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uts: add a concept of a 'default' set of privileges, separate from 'basic'

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          --- old/usr/src/man/man5/privileges.5
          +++ new/usr/src/man/man5/privileges.5
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  12   12  Solaris software implements a set of privileges that provide fine-grained
  13   13  control over the actions of processes. The possession of a certain privilege
  14   14  allows a process to perform a specific set of restricted operations.
  15   15  .sp
  16   16  .LP
  17   17  The change to a primarily privilege-based security model in the Solaris
  18   18  operating system gives developers an opportunity to restrict processes to those
  19   19  privileged operations actually needed instead of all (super-user) or no
  20   20  privileges (non-zero UIDs). Additionally, a set of previously unrestricted
  21   21  operations now requires a privilege; these privileges are dubbed the "basic"
  22      -privileges and are by default given to all processes.
       22 +privileges.
  23   23  .sp
  24   24  .LP
  25      -Taken together, all defined privileges with the exception of the "basic"
       25 +The "basic" privileges, and certain privileges representing concepts not
       26 +traditionally present are, by default, given to all processes.  These are the
       27 +"default" set of privileges.
       28 +.sp
       29 +.LP
       30 +Taken together, all defined privileges with the exception of the "default"
  26   31  privileges compose the set of privileges that are traditionally associated with
  27   32  the root user. The "basic" privileges are "privileges" unprivileged processes
  28      -were accustomed to having.
       33 +were accustomed to having, and the "default" privileges are the "basic"
       34 +privileges plus additions that while unprivileged processes aren't accustomed to,
       35 +they should now have.
  29   36  .sp
  30   37  .LP
  31   38  The defined privileges are:
  32   39  .sp
  33   40  .ne 2
  34   41  .na
  35   42  \fB\fBPRIV_CONTRACT_EVENT\fR\fR
  36   43  .ad
  37   44  .sp .6
  38   45  .RS 4n
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