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 443        signal delivery. A positive value denotes the delivery of the signal
 444        specified by the value. Like kill(1) and other commands operating on
 445        signals, the -q tqsig option is also able to handle symbolically named
 446        signals, like XCPU or KILL.
 449        In order to change the class of a process to real-time (from any other
 450        class), the user invoking priocntl must have super-user privilege. In
 451        order to change the rtpri value or time quantum of a real-time process,
 452        the user invoking priocntl must either be super-user, or must currently
 453        be in the real-time class (shell running as a real-time process) with a
 454        real or effective user ID matching the real or effective user ID of the
 455        target process.
 458        The real-time priority, time quantum, and time quantum signal are
 459        inherited across the fork(2) and exec(2) system calls. When using the
 460        time quantum signal with a user defined signal handler across the
 461        exec(2) system call, the new image must install an appropriate user
 462        defined signal handler before the time quantum expires. Otherwise,
 463        unpredicable behavior would result.
 465    Time-Sharing Class
 466        The time-sharing scheduling policy provides for a fair and effective
 467        allocation of the CPU resource among processes with varying CPU
 468        consumption characteristics. The objectives of the time-sharing policy
 469        are to provide good response time to interactive processes and good
 470        throughput to CPU-bound jobs, while providing a degree of
 471        user/application control over scheduling.
 474        The time-sharing class has a range of time-sharing user priority
 475        (tsupri) values that can be assigned to processes within the class.
 476        User priorities range from -x to +x, where the value of x is
 477        configurable.  The range for a specific installation can be displayed
 478        by using the command
 480          priocntl -l

 443        signal delivery. A positive value denotes the delivery of the signal
 444        specified by the value. Like kill(1) and other commands operating on
 445        signals, the -q tqsig option is also able to handle symbolically named
 446        signals, like XCPU or KILL.
 449        In order to change the class of a process to real-time (from any other
 450        class), the user invoking priocntl must have super-user privilege. In
 451        order to change the rtpri value or time quantum of a real-time process,
 452        the user invoking priocntl must either be super-user, or must currently
 453        be in the real-time class (shell running as a real-time process) with a
 454        real or effective user ID matching the real or effective user ID of the
 455        target process.
 458        The real-time priority, time quantum, and time quantum signal are
 459        inherited across the fork(2) and exec(2) system calls. When using the
 460        time quantum signal with a user defined signal handler across the
 461        exec(2) system call, the new image must install an appropriate user
 462        defined signal handler before the time quantum expires. Otherwise,
 463        unpredictable behavior would result.
 465    Time-Sharing Class
 466        The time-sharing scheduling policy provides for a fair and effective
 467        allocation of the CPU resource among processes with varying CPU
 468        consumption characteristics. The objectives of the time-sharing policy
 469        are to provide good response time to interactive processes and good
 470        throughput to CPU-bound jobs, while providing a degree of
 471        user/application control over scheduling.
 474        The time-sharing class has a range of time-sharing user priority
 475        (tsupri) values that can be assigned to processes within the class.
 476        User priorities range from -x to +x, where the value of x is
 477        configurable.  The range for a specific installation can be displayed
 478        by using the command
 480          priocntl -l