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*** 43,57 ****
start Reads /boot/defaults/loader.conf, all other
loader.conf(4) files specified in it, then
loads the desired kernel and modules (if not
already loaded). After which you can use
! the boot or autoboot commmands or simply
! exit (provided autoboot_delay is not set to
! NO) to boot the system. start is the
! command used in the default /boot/loader.rc
! file (see loader(5)).
initialize Initialize the support library so commands
can be used without executing start first.
Like start, it reads
/boot/defaults/loader.conf and all other
--- 43,57 ----
start Reads /boot/defaults/loader.conf, all other
loader.conf(4) files specified in it, then
loads the desired kernel and modules (if not
already loaded). After which you can use
! the boot or autoboot commands or simply exit
! (provided autoboot_delay is not set to NO)
! to boot the system. start is the command
! used in the default /boot/loader.rc file
! (see loader(5)).
initialize Initialize the support library so commands
can be used without executing start first.
Like start, it reads
/boot/defaults/loader.conf and all other