld, Word *typedata, void *reloc)
 105 {
 106         Rela    *rela = (Rela *)reloc;
 108         /* LINTED */
 109         reld->rel_rtype = (Word)ELF_R_TYPE(rela->r_info, M_MACH);
 110         reld->rel_roffset = rela->r_offset;
 111         reld->rel_raddend = rela->r_addend;
 112         *typedata = (Word)ELF_R_TYPE_DATA(rela->r_info);
 114         reld->rel_flags |= FLG_REL_RELA;
 116         return ((Word)ELF_R_SYM(rela->r_info));
 117 }
 119 static void
 120 ld_mach_eflags(Ehdr *ehdr, Ofl_desc *ofl)
 121 {
 122         Word            eflags = ofl->ofl_dehdr->e_flags;
 123         Word            memopt1, memopt2;
 124         static int      firstpass;
 126         /*
 127          * If a *PLUS relocatable is included, the output object is type *PLUS.
 128          */
 129         if ((ehdr->e_machine == EM_SPARC32PLUS) &&
 130             (ehdr->e_flags & EF_SPARC_32PLUS))
 131                 ofl->ofl_dehdr->e_machine = EM_SPARC32PLUS;
 133         /*
 134          * On the first pass, we don't yet have a memory model to compare
 135          * against, therefore the initial file becomes our baseline.  Subsequent
 136          * passes will do the comparison described below.
 137          */
 138         if (firstpass == 0) {
 139                 ofl->ofl_dehdr->e_flags |= ehdr->e_flags;
 140                 firstpass++;
 141                 return;
 142         }
 144         /*
 145          * Determine which memory model to mark the binary with.  The options
 146          * are (most restrictive to least):
 147          *
 148          *      EF_SPARCV9_TSO          0x0     Total Store Order
 149          *      EF_SPARCV9_PSO          0x1     Partial Store Order
 150          *      EF_SPARCV9_RMO          0x2     Relaxed Memory Order
 151          *
 152          * Mark the binary with the most restrictive option encountered from a
 153          * relocatable object included in the link.
 154          */
 155         eflags |= (ehdr->e_flags & ~EF_SPARCV9_MM);
 156         memopt1 = eflags & EF_SPARCV9_MM;
 157         memopt2 = ehdr->e_flags & EF_SPARCV9_MM;
 158         eflags &= ~EF_SPARCV9_MM;
 160         if ((memopt1 == EF_SPARCV9_TSO) || (memopt2 == EF_SPARCV9_TSO))
 161                 /* EMPTY */
 162                 ;
 163         else if ((memopt1 == EF_SPARCV9_PSO) || (memopt2 == EF_SPARCV9_PSO))
 164                 eflags |= EF_SPARCV9_PSO;
 165         else
 166                 eflags |= EF_SPARCV9_RMO;
 168         ofl->ofl_dehdr->e_flags = eflags;
 169 }
 171 static void
 172 ld_mach_make_dynamic(Ofl_desc *ofl, size_t *cnt)
 173 {
 174         if (!(ofl->ofl_flags & FLG_OF_RELOBJ)) {
 175                 /*
 176                  * Create this entry if we are going to create a PLT table.
 177                  */
 178                 if (ofl->ofl_pltcnt)
 179                         (*cnt)++;               /* DT_PLTGOT */
 180         }
 181 }
 183 static void
 184 ld_mach_update_odynamic(Ofl_desc *ofl, Dyn **dyn)
 185 {
 186         if (((ofl->ofl_flags & FLG_OF_RELOBJ) == 0) && ofl->ofl_pltcnt) {
 187                 (*dyn)->d_tag = DT_PLTGOT;
 188                 if (ofl->ofl_osplt)
 189                         (*dyn)->d_un.d_ptr = ofl->ofl_osplt->os_shdr->sh_addr;
 190                 else
 191                         (*dyn)->d_un.d_ptr = 0;
 192                 (*dyn)++;
 193         }
 194 }
 196 #if     defined(_ELF64)
 198 static Xword
 199 ld_calc_plt_addr(Sym_desc *sdp, Ofl_desc *ofl)
 200 {
 201         Xword   value, pltndx, farpltndx;
 203         pltndx = sdp->sd_aux->sa_PLTndx + M_PLT_XNumber - 1;
 205         if ((pltndx) < M64_PLT_NEARPLTS) {
 206                 value = (Xword)(ofl->ofl_osplt->os_shdr->sh_addr) +
 207                     (pltndx * M_PLT_ENTSIZE);
 208                 return (value);
 209         }
 211         farpltndx = pltndx - M64_PLT_NEARPLTS;
 213         /*
 214          * pltoffset of a far plt is calculated by:
 215          *
 216          *      <size of near plt table> +
 217          *      <size of preceding far plt blocks> +
 218          *      <blockndx * sizeof (far plt entsize)>
 219          */
 220         value =
 221             /* size of near plt table */
 222             (M64_PLT_NEARPLTS * M_PLT_ENTSIZE) +
 223             /* size of preceding far plt blocks */
 224             ((farpltndx / M64_PLT_FBLKCNTS) *
 225             ((M64_PLT_FENTSIZE + sizeof (Addr)) *
 226             M64_PLT_FBLKCNTS)) +
 227             /* pltblockendx * fentsize */
 228             ((farpltndx % M64_PLT_FBLKCNTS) * M64_PLT_FENTSIZE);
 230         value += (Xword)(ofl->ofl_osplt->os_shdr->sh_addr);
 231         return (value);
 232 }
 234 /*
 235  * Instructions required for Far PLT's
 236  */
 237 static uchar_t farplt_instrs[24] = {
 238         0x8a, 0x10, 0x00, 0x0f,         /* mov   %o7, %g5       */
 239         0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02,         /* call  . + 0x8        */
 240         0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,         /* nop                  */
 241         0xc2, 0x5b, 0xe0, 0x00,         /* ldx   [%o7 + 0], %g1 */
 242         0x83, 0xc3, 0xc0, 0x01,         /* jmpl  %o7 + %g1, %g1 */
 243         0x9e, 0x10, 0x00, 0x05          /* mov   %g5, %o7       */
 244 };
 246 /*
 247  * Far PLT'S:
 248  *
 249  * Far PLT's are established in blocks of '160' at a time.  These
 250  * PLT's consist of 6 instructions (24 bytes) and 1 pointer (8 bytes).
 251  * The instructions are collected together in blocks of 160 entries
 252  * followed by 160 pointers.  The last group of entries and pointers
 253  * may contain less then 160 items.  No padding is required.
 254  *
 255  *      .PLT32768:
 256  *              mov     %o7, %g5
 257  *              call    . + 8
 258  *              nop
 259  *              ldx     [%o7 + .PLTP32768 - (.PLT32768 + 4)], %g1
 260  *              jmpl    %o7 + %g1, %g1
 261  *              mov     %g5, %o7
 262  *      ................................
 263  *      .PLT32927:
 264  *              mov     %o7, %g5
 265  *              call    . + 8
 266  *              nop
 267  *              ldx     [%o7 + .PLTP32927 - (.PLT32927 + 4)], %g1
 268  *              jmpl    %o7 + %g1, %g1
 269  *              mov     %g5, %o7
 270  *      .PLTP32768:
 271  *              .xword .PLT0-(.PLT32768+4)
 272  *      ................................
 273  *      .PLTP32927:
 274  *              .xword .PLT0-(.PLT32927+4)
 275  *
 276  */
 277 static void
 278 plt_far_entry(Ofl_desc *ofl, Xword pltndx, Xword *roffset, Sxword *raddend)
 279 {
 280         uint_t          blockndx;       /* # of far PLT blocks */
 281         uint_t          farblkcnt;      /* Index to far PLT block */
 282         Xword           farpltndx;      /* index of Far Plt */
 283         Xword           farpltblkndx;   /* index of PLT in BLOCK */
 284         uint32_t        *pltent;        /* ptr to plt instr. sequence */
 285         uint64_t        *pltentptr;     /* ptr to plt addr ptr */
 286         Sxword          pltblockoff;    /* offset to Far plt block */
 287         Sxword          pltoff;         /* offset to PLT instr. sequence */
 288         Sxword          pltptroff;      /* offset to PLT addr ptr */
 289         uchar_t         *pltbuf;        /* ptr to PLT's in file */
 292         farblkcnt = ((ofl->ofl_pltcnt - 1 +
 293             M_PLT_XNumber - M64_PLT_NEARPLTS) / M64_PLT_FBLKCNTS);
 295         /*
 296          * Determine the 'Far' PLT index.
 297          */
 298         farpltndx = pltndx - 1 + M_PLT_XNumber - M64_PLT_NEARPLTS;
 299         farpltblkndx = farpltndx % M64_PLT_FBLKCNTS;
 301         /*
 302          * Determine what FPLT block this plt falls into.
 303          */
 304         blockndx = (uint_t)(farpltndx / M64_PLT_FBLKCNTS);
 306         /*
 307          * Calculate the starting offset of the Far PLT block
 308          * that this PLT is a member of.
 309          */
 310         pltblockoff = (M64_PLT_NEARPLTS * M_PLT_ENTSIZE) +
 311             (blockndx * M64_PLT_FBLOCKSZ);
 313         pltoff = pltblockoff +
 314             (farpltblkndx * M64_PLT_FENTSIZE);
 316         pltptroff = pltblockoff;
 319         if (farblkcnt > blockndx) {
 320                 /*
 321                  * If this is a full block - the 'pltptroffs' start
 322                  * after 160 fplts.
 323                  */
 324                 pltptroff += (M64_PLT_FBLKCNTS * M64_PLT_FENTSIZE) +
 325                     (farpltblkndx * M64_PLT_PSIZE);
 326         } else {
 327                 Xword   lastblkpltndx;
 328                 /*
 329                  * If this is the last block - the the pltptr's start
 330                  * after the last FPLT instruction sequence.
 331                  */
 332                 lastblkpltndx = (ofl->ofl_pltcnt - 1 + M_PLT_XNumber -
 333                     M64_PLT_NEARPLTS) % M64_PLT_FBLKCNTS;
 334                 pltptroff += ((lastblkpltndx + 1) * M64_PLT_FENTSIZE) +
 335                     (farpltblkndx * M64_PLT_PSIZE);
 336         }
 337         pltbuf = (uchar_t *)ofl->ofl_osplt->os_outdata->d_buf;
 339         /*
 340          * For far-plts, the Raddend and Roffset fields are defined
 341          * to be:
 342          *
 343          *      roffset:        address of .PLTP#
 344          *      raddend:        -(.PLT#+4)
 345          */
 346         *roffset = pltptroff + (Xword)(ofl->ofl_osplt->os_shdr->sh_addr);
 347         *raddend = -(pltoff + 4 + (Xword)(ofl->ofl_osplt->os_shdr->sh_addr));
 349         /* LINTED */
 350         pltent = (uint32_t *)(pltbuf + pltoff);
 351         /* LINTED */
 352         pltentptr = (uint64_t *)(pltbuf + pltptroff);
 353         (void) memcpy(pltent, farplt_instrs, sizeof (farplt_instrs));
 355         /*
 356          *  update
 357          *      ldx   [%o7 + 0], %g1
 358          * to
 359          *      ldx   [%o7 + .PLTP# - (.PLT# + 4)], %g1
 360          */
 361         /* LINTED */
 362         pltent[3] |= (uint32_t)(pltptroff - (pltoff + 4));
 364         /*
 365          * Store:
 366          *      .PLTP#
 367          *              .xword  .PLT0 - .PLT# + 4
 368          */
 369         *pltentptr = -(pltoff + 4);
 370 }
 372 /*
 373  *      Build a single V9 P.L.T. entry - code is:
 374  *
 375  *      For Target Addresses +/- 4GB of the entry
 376  *      -----------------------------------------
 377  *      sethi   (. - .PLT0), %g1
 378  *      ba,a    %xcc, .PLT1
 379  *      nop
 380  *      nop
 381  *      nop
 382  *      nop
 383  *      nop
 384  *      nop
 385  *
 386  *      For Target Addresses +/- 2GB of the entry
 387  *      -----------------------------------------
 388  *
 389  *      .PLT0 is the address of the first entry in the P.L.T.
 390  *      This one is filled in by the run-time link editor. We just
 391  *      have to leave space for it.
 392  */
 393 static void
 394 plt_entry(Ofl_desc *ofl, Xword pltndx, Xword *roffset, Sxword *raddend)
 395 {
 396         uchar_t *pltent;        /* PLT entry being created. */
 397         Sxword  pltoff;         /* Offset of this entry from PLT top */
 398         int     bswap = (ofl->ofl_flags1 & FLG_OF1_ENCDIFF) != 0;
 400         /*
 401          *  The second part of the V9 ABI (sec. 5.2.4)
 402          *  applies to plt entries greater than 0x8000 (32,768).
 403          *  This is handled in 'plt_far_entry()'
 404          */
 405         if ((pltndx - 1 + M_PLT_XNumber) >= M64_PLT_NEARPLTS) {
 406                 plt_far_entry(ofl, pltndx, roffset, raddend);
 407                 return;
 408         }
 410         pltoff = M_PLT_RESERVSZ + (pltndx - 1) * M_PLT_ENTSIZE;
 411         pltent = (uchar_t *)ofl->ofl_osplt->os_outdata->d_buf + pltoff;
 413         *roffset = pltoff + (Xword)(ofl->ofl_osplt->os_shdr->sh_addr);
 414         *raddend = 0;
 416         /*
 417          * PLT[0]: sethi %hi(. - .L0), %g1
 418          */
 419         /* LINTED */
 420         *(Word *)pltent = M_SETHIG1 | pltoff;
 421         if (bswap)
 422                 /* LINTED */
 423                 *(Word *)pltent = ld_bswap_Word(*(Word *)pltent);
 425         /*
 426          * PLT[1]: ba,a %xcc, .PLT1 (.PLT1 accessed as a
 427          * PC-relative index of longwords).
 428          */
 429         pltent += M_PLT_INSSIZE;
 430         pltoff += M_PLT_INSSIZE;
 431         pltoff = -pltoff;
 432         /* LINTED */
 433         *(Word *)pltent = M_BA_A_XCC |
 434             (((pltoff + M_PLT_ENTSIZE) >> 2) & S_MASK(19));
 435         if (bswap)
 436                 /* LINTED */
 437                 *(Word *)pltent = ld_bswap_Word(*(Word *)pltent);
 439         /*
 440          * PLT[2]: sethi 0, %g0 (NOP for delay slot of eventual CTI).
 441          */
 442         pltent += M_PLT_INSSIZE;
 443         /* LINTED */
 444         *(Word *)pltent = M_NOP;
 445         if (bswap)
 446                 /* LINTED */
 447                 *(Word *)pltent = ld_bswap_Word(*(Word *)pltent);
 449         /*
 450          * PLT[3]: sethi 0, %g0 (NOP for PLT padding).
 451          */
 452         pltent += M_PLT_INSSIZE;
 453         /* LINTED */
 454         *(Word *)pltent = M_NOP;
 455         if (bswap)
 456                 /* LINTED */
 457                 *(Word *)pltent = ld_bswap_Word(*(Word *)pltent);
 459         /*
 460          * PLT[4]: sethi 0, %g0 (NOP for PLT padding).
 461          */
 462         pltent += M_PLT_INSSIZE;
 463         /* LINTED */
 464         *(Word *)pltent = M_NOP;
 465         if (bswap)
 466                 /* LINTED */
 467                 *(Word *)pltent = ld_bswap_Word(*(Word *)pltent);
 469         /*
 470          * PLT[5]: sethi 0, %g0 (NOP for PLT padding).
 471          */
 472         pltent += M_PLT_INSSIZE;
 473         /* LINTED */
 474         *(Word *)pltent = M_NOP;
 475         if (bswap)
 476                 /* LINTED */
 477                 *(Word *)pltent = ld_bswap_Word(*(Word *)pltent);
 479         /*
 480          * PLT[6]: sethi 0, %g0 (NOP for PLT padding).
 481          */
 482         pltent += M_PLT_INSSIZE;
 483         /* LINTED */
 484         *(Word *)pltent = M_NOP;
 485         if (bswap)
 486                 /* LINTED */
 487                 *(Word *)pltent = ld_bswap_Word(*(Word *)pltent);
 489         /*
 490          * PLT[7]: sethi 0, %g0 (NOP for PLT padding).
 491          */
 492         pltent += M_PLT_INSSIZE;
 493         /* LINTED */
 494         *(Word *)pltent = M_NOP;
 495         if (bswap)
 496                 /* LINTED */
 497                 *(Word *)pltent = ld_bswap_Word(*(Word *)pltent);
 498 }
 501 #else  /* Elf 32 */
 503 static Xword
 504 ld_calc_plt_addr(Sym_desc *sdp, Ofl_desc *ofl)
 505 {
 506         Xword   value, pltndx;
 508         pltndx = sdp->sd_aux->sa_PLTndx + M_PLT_XNumber - 1;
 509         value = (Xword)(ofl->ofl_osplt->os_shdr->sh_addr) +
 510             (pltndx * M_PLT_ENTSIZE);
 511         return (value);
 512 }
 515 /*
 516  *      Build a single P.L.T. entry - code is:
 517  *
 518  *      sethi   (. - .L0), %g1
 519  *      ba,a    .L0
 520  *      sethi   0, %g0          (nop)
 521  *
 522  *      .L0 is the address of the first entry in the P.L.T.
 523  *      This one is filled in by the run-time link editor. We just
 524  *      have to leave space for it.
 525  */
 526 static void
 527 plt_entry(Ofl_desc * ofl, Xword pltndx, Xword *roffset, Sxword *raddend)
 528 {
 529         Byte    *pltent;        /* PLT entry being created. */
 530         Sxword  pltoff; /* Offset of this entry from PLT top */
 531         int     bswap = (ofl->ofl_flags1 & FLG_OF1_ENCDIFF) != 0;
 533         pltoff = M_PLT_RESERVSZ + (pltndx - 1) * M_PLT_ENTSIZE;
 534         pltent = (Byte *)ofl->ofl_osplt->os_outdata->d_buf + pltoff;
 536         *roffset = pltoff + (Xword)(ofl->ofl_osplt->os_shdr->sh_addr);
 537         *raddend = 0;
 539         /*
 540          * PLT[0]: sethi %hi(. - .L0), %g1
 541          */
 542         /* LINTED */
 543         *(Word *)pltent = M_SETHIG1 | pltoff;
 544         if (bswap)
 545                 /* LINTED */
 546                 *(Word *)pltent = ld_bswap_Word(*(Word *)pltent);
 548         /*
 549          * PLT[1]: ba,a .L0 (.L0 accessed as a PC-relative index of longwords)
 550          */
 551         pltent += M_PLT_INSSIZE;
 552         pltoff += M_PLT_INSSIZE;
 553         pltoff = -pltoff;
 554         /* LINTED */
 555         *(Word *)pltent = M_BA_A | ((pltoff >> 2) & S_MASK(22));
 556         if (bswap)
 557                 /* LINTED */
 558                 *(Word *)pltent = ld_bswap_Word(*(Word *)pltent);
 560         /*
 561          * PLT[2]: sethi 0, %g0 (NOP for delay slot of eventual CTI).
 562          */
 563         pltent += M_PLT_INSSIZE;
 564         /* LINTED */
 565         *(Word *)pltent = M_SETHIG0;
 566         if (bswap)
 567                 /* LINTED */
 568                 *(Word *)pltent = ld_bswap_Word(*(Word *)pltent);
 570         /*
 571          * PLT[3]: sethi 0, %g0 (NOP for PLT padding).
 572          */
 573         pltent += M_PLT_INSSIZE;
 574         /* LINTED */
 575         *(Word *)pltent = M_SETHIG0;
 576         if (bswap)
 577                 /* LINTED */
 578                 *(Word *)pltent = ld_bswap_Word(*(Word *)pltent);
 579 }
 581 #endif /* _ELF64 */
 583 static uintptr_t
 584 ld_perform_outreloc(Rel_desc *orsp, Ofl_desc *ofl, Boolean *remain_seen)
 585 {
 586         Os_desc         *relosp, *osp = NULL;
 587         Xword           ndx, roffset, value;
 588         Sxword          raddend;
 589         const Rel_entry *rep;
 590         Rela            rea;
 591         char            *relbits;
 592         Sym_desc        *sdp, *psym = NULL;
 593         int             sectmoved = 0;
 594         Word            dtflags1 = ofl->ofl_dtflags_1;
 595         ofl_flag_t      flags = ofl->ofl_flags;
 597         raddend = orsp->rel_raddend;
 598         sdp = orsp->rel_sym;
 600         /*
 601          * Special case, a regsiter symbol associated with symbol
 602          * index 0 is initialized (i.e. relocated) to a constant
 603          * in the r_addend field rather than to a symbol value.
 604          */
 605         if ((orsp->rel_rtype == M_R_REGISTER) && !sdp) {
 606                 relosp = ofl->ofl_osrel;
 607                 relbits = (char *)relosp->os_outdata->d_buf;
 609                 rea.r_info = ELF_R_INFO(0,
 610                     ELF_R_TYPE_INFO(RELAUX_GET_TYPEDATA(orsp),
 611                     orsp->rel_rtype));
 612                 rea.r_offset = orsp->rel_roffset;
 613                 rea.r_addend = raddend;
 614                 DBG_CALL(Dbg_reloc_out(ofl, ELF_DBG_LD, SHT_RELA, &rea,
 615                     relosp->os_name, ld_reloc_sym_name(orsp)));
 617                 assert(relosp->os_szoutrels <= relosp->os_shdr->sh_size);
 618                 (void) memcpy((relbits + relosp->os_szoutrels),
 619                     (char *)&rea, sizeof (Rela));
 620                 relosp->os_szoutrels += (Xword)sizeof (Rela);
 622                 return (1);
 623         }
 625         /*
 626          * If the section this relocation is against has been discarded
 627          * (-zignore), then also discard (skip) the relocation itself.
 628          */
 629         if (orsp->rel_isdesc && ((orsp->rel_flags &
 630             (FLG_REL_GOT | FLG_REL_BSS | FLG_REL_PLT | FLG_REL_NOINFO)) == 0) &&
 631             (orsp->rel_isdesc->is_flags & FLG_IS_DISCARD)) {
 632                 DBG_CALL(Dbg_reloc_discard(ofl->ofl_lml, M_MACH, orsp));
 633                 return (1);
 634         }
 636         /*
 637          * If this is a relocation against a move table, or expanded move
 638          * table, adjust the relocation entries.
 639          */
 640         if (RELAUX_GET_MOVE(orsp))
 641                 ld_adj_movereloc(ofl, orsp);
 643         /*
 644          * If this is a relocation against a section then we need to adjust the
 645          * raddend field to compensate for the new position of the input section
 646          * within the new output section.
 647          */
 648         if (ELF_ST_TYPE(sdp->sd_sym->st_info) == STT_SECTION) {
 649                 if (ofl->ofl_parsyms &&
 650                     (sdp->sd_isc->is_flags & FLG_IS_RELUPD) &&
 651                     (psym = ld_am_I_partial(orsp, orsp->rel_raddend))) {
 652                         /*
 653                          * If the symbol is moved, adjust the value
 654                          */
 655                         DBG_CALL(Dbg_move_outsctadj(ofl->ofl_lml, psym));
 656                         sectmoved = 1;
 657                         if (ofl->ofl_flags & FLG_OF_RELOBJ)
 658                                 raddend = psym->sd_sym->st_value;
 659                         else
 660                                 raddend = psym->sd_sym->st_value -
 661                                     psym->sd_isc->is_osdesc->os_shdr->sh_addr;
 662                         /* LINTED */
 663                         raddend += (Off)_elf_getxoff(psym->sd_isc->is_indata);
 664                         if (psym->sd_isc->is_shdr->sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC)
 665                                 raddend +=
 666                                     psym->sd_isc->is_osdesc->os_shdr->sh_addr;
 667                 } else {
 668                         /* LINTED */
 669                         raddend += (Off)_elf_getxoff(sdp->sd_isc->is_indata);
 670                         if (sdp->sd_isc->is_shdr->sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC)
 671                                 raddend +=
 672                                     sdp->sd_isc->is_osdesc->os_shdr->sh_addr;
 673                 }
 674         }
 676         value = sdp->sd_sym->st_value;
 678         if (orsp->rel_flags & FLG_REL_GOT) {
 679                 osp = ofl->ofl_osgot;
 680                 roffset = ld_calc_got_offset(orsp, ofl);
 682         } else if (orsp->rel_flags & FLG_REL_PLT) {
 683                 osp = ofl->ofl_osplt;
 684                 plt_entry(ofl, sdp->sd_aux->sa_PLTndx, &roffset, &raddend);
 685         } else if (orsp->rel_flags & FLG_REL_BSS) {
 686                 /*
 687                  * This must be a R_SPARC_COPY.  For these set the roffset to
 688                  * point to the new symbols location.
 689                  */
 690                 osp = ofl->ofl_isbss->is_osdesc;
 691                 roffset = (Xword)value;
 693                 /*
 694                  * The raddend doesn't mean anything in an R_SPARC_COPY
 695                  * relocation.  Null it out because it can confuse people.
 696                  */
 697                 raddend = 0;
 698         } else if (orsp->rel_flags & FLG_REL_REG) {
 699                 /*
 700                  * The offsets of relocations against register symbols
 701                  * identifiy the register directly - so the offset
 702                  * does not need to be adjusted.
 703                  */
 704                 roffset = orsp->rel_roffset;
 705         } else {
 706                 osp = RELAUX_GET_OSDESC(orsp);
 708                 /*
 709                  * Calculate virtual offset of reference point; equals offset
 710                  * into section + vaddr of section for loadable sections, or
 711                  * offset plus section displacement for nonloadable sections.
 712                  */
 713                 roffset = orsp->rel_roffset +
 714                     (Off)_elf_getxoff(orsp->rel_isdesc->is_indata);
 715                 if (!(ofl->ofl_flags & FLG_OF_RELOBJ))
 716                         roffset += orsp->rel_isdesc->is_osdesc->
 717                             os_shdr->sh_addr;
 718         }
 720         if ((osp == 0) || ((relosp = osp->os_relosdesc) == 0))
 721                 relosp = ofl->ofl_osrel;
 723         /*
 724          * Verify that the output relocations offset meets the
 725          * alignment requirements of the relocation being processed.
 726          */
 727         rep = &reloc_table[orsp->rel_rtype];
 728         if (((flags & FLG_OF_RELOBJ) || !(dtflags1 & DF_1_NORELOC)) &&
 729             !(rep->re_flags & FLG_RE_UNALIGN)) {
 730                 if (((rep->re_fsize == 2) && (roffset & 0x1)) ||
 731                     ((rep->re_fsize == 4) && (roffset & 0x3)) ||
 732                     ((rep->re_fsize == 8) && (roffset & 0x7))) {
 733                         Conv_inv_buf_t inv_buf;
 735                         ld_eprintf(ofl, ERR_FATAL, MSG_INTL(MSG_REL_NONALIGN),
 736                             conv_reloc_SPARC_type(orsp->rel_rtype, 0, &inv_buf),
 737                             orsp->rel_isdesc->is_file->ifl_name,
 738                             ld_reloc_sym_name(orsp), EC_XWORD(roffset));
 739                         return (S_ERROR);
 740                 }
 741         }
 743         /*
 744          * Assign the symbols index for the output relocation.  If the
 745          * relocation refers to a SECTION symbol then it's index is based upon
 746          * the output sections symbols index.  Otherwise the index can be
 747          * derived from the symbols index itself.
 748          */
 749         if (orsp->rel_rtype == R_SPARC_RELATIVE)
 750                 ndx = STN_UNDEF;
 751         else if ((orsp->rel_flags & FLG_REL_SCNNDX) ||
 752             (ELF_ST_TYPE(sdp->sd_sym->st_info) == STT_SECTION)) {
 753                 if (sectmoved == 0) {
 754                         /*
 755                          * Check for a null input section. This can
 756                          * occur if this relocation references a symbol
 757                          * generated by sym_add_sym().
 758                          */
 759                         if (sdp->sd_isc && sdp->sd_isc->is_osdesc)
 760                                 ndx = sdp->sd_isc->is_osdesc->os_identndx;
 761                         else
 762                                 ndx = sdp->sd_shndx;
 763                 } else
 764                         ndx = ofl->ofl_parexpnndx;
 765         } else
 766                 ndx = sdp->sd_symndx;
 768         /*
 769          * Add the symbols 'value' to the addend field.
 770          */
 771         if (orsp->rel_flags & FLG_REL_ADVAL)
 772                 raddend += value;
 774         /*
 775          * The addend field for R_SPARC_TLS_DTPMOD32 and R_SPARC_TLS_DTPMOD64
 776          * mean nothing.  The addend is propagated in the corresponding
 777          * R_SPARC_TLS_DTPOFF* relocations.
 778          */
 779         if (orsp->rel_rtype == M_R_DTPMOD)
 780                 raddend = 0;
 782         relbits = (char *)relosp->os_outdata->d_buf;
 784         rea.r_info = ELF_R_INFO(ndx,
 785             ELF_R_TYPE_INFO(RELAUX_GET_TYPEDATA(orsp), orsp->rel_rtype));
 786         rea.r_offset = roffset;
 787         rea.r_addend = raddend;
 788         DBG_CALL(Dbg_reloc_out(ofl, ELF_DBG_LD, SHT_RELA, &rea, relosp->os_name,
 789             ld_reloc_sym_name(orsp)));
 791         /*
 792          * Assert we haven't walked off the end of our relocation table.
 793          */
 794         assert(relosp->os_szoutrels <= relosp->os_shdr->sh_size);
 796         (void) memcpy((relbits + relosp->os_szoutrels),
 797             (char *)&rea, sizeof (Rela));
 798         relosp->os_szoutrels += (Xword)sizeof (Rela);
 800         /*
 801          * Determine if this relocation is against a non-writable, allocatable
 802          * section.  If so we may need to provide a text relocation diagnostic.
 803          */
 804         ld_reloc_remain_entry(orsp, osp, ofl, remain_seen);
 805         return (1);
 806 }
 809 /*
 810  * Sparc Instructions for TLS processing
 811  */
 812 #if     defined(_ELF64)
 813 #define TLS_GD_IE_LD    0xd0580000      /* ldx [%g0 + %g0], %o0 */
 814 #else
 815 #define TLS_GD_IE_LD    0xd0000000      /* ld [%g0 + %g0], %o0 */
 816 #endif
 817 #define TLS_GD_IE_ADD   0x9001c008      /* add %g7, %o0, %o0 */
 819 #define TLS_GD_LE_XOR   0x80182000      /* xor %g0, 0, %g0 */
 820 #define TLS_IE_LE_OR    0x80100000      /* or %g0, %o0, %o1 */
 821                                         /*  synthetic: mov %g0, %g0 */
 823 #define TLS_LD_LE_CLRO0 0x90100000      /* clr  %o0 */
 825 #define FM3_REG_MSK_RD  (0x1f << 25)      /* Formate (3) rd register mask */
 826                                         /*      bits 25->29 */
 827 #define FM3_REG_MSK_RS1 (0x1f << 14)      /* Formate (3) rs1 register mask */
 828                                         /*      bits 14->18 */
 829 #define FM3_REG_MSK_RS2 0x1f            /* Formate (3) rs2 register mask */
 830                                         /*      bits 0->4 */
 832 #define REG_G7          7               /* %g7 register */
 834 static Fixupret
 835 tls_fixups(Ofl_desc *ofl, Rel_desc *arsp)
 836 {
 837         Sym_desc        *sdp = arsp->rel_sym;
 838         Word            rtype = arsp->rel_rtype;
 839         Word            *offset, w;
 840         int             bswap = OFL_SWAP_RELOC_DATA(ofl, arsp);
 843         offset = (Word *)((uintptr_t)arsp->rel_roffset +
 844             (uintptr_t)_elf_getxoff(arsp->rel_isdesc->is_indata) +
 845             (uintptr_t)RELAUX_GET_OSDESC(arsp)->os_outdata->d_buf);
 847         if (sdp->sd_ref == REF_DYN_NEED) {
 848                 /*
 849                  * IE reference model
 850                  */
 851                 switch (rtype) {
 852                 case R_SPARC_TLS_GD_HI22:
 853                         DBG_CALL(Dbg_reloc_transition(ofl->ofl_lml, M_MACH,
 854                             R_SPARC_TLS_IE_HI22, arsp,
 855                             ld_reloc_sym_name));
 856                         arsp->rel_rtype = R_SPARC_TLS_IE_HI22;
 857                         return (FIX_RELOC);
 859                 case R_SPARC_TLS_GD_LO10:
 860                         DBG_CALL(Dbg_reloc_transition(ofl->ofl_lml, M_MACH,
 861                             R_SPARC_TLS_IE_LO10, arsp,
 862                             ld_reloc_sym_name));
 863                         arsp->rel_rtype = R_SPARC_TLS_IE_LO10;
 864                         return (FIX_RELOC);
 866                 case R_SPARC_TLS_GD_ADD:
 867                         DBG_CALL(Dbg_reloc_transition(ofl->ofl_lml, M_MACH,
 868                             R_SPARC_NONE, arsp, ld_reloc_sym_name));
 869                         w = bswap ? ld_bswap_Word(*offset) : *offset;
 870                         w = (TLS_GD_IE_LD |
 871                             (w & (FM3_REG_MSK_RS1 | FM3_REG_MSK_RS2)));
 872                         *offset = bswap ? ld_bswap_Word(w) : w;
 873                         return (FIX_DONE);
 875                 case R_SPARC_TLS_GD_CALL:
 876                         DBG_CALL(Dbg_reloc_transition(ofl->ofl_lml, M_MACH,
 877                             R_SPARC_NONE, arsp, ld_reloc_sym_name));
 878                         *offset = TLS_GD_IE_ADD;
 879                         if (bswap)
 880                                 *offset = ld_bswap_Word(*offset);
 881                         return (FIX_DONE);
 882                 }
 883                 return (FIX_RELOC);
 884         }
 886         /*
 887          * LE reference model
 888          */
 889         switch (rtype) {
 890         case R_SPARC_TLS_IE_HI22:
 891         case R_SPARC_TLS_GD_HI22:
 892         case R_SPARC_TLS_LDO_HIX22:
 893                 DBG_CALL(Dbg_reloc_transition(ofl->ofl_lml, M_MACH,
 894                     R_SPARC_TLS_LE_HIX22, arsp, ld_reloc_sym_name));
 895                 arsp->rel_rtype = R_SPARC_TLS_LE_HIX22;
 896                 return (FIX_RELOC);
 898         case R_SPARC_TLS_LDO_LOX10:
 899                 DBG_CALL(Dbg_reloc_transition(ofl->ofl_lml, M_MACH,
 900                     R_SPARC_TLS_LE_LOX10, arsp, ld_reloc_sym_name));
 901                 arsp->rel_rtype = R_SPARC_TLS_LE_LOX10;
 902                 return (FIX_RELOC);
 904         case R_SPARC_TLS_IE_LO10:
 905         case R_SPARC_TLS_GD_LO10:
 906                 /*
 907                  * Current instruction is:
 908                  *
 909                  *      or r1, %lo(x), r2
 910                  *              or
 911                  *      add r1, %lo(x), r2
 912                  *
 913                  * Need to udpate this to:
 914                  *
 915                  *      xor r1, %lox(x), r2
 916                  */
 917                 DBG_CALL(Dbg_reloc_transition(ofl->ofl_lml, M_MACH,
 918                     R_SPARC_TLS_LE_LOX10, arsp, ld_reloc_sym_name));
 919                 w = bswap ? ld_bswap_Word(*offset) : *offset;
 920                 w = TLS_GD_LE_XOR |
 921                     (w & (FM3_REG_MSK_RS1 | FM3_REG_MSK_RD));
 922                 *offset = bswap ? ld_bswap_Word(w) : w;
 923                 arsp->rel_rtype = R_SPARC_TLS_LE_LOX10;
 924                 return (FIX_RELOC);
 926         case R_SPARC_TLS_IE_LD:
 927         case R_SPARC_TLS_IE_LDX:
 928                 /*
 929                  * Current instruction:
 930                  *      ld{x}   [r1 + r2], r3
 931                  *
 932                  * Need to update this to:
 933                  *
 934                  *      mov     r2, r3   (or  %g0, r2, r3)
 935                  */
 936                 DBG_CALL(Dbg_reloc_transition(ofl->ofl_lml, M_MACH,
 937                     R_SPARC_NONE, arsp, ld_reloc_sym_name));
 938                 w = bswap ? ld_bswap_Word(*offset) : *offset;
 939                 w = (w & (FM3_REG_MSK_RS2 | FM3_REG_MSK_RD)) | TLS_IE_LE_OR;
 940                 *offset = bswap ? ld_bswap_Word(w) : w;
 941                 return (FIX_DONE);
 943         case R_SPARC_TLS_LDO_ADD:
 944         case R_SPARC_TLS_GD_ADD:
 945                 /*
 946                  * Current instruction is:
 947                  *
 948                  *      add gptr_reg, r2, r3
 949                  *
 950                  * Need to updated this to:
 951                  *
 952                  *      add %g7, r2, r3
 953                  */
 954                 DBG_CALL(Dbg_reloc_transition(ofl->ofl_lml, M_MACH,
 955                     R_SPARC_NONE, arsp, ld_reloc_sym_name));
 956                 w = bswap ? ld_bswap_Word(*offset) : *offset;
 957                 w = w & (~FM3_REG_MSK_RS1);
 958                 w = w | (REG_G7 << 14);
 959                 *offset = bswap ? ld_bswap_Word(w) : w;
 960                 return (FIX_DONE);
 962         case R_SPARC_TLS_LDM_CALL:
 963                 DBG_CALL(Dbg_reloc_transition(ofl->ofl_lml, M_MACH,
 964                     R_SPARC_NONE, arsp, ld_reloc_sym_name));
 965                 *offset = TLS_LD_LE_CLRO0;
 966                 if (bswap)
 967                         *offset = ld_bswap_Word(*offset);
 968                 return (FIX_DONE);
 970         case R_SPARC_TLS_LDM_HI22:
 971         case R_SPARC_TLS_LDM_LO10:
 972         case R_SPARC_TLS_LDM_ADD:
 973         case R_SPARC_TLS_IE_ADD:
 974         case R_SPARC_TLS_GD_CALL:
 975                 DBG_CALL(Dbg_reloc_transition(ofl->ofl_lml, M_MACH,
 976                     R_SPARC_NONE, arsp, ld_reloc_sym_name));
 977                 *offset = M_NOP;
 978                 if (bswap)
 979                         *offset = ld_bswap_Word(*offset);
 980                 return (FIX_DONE);
 981         }
 982         return (FIX_RELOC);
 983 }
 985 #define GOTOP_ADDINST   0x80000000      /* add %g0, %g0, %g0 */
 987 static Fixupret
 988 gotop_fixups(Ofl_desc *ofl, Rel_desc *arsp)
 989 {
 990         Word            rtype = arsp->rel_rtype;
 991         Word            *offset, w;
 992         const char      *ifl_name;
 993         Conv_inv_buf_t  inv_buf;
 994         int             bswap;
 996         switch (rtype) {
 997         case R_SPARC_GOTDATA_OP_HIX22:
 998                 DBG_CALL(Dbg_reloc_transition(ofl->ofl_lml, M_MACH,
 999                     R_SPARC_GOTDATA_HIX22, arsp, ld_reloc_sym_name));
1000                 arsp->rel_rtype = R_SPARC_GOTDATA_HIX22;
1001                 return (FIX_RELOC);
1003         case R_SPARC_GOTDATA_OP_LOX10:
1004                 DBG_CALL(Dbg_reloc_transition(ofl->ofl_lml, M_MACH,
1005                     R_SPARC_GOTDATA_LOX10, arsp, ld_reloc_sym_name));
1006                 arsp->rel_rtype = R_SPARC_GOTDATA_LOX10;
1007                 return (FIX_RELOC);
1009         case R_SPARC_GOTDATA_OP:
1010                 /*
1011                  * Current instruction:
1012                  *      ld{x}   [r1 + r2], r3
1013                  *
1014                  * Need to update this to:
1015                  *
1016                  *      add     r1, r2, r3
1017                  */
1018                 DBG_CALL(Dbg_reloc_transition(ofl->ofl_lml, M_MACH,
1019                     R_SPARC_NONE, arsp, ld_reloc_sym_name));
1020                 offset = (Word *)(uintptr_t)(arsp->rel_roffset +
1021                     _elf_getxoff(arsp->rel_isdesc->is_indata) +
1022                     (uintptr_t)RELAUX_GET_OSDESC(arsp)->os_outdata->d_buf);
1023                 bswap = OFL_SWAP_RELOC_DATA(ofl, arsp);
1024                 w = bswap ? ld_bswap_Word(*offset) : *offset;
1025                 w = (w & (FM3_REG_MSK_RS1 |
1026                     FM3_REG_MSK_RS2 | FM3_REG_MSK_RD)) | GOTOP_ADDINST;
1027                 *offset = bswap ? ld_bswap_Word(w) : w;
1028                 return (FIX_DONE);
1029         }
1030         /*
1031          * We should not get here
1032          */
1033         if (arsp->rel_isdesc->is_file)
1034                 ifl_name = arsp->rel_isdesc->is_file->ifl_name;
1035         else
1036                 ifl_name = MSG_INTL(MSG_STR_NULL);
1038         ld_eprintf(ofl, ERR_FATAL, MSG_INTL(MSG_REL_BADGOTFIX),
1039             conv_reloc_SPARC_type(arsp->rel_rtype, 0, &inv_buf),
1040             ifl_name, ld_reloc_sym_name(arsp));
1042         assert(0);
1043         return (FIX_ERROR);
1044 }
1046 static uintptr_t
1047 ld_do_activerelocs(Ofl_desc *ofl)
1048 {
1049         Rel_desc        *arsp;
1050         Rel_cachebuf    *rcbp;
1051         Aliste          idx;
1052         uintptr_t       return_code = 1;
1053         ofl_flag_t      flags = ofl->ofl_flags;
1055         if (aplist_nitems(ofl->ofl_actrels.rc_list) != 0)
1056                 DBG_CALL(Dbg_reloc_doact_title(ofl->ofl_lml));
1058         /*
1059          * Process active relocations.
1060          */
1061         REL_CACHE_TRAVERSE(&ofl->ofl_actrels, idx, rcbp, arsp) {
1062                 uchar_t         *addr;
1063                 Xword           value;
1064                 Sym_desc        *sdp;
1065                 const char      *ifl_name;
1066                 Xword           refaddr;
1067                 Os_desc         *osp;
1069                 /*
1070                  * If the section this relocation is against has been discarded
1071                  * (-zignore), then discard (skip) the relocation itself.
1072                  */
1073                 if ((arsp->rel_isdesc->is_flags & FLG_IS_DISCARD) &&
1074                     ((arsp->rel_flags & (FLG_REL_GOT | FLG_REL_BSS |
1075                     FLG_REL_PLT | FLG_REL_NOINFO)) == 0)) {
1076                         DBG_CALL(Dbg_reloc_discard(ofl->ofl_lml, M_MACH, arsp));
1077                         continue;
1078                 }
1080                 /*
1081                  * Perform any required TLS fixups.
1082                  */
1083                 if (arsp->rel_flags & FLG_REL_TLSFIX) {
1084                         Fixupret        ret;
1086                         if ((ret = tls_fixups(ofl, arsp)) == FIX_ERROR)
1087                                 return (S_ERROR);
1088                         if (ret == FIX_DONE)
1089                                 continue;
1090                 }
1092                 /*
1093                  * Perform any required GOTOP fixups.
1094                  */
1095                 if (arsp->rel_flags & FLG_REL_GOTFIX) {
1096                         Fixupret        ret;
1098                         if ((ret = gotop_fixups(ofl, arsp)) == FIX_ERROR)
1099                                 return (S_ERROR);
1100                         if (ret == FIX_DONE)
1101                                 continue;
1102                 }
1104                 /*
1105                  * If this is a relocation against the move table, or
1106                  * expanded move table, adjust the relocation entries.
1107                  */
1108                 if (RELAUX_GET_MOVE(arsp))
1109                         ld_adj_movereloc(ofl, arsp);
1111                 sdp = arsp->rel_sym;
1112                 refaddr = arsp->rel_roffset +
1113                     (Off)_elf_getxoff(arsp->rel_isdesc->is_indata);
1115                 if ((arsp->rel_flags & FLG_REL_CLVAL) ||
1116                     (arsp->rel_flags & FLG_REL_GOTCL))
1117                         value = 0;
1118                 else if (ELF_ST_TYPE(sdp->sd_sym->st_info) == STT_SECTION) {
1119                         Sym_desc        *sym;
1121                         /*
1122                          * The value for a symbol pointing to a SECTION
1123                          * is based off of that sections position.
1124                          */
1125                         if ((sdp->sd_isc->is_flags & FLG_IS_RELUPD) &&
1126                             (sym = ld_am_I_partial(arsp, arsp->rel_raddend))) {
1127                                 /*
1128                                  * The symbol was moved, so adjust the value
1129                                  * relative to the new section.
1130                                  */
1131                                 value = _elf_getxoff(sym->sd_isc->is_indata);
1132                                 if (sym->sd_isc->is_shdr->sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC)
1133                                         value += sym->sd_isc->
1134                                             is_osdesc->os_shdr->sh_addr;
1136                                 /*
1137                                  * The original raddend covers the displacement
1138                                  * from the section start to the desired
1139                                  * address. The value computed above gets us
1140                                  * from the section start to the start of the
1141                                  * symbol range. Adjust the old raddend to
1142                                  * remove the offset from section start to
1143                                  * symbol start, leaving the displacement
1144                                  * within the range of the symbol.
1145                                  */
1146                                 arsp->rel_raddend -= sym->sd_osym->st_value;
1147                         } else {
1148                                 value = _elf_getxoff(sdp->sd_isc->is_indata);
1149                                 if (sdp->sd_isc->is_shdr->sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC)
1150                                         value += sdp->sd_isc->
1151                                             is_osdesc->os_shdr->sh_addr;
1152                         }
1154                         if (sdp->sd_isc->is_shdr->sh_flags & SHF_TLS)
1155                                 value -= ofl->ofl_tlsphdr->p_vaddr;
1157                 } else if (IS_SIZE(arsp->rel_rtype)) {
1158                         /*
1159                          * Size relocations require the symbols size.
1160                          */
1161                         value = sdp->sd_sym->st_size;
1163                 } else if ((sdp->sd_flags & FLG_SY_CAP) &&
1164                     sdp->sd_aux && sdp->sd_aux->sa_PLTndx) {
1165                         /*
1166                          * If relocation is against a capabilities symbol, we
1167                          * need to jump to an associated PLT, so that at runtime
1168                          * ld.so.1 is involved to determine the best binding
1169                          * choice. Otherwise, the value is the symbols value.
1170                          */
1171                         value = ld_calc_plt_addr(sdp, ofl);
1173                 } else
1174                         value = sdp->sd_sym->st_value;
1176                 /*
1177                  * Relocation against the GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE.
1178                  */
1179                 if ((arsp->rel_flags & FLG_REL_GOT) &&
1180                     !ld_reloc_set_aux_osdesc(ofl, arsp, ofl->ofl_osgot))
1181                         return (S_ERROR);
1182                 osp = RELAUX_GET_OSDESC(arsp);
1184                 /*
1185                  * If loadable and not producing a relocatable object add the
1186                  * sections virtual address to the reference address.
1187                  */
1188                 if ((arsp->rel_flags & FLG_REL_LOAD) &&
1189                     ((flags & FLG_OF_RELOBJ) == 0))
1190                         refaddr +=
1191                             arsp->rel_isdesc->is_osdesc->os_shdr->sh_addr;
1193                 /*
1194                  * If this entry has a PLT assigned to it, its value is actually
1195                  * the address of the PLT (and not the address of the function).
1196                  */
1197                 if (IS_PLT(arsp->rel_rtype)) {
1198                         if (sdp->sd_aux && sdp->sd_aux->sa_PLTndx)
1199                                 value = ld_calc_plt_addr(sdp, ofl);
1200                 }
1202                 /*
1203                  * Add relocations addend to value.  Add extra
1204                  * relocation addend if needed.
1205                  */
1206                 value += arsp->rel_raddend;
1207                 if (IS_EXTOFFSET(arsp->rel_rtype))
1208                         value += RELAUX_GET_TYPEDATA(arsp);
1210                 /*
1211                  * Determine whether the value needs further adjustment. Filter
1212                  * through the attributes of the relocation to determine what
1213                  * adjustment is required.  Note, many of the following cases
1214                  * are only applicable when a .got is present.  As a .got is
1215                  * not generated when a relocatable object is being built,
1216                  * any adjustments that require a .got need to be skipped.
1217                  */
1218                 if ((arsp->rel_flags & FLG_REL_GOT) &&
1219                     ((flags & FLG_OF_RELOBJ) == 0)) {
1220                         Xword           R1addr;
1221                         uintptr_t       R2addr;
1222                         Sword           gotndx;
1223                         Gotndx          *gnp;
1224                         Gotref          gref;
1226                         /*
1227                          * Clear the GOT table entry, on SPARC we clear
1228                          * the entry and the 'value' if needed is stored
1229                          * in an output relocations addend.
1230                          *
1231                          * Calculate offset into GOT at which to apply
1232                          * the relocation.
1233                          */
1234                         if (arsp->rel_flags & FLG_REL_DTLS)
1235                                 gref = GOT_REF_TLSGD;
1236                         else if (arsp->rel_flags & FLG_REL_MTLS)
1237                                 gref = GOT_REF_TLSLD;
1238                         else if (arsp->rel_flags & FLG_REL_STLS)
1239                                 gref = GOT_REF_TLSIE;
1240                         else
1241                                 gref = GOT_REF_GENERIC;
1243                         gnp = ld_find_got_ndx(sdp->sd_GOTndxs, gref, ofl, arsp);
1244                         assert(gnp);
1246                         if (arsp->rel_rtype == M_R_DTPOFF)
1247                                 gotndx = gnp->gn_gotndx + 1;
1248                         else
1249                                 gotndx = gnp->gn_gotndx;
1251                         /* LINTED */
1252                         R1addr = (Xword)((-neggotoffset * M_GOT_ENTSIZE) +
1253                             (gotndx * M_GOT_ENTSIZE));
1255                         /*
1256                          * Add the GOTs data's offset.
1257                          */
1258                         R2addr = R1addr + (uintptr_t)osp->os_outdata->d_buf;
1260                         DBG_CALL(Dbg_reloc_doact(ofl->ofl_lml,
1261                             ELF_DBG_LD_ACT, M_MACH, SHT_RELA,
1262                             arsp, R1addr, value, ld_reloc_sym_name));
1264                         /*
1265                          * And do it.
1266                          */
1267                         if (ofl->ofl_flags1 & FLG_OF1_ENCDIFF)
1268                                 *(Xword *)R2addr = ld_bswap_Xword(value);
1269                         else
1270                                 *(Xword *)R2addr = value;
1271                         continue;
1273                 } else if (IS_GOT_BASED(arsp->rel_rtype) &&
1274                     ((flags & FLG_OF_RELOBJ) == 0)) {
1275                         value -= (ofl->ofl_osgot->os_shdr->sh_addr +
1276                             (-neggotoffset * M_GOT_ENTSIZE));
1278                 } else if (IS_PC_RELATIVE(arsp->rel_rtype)) {
1279                         value -= refaddr;
1281                 } else if (IS_TLS_INS(arsp->rel_rtype) &&
1282                     IS_GOT_RELATIVE(arsp->rel_rtype) &&
1283                     ((flags & FLG_OF_RELOBJ) == 0)) {
1284                         Gotndx  *gnp;
1285                         Gotref  gref;
1287                         if (arsp->rel_flags & FLG_REL_STLS)
1288                                 gref = GOT_REF_TLSIE;
1289                         else if (arsp->rel_flags & FLG_REL_DTLS)
1290                                 gref = GOT_REF_TLSGD;
1291                         else if (arsp->rel_flags & FLG_REL_MTLS)
1292                                 gref = GOT_REF_TLSLD;
1294                         gnp = ld_find_got_ndx(sdp->sd_GOTndxs, gref, ofl, arsp);
1295                         assert(gnp);
1297                         value = gnp->gn_gotndx * M_GOT_ENTSIZE;
1299                 } else if (IS_GOT_RELATIVE(arsp->rel_rtype) &&
1300                     ((flags & FLG_OF_RELOBJ) == 0)) {
1301                         Gotndx  *gnp;
1303                         gnp = ld_find_got_ndx(sdp->sd_GOTndxs,
1304                             GOT_REF_GENERIC, ofl, arsp);
1305                         assert(gnp);
1307                         value = gnp->gn_gotndx * M_GOT_ENTSIZE;
1309                 } else if ((arsp->rel_flags & FLG_REL_STLS) &&
1310                     ((flags & FLG_OF_RELOBJ) == 0)) {
1311                         Xword   tlsstatsize;
1313                         /*
1314                          * This is the LE TLS reference model. Static offset is
1315                          * hard-coded, and negated so that it can be added to
1316                          * the thread pointer (%g7)
1317                          */
1318                         tlsstatsize =
1319                             S_ROUND(ofl->ofl_tlsphdr->p_memsz, M_TLSSTATALIGN);
1320                         value = -(tlsstatsize - value);
1321                 }
1323                 if (arsp->rel_isdesc->is_file)
1324                         ifl_name = arsp->rel_isdesc->is_file->ifl_name;
1325                 else
1326                         ifl_name = MSG_INTL(MSG_STR_NULL);
1328                 /*
1329                  * Make sure we have data to relocate.  Compiler and assembler
1330                  * developers have been known to generate relocations against
1331                  * invalid sections (normally .bss), so for their benefit give
1332                  * them sufficient information to help analyze the problem.
1333                  * End users should never see this.
1334                  */
1335                 if (arsp->rel_isdesc->is_indata->d_buf == 0) {
1336                         Conv_inv_buf_t  inv_buf;
1338                         ld_eprintf(ofl, ERR_FATAL, MSG_INTL(MSG_REL_EMPTYSEC),
1339                             conv_reloc_SPARC_type(arsp->rel_rtype, 0, &inv_buf),
1340                             ifl_name, ld_reloc_sym_name(arsp),
1341                             EC_WORD(arsp->rel_isdesc->is_scnndx),
1342                             arsp->rel_isdesc->is_name);
1343                         return (S_ERROR);
1344                 }
1346                 /*
1347                  * Get the address of the data item we need to modify.
1348                  */
1349                 addr = (uchar_t *)((uintptr_t)arsp->rel_roffset +
1350                     (uintptr_t)_elf_getxoff(arsp->rel_isdesc->is_indata));
1352                 DBG_CALL(Dbg_reloc_doact(ofl->ofl_lml, ELF_DBG_LD_ACT,
1353                     M_MACH, SHT_RELA, arsp, EC_NATPTR(addr), value,
1354                     ld_reloc_sym_name));
1355                 addr += (uintptr_t)osp->os_outdata->d_buf;
1357                 if ((((uintptr_t)addr - (uintptr_t)ofl->ofl_nehdr) >
1358                     ofl->ofl_size) || (arsp->rel_roffset >
1359                     osp->os_shdr->sh_size)) {
1360                         Conv_inv_buf_t  inv_buf;
1361                         int             class;
1363                         if (((uintptr_t)addr - (uintptr_t)ofl->ofl_nehdr) >
1364                             ofl->ofl_size)
1365                                 class = ERR_FATAL;
1366                         else
1367                                 class = ERR_WARNING;
1369                         ld_eprintf(ofl, class, MSG_INTL(MSG_REL_INVALOFFSET),
1370                             conv_reloc_SPARC_type(arsp->rel_rtype, 0, &inv_buf),
1371                             ifl_name, EC_WORD(arsp->rel_isdesc->is_scnndx),
1372                             arsp->rel_isdesc->is_name, ld_reloc_sym_name(arsp),
1373                             EC_ADDR((uintptr_t)addr -
1374                             (uintptr_t)ofl->ofl_nehdr));
1376                         if (class == ERR_FATAL) {
1377                                 return_code = S_ERROR;
1378                                 continue;
1379                         }
1380                 }
1382                 /*
1383                  * If '-z noreloc' is specified - skip the do_reloc stage.
1384                  */
1385                 if (OFL_DO_RELOC(ofl)) {
1386                         if (do_reloc_ld(arsp, addr, &value, ld_reloc_sym_name,
1387                             ifl_name, OFL_SWAP_RELOC_DATA(ofl, arsp),
1388                             ofl->ofl_lml) == 0) {
1389                                 ofl->ofl_flags |= FLG_OF_FATAL;
1390                                 return_code = S_ERROR;
1391                         }
1392                 }
1393         }
1394         return (return_code);
1395 }
1397 static uintptr_t
1398 ld_add_outrel(Word flags, Rel_desc *rsp, Ofl_desc *ofl)
1399 {
1400         Rel_desc        *orsp;
1401         Sym_desc        *sdp = rsp->rel_sym;
1402         Conv_inv_buf_t  inv_buf;
1404         /*
1405          * Static executables *do not* want any relocations against them.
1406          * Since our engine still creates relocations against a WEAK UNDEFINED
1407          * symbol in a static executable, it's best to disable them here
1408          * instead of through out the relocation code.
1409          */
1410         if (OFL_IS_STATIC_EXEC(ofl))
1411                 return (1);
1413         /*
1414          * Certain relocations do not make sense in a 64bit shared object,
1415          * if building a shared object do a sanity check on the output
1416          * relocations being created.
1417          */
1418         if (ofl->ofl_flags & FLG_OF_SHAROBJ) {
1419                 Word    rtype = rsp->rel_rtype;
1420                 /*
1421                  * Because the R_SPARC_HIPLT22 & R_SPARC_LOPLT10 relocations
1422                  * are not relative they make no sense to create in a shared
1423                  * object - so emit the proper error message if that occurs.
1424                  */
1425                 if ((rtype == R_SPARC_HIPLT22) || (rtype == R_SPARC_LOPLT10)) {
1426                         ld_eprintf(ofl, ERR_FATAL, MSG_INTL(MSG_REL_UNRELREL),
1427                             conv_reloc_SPARC_type(rsp->rel_rtype, 0, &inv_buf),
1428                             rsp->rel_isdesc->is_file->ifl_name,
1429                             ld_reloc_sym_name(rsp));
1430                         return (S_ERROR);
1431                 }
1432 #if     defined(_ELF64)
1433                 /*
1434                  * Each of the following relocations requires that the
1435                  * object being built be loaded in either the upper 32 or
1436                  * 44 bit range of memory.  Since shared libraries traditionally
1437                  * are loaded in the lower range of memory - this isn't going
1438                  * to work.
1439                  */
1440                 if ((rtype == R_SPARC_H44) || (rtype == R_SPARC_M44) ||
1441                     (rtype == R_SPARC_L44)) {
1442                         ld_eprintf(ofl, ERR_FATAL, MSG_INTL(MSG_REL_SHOBJABS44),
1443                             conv_reloc_SPARC_type(rsp->rel_rtype, 0, &inv_buf),
1444                             rsp->rel_isdesc->is_file->ifl_name,
1445                             ld_reloc_sym_name(rsp));
1446                         return (S_ERROR);
1447                 }
1448 #endif
1449         }
1451         /*
1452          * If we are adding a output relocation against a section
1453          * symbol (non-RELATIVE) then mark that section.  These sections
1454          * will be added to the .dynsym symbol table.
1455          */
1456         if (sdp && (rsp->rel_rtype != M_R_RELATIVE) &&
1457             ((flags & FLG_REL_SCNNDX) ||
1458             (ELF_ST_TYPE(sdp->sd_sym->st_info) == STT_SECTION))) {
1460                 /*
1461                  * If this is a COMMON symbol - no output section
1462                  * exists yet - (it's created as part of sym_validate()).
1463                  * So - we mark here that when it's created it should
1464                  * be tagged with the FLG_OS_OUTREL flag.
1465                  */
1466                 if ((sdp->sd_flags & FLG_SY_SPECSEC) &&
1467                     (sdp->sd_sym->st_shndx == SHN_COMMON)) {
1468                         if (ELF_ST_TYPE(sdp->sd_sym->st_info) != STT_TLS)
1469                                 ofl->ofl_flags1 |= FLG_OF1_BSSOREL;
1470                         else
1471                                 ofl->ofl_flags1 |= FLG_OF1_TLSOREL;
1472                 } else {
1473                         Os_desc *osp;
1474                         Is_desc *isp = sdp->sd_isc;
1476                         if (isp && ((osp = isp->is_osdesc) != NULL) &&
1477                             ((osp->os_flags & FLG_OS_OUTREL) == 0)) {
1478                                 ofl->ofl_dynshdrcnt++;
1479                                 osp->os_flags |= FLG_OS_OUTREL;
1480                         }
1481                 }
1482         }
1484         /* Enter it into the output relocation cache */
1485         if ((orsp = ld_reloc_enter(ofl, &ofl->ofl_outrels, rsp, flags)) == NULL)
1486                 return (S_ERROR);
1488         if (flags & FLG_REL_GOT)
1489                 ofl->ofl_relocgotsz += (Xword)sizeof (Rela);
1490         else if (flags & FLG_REL_PLT)
1491                 ofl->ofl_relocpltsz += (Xword)sizeof (Rela);
1492         else if (flags & FLG_REL_BSS)
1493                 ofl->ofl_relocbsssz += (Xword)sizeof (Rela);
1494         else if (flags & FLG_REL_NOINFO)
1495                 ofl->ofl_relocrelsz += (Xword)sizeof (Rela);
1496         else
1497                 RELAUX_GET_OSDESC(orsp)->os_szoutrels += (Xword)sizeof (Rela);
1499         if (orsp->rel_rtype == M_R_RELATIVE)
1500                 ofl->ofl_relocrelcnt++;
1502 #if     defined(_ELF64)
1503         /*
1504          * When building a 64-bit object any R_SPARC_WDISP30 relocation is given
1505          * a plt padding entry, unless we're building a relocatable object
1506          * (ld -r) or -b is in effect.
1507          */
1508         if ((orsp->rel_rtype == R_SPARC_WDISP30) &&
1509             ((ofl->ofl_flags & (FLG_OF_BFLAG | FLG_OF_RELOBJ)) == 0) &&
1510             ((orsp->rel_sym->sd_flags & FLG_SY_PLTPAD) == 0)) {
1511                 ofl->ofl_pltpad++;
1512                 orsp->rel_sym->sd_flags |= FLG_SY_PLTPAD;
1513         }
1514 #endif
1515         /*
1516          * We don't perform sorting on PLT relocations because
1517          * they have already been assigned a PLT index and if we
1518          * were to sort them we would have to re-assign the plt indexes.
1519          */
1520         if (!(flags & FLG_REL_PLT))
1521                 ofl->ofl_reloccnt++;
1523         /*
1524          * Insure a GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE is generated if required.
1525          */
1526         if (IS_GOT_REQUIRED(orsp->rel_rtype))
1527                 ofl->ofl_flags |= FLG_OF_BLDGOT;
1529         /*
1530          * Identify and possibly warn of a displacement relocation.
1531          */
1532         if (orsp->rel_flags & FLG_REL_DISP) {
1533                 ofl->ofl_dtflags_1 |= DF_1_DISPRELPND;
1535                 if (ofl->ofl_flags & FLG_OF_VERBOSE)
1536                         ld_disp_errmsg(MSG_INTL(MSG_REL_DISPREL4), orsp, ofl);
1537         }
1538         DBG_CALL(Dbg_reloc_ors_entry(ofl->ofl_lml, ELF_DBG_LD, SHT_RELA,
1539             M_MACH, orsp));
1540         return (1);
1541 }
1543 /*
1544  * Process relocation against a register symbol.  Note, of -z muldefs is in
1545  * effect there may have been multiple register definitions, which would have
1546  * been processed as non-fatal, with the first definition winning.  But, we
1547  * will also process multiple relocations for these multiple definitions.  In
1548  * this case we must only preserve the relocation for the definition that was
1549  * kept.  The sad part is that register relocations don't typically specify
1550  * the register symbol with which they are associated, so we might have to
1551  * search the input files global symbols to determine if this relocation is
1552  * appropriate.
1553  */
1554 static uintptr_t
1555 ld_reloc_register(Rel_desc *rsp, Is_desc *isp, Ofl_desc *ofl)
1556 {
1557         if (ofl->ofl_flags & FLG_OF_MULDEFS) {
1558                 Ifl_desc        *ifl = isp->is_file;
1559                 Sym_desc        *sdp = rsp->rel_sym;
1561                 if (sdp == 0) {
1562                         Xword           offset = rsp->rel_roffset;
1563                         Word            ndx;
1565                         for (ndx = ifl->ifl_locscnt;
1566                             ndx < ifl->ifl_symscnt; ndx++) {
1567                                 if (((sdp = ifl->ifl_oldndx[ndx]) != 0) &&
1568                                     (sdp->sd_flags & FLG_SY_REGSYM) &&
1569                                     (sdp->sd_sym->st_value == offset))
1570                                         break;
1571                         }
1572                 }
1573                 if (sdp && (sdp->sd_file != ifl))
1574                         return (1);
1575         }
1576         return (ld_add_outrel((rsp->rel_flags | FLG_REL_REG), rsp, ofl));
1577 }
1579 /*
1580  * process relocation for a LOCAL symbol
1581  */
1582 static uintptr_t
1583 ld_reloc_local(Rel_desc *rsp, Ofl_desc *ofl)
1584 {
1585         ofl_flag_t      flags = ofl->ofl_flags;
1586         Sym_desc        *sdp = rsp->rel_sym;
1587         Word            shndx = sdp->sd_sym->st_shndx;
1589         /*
1590          * if ((shared object) and (not pc relative relocation) and
1591          *    (not against ABS symbol))
1592          * then
1593          *      if (rtype != R_SPARC_32)
1594          *      then
1595          *              build relocation against section
1596          *      else
1597          *              build R_SPARC_RELATIVE
1598          *      fi
1599          * fi
1600          */
1601         if ((flags & FLG_OF_SHAROBJ) && (rsp->rel_flags & FLG_REL_LOAD) &&
1602             !(IS_PC_RELATIVE(rsp->rel_rtype)) && !(IS_SIZE(rsp->rel_rtype)) &&
1603             !(IS_GOT_BASED(rsp->rel_rtype)) &&
1604             !(rsp->rel_isdesc != NULL &&
1605             (rsp->rel_isdesc->is_shdr->sh_type == SHT_SUNW_dof)) &&
1606             (((sdp->sd_flags & FLG_SY_SPECSEC) == 0) ||
1607             (shndx != SHN_ABS) || (sdp->sd_aux && sdp->sd_aux->sa_symspec))) {
1608                 Word    ortype = rsp->rel_rtype;
1610                 if ((rsp->rel_rtype != R_SPARC_32) &&
1611                     (rsp->rel_rtype != R_SPARC_PLT32) &&
1612                     (rsp->rel_rtype != R_SPARC_64))
1613                         return (ld_add_outrel((FLG_REL_SCNNDX | FLG_REL_ADVAL),
1614                             rsp, ofl));
1616                 rsp->rel_rtype = R_SPARC_RELATIVE;
1617                 if (ld_add_outrel(FLG_REL_ADVAL, rsp, ofl) == S_ERROR)
1618                         return (S_ERROR);
1619                 rsp->rel_rtype = ortype;
1620                 return (1);
1621         }
1623         /*
1624          * If the relocation is against a 'non-allocatable' section
1625          * and we can not resolve it now - then give a warning
1626          * message.
1627          *
1628          * We can not resolve the symbol if either:
1629          *      a) it's undefined
1630          *      b) it's defined in a shared library and a
1631          *         COPY relocation hasn't moved it to the executable
1632          *
1633          * Note: because we process all of the relocations against the
1634          *      text segment before any others - we know whether
1635          *      or not a copy relocation will be generated before
1636          *      we get here (see reloc_init()->reloc_segments()).
1637          */
1638         if (!(rsp->rel_flags & FLG_REL_LOAD) &&
1639             ((shndx == SHN_UNDEF) ||
1640             ((sdp->sd_ref == REF_DYN_NEED) &&
1641             ((sdp->sd_flags & FLG_SY_MVTOCOMM) == 0)))) {
1642                 Conv_inv_buf_t  inv_buf;
1643                 Os_desc         *osp = RELAUX_GET_OSDESC(rsp);
1645                 /*
1646                  * If the relocation is against a SHT_SUNW_ANNOTATE
1647                  * section - then silently ignore that the relocation
1648                  * can not be resolved.
1649                  */
1650                 if (osp && (osp->os_shdr->sh_type == SHT_SUNW_ANNOTATE))
1651                         return (0);
1652                 ld_eprintf(ofl, ERR_WARNING, MSG_INTL(MSG_REL_EXTERNSYM),
1653                     conv_reloc_SPARC_type(rsp->rel_rtype, 0, &inv_buf),
1654                     rsp->rel_isdesc->is_file->ifl_name,
1655                     ld_reloc_sym_name(rsp), osp->os_name);
1656                 return (1);
1657         }
1659         /*
1660          * Perform relocation.
1661          */
1662         return (ld_add_actrel(NULL, rsp, ofl));
1663 }
1665 /*
1666  * Establish a relocation transition.  Note, at this point of input relocation
1667  * processing, we have no idea of the relocation value that will be used in
1668  * the eventual relocation calculation.  This value is only known after the
1669  * initial image has been constructed.  Therefore, there is a small chance
1670  * that a value can exceed the capabilities of the transitioned relocation.
1671  * One example might be the offset from the GOT to a symbol.
1672  *
1673  * The only instance of this failure discovered so far has been via the use of
1674  * ABS symbols to represent an external memory location.  This situation is
1675  * rare, since ABS symbols aren't typically generated by the compilers.
1676  * Therefore, our solution is to excluded ABS symbols from the transition
1677  * relocation possibilities.  As an additional safeguard, if an inappropriate
1678  * value is passed to the final relocation engine, a verification ("V")
1679  * relocation should trigger a fatal error condition.
1680  */
1681 static uintptr_t
1682 ld_reloc_GOTOP(Boolean local, Rel_desc *rsp, Ofl_desc *ofl)
1683 {
1684         Word    rtype = rsp->rel_rtype;
1686         if (!local || (rsp->rel_sym->sd_sym->st_shndx == SHN_ABS)) {
1687                 /*
1688                  * When binding to a external symbol, no fixups are required
1689                  * and the GOTDATA_OP relocation can be ignored.
1690                  */
1691                 if (rtype == R_SPARC_GOTDATA_OP)
1692                         return (1);
1693                 return (ld_reloc_GOT_relative(local, rsp, ofl));
1694         }
1696         /*
1697          * When binding to a local symbol the relocations can be transitioned:
1698          *
1699          *      R_*_GOTDATA_OP_HIX22 -> R_*_GOTDATA_HIX22
1700          *      R_*_GOTDATA_OP_LOX10 -> R_*_GOTDATA_LOX10
1701          *      R_*_GOTDATA_OP ->    instruction fixup
1702          */
1703         return (ld_add_actrel(FLG_REL_GOTFIX, rsp, ofl));
1704 }
1706 static uintptr_t
1707 ld_reloc_TLS(Boolean local, Rel_desc *rsp, Ofl_desc *ofl)
1708 {
1709         Word            rtype = rsp->rel_rtype;
1710         Sym_desc        *sdp = rsp->rel_sym;
1711         ofl_flag_t      flags = ofl->ofl_flags;
1712         Gotndx          *gnp;
1714         /*
1715          * If we're building an executable - use either the IE or LE access
1716          * model.  If we're building a shared object process any IE model.
1717          */
1718         if ((flags & FLG_OF_EXEC) || (IS_TLS_IE(rtype))) {
1719                 /*
1720                  * Set the DF_STATIC_TLS flag.
1721                  */
1722                 ofl->ofl_dtflags |= DF_STATIC_TLS;
1724                 if (!local || ((flags & FLG_OF_EXEC) == 0)) {
1725                         /*
1726                          * When processing static TLS - these relocations
1727                          * can be ignored.
1728                          */
1729                         if ((rtype == R_SPARC_TLS_IE_LD) ||
1730                             (rtype == R_SPARC_TLS_IE_LDX) ||
1731                             (rtype == R_SPARC_TLS_IE_ADD))
1732                                 return (1);
1734                         /*
1735                          * Assign a GOT entry for IE static TLS references.
1736                          */
1737                         if (((rtype == R_SPARC_TLS_GD_HI22) ||
1738                             (rtype == R_SPARC_TLS_GD_LO10) ||
1739                             (rtype == R_SPARC_TLS_IE_HI22) ||
1740                             (rtype == R_SPARC_TLS_IE_LO10)) &&
1741                             ((gnp = ld_find_got_ndx(sdp->sd_GOTndxs,
1742                             GOT_REF_TLSIE, ofl, rsp)) == NULL)) {
1744                                 if (ld_assign_got_TLS(local, rsp, ofl, sdp,
1745                                     gnp, GOT_REF_TLSIE, FLG_REL_STLS,
1746                                     rtype, M_R_TPOFF, NULL) == S_ERROR)
1747                                         return (S_ERROR);
1748                         }
1750                         /*
1751                          * IE access model.
1752                          */
1753                         if (IS_TLS_IE(rtype))
1754                                 return (ld_add_actrel(FLG_REL_STLS, rsp, ofl));
1756                         /*
1757                          * Fixups are required for other executable models.
1758                          */
1759                         return (ld_add_actrel((FLG_REL_TLSFIX | FLG_REL_STLS),
1760                             rsp, ofl));
1761                 }
1763                 /*
1764                  * LE access model.
1765                  */
1766                 if (IS_TLS_LE(rtype))
1767                         return (ld_add_actrel(FLG_REL_STLS, rsp, ofl));
1769                 /*
1770                  * When processing static TLS - these relocations can be
1771                  * ignored.
1772                  */
1773                 if (rtype == R_SPARC_TLS_IE_ADD)
1774                         return (1);
1776                 return (ld_add_actrel((FLG_REL_TLSFIX | FLG_REL_STLS),
1777                     rsp, ofl));
1778         }
1780         /*
1781          * Building a shared object.
1782          *
1783          * For dynamic TLS references, ADD relocations are ignored.
1784          */
1785         if ((rtype == R_SPARC_TLS_GD_ADD) || (rtype == R_SPARC_TLS_LDM_ADD) ||
1786             (rtype == R_SPARC_TLS_LDO_ADD))
1787                 return (1);
1789         /*
1790          * Assign a GOT entry for a dynamic TLS reference.
1791          */
1792         if (((rtype == R_SPARC_TLS_LDM_HI22) ||
1793             (rtype == R_SPARC_TLS_LDM_LO10)) &&
1794             ((gnp = ld_find_got_ndx(sdp->sd_GOTndxs, GOT_REF_TLSLD,
1795             ofl, rsp)) == NULL)) {
1797                 if (ld_assign_got_TLS(local, rsp, ofl, sdp, gnp, GOT_REF_TLSLD,
1798                     FLG_REL_MTLS, rtype, M_R_DTPMOD, 0) == S_ERROR)
1799                         return (S_ERROR);
1801         } else if (((rtype == R_SPARC_TLS_GD_HI22) ||
1802             (rtype == R_SPARC_TLS_GD_LO10)) &&
1803             ((gnp = ld_find_got_ndx(sdp->sd_GOTndxs, GOT_REF_TLSGD,
1804             ofl, rsp)) == NULL)) {
1806                 if (ld_assign_got_TLS(local, rsp, ofl, sdp, gnp, GOT_REF_TLSGD,
1807                     FLG_REL_DTLS, rtype, M_R_DTPMOD, M_R_DTPOFF) == S_ERROR)
1808                         return (S_ERROR);
1809         }
1811         /*
1812          * For GD/LD TLS reference - TLS_{GD,LD}_CALL, this will eventually
1813          * cause a call to __tls_get_addr().  Convert this relocation to that
1814          * symbol now, and prepare for the PLT magic.
1815          */
1816         if ((rtype == R_SPARC_TLS_GD_CALL) || (rtype == R_SPARC_TLS_LDM_CALL)) {
1817                 Sym_desc        *tlsgetsym;
1819                 if ((tlsgetsym = ld_sym_add_u(MSG_ORIG(MSG_SYM_TLSGETADDR_U),
1820                     ofl, MSG_STR_TLSREL)) == (Sym_desc *)S_ERROR)
1821                         return (S_ERROR);
1823                 rsp->rel_sym = tlsgetsym;
1824                 rsp->rel_rtype = R_SPARC_WPLT30;
1826                 if (ld_reloc_plt(rsp, ofl) == S_ERROR)
1827                         return (S_ERROR);
1829                 rsp->rel_sym = sdp;
1830                 rsp->rel_rtype = rtype;
1831                 return (1);
1832         }
1834         if (IS_TLS_LD(rtype))
1835                 return (ld_add_actrel(FLG_REL_MTLS, rsp, ofl));
1837         return (ld_add_actrel(FLG_REL_DTLS, rsp, ofl));
1838 }
1840 /*
1841  * ld_allocate_got: if a GOT is to be made, after the section is built this
1842  * function is called to allocate all the GOT slots.  The allocation is
1843  * deferred until after all GOTs have been counted and sorted according
1844  * to their size, for only then will we know how to allocate them on
1845  * a processor like SPARC which has different models for addressing the
1846  * GOT.  SPARC has two: small and large, small uses a signed 13-bit offset
1847  * into the GOT, whereas large uses an unsigned 32-bit offset.
1848  */
1849 static  Sword small_index;      /* starting index for small GOT entries */
1850 static  Sword mixed_index;      /* starting index for mixed GOT entries */
1851 static  Sword large_index;      /* starting index for large GOT entries */
1853 static uintptr_t
1854 ld_assign_got(Ofl_desc *ofl, Sym_desc *sdp)
1855 {
1856         Aliste idx;
1857         Gotndx *gnp;
1859         for (ALIST_TRAVERSE(sdp->sd_GOTndxs, idx, gnp)) {
1860                 uint_t  gotents;
1861                 Gotref  gref = gnp->gn_gotref;
1863                 if ((gref == GOT_REF_TLSGD) || (gref == GOT_REF_TLSLD))
1864                         gotents = 2;
1865                 else
1866                         gotents = 1;
1868                 switch (gnp->gn_gotndx) {
1869                 case M_GOT_SMALL:
1870                         gnp->gn_gotndx = small_index;
1871                         small_index += gotents;
1872                         if (small_index == 0)
1873                                 small_index = M_GOT_XNumber;
1874                         break;
1875                 case M_GOT_MIXED:
1876                         gnp->gn_gotndx = mixed_index;
1877                         mixed_index += gotents;
1878                         break;
1879                 case M_GOT_LARGE:
1880                         gnp->gn_gotndx = large_index;
1881                         large_index += gotents;
1882                         break;
1883                 default:
1884                         ld_eprintf(ofl, ERR_FATAL, MSG_INTL(MSG_REL_ASSIGNGOT),
1885                             EC_XWORD(gnp->gn_gotndx), demangle(sdp->sd_name));
1886                         return (S_ERROR);
1887                 }
1888         }
1889         return (1);
1890 }
1892 static uintptr_t
1893 ld_assign_got_ndx(Alist **alpp, Gotndx *pgnp, Gotref gref, Ofl_desc *ofl,
1894     Rel_desc *rsp, Sym_desc *sdp)
1895 {
1896         Xword           raddend;
1897         Gotndx          gn, *gnp;
1898         Aliste          idx;
1899         uint_t          gotents;
1901         /* Some TLS requires two relocations with two GOT entries */
1902         if ((gref == GOT_REF_TLSGD) || (gref == GOT_REF_TLSLD))
1903                 gotents = 2;
1904         else
1905                 gotents = 1;
1907         raddend = rsp->rel_raddend;
1908         if (pgnp && (pgnp->gn_addend == raddend) && (pgnp->gn_gotref == gref)) {
1910                 /*
1911                  * If an entry for this addend already exists, determine if it
1912                  * has mixed mode GOT access (both PIC and pic).
1913                  *
1914                  * In order to be accessible by both large and small pic,
1915                  * a mixed mode GOT must be located in the positive index
1916                  * range above _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_, and in the range
1917                  * reachable small pic. This is necessary because the large
1918                  * PIC mode cannot use a negative offset. This implies that
1919                  * there can be no more than (M_GOT_MAXSMALL/2 - M_GOT_XNumber)
1920                  * such entries.
1921                  */
1922                 switch (pgnp->gn_gotndx) {
1923                 case M_GOT_SMALL:
1924                         /*
1925                          * This one was previously identified as a small
1926                          * GOT. If this access is large, then convert
1927                          * it to mixed.
1928                          */
1929                         if (rsp->rel_rtype != R_SPARC_GOT13) {
1930                                 pgnp->gn_gotndx = M_GOT_MIXED;
1931                                 mixgotcnt += gotents;
1932                         }
1933                         break;
1935                 case M_GOT_LARGE:
1936                         /*
1937                          * This one was previously identified as a large
1938                          * GOT. If this access is small, convert it to mixed.
1939                          */
1940                         if (rsp->rel_rtype == R_SPARC_GOT13) {
1941                                 smlgotcnt += gotents;
1942                                 mixgotcnt += gotents;
1943                                 pgnp->gn_gotndx = M_GOT_MIXED;
1944                                 sdp->sd_flags |= FLG_SY_SMGOT;
1945                         }
1946                         break;
1947                 }
1948                 return (1);
1949         }
1951         gn.gn_addend = raddend;
1952         gn.gn_gotref = gref;
1954         if (rsp->rel_rtype == R_SPARC_GOT13) {
1955                 gn.gn_gotndx = M_GOT_SMALL;
1956                 smlgotcnt += gotents;
1957                 sdp->sd_flags |= FLG_SY_SMGOT;
1958         } else
1959                 gn.gn_gotndx = M_GOT_LARGE;
1961         ofl->ofl_gotcnt += gotents;
1963         if (gref == GOT_REF_TLSLD) {
1964                 if (ofl->ofl_tlsldgotndx == NULL) {
1965                         if ((gnp = libld_malloc(sizeof (Gotndx))) == NULL)
1966                                 return (S_ERROR);
1967                         (void) memcpy(gnp, &gn, sizeof (Gotndx));
1968                         ofl->ofl_tlsldgotndx = gnp;
1969                 }
1970                 return (1);
1971         }
1973         idx = 0;
1974         for (ALIST_TRAVERSE(*alpp, idx, gnp)) {
1975                 if (gnp->gn_addend > raddend)
1976                         break;
1977         }
1979         /*
1980          * GOT indexes are maintained on an Alist, where there is typically
1981          * only one index.  The usage of this list is to scan the list to find
1982          * an index, and then apply that index immediately to a relocation.
1983          * Thus there are no external references to these GOT index structures
1984          * that can be compromised by the Alist being reallocated.
1985          */
1986         if (alist_insert(alpp, &gn, sizeof (Gotndx),
1987             AL_CNT_SDP_GOT, idx) == NULL)
1988                 return (S_ERROR);
1990         return (1);
1991 }
1993 static void
1994 ld_assign_plt_ndx(Sym_desc * sdp, Ofl_desc *ofl)
1995 {
1996         sdp->sd_aux->sa_PLTndx = 1 + ofl->ofl_pltcnt++;
1997 }
2000 static uintptr_t
2001 ld_allocate_got(Ofl_desc * ofl)
2002 {
2003         const Sword     first_large_ndx = M_GOT_MAXSMALL / 2;
2004         Sym_desc        *sdp;
2005         Addr            addr;
2007         /*
2008          * Sanity check -- is this going to fit at all? There are two
2009          * limits to be concerned about:
2010          *      1) There is a limit on the number of small pic GOT indices,
2011          *              given by M_GOT_MAXSMALL.
2012          *      2) If there are more than (M_GOT_MAXSMALL/2 - M_GOT_XNumber)
2013          *              small GOT indices, there will be items at negative
2014          *              offsets from _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_. Items that are
2015          *              accessed via large (PIC) code cannot reach these
2016          *              negative slots, so mixed mode items must be in the
2017          *              non-negative range. This implies a limit of
2018          *              (M_GOT_MAXSMALL/2 - M_GOT_XNumber) mixed mode indices.
2019          */
2020         if (smlgotcnt > M_GOT_MAXSMALL) {
2021                 ld_eprintf(ofl, ERR_FATAL, MSG_INTL(MSG_REL_SMALLGOT),
2022                     EC_WORD(smlgotcnt), M_GOT_MAXSMALL);
2023                 return (S_ERROR);
2024         }
2025         if (mixgotcnt > (first_large_ndx - M_GOT_XNumber)) {
2026                 ld_eprintf(ofl, ERR_FATAL, MSG_INTL(MSG_REL_MIXEDGOT),
2027                     EC_WORD(mixgotcnt), first_large_ndx - M_GOT_XNumber);
2028                 return (S_ERROR);
2029         }
2031         /*
2032          * Set starting offset to be either 0, or a negative index into
2033          * the GOT based on the number of small symbols we've got.
2034          */
2035         neggotoffset = ((smlgotcnt >= first_large_ndx) ?
2036             (first_large_ndx - smlgotcnt) : 0);
2038         /*
2039          * Initialize the got offsets used by assign_got() to
2040          * locate GOT items:
2041          *      small - Starting index of items referenced only
2042          *              by small offsets (-Kpic).
2043          *      mixed - Starting index of items referenced
2044          *              by both large (-KPIC) and small (-Kpic).
2045          *      large - Indexes referenced only by large (-KPIC)
2046          *
2047          *  Small items can have negative indexes (i.e. lie below
2048          *      _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_). Mixed and large items must have
2049          *      non-negative offsets.
2050          */
2051         small_index = (neggotoffset == 0) ? M_GOT_XNumber : neggotoffset;
2052         large_index = neggotoffset + smlgotcnt;
2053         mixed_index = large_index - mixgotcnt;
2055         /*
2056          * Assign bias to GOT symbols.
2057          */
2058         addr = -neggotoffset * M_GOT_ENTSIZE;
2059         if ((sdp = ld_sym_find(MSG_ORIG(MSG_SYM_GOFTBL), SYM_NOHASH,
2060             NULL, ofl)) != NULL)
2061                 sdp->sd_sym->st_value = addr;
2062         if ((sdp = ld_sym_find(MSG_ORIG(MSG_SYM_GOFTBL_U), SYM_NOHASH,
2063             NULL, ofl)) != NULL)
2064                 sdp->sd_sym->st_value = addr;
2066         if (ofl->ofl_tlsldgotndx) {
2067                 ofl->ofl_tlsldgotndx->gn_gotndx = large_index;
2068                 large_index += 2;
2069         }
2070         return (1);
2071 }
2073 /*
2074  * Initializes .got[0] with the _DYNAMIC symbol value.
2075  */
2076 static uintptr_t
2077 ld_fillin_gotplt(Ofl_desc *ofl)
2078 {
2079         if (ofl->ofl_osgot) {
2080                 Sym_desc        *sdp;
2082                 if ((sdp = ld_sym_find(MSG_ORIG(MSG_SYM_DYNAMIC_U),
2083                     SYM_NOHASH, NULL, ofl)) != NULL) {
2084                         uchar_t *genptr;
2086                         genptr = ((uchar_t *)ofl->ofl_osgot->os_outdata->d_buf +
2087                             (-neggotoffset * M_GOT_ENTSIZE) +
2088                             (M_GOT_XDYNAMIC * M_GOT_ENTSIZE));
2089                         /* LINTED */
2090                         *((Xword *)genptr) = sdp->sd_sym->st_value;
2091                         if (ofl->ofl_flags1 & FLG_OF1_ENCDIFF)
2092                                 /* LINTED */
2093                                 *((Xword *)genptr) =
2094                                     /* LINTED */
2095                                     ld_bswap_Xword(*((Xword *)genptr));
2096                 }
2097         }
2098         return (1);
2099 }
2103 /*
2104  * Template for generating "void (*)(void)" function
2105  */
2106 static const uchar_t nullfunc_tmpl[] = {
2107 /* 0x00 */      0x81, 0xc3, 0xe0, 0x08,         /* retl */
2108 /* 0x04 */      0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00          /* nop */
2109 };
2113 /*
2114  * Return the ld_targ definition for this target.
2115  */
2116 const Target *
2117 ld_targ_init_sparc(void)
2118 {
2119         static const Target _ld_targ = {
2120                 {                       /* Target_mach */
2121                         M_MACH,                 /* m_mach */
2122                         M_MACHPLUS,             /* m_machplus */
2123                         M_FLAGSPLUS,            /* m_flagsplus */
2124                         M_CLASS,                /* m_class */
2125                         M_DATA,                 /* m_data */
2127                         M_SEGM_ALIGN,           /* m_segm_align */
2128                         M_SEGM_ORIGIN,          /* m_segm_origin */
2129                         M_SEGM_AORIGIN,         /* m_segm_aorigin */
2130                         M_DATASEG_PERM,         /* m_dataseg_perm */
2131                         M_STACK_PERM,           /* m_stack_perm */
2132                         M_WORD_ALIGN,           /* m_word_align */
2133                                                 /* m_def_interp */
2134 #if     defined(_ELF64)
2135                         MSG_ORIG(MSG_PTH_RTLD_SPARCV9),
2136 #else
2137                         MSG_ORIG(MSG_PTH_RTLD),
2138 #endif
2140                         /* Relocation type codes */
2141                         M_R_ARRAYADDR,          /* m_r_arrayaddr */
2142                         M_R_COPY,               /* m_r_copy */
2143                         M_R_GLOB_DAT,           /* m_r_glob_dat */
2144                         M_R_JMP_SLOT,           /* m_r_jmp_slot */
2145                         M_R_NUM,                /* m_r_num */
2146                         M_R_NONE,               /* m_r_none */
2147                         M_R_RELATIVE,           /* m_r_relative */
2148                         M_R_REGISTER,           /* m_r_register */
2150                         /* Relocation related constants */
2151                         M_REL_DT_COUNT,         /* m_rel_dt_count */
2152                         M_REL_DT_ENT,           /* m_rel_dt_ent */
2153                         M_REL_DT_SIZE,          /* m_rel_dt_size */
2154                         M_REL_DT_TYPE,          /* m_rel_dt_type */
2155                         M_REL_SHT_TYPE,         /* m_rel_sht_type */
2157                         /* GOT related constants */
2158                         M_GOT_ENTSIZE,          /* m_got_entsize */
2159                         M_GOT_XNumber,          /* m_got_xnumber */
2161                         /* PLT related constants */
2162                         M_PLT_ALIGN,            /* m_plt_align */
2163                         M_PLT_ENTSIZE,          /* m_plt_entsize */
2164                         M_PLT_RESERVSZ,         /* m_plt_reservsz */
2165                         M_PLT_SHF_FLAGS,        /* m_plt_shf_flags */
2167                         /* Section type of .eh_frame/.eh_frame_hdr sections */
2168                         SHT_PROGBITS,           /* m_sht_unwind */
2170                         M_DT_REGISTER,          /* m_dt_register */
2171                 },
2172                 {                       /* Target_machid */
2173                         M_ID_ARRAY,             /* id_array */
2174                         M_ID_BSS,               /* id_bss */
2175                         M_ID_CAP,               /* id_cap */
2176                         M_ID_CAPINFO,           /* id_capinfo */
2177                         M_ID_CAPCHAIN,          /* id_capchain */
2178                         M_ID_DATA,              /* id_data */
2179                         M_ID_DYNAMIC,           /* id_dynamic */
2180                         M_ID_DYNSORT,           /* id_dynsort */
2181                         M_ID_DYNSTR,            /* id_dynstr */
2182                         M_ID_DYNSYM,            /* id_dynsym */
2183                         M_ID_DYNSYM_NDX,        /* id_dynsym_ndx */
2184                         M_ID_GOT,               /* id_got */
2185                         M_ID_GOTDATA,           /* id_gotdata */
2186                         M_ID_HASH,              /* id_hash */
2187                         M_ID_INTERP,            /* id_interp */
2188                         M_ID_UNKNOWN,           /* id_lbss (unused) */
2189                         M_ID_LDYNSYM,           /* id_ldynsym */
2190                         M_ID_NOTE,              /* id_note */
2191                         M_ID_NULL,              /* id_null */
2192                         M_ID_PLT,               /* id_plt */
2193                         M_ID_REL,               /* id_rel */
2194                         M_ID_STRTAB,            /* id_strtab */
2195                         M_ID_SYMINFO,           /* id_syminfo */
2196                         M_ID_SYMTAB,            /* id_symtab */
2197                         M_ID_SYMTAB_NDX,        /* id_symtab_ndx */
2198                         M_ID_TEXT,              /* id_text */
2199                         M_ID_TLS,               /* id_tls */
2200                         M_ID_TLSBSS,            /* id_tlsbss */
2201                         M_ID_UNKNOWN,           /* id_unknown */
2202                         M_ID_UNWIND,            /* id_unwind */
2203                         M_ID_UNWINDHDR,         /* id_unwindhdr */
2204                         M_ID_USER,              /* id_user */
2205                         M_ID_VERSION,           /* id_version */
2206                 },
2207                 {                       /* Target_nullfunc */
2208                         nullfunc_tmpl,          /* nf_template */
2209                         sizeof (nullfunc_tmpl), /* nf_size */
2210                 },
2211                 {                       /* Target_fillfunc */
2212                         /*
2213                          * On sparc, special filling of executable sections
2214                          * is undesirable, and the default 0 fill supplied
2215                          * by libelf is preferred:
2216                          *
2217                          * -    0 fill is interpreted as UNIMP instructions,
2218                          *      which cause an illegal_instruction_trap. These
2219                          *      serve as a sentinel against poorly written
2220                          *      code. The sparc architecture manual discusses
2221                          *      this as providing a measure of runtime safety.
2222                          *
2223                          * -    The one place where a hole should conceivably
2224                          *      be filled with NOP instructions is in the
2225                          *      .init/.fini sections. However, the sparc
2226                          *      assembler sizes the sections it generates
2227                          *      to a multiple of the section alignment, and as
2228                          *      such, takes the filling task out of our hands.
2229                          *      Furthermore, the sparc assembler uses 0-fill
2230                          *      for this, forcing the authors of sparc
2231                          *      assembler for .init/.fini sections to be aware
2232                          *      of this case and explicitly supply NOP fill.
2233                          *      Hence, there is no role for the link-editor.
2234                          */
2235                         NULL                    /* ff_execfill */
2236                 },
2237                 {                       /* Target_machrel */
2238                         reloc_table,
2240                         ld_init_rel,            /* mr_init_rel */
2241                         ld_mach_eflags,         /* mr_mach_eflags */
2242                         ld_mach_make_dynamic,   /* mr_mach_make_dynamic */
2243                         ld_mach_update_odynamic, /* mr_mach_update_odynamic */
2244                         ld_calc_plt_addr,       /* mr_calc_plt_addr */
2245                         ld_perform_outreloc,    /* mr_perform_outreloc */
2246                         ld_do_activerelocs,     /* mr_do_activerelocs */
2247                         ld_add_outrel,          /* mr_add_outrel */
2248                         ld_reloc_register,      /* mr_reloc_register */
2249                         ld_reloc_local,         /* mr_reloc_local */
2250                         ld_reloc_GOTOP,         /* mr_reloc_GOTOP */
2251                         ld_reloc_TLS,           /* mr_reloc_TLS */
2252                         ld_assign_got,          /* mr_assign_got */
2253                         ld_find_got_ndx,        /* mr_find_got_ndx */
2254                         ld_calc_got_offset,     /* mr_calc_got_offset */
2255                         ld_assign_got_ndx,      /* mr_assign_got_ndx */
2256                         ld_assign_plt_ndx,      /* mr_assign_plt_ndx */
2257                         ld_allocate_got,        /* mr_allocate_got */
2258                         ld_fillin_gotplt,       /* mr_fillin_gotplt */
2259                 },
2260                 {                       /* Target_machsym */
2261                         ld_reg_check_sparc,     /* ms_reg_check */
2262                         ld_mach_sym_typecheck_sparc, /* ms_mach_sym_typecheck */
2263                         ld_is_regsym_sparc,     /* ms_is_regsym */
2264                         ld_reg_find_sparc,      /* ms_reg_find */
2265                         ld_reg_enter_sparc      /* ms_reg_enter */
2266                 }
2267         };
2269         return (&_ld_targ);
2270 }