1 /*
   3  *
   4  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
   5  * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
   6  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   7  *
   8  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
   9  * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
  10  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  11  * and limitations under the License.
  12  *
  13  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  14  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  15  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18  *
  20  */
  21 /*
  22  * Copyright 2011 Nexenta Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  23  */
  24 /*
  25  * Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  26  * Use is subject to license terms.
  27  */
  29 #ifndef _ISO_MATH_C99_H
  30 #define _ISO_MATH_C99_H
  32 #include <sys/isa_defs.h>
  33 #include <sys/feature_tests.h>
  35 #ifdef __cplusplus
  36 extern "C" {
  37 #endif
  39 #ifndef __P
  40 #ifdef __STDC__
  41 #define __P(p)  p
  42 #else
  43 #define __P(p)  ()
  44 #endif
  45 #endif  /* !defined(__P) */
  47 #if defined(_STDC_C99) || _XOPEN_SOURCE - 0 >= 600 || defined(__C99FEATURES__)
  48 #if defined(__GNUC__)
  49 #undef  HUGE_VAL
  50 #define HUGE_VAL        (__builtin_huge_val())
  51 #undef  HUGE_VALF
  52 #define HUGE_VALF       (__builtin_huge_valf())
  53 #undef  HUGE_VALL
  54 #define HUGE_VALL       (__builtin_huge_vall())
  55 #undef  INFINITY
  56 #define INFINITY        (__builtin_inff())
  57 #undef  NAN
  58 #define NAN             (__builtin_nanf(""))
  60 /*
  61  * C99 7.12.3 classification macros
  62  */
  63 #undef  isnan
  64 #undef  isinf
  65 #if __GNUC__ >= 4
  66 #define isnan(x)        __builtin_isnan(x)
  67 #define isinf(x)        __builtin_isinf(x)
  68 #else
  69 #define isnan(x)        __extension__( \
  70                         { __typeof(x) __x_n = (x); \
  71                         __builtin_isunordered(__x_n, __x_n); })
  72 #define isinf(x)        __extension__( \
  73                         { __typeof(x) __x_i = (x); \
  74                         __x_i == (__typeof(__x_i)) INFINITY || \
  75                         __x_i == (__typeof(__x_i)) (-INFINITY); })
  76 #endif
  77 #undef  isfinite
  78 #define isfinite(x)     __extension__( \
  79                         { __typeof(x) __x_f = (x); \
  80                         !isnan(__x_f) && !isinf(__x_f); })
  81 #undef  isnormal
  82 #define isnormal(x)     __extension__( \
  83                         { __typeof(x) __x_r = (x); isfinite(__x_r) && \
  84                         (sizeof (__x_r) == sizeof (float) ? \
  85                         __builtin_fabsf(__x_r) >= __FLT_MIN__ : \
  86                         sizeof (__x_r) == sizeof (double) ? \
  87                         __builtin_fabs(__x_r) >= __DBL_MIN__ : \
  88                         __builtin_fabsl(__x_r) >= __LDBL_MIN__); })
  89 #undef  fpclassify
  90 #define fpclassify(x)   __extension__( \
  91                         { __typeof(x) __x_c = (x); \
  92                         isnan(__x_c) ? FP_NAN : \
  93                         isinf(__x_c) ? FP_INFINITE : \
  94                         isnormal(__x_c) ? FP_NORMAL : \
  95                         __x_c == (__typeof(__x_c)) 0 ? FP_ZERO : \
  96                         FP_SUBNORMAL; })
  97 #undef  signbit
  98 #if defined(_BIG_ENDIAN)
  99 #define signbit(x)      __extension__( \
 100                         { __typeof(x) __x_s = (x); \
 101                         (int) (*(unsigned *) &__x_s >> 31); })
 102 #elif defined(_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
 103 #define signbit(x)      __extension__( \
 104                         { __typeof(x) __x_s = (x); \
 105                         (sizeof (__x_s) == sizeof (float) ? \
 106                         (int) (*(unsigned *) &__x_s >> 31) : \
 107                         sizeof (__x_s) == sizeof (double) ? \
 108                         (int) (((unsigned *) &__x_s)[1] >> 31) : \
 109                         (int) (((unsigned short *) &__x_s)[4] >> 15)); })
 110 #endif
 112 /*
 113  * C99 7.12.14 comparison macros
 114  */
 115 #undef  isgreater
 116 #define isgreater(x, y)         __builtin_isgreater(x, y)
 117 #undef  isgreaterequal
 118 #define isgreaterequal(x, y)    __builtin_isgreaterequal(x, y)
 119 #undef  isless
 120 #define isless(x, y)            __builtin_isless(x, y)
 121 #undef  islessequal
 122 #define islessequal(x, y)       __builtin_islessequal(x, y)
 123 #undef  islessgreater
 124 #define islessgreater(x, y)     __builtin_islessgreater(x, y)
 125 #undef  isunordered
 126 #define isunordered(x, y)       __builtin_isunordered(x, y)
 127 #else   /* defined(__GNUC__) */
 128 #undef  HUGE_VAL
 129 #define HUGE_VAL        __builtin_huge_val
 130 #undef  HUGE_VALF
 131 #define HUGE_VALF       __builtin_huge_valf
 132 #undef  HUGE_VALL
 133 #define HUGE_VALL       __builtin_huge_vall
 134 #undef  INFINITY
 135 #define INFINITY        __builtin_infinity
 136 #undef  NAN
 137 #define NAN             __builtin_nan
 139 /*
 140  * C99 7.12.3 classification macros
 141  */
 142 #undef  fpclassify
 143 #define fpclassify(x)   __builtin_fpclassify(x)
 144 #undef  isfinite
 145 #define isfinite(x)     __builtin_isfinite(x)
 146 #undef  isinf
 147 #define isinf(x)        __builtin_isinf(x)
 148 #undef  isnan
 149 #define isnan(x)        __builtin_isnan(x)
 150 #undef  isnormal
 151 #define isnormal(x)     __builtin_isnormal(x)
 152 #undef  signbit
 153 #define signbit(x)      __builtin_signbit(x)
 155 /*
 156  * C99 7.12.14 comparison macros
 157  */
 158 #undef  isgreater
 159 #define isgreater(x, y)         ((x) __builtin_isgreater(y))
 160 #undef  isgreaterequal
 161 #define isgreaterequal(x, y)    ((x) __builtin_isgreaterequal(y))
 162 #undef  isless
 163 #define isless(x, y)            ((x) __builtin_isless(y))
 164 #undef  islessequal
 165 #define islessequal(x, y)       ((x) __builtin_islessequal(y))
 166 #undef  islessgreater
 167 #define islessgreater(x, y)     ((x) __builtin_islessgreater(y))
 168 #undef  isunordered
 169 #define isunordered(x, y)       ((x) __builtin_isunordered(y))
 170 #endif  /* defined(__GNUC__) */
 171 #endif  /* defined(_STDC_C99) || _XOPEN_SOURCE - 0 >= 600 || ... */
 173 #if defined(__EXTENSIONS__) || defined(_STDC_C99) || \
 174         (!defined(_STRICT_STDC) && !defined(__XOPEN_OR_POSIX)) || \
 175         defined(__C99FEATURES__)
 176 #if defined(__FLT_EVAL_METHOD__) && __FLT_EVAL_METHOD__ - 0 == 0
 177 typedef float float_t;
 178 typedef double double_t;
 179 #elif __FLT_EVAL_METHOD__ - 0 == 1
 180 typedef double float_t;
 181 typedef double double_t;
 182 #elif __FLT_EVAL_METHOD__ - 0 == 2
 183 typedef long double float_t;
 184 typedef long double double_t;
 185 #elif defined(__sparc) || defined(__amd64)
 186 typedef float float_t;
 187 typedef double double_t;
 188 #elif defined(__i386)
 189 typedef long double float_t;
 190 typedef long double double_t;
 191 #endif
 193 #undef  FP_ZERO
 194 #define FP_ZERO         0
 195 #undef  FP_SUBNORMAL
 196 #define FP_SUBNORMAL    1
 197 #undef  FP_NORMAL
 198 #define FP_NORMAL       2
 199 #undef  FP_INFINITE
 200 #define FP_INFINITE     3
 201 #undef  FP_NAN
 202 #define FP_NAN          4
 204 #undef  FP_ILOGB0
 205 #define FP_ILOGB0       (-2147483647)
 206 #undef  FP_ILOGBNAN
 207 #define FP_ILOGBNAN     2147483647
 209 #undef  MATH_ERRNO
 210 #define MATH_ERRNO      1
 211 #undef  MATH_ERREXCEPT
 212 #define MATH_ERREXCEPT  2
 213 #undef  math_errhandling
 214 #define math_errhandling        MATH_ERREXCEPT
 216 extern double acosh __P((double));
 217 extern double asinh __P((double));
 218 extern double atanh __P((double));
 220 extern double exp2 __P((double));
 221 extern double expm1 __P((double));
 222 extern int ilogb __P((double));
 223 extern double log1p __P((double));
 224 extern double log2 __P((double));
 225 extern double logb __P((double));
 226 extern double scalbn __P((double, int));
 227 extern double scalbln __P((double, long int));
 229 extern double cbrt __P((double));
 230 extern double hypot __P((double, double));
 232 extern double erf __P((double));
 233 extern double erfc __P((double));
 234 extern double lgamma __P((double));
 235 extern double tgamma __P((double));
 237 extern double nearbyint __P((double));
 238 extern double rint __P((double));
 239 extern long int lrint __P((double));
 240 extern double round __P((double));
 241 extern long int lround __P((double));
 242 extern double trunc __P((double));
 244 extern double remainder __P((double, double));
 245 extern double remquo __P((double, double, int *));
 247 extern double copysign __P((double, double));
 248 extern double nan __P((const char *));
 249 extern double nextafter __P((double, double));
 250 extern double nexttoward __P((double, long double));
 252 extern double fdim __P((double, double));
 253 extern double fmax __P((double, double));
 254 extern double fmin __P((double, double));
 256 extern double fma __P((double, double, double));
 258 extern float acosf __P((float));
 259 extern float asinf __P((float));
 260 extern float atanf __P((float));
 261 extern float atan2f __P((float, float));
 262 extern float cosf __P((float));
 263 extern float sinf __P((float));
 264 extern float tanf __P((float));
 266 extern float acoshf __P((float));
 267 extern float asinhf __P((float));
 268 extern float atanhf __P((float));
 269 extern float coshf __P((float));
 270 extern float sinhf __P((float));
 271 extern float tanhf __P((float));
 273 extern float expf __P((float));
 274 extern float exp2f __P((float));
 275 extern float expm1f __P((float));
 276 extern float frexpf __P((float, int *));
 277 extern int ilogbf __P((float));
 278 extern float ldexpf __P((float, int));
 279 extern float logf __P((float));
 280 extern float log10f __P((float));
 281 extern float log1pf __P((float));
 282 extern float log2f __P((float));
 283 extern float logbf __P((float));
 284 extern float modff __P((float, float *));
 285 extern float scalbnf __P((float, int));
 286 extern float scalblnf __P((float, long int));
 288 extern float cbrtf __P((float));
 289 extern float fabsf __P((float));
 290 extern float hypotf __P((float, float));
 291 extern float powf __P((float, float));
 292 extern float sqrtf __P((float));
 294 extern float erff __P((float));
 295 extern float erfcf __P((float));
 296 extern float lgammaf __P((float));
 297 extern float tgammaf __P((float));
 299 extern float ceilf __P((float));
 300 extern float floorf __P((float));
 301 extern float nearbyintf __P((float));
 302 extern float rintf __P((float));
 303 extern long int lrintf __P((float));
 304 extern float roundf __P((float));
 305 extern long int lroundf __P((float));
 306 extern float truncf __P((float));
 308 extern float fmodf __P((float, float));
 309 extern float remainderf __P((float, float));
 310 extern float remquof __P((float, float, int *));
 312 extern float copysignf __P((float, float));
 313 extern float nanf __P((const char *));
 314 extern float nextafterf __P((float, float));
 315 extern float nexttowardf __P((float, long double));
 317 extern float fdimf __P((float, float));
 318 extern float fmaxf __P((float, float));
 319 extern float fminf __P((float, float));
 321 extern float fmaf __P((float, float, float));
 323 extern long double acosl __P((long double));
 324 extern long double asinl __P((long double));
 325 extern long double atanl __P((long double));
 326 extern long double atan2l __P((long double, long double));
 327 extern long double cosl __P((long double));
 328 extern long double sinl __P((long double));
 329 extern long double tanl __P((long double));
 331 extern long double acoshl __P((long double));
 332 extern long double asinhl __P((long double));
 333 extern long double atanhl __P((long double));
 334 extern long double coshl __P((long double));
 335 extern long double sinhl __P((long double));
 336 extern long double tanhl __P((long double));
 338 extern long double expl __P((long double));
 339 extern long double exp2l __P((long double));
 340 extern long double expm1l __P((long double));
 341 extern long double frexpl __P((long double, int *));
 342 extern int ilogbl __P((long double));
 343 extern long double ldexpl __P((long double, int));
 344 extern long double logl __P((long double));
 345 extern long double log10l __P((long double));
 346 extern long double log1pl __P((long double));
 347 extern long double log2l __P((long double));
 348 extern long double logbl __P((long double));
 349 extern long double modfl __P((long double, long double *));
 350 extern long double scalbnl __P((long double, int));
 351 extern long double scalblnl __P((long double, long int));
 353 extern long double cbrtl __P((long double));
 354 extern long double fabsl __P((long double));
 355 extern long double hypotl __P((long double, long double));
 356 extern long double powl __P((long double, long double));
 357 extern long double sqrtl __P((long double));
 359 extern long double erfl __P((long double));
 360 extern long double erfcl __P((long double));
 361 extern long double lgammal __P((long double));
 362 extern long double tgammal __P((long double));
 364 extern long double ceill __P((long double));
 365 extern long double floorl __P((long double));
 366 extern long double nearbyintl __P((long double));
 367 extern long double rintl __P((long double));
 368 extern long int lrintl __P((long double));
 369 extern long double roundl __P((long double));
 370 extern long int lroundl __P((long double));
 371 extern long double truncl __P((long double));
 373 extern long double fmodl __P((long double, long double));
 374 extern long double remainderl __P((long double, long double));
 375 extern long double remquol __P((long double, long double, int *));
 377 extern long double copysignl __P((long double, long double));
 378 extern long double nanl __P((const char *));
 379 extern long double nextafterl __P((long double, long double));
 380 extern long double nexttowardl __P((long double, long double));
 382 extern long double fdiml __P((long double, long double));
 383 extern long double fmaxl __P((long double, long double));
 384 extern long double fminl __P((long double, long double));
 386 extern long double fmal __P((long double, long double, long double));
 388 #if !defined(_STRICT_STDC) && !defined(_NO_LONGLONG) || defined(_STDC_C99) || \
 389         defined(__C99FEATURES__)
 390 extern long long int llrint __P((double));
 391 extern long long int llround __P((double));
 393 extern long long int llrintf __P((float));
 394 extern long long int llroundf __P((float));
 396 extern long long int llrintl __P((long double));
 397 extern long long int llroundl __P((long double));
 398 #endif
 400 #if !defined(__cplusplus)
 401 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(asinh, exp2, expm1)
 402 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(ilogb, log2)
 403 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(scalbn, scalbln, cbrt)
 404 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(erf, erfc, tgamma)
 405 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(nearbyint, rint, lrint, round, lround, trunc)
 406 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(remquo)
 407 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(copysign, nan, nexttoward)
 408 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(fdim, fmax, fmin, fma)
 409 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(asinh, exp2, expm1)
 410 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(ilogb, log2)
 411 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(scalbn, scalbln, cbrt)
 412 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(erf, erfc, tgamma)
 413 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(nearbyint, rint, lrint, round, lround, trunc)
 414 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(copysign, nan, nexttoward)
 415 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(fdim, fmax, fmin, fma)
 417 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(acosf, asinf, atanf, atan2f)
 418 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(cosf, sinf, tanf)
 419 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(acoshf, asinhf, atanhf, coshf, sinhf, tanhf)
 420 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(expf, exp2f, expm1f, frexpf, ilogbf, ldexpf)
 421 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(logf, log10f, log1pf, log2f, logbf)
 422 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(modff, scalbnf, scalblnf)
 423 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(cbrtf, fabsf, hypotf, powf, sqrtf)
 424 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(erff, erfcf, lgammaf, tgammaf)
 425 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(ceilf, floorf, nearbyintf)
 426 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(rintf, lrintf, roundf, lroundf, truncf)
 427 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(fmodf, remainderf, remquof)
 428 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(copysignf, nanf, nextafterf, nexttowardf)
 429 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(fdimf, fmaxf, fminf, fmaf)
 430 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(acosf, asinf, atanf, atan2f)
 431 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(cosf, sinf, tanf)
 432 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(acoshf, asinhf, atanhf, coshf, sinhf, tanhf)
 433 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(expf, exp2f, expm1f, ilogbf, ldexpf)
 434 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(logf, log10f, log1pf, log2f, logbf)
 435 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(cbrtf, fabsf, hypotf, powf, sqrtf)
 436 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(erff, erfcf, tgammaf)
 437 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(ceilf, floorf, nearbyintf)
 438 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(rintf, lrintf, roundf, lroundf, truncf)
 439 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(fmodf, remainderf)
 440 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(copysignf, nanf, nextafterf, nexttowardf)
 441 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(fdimf, fmaxf, fminf, fmaf)
 443 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(acosl, asinl, atanl, atan2l)
 444 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(cosl, sinl, tanl)
 445 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(acoshl, asinhl, atanhl, coshl, sinhl, tanhl)
 446 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(expl, exp2l, expm1l, frexpl, ilogbl, ldexpl)
 447 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(logl, log10l, log1pl, log2l, logbl)
 448 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(modfl, scalbnl, scalblnl)
 449 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(cbrtl, fabsl, hypotl, powl, sqrtl)
 450 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(erfl, erfcl, lgammal, tgammal)
 451 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(ceill, floorl, nearbyintl)
 452 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(rintl, lrintl, roundl, lroundl, truncl)
 453 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(fmodl, remainderl, remquol)
 454 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(copysignl, nanl, nextafterl, nexttowardl)
 455 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(fdiml, fmaxl, fminl, fmal)
 456 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(acosl, asinl, atanl, atan2l)
 457 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(cosl, sinl, tanl)
 458 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(acoshl, asinhl, atanhl, coshl, sinhl, tanhl)
 459 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(expl, exp2l, expm1l, ilogbl, ldexpl)
 460 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(logl, log10l, log1pl, log2l, logbl)
 461 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(cbrtl, fabsl, hypotl, powl, sqrtl)
 462 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(erfl, erfcl, tgammal)
 463 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(ceill, floorl, nearbyintl)
 464 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(rintl, lrintl, roundl, lroundl, truncl)
 465 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(fmodl, remainderl)
 466 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(copysignl, nanl, nextafterl, nexttowardl)
 467 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(fdiml, fmaxl, fminl, fmal)
 469 #if !defined(_STRICT_STDC) && !defined(_NO_LONGLONG) || defined(_STDC_C99) || \
 470         defined(__C99FEATURES__)
 471 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(llrint, llround)
 472 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(llrintf, llroundf, llrintl, llroundl)
 473 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(llrint, llround)
 474 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(llrintf, llroundf, llrintl, llroundl)
 475 #endif
 476 #endif  /* !defined(__cplusplus) */
 478 #if defined(__MATHERR_ERRNO_DONTCARE)
 479 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(acosh, atanh, hypot, lgamma, log1p, logb)
 480 #pragma does_not_read_global_data(nextafter, remainder)
 481 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(acosh, atanh, hypot, log1p, logb)
 482 #pragma does_not_write_global_data(nextafter, remainder)
 484 #pragma no_side_effect(acosh, asinh, atanh, exp2, expm1)
 485 #pragma no_side_effect(ilogb, log1p, log2, logb)
 486 #pragma no_side_effect(scalbn, scalbln, cbrt, hypot)
 487 #pragma no_side_effect(erf, erfc, tgamma)
 488 #pragma no_side_effect(nearbyint, rint, lrint, round, lround, trunc)
 489 #pragma no_side_effect(remainder)
 490 #pragma no_side_effect(copysign, nan, nextafter, nexttoward)
 491 #pragma no_side_effect(fdim, fmax, fmin, fma)
 493 #pragma no_side_effect(acosf, asinf, atanf, atan2f)
 494 #pragma no_side_effect(cosf, sinf, tanf, coshf, sinhf, tanhf)
 495 #pragma no_side_effect(acoshf, asinhf, atanhf, coshf, sinhf, tanhf)
 496 #pragma no_side_effect(expf, exp2f, expm1f, ilogbf, ldexpf)
 497 #pragma no_side_effect(logf, log10f, log1pf, log2f, logbf)
 498 #pragma no_side_effect(cbrtf, fabsf, hypotf, powf, sqrtf)
 499 #pragma no_side_effect(erff, erfcf, tgammaf)
 500 #pragma no_side_effect(ceilf, floorf, nearbyintf)
 501 #pragma no_side_effect(rintf, lrintf, roundf, lroundf, truncf)
 502 #pragma no_side_effect(fmodf, remainderf)
 503 #pragma no_side_effect(copysignf, nanf, nextafterf, nexttowardf)
 504 #pragma no_side_effect(fdimf, fmaxf, fminf, fmaf)
 506 #pragma no_side_effect(acosl, asinl, atanl, atan2l)
 507 #pragma no_side_effect(cosl, sinl, tanl, coshl, sinhl, tanhl)
 508 #pragma no_side_effect(acoshl, asinhl, atanhl, coshl, sinhl, tanhl)
 509 #pragma no_side_effect(expl, exp2l, expm1l, ilogbl, ldexpl)
 510 #pragma no_side_effect(logl, log10l, log1pl, log2l, logbl)
 511 #pragma no_side_effect(cbrtl, fabsl, hypotl, powl, sqrtl)
 512 #pragma no_side_effect(erfl, erfcl, tgammal)
 513 #pragma no_side_effect(ceill, floorl, nearbyintl)
 514 #pragma no_side_effect(rintl, lrintl, roundl, lroundl, truncl)
 515 #pragma no_side_effect(fmodl, remainderl)
 516 #pragma no_side_effect(copysignl, nanl, nextafterl, nexttowardl)
 517 #pragma no_side_effect(fdiml, fmaxl, fminl, fmal)
 519 #if !defined(_STRICT_STDC) && !defined(_NO_LONGLONG) || defined(_STDC_C99) || \
 520         defined(__C99FEATURES__)
 521 #pragma no_side_effect(llrint, llround, llrintf, llroundf, llrintl, llroundl)
 522 #endif
 523 #endif  /* defined(__MATHERR_ERRNO_DONTCARE) */
 524 #endif  /* defined(__EXTENSIONS__) || defined(_STDC_C99) || ... */
 526 #ifdef __cplusplus
 527 }
 528 #endif
 530 #endif  /* _ISO_MATH_C99_H */