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9842 man page typos and spelling

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 duplicate of the string pointed to by  \fIs1\fR. The returned pointer can be
 passed to \fBfree()\fR. The space for the new string is obtained using
 \fBmalloc\fR(3C). If the new string cannot be created, a null pointer is
 returned and \fBerrno\fR may be set to \fBENOMEM\fR to indicate that the
 storage space available is insufficient. The \fBstrndup()\fR function is
-identical to \fBstrdup()\fR, execept it copies at most \fIn\fR bytes from
-\fBs1\fR and ensures the copied string is awlays null terminated.
+identical to \fBstrdup()\fR, except it copies at most \fIn\fR bytes from
+\fBs1\fR and ensures the copied string is always null terminated.
 The functions \fBstrdupa()\fR and \fBstrndupa()\fR behave identically to
 \fBstrdup()\fR and \fBstrndup()\fR respectively; however, instead of allocating
 memory using \fBmalloc\fR(3C), they use \fBalloca\fR(3C). These functions are
 provided for compatibility only, their use is strongly discouraged due to their