12745 man page typos

   1 '\" te
   2 .\" Copyright (c) 2008, Sun Microsystems Inc. All
   3 .\" Rights Reserved.
   4 .\" The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   5 .\" You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
   6 .\" When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.  If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
   7 .TH ELFEDIT 1 "Jan 28, 2008"
   8 .SH NAME
   9 elfedit \- examine or edit ELF files
  11 .LP
  12 .nf
  13 \fBelfedit\fR [\fB-adr\fR] [\fB-e\fR \fIcmd\fR] [\fB-L\fR \fIpath\fR] [\fB-o\fR \fBdefault\fR | \fBsimple\fR | \fBnum\fR]
  14      [\fIinfile\fR] [\fIoutfile\fR]
  15 .fi
  18 .sp
  19 .LP
  20 \fBelfedit\fR is a tool for examining or modifying the contents of an existing
  21 ELF object. Specifically, \fBelfedit\fR is used to modify the ELF metadata
  22 contained in the object. Access is provided to most of the ELF data contained
  23 in an object, including the ELF header, section header table, program header
  24 table, dynamic section, hardware and software capabilities, string tables, and
  25 symbol tables.
  26 .SS "Syntax"
  27 .sp
  28 .LP
  29 \fBelfedit\fR processes commands from the command line (\fB-e\fR option) or
  30 from standard input. If standard input is a terminal, \fBelfedit\fR provides
  31 terminal editing capabilities, as well as extensive command completion. ELF
  32 uses many standard symbolic names for special integer values and bit masks.
  33 \fBelfedit\fR is aware of most possible completions for such names. You can
  34 press TAB at any point while entering an \fBelfedit\fR command to cause
  35 \fBelfedit\fR to display a usage message and any known completions for the text
  36 at the current cursor.
  37 .sp
  38 .LP
  39 \fBelfedit\fR functionality is organized in the form of modules. Each module
  40 delivers a set of commands, focused on related functionality. A command is
  41 specified by combining the module and command names with a colon (\fB:\fR)
  42 delimiter, with no intervening white space. For example, \fBdyn:runpath\fR
  43 refers to the \fBrunpath\fR command provided by the \fBdyn\fR module. Module
  44 names must be unique. The command names within a given module are unique within
  45 that module, but the same command names can be used in more than one module.
  46 .sp
  47 .LP
  48 Some modules designate one of their commands to be the default command for that
  49 module. This command is run when the user specifies only a module name. Most
  50 \fBelfedit\fR modules supply a command named dump, which produces the same
  51 information displayed by the \fBelfdump\fR utility for the part of the ELF file
  52 covered by the module. It is common for a module to specify dump as its default
  53 command.
  54 .sp
  55 .LP
  56 The syntax used to execute an \fBelfedit\fR command is intended to be familiar
  57 to anyone who uses UNIX command line utilities. It consists of white space
  58 delimited tokens. The first token is the command name. Options, which are
  59 arguments that start with the hyphen (\fB-\fR) character follow the command.
  60 Plain arguments (operands) follow the options. There can be \fB0\fR or more
  61 options and operands for a given command, but if they are present, options
  62 always precede plain arguments. The special option, \fB--\fR, (two hyphens) can
  63 be used to delimit the end of the options. When it is encountered, any
  64 remaining arguments are considered to be plain arguments even if they start
  65 with a \fB-\fR.
  66 .sp
  67 .LP
  68 The interpretation of the characters in an \fBelfedit\fR token depends on the
  69 style of quoting used:
  70 .sp
  71 .ne 2
  72 .na
  73 \fBUnquoted\fR
  74 .ad
  75 .RS 17n
  76 Outside of single (') or double (") quotes, backslash (\) acts as an escape
  77 character. When a backslash character is seen, \fBelfedit\fR ignores it, and
  78 treats the character following it literally (even if the following character is
  79 itself a backslash). This feature can be used to insert a white space character
  80 into a string argument to a command without having it split the string into two
  81 separate tokens. Similarly, it can be used to insert a quote or backslash as a
  82 literal character.
  83 .RE
  85 .sp
  86 .ne 2
  87 .na
  88 \fBSingle Quotes\fR
  89 .ad
  90 .RS 17n
  91 Within single quotes ('), white space characters do not delimit tokens, and are
  92 interpreted as literal characters within the token. Double quote (") and
  93 backslash (\) characters are interpreted as literal characters, and have no
  94 special meaning.
  95 .RE
  97 .sp
  98 .ne 2
  99 .na
 100 \fBDouble Quotes\fR
 101 .ad
 102 .RS 17n
 103 Within double quotes ("), white space characters do not delimit tokens. Single
 104 quote characters are interpreted literally and do not have a quoting function.
 105 Backslash (\) is an escape character which operates similarly to the way it is
 106 used in the C programming language within a string literal:
 107 .sp
 108 .ne 2
 109 .na
 110 \fB\ea\fR
 111 .ad
 112 .RS 8n
 113 alert (bell)
 114 .RE
 116 .sp
 117 .ne 2
 118 .na
 119 \fB\\b\fR
 120 .ad
 121 .RS 8n
 122 backspace
 123 .RE
 125 .sp
 126 .ne 2
 127 .na
 128 \fB\ef\fR
 129 .ad
 130 .RS 8n
 131 form feed
 132 .RE
 134 .sp
 135 .ne 2
 136 .na
 137 \fB\en\fR
 138 .ad
 139 .RS 8n
 140 newline
 141 .RE
 143 .sp
 144 .ne 2
 145 .na
 146 \fB\er\fR
 147 .ad
 148 .RS 8n
 149 return
 150 .RE
 152 .sp
 153 .ne 2
 154 .na
 155 \fB\et\fR
 156 .ad
 157 .RS 8n
 158 horizontal tab
 159 .RE
 161 .sp
 162 .ne 2
 163 .na
 164 \fB\\v\fR
 165 .ad
 166 .RS 8n
 167 vertical tab
 168 .RE
 170 .sp
 171 .ne 2
 172 .na
 173 \fB\\\fR
 174 .ad
 175 .RS 8n
 176 backslash
 177 .RE
 179 .sp
 180 .ne 2
 181 .na
 182 \fB\'\fR
 183 .ad
 184 .RS 8n
 185 single quote
 186 .RE
 188 .sp
 189 .ne 2
 190 .na
 191 \fB\e"\fR
 192 .ad
 193 .RS 8n
 194 double quote
 195 .RE
 197 .sp
 198 .ne 2
 199 .na
 200 \fB\\ooo\fR
 201 .ad
 202 .RS 8n
 203 An octal constant, where ooo is one to three octal digits (0...7)
 204 .RE
 206 Any other character following a backslash is an error.
 207 .RE
 209 .sp
 210 .LP
 211 The core commands belong to an internal module named \fBsys\fR. All other
 212 modules are packaged as dynamically loadable sharable objects. \fBelfedit\fR
 213 loads modules on demand, when a command that requires it is executed, or as the
 214 result of executing the \fBsys:load\fR command. Due to its special built in
 215 status, and because its commands are used heavily, \fBelfedit\fR allows you to
 216 specify commands from the \fBsys\fR module without including the \fBsys:\fR
 217 prefix, for example, \fBload\fR rather than \fBsys:load\fR. To access a command
 218 from any other module, you must specify the full \fImodule\fR\fB:\fR\fIcmd\fR
 219 form.
 220 .sp
 221 .LP
 222 \fBelfedit\fR is delivered with the following standard modules:
 223 .sp
 224 .ne 2
 225 .na
 226 \fB\fBcap\fR\fR
 227 .ad
 228 .RS 11n
 229 Capabilities Section
 230 .RE
 232 .sp
 233 .ne 2
 234 .na
 235 \fB\fBdyn\fR\fR
 236 .ad
 237 .RS 11n
 238 Dynamic Section
 239 .RE
 241 .sp
 242 .ne 2
 243 .na
 244 \fB\fBehdr\fR\fR
 245 .ad
 246 .RS 11n
 247 ELF Header
 248 .RE
 250 .sp
 251 .ne 2
 252 .na
 253 \fB\fBphdr\fR\fR
 254 .ad
 255 .RS 11n
 256 Program Header Array
 257 .RE
 259 .sp
 260 .ne 2
 261 .na
 262 \fB\fBshdr\fR\fR
 263 .ad
 264 .RS 11n
 265 Section Header Array
 266 .RE
 268 .sp
 269 .ne 2
 270 .na
 271 \fB\fBstr\fR\fR
 272 .ad
 273 .RS 11n
 274 String Table Section
 275 .RE
 277 .sp
 278 .ne 2
 279 .na
 280 \fB\fBsym\fR\fR
 281 .ad
 282 .RS 11n
 283 Symbol Table Section
 284 .RE
 286 .sp
 287 .ne 2
 288 .na
 289 \fB\fBsyminfo\fR\fR
 290 .ad
 291 .RS 11n
 292 \fBSyminfo\fR Section
 293 .RE
 295 .sp
 296 .ne 2
 297 .na
 298 \fB\fBsys\fR\fR
 299 .ad
 300 .RS 11n
 301 Core built in \fBelfedit\fR commands
 302 .RE
 304 .SS "Status And Command Documentation"
 305 .sp
 306 .LP
 307 Status And Command Documentation
 308 .sp
 309 .LP
 310 The status (\fBsys:status\fR) command displays information about the current
 311 \fBelfedit\fR session:
 312 .RS +4
 313 .TP
 314 .ie t \(bu
 315 .el o
 316 Input and output files
 317 .RE
 318 .RS +4
 319 .TP
 320 .ie t \(bu
 321 .el o
 322 Option setting
 323 .RE
 324 .RS +4
 325 .TP
 326 .ie t \(bu
 327 .el o
 328 Module search path
 329 .RE
 330 .RS +4
 331 .TP
 332 .ie t \(bu
 333 .el o
 334 Modules loaded
 335 .RE
 336 .sp
 337 .LP
 338 Included with every \fBelfedit\fR module is extensive online documentation for
 339 every command, in a format similar to UNIX manual pages. The \fBhelp\fR
 340 (\fBsys:help\fR) command is used to display this information. To learn more
 341 about \fBelfedit\fR, start \fBelfedit\fR and use the help command without
 342 arguments:
 343 .sp
 344 .in +2
 345 .nf
 346 % elfedit
 347 > help
 348 .fi
 349 .in -2
 350 .sp
 352 .sp
 353 .LP
 354 \fBelfedit\fR displays a welcome message with more information about
 355 \fBelfedit\fR, and on how to use the help system.
 356 .sp
 357 .LP
 358 To obtain summary information for a module:
 359 .sp
 360 .in +2
 361 .nf
 362 > help module
 363 .fi
 364 .in -2
 365 .sp
 367 .sp
 368 .LP
 369 To obtain the full documentation for a specific command provided by a module:
 370 .sp
 371 .in +2
 372 .nf
 373 > help module:command
 374 .fi
 375 .in -2
 376 .sp
 378 .sp
 379 .LP
 380 Using the \fBdyn\fR module and \fBdyn:runpath\fR commands as examples:
 381 .sp
 382 .in +2
 383 .nf
 384 > help dyn
 385 > help dyn:runpath
 386 .fi
 387 .in -2
 388 .sp
 390 .sp
 391 .LP
 392 help (\fBsys:help\fR) can be used to obtain help on itself:
 393 .sp
 394 .in +2
 395 .nf
 396 > help help
 397 .fi
 398 .in -2
 399 .sp
 401 .SS "Module Search Path"
 402 .sp
 403 .LP
 404 \fBelfedit\fR modules are implemented as sharable objects which are loaded on
 405 demand. When a module is required, \fBelfedit\fR searches a module path in
 406 order to locate the sharable object that implements the module. The path is a
 407 sequence of directory names delimited by colon (\fB:\fR) characters. In
 408 addition to normal characters, the path can also contain any of the following
 409 tokens:
 410 .sp
 411 .ne 2
 412 .na
 413 \fB\fB%i\fR\fR
 414 .ad
 415 .RS 6n
 416 Expands to the current instruction set architecture (ISA) name (\fBsparc\fR,
 417 \fBsparcv9\fR, \fBi386\fR, \fBamd64\fR).
 418 .RE
 420 .sp
 421 .ne 2
 422 .na
 423 \fB\fB%I\fR\fR
 424 .ad
 425 .RS 6n
 426 Expands to the 64-bit ISA. This is the same thing as \fB%i\fR for 64-bit
 427 versions of \fBelfedit\fR, but expands to the empty string for 32-bit versions.
 428 .RE
 430 .sp
 431 .ne 2
 432 .na
 433 \fB\fB%o\fR\fR
 434 .ad
 435 .RS 6n
 436 Expands to the old value of the path being modified. This is useful for
 437 appending or prepending directories to the default path.
 438 .RE
 440 .sp
 441 .ne 2
 442 .na
 443 \fB\fB%r\fR\fR
 444 .ad
 445 .RS 6n
 446 Root of file system tree holding the \fBelfedit\fR program, assuming that
 447 \fBelfedit\fR is installed as \fBusr/bin/elfedi\fRt within the tree. On a
 448 standard system, this is simply the standard system root directory (\fB/\fR).
 449 On a development system, where the copy of \fBelfedit\fR can be installed
 450 elsewhere, the use of \fB%r\fR can be used to ensure that the matching set of
 451 modules are used.
 452 .RE
 454 .sp
 455 .ne 2
 456 .na
 457 \fB\fB%%\fR\fR
 458 .ad
 459 .RS 6n
 460 Expands to a single \fB%\fR character
 461 .RE
 463 .sp
 464 .LP
 465 The default module search path for \fBelfedit\fR is:
 466 .sp
 467 .in +2
 468 .nf
 469 %r/usr/lib/elfedit/%I
 470 .fi
 471 .in -2
 472 .sp
 474 .sp
 475 .LP
 476 Expanding the tokens, this is:
 477 .sp
 478 .ne 2
 479 .na
 480 \fB\fB/usr/lib/elfedit\fR\fR
 481 .ad
 482 .RS 28n
 483 32-bit \fBelfedit\fR
 484 .RE
 486 .sp
 487 .ne 2
 488 .na
 489 \fB\fB/usr/lib/elfedit/sparcv9\fR\fR
 490 .ad
 491 .RS 28n
 492 64-bit \fBelfedit\fR (\fBsparc\fR)
 493 .RE
 495 .sp
 496 .ne 2
 497 .na
 498 \fB\fB/usr/lib/elfedit/amd64\fR\fR
 499 .ad
 500 .RS 28n
 501 64-bit \fBelfedit\fR (\fBx86\fR)
 502 .RE
 504 .sp
 505 .LP
 506 The default search path can be changed by setting the \fBELFEDIT_PATH\fR
 507 environment variable, or by using the \fB-L\fR command line option. If you
 508 specify both, the \fB-L\fR option supersedes the environment variable.
 510 .sp
 511 .LP
 512 The following options are supported:
 513 .sp
 514 .ne 2
 515 .na
 516 \fB\fB-a\fR\fR
 517 .ad
 518 .RS 29n
 519 Enable \fBautoprint\fR mode. When \fBautoprint\fR is enabled, \fBelfedit\fR
 520 prints the modified values that result when the ELF file is modified. This
 521 output is shown in the current output style, which can be changed using the
 522 \fB-o\fR option. The default output style is the style used by the
 523 \fBelfdump\fR(1) utility. \fBautoprint\fR mode is the default when
 524 \fBelfedit\fR is used interactively (when \fBstdin\fR and \fBstdout\fR are
 525 terminals). Therefore, the \fB-a\fR option only has meaning when \fBelfedit\fR
 526 is used in non-interactive contexts. To disable \fBautoprint\fR in an
 527 interactive session, use the \fBelfedit\fR command:
 528 .sp
 529 .in +2
 530 .nf
 531 > set a off
 532 .fi
 533 .in -2
 534 .sp
 536 .RE
 538 .sp
 539 .ne 2
 540 .na
 541 \fB\fB-d\fR\fR
 542 .ad
 543 .RS 29n
 544 If set, this option causes \fBelfedit\fR to issue informational messages
 545 describing its internal operations and details of the ELF object being
 546 processed. This can be useful when a deep understanding of the operation being
 547 carried out is desired.
 548 .RE
 550 .sp
 551 .ne 2
 552 .na
 553 \fB\fB-e\fR \fIcmd\fR\fR
 554 .ad
 555 .RS 29n
 556 Specifies an edit command. Multiple \fB-e\fR options can be specified. If edit
 557 commands are present on the command line, \fBelfedit\fR operates in batch mode.
 558 After opening the file, \fBelfedit\fR executes each command in the order given,
 559 after which the modified file is saved and \fBelfedit\fR exits. Batch mode is
 560 useful for performing simple operations from shell scripts and makefiles.
 561 .RE
 563 .sp
 564 .ne 2
 565 .na
 566 \fB\fB-L\fR \fIpath\fR\fR
 567 .ad
 568 .RS 29n
 569 Sets default path for locating \fBelfedit\fR modules. Modules are described in
 570 \fBModule Search Path\fR section of this manual page..
 571 .RE
 573 .sp
 574 .ne 2
 575 .na
 576 \fB\fB-o\fR \fBdefault\fR | \fBsimple\fR | \fBnum\fR\fR
 577 .ad
 578 .RS 29n
 579 The style used to display ELF data. This option establishes the current style
 580 for the session. It can be changed from within the \fBelfedit\fR session by
 581 using the set (\fBsys:set\fR) command, or by providing \fB-o\fR options to the
 582 individual commands executed within the session.
 583 .sp
 584 .ne 2
 585 .na
 586 \fB\fBdefault\fR\fR
 587 .ad
 588 .RS 11n
 589 The default style is to display output in a format intended for human viewing.
 590 This style is similar to that used by the \fBelfdump\fR utility.
 591 .RE
 593 .sp
 594 .ne 2
 595 .na
 596 \fB\fBnum\fR\fR
 597 .ad
 598 .RS 11n
 599 Integer values are always shown in integer form. Strings are shown as the
 600 integer offset into the containing string table.
 601 .RE
 603 .sp
 604 .ne 2
 605 .na
 606 \fB\fBsimple\fR\fR
 607 .ad
 608 .RS 11n
 609 When displaying strings from within the ELF file, only the string is displayed.
 610 Integer values are displayed as symbolic constants if possible, and in integer
 611 form otherwise. No titles, headers, or other supplemental output is shown.
 612 .RE
 614 .RE
 616 .sp
 617 .ne 2
 618 .na
 619 \fB\fB-r\fR\fR
 620 .ad
 621 .RS 29n
 622 Read-only mode. The input file is opened for read-only access, and the results
 623 of the edit session are not saved. \fBelfedit\fR does not allow the
 624 \fIoutfile\fR argument when \fB-r\fR is specified. Read-only mode is highly
 625 recommended when there is no intention to modify the file. In addition to
 626 providing extra protection against accidental modification, it allows for the
 627 examination of files for which the user does not have write permission.
 628 .RE
 631 .sp
 632 .LP
 633 The following operands are supported:
 634 .sp
 635 .ne 2
 636 .na
 637 \fB\fIinfile\fR\fR
 638 .ad
 639 .RS 11n
 640 Input file containing an ELF object to process.
 641 .sp
 642 This can be an executable (\fBET_EXEC\fR), shared object (\fBET_DYN\fR), or
 643 relocatable object file, (\fBET_REL\fR). Archives are not directly supported.
 644 To edit an object in an archive, you must extract the object, edit the copy,
 645 and then insert it back into the archive.
 646 .sp
 647 If no \fIinfile\fR is present, \fBelfedit\fR runs in a limited mode that only
 648 allows executing commands from the \fBsys:\fR module. This mode is primarily to
 649 allow access to the command documentation available from the help
 650 (\fBsys:help\fR) command.
 651 .sp
 652 If \fIinfile\fR is present, and no \fIoutfile\fR is given, \fBelfedit\fR edits
 653 the file in place, and writes the results into the same file, causing the
 654 original file contents to be overwritten. It is usually recommended that
 655 \fBelfedit\fR not be used in this mode, and that an output file be specified.
 656 Once the resulting file has been tested and validated, it can be moved into the
 657 place of the original file.
 658 .sp
 659 The \fB-r\fR option can be used to open \fIinfile\fR for read-only access. This
 660 can be useful for examining an existing file that you do not wish to modify.
 661 .RE
 663 .sp
 664 .ne 2
 665 .na
 666 \fB\fIoutfile\fR\fR
 667 .ad
 668 .RS 11n
 669 Output file. If both \fIinfile\fR and \fIoutfile\fR are present, \fIinfile\fR
 670 is opened for read-only access, and the modified object contents are written to
 671 \fIoutfile\fR.
 672 .RE
 674 .SH USAGE
 675 .sp
 676 .LP
 677 When supported by the system, \fBelfedit\fR runs as a 64-bit application,
 678 capable of processing files greater than or equal to 2 Gbytes (2^31 bytes).
 679 .sp
 680 .LP
 681 At startup, \fBelfedit\fR uses \fBlibelf\fR to open the input file and cache a
 682 copy of its contents in memory for editing. It can then execute one or more
 683 commands. A session finishes by optionally writing the modified object to the
 684 output file, and then exiting.
 685 .sp
 686 .LP
 687 If no \fIinfile\fR is present, \fBelfedit\fR runs in a limited mode that only
 688 allows executing commands from the \fBsys\fR module. This mode is primarily to
 689 allow access to the command documentation available from the help
 690 (\fBsys:help\fR) command.
 691 .sp
 692 .LP
 693 If one or more \fB-e\fR options are specified, the commands they supply are
 694 executed in the order given. \fBelfedit\fR adds implicit calls to write
 695 (\fBsys:write\fR) and quit (\fBsys:qui\fRt) immediately following the given
 696 commands, causing the output file to be written and the \fBelfedit\fR process
 697 to exit. This form of use is convenient in shell scripts and makefiles.
 698 .sp
 699 .LP
 700 If no \fB-e\fR options are specified, \fBelfedit\fR reads commands from
 701 \fBstdin\fR and executes them in the order given. The caller must explicitly
 702 issue the write (\fBsys:write\fR) and quit (\fBsys:quit\fR) commands to save
 703 their work and exit when running in this mode.
 705 .sp
 706 .LP
 707 The following exit values are returned:
 708 .sp
 709 .ne 2
 710 .na
 711 \fB\fB0\fR\fR
 712 .ad
 713 .RS 5n
 714 Successful completion.
 715 .RE
 717 .sp
 718 .ne 2
 719 .na
 720 \fB\fB1\fR\fR
 721 .ad
 722 .RS 5n
 723 A fatal error occurred.
 724 .RE
 726 .sp
 727 .ne 2
 728 .na
 729 \fB\fB2\fR\fR
 730 .ad
 731 .RS 5n
 732 Invalid command line options were specified.
 733 .RE
 736 .sp
 737 .LP
 738 In the following examples, interactive use of \fBelfedit\fR is shown with the
 739 shell prompt (\fB%\fR) and the \fBelfedit\fR prompt (\fB>\fR). Neither of these
 740 characters should be entered by the user.
 741 .LP
 742 \fBExample 1 \fRChanging the Runpath of an Executable
 743 .sp
 744 .LP
 745 The following example presupposes an executable named \fBprog\fR, installed in
 746 a bin directory that has an adjacent lib directory for sharable objects. The
 747 following command sets the \fBrunpath\fR of that executable to the \fBlib\fR
 748 directory:
 750 .sp
 751 .in +2
 752 .nf
 753 elfedit -e 'dyn:runpath $ORIGIN/../lib'
 754 .fi
 755 .in -2
 756 .sp
 758 .sp
 759 .LP
 760 The use of single quotes with the argument to the \fB-e\fR option is necessary
 761 to ensure that the shell passes the entire command as a single argument to
 762 \fBelfedit\fR.
 764 .sp
 765 .LP
 766 Alternatively, the same operation can be done using \fBelfedit\fR in its
 767 non-batch mode:
 769 .sp
 770 .in +2
 771 .nf
 772 % elfedit prog
 773 > dyn:runpath $ORIGIN/../lib
 774      index  tag         value
 775        [30]  RUNPATH     0x3e6      $ORIGIN/../lib
 776 > write
 777 > quit
 778 .fi
 779 .in -2
 780 .sp
 782 .sp
 783 .LP
 784 The addition or modification of elements such as \fBrunpath\fR or needed
 785 entries might only be achievable when \fBpadding\fR exists within the objects.
 786 See \fBNotes\fR.
 788 .LP
 789 \fBExample 2 \fRRemoving a Hardware Capability Bit
 790 .sp
 791 .LP
 792 Objects that require optional hardware support to run are built with a
 793 capability section that contains a mask of bits specifying which capabilities
 794 they need. The runtime linker (\fBld.so.1\fR) checks this mask against the
 795 attributes of the running system to determine whether a given object is able to
 796 be run by the current system. Programs that require abilities not available on
 797 the system are prevented from running.
 799 .sp
 800 .LP
 801 This check prevents a naive program that does not explicitly check for the
 802 hardware support it requires from crashing in a confusing manner. However, it
 803 can be inconvenient for a program that is written to explicitly check the
 804 system capabilities at runtime. Such a program might have optimized code to use
 805 when the hardware supports it while providing a generic fallback version that
 806 can be run, albeit more slowly, otherwise. In this case, the hardware
 807 compatibility mask prevents such a program from running on the older hardware.
 808 In such a case, removing the relevant bit from the mask allows the program to
 809 run.
 811 .sp
 812 .LP
 813 The following example removes the \fBAV_386_SSE\fR3 hardware capability from an
 814 x86 binary that uses the SSE3 CPU extension. This transfers responsibility for
 815 validating the ability to use SSE3 from the runtime linker to the program
 816 itself:
 818 .sp
 819 .in +2
 820 .nf
 821 elfedit -e 'cap:hw1 -and -cmp sse3' prog
 822 .fi
 823 .in -2
 824 .sp
 826 .LP
 827 \fBExample 3 \fRReading Information From an Object
 828 .sp
 829 .LP
 830 \fBelfedit\fR can be used to extract specific targeted information from an
 831 object. The following shell command reads the number of section headers
 832 contained in the file \fB/usr/bin/ls\fR:
 834 .sp
 835 .in +2
 836 .nf
 837 % SHNUM=`elfedit -r -onum -e 'ehdr:e_shnum' /usr/bin/ls`
 838 % echo $SHNUM
 839 29
 840 .fi
 841 .in -2
 842 .sp
 844 .sp
 845 .LP
 846 You might get a different value, depending on the version of Solaris and type
 847 of machine that you are using. The \fB-r\fR option causes the file to be opened
 848 read-only, allowing a user with ordinary access permissions to open the file,
 849 and protecting against accidental damage to an important system executable. The
 850 \fBnum\fR output style is used in order to obtain only the desired value,
 851 without any extraneous text.
 853 .sp
 854 .LP
 855 Similarly, the following extracts the symbol type of the symbol \fBunlink\fR
 856 from the C runtime library:
 858 .sp
 859 .in +2
 860 .nf
 861 % TYPE=`elfedit -r -osimple -e 'sym:st_type unlink' /lib/libc.so`
 862 % echo $TYPE
 864 .fi
 865 .in -2
 866 .sp
 869 .sp
 870 .ne 2
 871 .na
 873 .ad
 874 .RS 16n
 875 Alters the default module search path. Module search paths are discussed in the
 876 \fBModule Search Path\fR section of this manual page.
 877 .RE
 879 .sp
 880 .ne 2
 881 .na
 882 \fB\fBLD_NOEXEC_64\fR\fR
 883 .ad
 884 .RS 16n
 885 Suppresses the automatic execution of the 64-bit \fBelfedit\fR. By default, the
 886 64-bit version of \fBelfedit\fR runs if the system is 64-bit capable.
 887 .RE
 889 .sp
 890 .ne 2
 891 .na
 892 \fB\fBPAGER\fR\fR
 893 .ad
 894 .RS 16n
 895 Interactively delivers output from \fBelfedit\fR to the screen. If not set,
 896 \fBmore\fR is used. See \fBmore\fR(1).
 897 .RE
 899 .SH FILES
 900 .sp
 901 .ne 2
 902 .na
 903 \fB\fB/usr/lib/elfedit\fR\fR
 904 .ad
 905 .RS 20n
 906 Default directory for \fBelfedit\fR modules that are loaded on demand to supply
 907 editing commands.
 908 .RE
 910 .sp
 911 .ne 2
 912 .na
 913 \fB\fB~/.teclarc\fR\fR
 914 .ad
 915 .RS 20n
 916 Personal \fBtecla\fR customization file for command line editing. See
 917 \fBtecla\fR(5).
 918 .RE
 921 .sp
 922 .LP
 923 See \fBattributes\fR(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:
 924 .sp
 926 .sp
 927 .TS
 928 box;
 929 c | c
 930 l | l .
 932 _
 933 Interface Stability     Committed
 934 .TE
 937 .sp
 938 .LP
 939 \fBdump\fR(1), \fBelfdump\fR(1), \fBld.so.1\fR(1), \fBmore\fR(1), \fBnm\fR(1),
 940 \fBpvs\fR(1), \fBelf\fR(3ELF), \fBlibelf\fR(3LIB), \fBtecla\fR(5),
 941 \fBattributes\fR(5)
 942 .sp
 943 .LP
 944 \fILinker and Libraries Guide\fR
 946 .sp
 947 .LP
 948 \fBelfedit\fR is designed to be a tool for testing and development of the ELF
 949 system. It offers the ability to examine and change nearly every piece of ELF
 950 metadata in the object. It quietly allows edits that can produce an invalid or
 951 unusable ELF file. The user is expected to have knowledge of the ELF format and
 952 of the rules and conventions that govern them. The \fILinker and Libraries
 953 Guide\fR can be helpful when using \fBelfedit\fR.
 954 .sp
 955 .LP
 956 \fBelfedit\fR allows the user to alter the ELF metadata in an object, but
 957 cannot understand or alter the code of the actual program. Setting ELF
 958 attributes such as types, sizes, alignments, and so forth in a manner that does
 959 not agree with the actual contents of the file is therefore likely to yield a
 960 broken and unusable output object. Such changes might be useful for testing of
 961 linker components, but should be avoided otherwise.
 962 .sp
 963 .LP
 964 Higher level operations, such as the use of the \fBdyn:runpath\fR command to
 965 change the \fBrunpath\fR of an object, are safe, and can be carried out without
 966 the sort of risk detailed in this section.
 967 .SH NOTES
 968 .sp
 969 .LP
 970 Not every ELF operation supported by \fBelfedit\fR can be successfully carried
 971 out on every ELF object. \fBelfedit\fR is constrained by the existing sections
 972 found in the file.
 973 .sp
 974 .LP
 975 One area of particular interest is that \fBelfedit\fR might not be able to
 976 modify the \fBrunpath\fR of a given object. To modify a \fBrunpath\fR, the
 977 following must be true:
 978 .RS +4
 979 .TP
 980 .ie t \(bu
 981 .el o
 982 The desired string must already exist in the dynamic string table, or there
 983 must be enough reserved space within this section for the new string to be
 984 added. If your object has a string table reservation area, the value of the
 985 \fB\&.dynamic DT_SUNW_STRPAD\fR element indicates the size of the area. The
 986 following \fBelfedit\fR command can be used to check this:
 987 .sp
 988 .in +2
 989 .nf
 990 % elfedit -r -e 'dyn:tag DT_SUNW_STRPAD' file
 991 .fi
 992 .in -2
 993 .sp
 995 .RE
 996 .RS +4
 997 .TP
 998 .ie t \(bu
 999 .el o
1000 The dynamic section must already have a \fBrunpath\fR element, or there must be
1001 an unused dynamic slot available where one can be inserted. To test for the
1002 presence of an existing \fBrunpath\fR:
1003 .sp
1004 .in +2
1005 .nf
1006 % elfedit -r -e 'dyn:runpath' file
1007 .fi
1008 .in -2
1009 .sp
1011 A dynamic section uses an element of type \fBDT_NULL\fR to terminate the array
1012 found in that section. The final \fBDT_NULL\fR cannot be changed, but if there
1013 are more than one of these, \fBelfedit\fR can convert one of them into a
1014 \fBrunpath\fR element. To test for extra dynamic slots:
1015 .sp
1016 .in +2
1017 .nf
1018 % elfedit -r -e 'dyn:tag DT_NULL' file
1019 .fi
1020 .in -2
1021 .sp
1023 .RE
1024 .sp
1025 .LP
1026 Older objects do not have the extra space necessary to complete such
1027 operations. The space necessary to do so was introduced in the Solaris Express
1028 Community Edition release.
1029 .sp
1030 .LP
1031 When an operation fails, the detailed information printed using the \fB-d\fR
1032 (debug) option can be very helpful in uncovering the reason why.
1033 .sp
1034 .LP
1035 \fBelfedit\fR modules follow a convention by which commands that directly
1036 manipulate a field in an ELF structure have the same name as the field, while
1037 commands that implement higher level concepts do not. For instance, the command
1038 to manipulate the \fBe_flags\fR field in the ELF header is named
1039 \fBehdr:e_flags\fR. Therefore, you generally find the command to modify ELF
1040 fields by identifying the module and looking for a command with the name of the
1041 field.
--- EOF ---