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  28        a new configuration file is created or updated.
  31        The runtime linker can also be directed to an alternative configuration
  32        file by setting one of the LD_CONFIG family of environment variable.
  33        LD_CONFIG applies to both 32-bit and 64-bit programs. Since 32-bit and
  34        64-bit configuration files differ, a single configuration file cannot
  35        be used for both class of object. Hence, LD_CONFIG can adversely affect
  36        program execution in cases where a program of one class executes a
  37        program of the other class. In particular, it is common practice for
  38        the 32-bit version of standard Solaris utilities to execute their
  39        64-bit counterpart. LD_CONFIG cannot be successfully used in this case.
  40        Therefore, the use of the LD_CONFIG_32 and LD_CONFIG_64 environment
  41        variables, that precisely target the appropriate class of process, is
  42        recommended.
  45        Creating an incorrect configuration file in the standard location,
  46        /var/ld, can prevent programs from running, and can therefore be
  47        difficult to recover from. To guard against this situation, it is
  48        recommented that new configuration files first be created in a
  49        temporary location. Then set the appropriate LD_CONFIG environment
  50        variable to this new configuration file. This setting causes the new
  51        configuration file to be used by the runtime linker instead of any
  52        default. After verification, the new configuration file can be moved to
  53        the default location if desired. At any time, the environment variable
  54        LD_NOCONFIG can be set to any value to instruct the runtime linker to
  55        ignore any configuration files. This setting can prove useful during
  56        experimentation.
  59        A configuration file can contain the following information.
  61        Default Search Paths
  63            The runtime linker uses a prescribed search path for locating the
  64            dynamic dependencies of an object. This search path starts with the
  65            components of any LD_LIBRARY_PATH definition, followed by the
  66            components of an object's runpath. Finally, any default search
  67            paths specific to the object's class are used. This last component
  68            of the search path can be expressed within the configuration file.

  28        a new configuration file is created or updated.
  31        The runtime linker can also be directed to an alternative configuration
  32        file by setting one of the LD_CONFIG family of environment variable.
  33        LD_CONFIG applies to both 32-bit and 64-bit programs. Since 32-bit and
  34        64-bit configuration files differ, a single configuration file cannot
  35        be used for both class of object. Hence, LD_CONFIG can adversely affect
  36        program execution in cases where a program of one class executes a
  37        program of the other class. In particular, it is common practice for
  38        the 32-bit version of standard Solaris utilities to execute their
  39        64-bit counterpart. LD_CONFIG cannot be successfully used in this case.
  40        Therefore, the use of the LD_CONFIG_32 and LD_CONFIG_64 environment
  41        variables, that precisely target the appropriate class of process, is
  42        recommended.
  45        Creating an incorrect configuration file in the standard location,
  46        /var/ld, can prevent programs from running, and can therefore be
  47        difficult to recover from. To guard against this situation, it is
  48        recommended that new configuration files first be created in a
  49        temporary location. Then set the appropriate LD_CONFIG environment
  50        variable to this new configuration file. This setting causes the new
  51        configuration file to be used by the runtime linker instead of any
  52        default. After verification, the new configuration file can be moved to
  53        the default location if desired. At any time, the environment variable
  54        LD_NOCONFIG can be set to any value to instruct the runtime linker to
  55        ignore any configuration files. This setting can prove useful during
  56        experimentation.
  59        A configuration file can contain the following information.
  61        Default Search Paths
  63            The runtime linker uses a prescribed search path for locating the
  64            dynamic dependencies of an object. This search path starts with the
  65            components of any LD_LIBRARY_PATH definition, followed by the
  66            components of an object's runpath. Finally, any default search
  67            paths specific to the object's class are used. This last component
  68            of the search path can be expressed within the configuration file.